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磷饥饿提高了番茄幼苗质膜H ATP酶活性并促进了番茄幼苗根部的H 分泌。动力学分析表明 ,磷饥饿使番茄幼苗根部质膜H ATP酶的Km 值明显降低 ,亦即提高了该酶对其底物的亲和力 ,但对该酶的Vmax影响不大。另外 ,磷饥饿并不改变ATP酶的最适 pH值 (最适 pH值为 6.5)。钒酸盐显著抑制番茄幼苗根部质膜ATP酶的活性以及H 分泌 ,也显著抑制番茄幼苗的Pi吸收。与对照相比 ,上述抑制作用在饥饿处理的植物中表现得更强。以上结果表明 ,磷饥饿时高亲和性Pi传递系统的诱导很可能包含质膜H ATP酶的参与。  相似文献   

磷饥饿提高了番茄幼苗质膜H^ -ATP酶活性并促进了番茄幼苗根部的H^+分泌和。动力学分析表明,磷饥饿使番茄功苗根部质膜H^ -ATP酶的K m值明显降低,亦即提高了该酶对其底物的亲和力,但对该酶的Vmax影响不大。另外,磷饥饿并不改变ATP酶的最适pH值(最适pH值为6.5)。钡酸盐显著抑制番茄幼苗根部质膜ATP酶的活性以及H^+分泌,也显著抑制番茄幼苗的Pi吸收。与对照相比,上述抑制作用在饥饿处理的植物中表现得更强,以上结果表明,磷饥饿时高亲和性Pi传递系统的诱导很可能包含质膜H^ -ATP酶的参与。  相似文献   

磷饥饿条件下番茄幼苗的H+分泌速率明显提高。质膜质子泵专一性抑制剂钒酸盐能显著抑制番茄幼苗的H+分泌,也能显著抑制其Pi吸收。此结果表明,磷饥饿时番茄幼苗Pi吸收速率的变化与H+分泌速率的变化之间可能具有一定的相关性,并进一步暗示质膜H+-ATPase可能参与其中。本文结果还表明,Pi/H+的准量关系约为1:1。  相似文献   

磷饥饿下番茄幼苗根系液泡膜H+-ATPase活性的适应性变化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以‘世纪星’番茄为材料。研究了磷饥饿下番茄幼苗的生长状况及其根部液泡膜H^+-ATPase活性的适应性变化。结果表明:磷饥饿下番茄幼苗的平均高度均低于对照苗,而主根长度均显著长于对照。磷饥饿提高了番茄幼苗根部液泡膜H^+-ATPase的水解活性,随着磷胁迫时间的延长,该酶的活性逐渐增大,在磷饥饿7d时达到最大,后又略有降低;而对照番茄幼苗根部该酶的活性变化很小。动力学分析表明:磷饥饿使番茄幼苗根部液泡膜H^+-ATPase的Km值明显降低,但对该酶的Kmax影响不大。这说明磷饥饿提高了该酶对其底物的亲和力。此外,磷饥饿并不改变液泡膜H^+-ATPase酶的最适pH值(仍为7.5)。  相似文献   

磷酸饥饿对番茄幼苗生长状况及其磷吸收的影响   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
本文就磷酸饥饿对番茄幼苗生长状况及共磷吸收的影响进行了研究。结果表明,磷酸饥饿时,番茄幼苗的平均高度下降,而主根的长度却明显长于对照。磷酸饥饿初期对番茄幼苗鲜重累积影响不大,但随着饥饿的继续,受胁迫苗的鲜重累积与对照间的差异加大并且变得明显低于对照。  相似文献   

磷酸饥饿时番茄幼苗酸性磷酸酶活性的变化与Pi吸收的关系   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
磷酸饥饿时,番茄幼苗根部及地上部酸性磷酸酶活性均显著增强,根部细胞表面酸性磷酸酶及根部外泌的酸性磷酸酶活性亦明显提高。动力学分析表明,磷酸饥饿提高了番茄幼苗根部的酸性磷酸酶对其底物的亲和力。另外,磷酸饥饿对番茄幼苗根部酸性磷酸酶活性的最适pH值没有影响。钼酸对番茄幼苗根部酸性磷酸酶活性有强烈的抑制作用,对番茄幼苗Pi吸收速率也有十分明显的抑制效果。以上结果表明,磷酸饥饿时,番茄幼苗Pi吸收的适应性变化可能与根部酸性磷酸酶特别是根部细胞表面酸性磷酸酶及其外泌酸性磷酸酶的参与密切关联。  相似文献   

以耐冷性不同的两个水稻品种为材料,比较研究了幼苗根系质膜、液泡膜ATP酶对低温(8℃)及高pH(8.0)胁迫的反应。结果表明水稻根细胞质膜和液泡膜上均存在Ca3+-ATP酶,但活性远低于H+-ATP酶。耐冷品种武育粳3号经低温(8℃)处理2d,根系质膜和液泡膜H+-ATP酶、Ca2+-ATP酶活性均明显升高,至冷处理12d,H+-ATP酶、Ca2+-ATP酶活性有所下降,但仍与对照相近;而冷敏感品种汕优63经低温(8℃)处理2d,根系质膜H+-ATP酶活性略有升高,而质膜Ca2+-ATP酶以及液泡膜H+-ATP酶、Ca2+-ATP酶活性已明显下降;至冷处理12d,4种酶活性均明显低于对照。高pH胁迫使质膜和液泡膜H+-ATP酶活性下降,而使Ca2+-ATP酶活性上升。高pH胁迫会加剧低温冷害。结果表明,耐冷品种质膜、液泡膜ATP酶比冷敏感品种对低温胁迫有更强的适应能力。  相似文献   

磷饥饿条件下番茄幼苗的H^+分泌速率明显提高,质膜质子泵专一性抑制剂钒酸盐能显著抑制番茄幼苗的H^+分泌,也能显著抑制其Pi吸收。此结果表明,磷饥饿时番茄幼苗Pi吸收速率的变化与H^+分泌速率的变化之间可能具有一定的相关性,并进一步暗示质膜H^+-ATPase可能参与其中,本文结果还表明,Pi/H^+的准量关系约为1:1。  相似文献   

磷酸盐饥饿时番茄幼苗根部质膜蛋白组分的变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对处于磷酸盐饥饿条件下的番茄幼苗根部质膜以及去除质膜的其他膜部分的蛋白质含量及组分的变化进行了检测。结果显示,磷酸盐饥饿第7d时,受胁迫苗根部质膜及去除质膜的其他膜蛋白质含量与各自的对照相当。而SDS-PAGE的结果表明,磷酸盐饥饿第7d时受胁迫苗根部质膜蛋白质中出现4条对照中所没有的新的多肽(分子量分别为34kD,36kD,46kD和49kD)。该结果经浓度梯度电泳得到进一步的证实。本文推测在受  相似文献   

The acid phosphatase activities from roots and both stems and leaves of tomato seedlings all in-creased markedly under phosphate starvation. Phosphate starvation also increased the activities of acid phos-phatase from cell surface of, and released by roots of tomato seedlings. The kinetic analysis of acid phos-phatase of roots of tomato seedlings revealed that phosphate starvation increased the affinity of the enzyme to its substrate. The results also revealed that phosphate starvation had no effect on the optimum pH (pH 4.93) of the acid phosphatase of roots of tomato seedlings. It was also found that molybdate strongly inhibited not only the activities of acid phosphatase but also Pi- uptake rates of tomato seedlings.  相似文献   

NaCl胁迫2 d,耐盐大麦(Hordeum vulgare L.cv) ("滩引2号")根系液泡膜H+-ATPase活性增强,H+-PPase活性下降.以质膜Ca2+通道抑制剂La3+ (1 mmol/L)或Ca2+螯合剂EGTA (5 mmol/L)处理大麦幼苗,抑制了NaCl诱导的液泡膜H+-ATPase活性的增强,但提高了H+-PPase活性;用CaM拮抗剂三氟拉嗪(TFP,20 μmol/L)处理,也抑制了液泡膜H+-ATPase活性的增强.NaCl胁迫下,外加La3+,TFP或La3++TFP处理,使Na+吸收增加,K+和Ca2+吸收降低.结果表明,NaCl胁迫下,液泡膜H+-ATPase活性提高和离子吸收的变化可能与Ca-CaM系统有关.  相似文献   

The Relationship Between Growth and Oxygen Uptake in Hypoxic Rice Seedlings   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Atwell, B. J. and Green way, H. 1987. The relationship betweengrowth and oxygen uptake in hypoxic rice seedlings.—J.exp. Bot. 38: 454–465. Rice seedlings (Oryza saliva L.) were grown in the dark forup to 4 d in solutions containing various concentrations ofO2. Compared with seedlings grown at 0·250 mol O2 m–3,the dry weight of the growing seedling was 14% lower at 0·110mol O2 m–3 and 60% lower at 0 mol O2 m–3. Decreasesin fresh weight were similar but not identical to decreasesin dry weight, possibly because leaf growth was suppressed evenabove 0·110 mol O2 m–3. Oxygen deficiency inhibitedroot growth more severely than coleoptile growth. Coleoptiles from seedlings grown in aerated solution were exposedto an atmosphere of pure N2 for 30 min. Anoxia caused a declinein ATP content and energy charge, suggestive of decreased oxidativephosphorylation. It is not clear whether the decline in oxidativephosphorylation was solely responsible for impaired growth inhypoxia. In seedlings growing at O2 concentrations less than 0·110mol O2 m–3, significant amounts of ethanol were synthesized.The rate of O2 uptake decreased markedly below 0·06 molO2 m–3; this was presumably near the external O2 concentrationat which oxidative phosphorylation became limited by the supplyof O2. The stage of development of the seedlings appeared toinfluence O2 uptake, possibly through changes in conductanceof the tissue to O2. Uncouplers were used to confirm that thecritical O2 concentration was dependent on O2 diffusion ratherthan enzyme kinetics. Impaired growth above 0·110 molO2 m–3 may have been due to a decreased activity of oxygenasesof relatively low affinity for O2, which in turn altered cellmetabolism. Key words: Growth, oxygen uptake, rice seedlings, hypoxia  相似文献   

The uptake of K+ by cucumber plants decreased markedly duringCa2+ starvation. A plasma membrane-enriched fraction, judgedfrom the distribution of marker enzymes, was prepared from controland Ca2+-starved roots. The Mg2+- and K+-Mg2+-ATPase activitiesassociated with the plasma membrane-enriched fraction of controlroots were maxima at pH 6.5. Various monovalent cations andpotassium salts of monovalent anions stimulated Mg2+-ATPaseactivity. Vanadate, DES and DCCD inhibited K+- Mg2+-ATPase activity.Of the divalent cations and phosphate esters tested, Mg2+ andATP were most effective for the stimulation of ATPase by K+,whereas Ca2+ was ineffective in replacing Mg2+. Mg2+- and K+-Mg2+-ATPase activities associated with the plasmamembrane enriched fraction of Ca2+-starved roots were much lowerthan those of control roots. Km values of K+-Mg2+-ATPase forATP were comparable for control and Ca2+-starved roots. The K+-stimulated activity of Mg2+-ATPase in Ca2+-starved rootswas approximately one fourth that of the control, whereas therate of stimulation was only slightly lower in Ca2+-starvedroots. (Received May 9, 1984; Accepted September 17, 1984)  相似文献   

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