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Mice inheriting both copies of MMU12 either maternally or paternally demonstrate imprinting effects. Whereas maternal uniparental disomy 12 (matUPD12) fetuses are growth retarded and die perinatally, paternal UPD12 (patUPD12) fetuses die during late gestation and exhibit placentomegaly and skeletal muscle maturation defects. To examine further the developmental consequences of UPD12, we intercrossed mouse stocks heterozygous for Robertsonian translocation chromosomes (8.12) and (10.12). We report that at 13.5-14.5 dg patUPD12 hearts exhibit increased ventricular diameter, thinner, less compact myocardium, and deep intertrabecular recesses when compared to controls. These data provide evidence for cardiac failure, a lethal condition, and suggest a role for an imprinted gene(s) in normal heart development.  相似文献   

Uniparental disomy (UPD)-the inheritance of two homologous chromosomes from a single parent-may be unmasked in humans by the unexpected appearance of developmental abnormalities, genetic disorders resulting from genomic imprinting, or recessive traits. Here we report a female patient with familial chylomicronemia resulting from complete lipoprotein-lipase (LPL) deficiency due to homozygosity for a frameshift mutation in exon 2 of the LPL gene. She was the normal term product of an unremarkable pregnancy and had shown normal development until her current age of 5.5 years. The father (age 33 years) and the mother (age 24 years) were unrelated and healthy, with no family history of stillbirths or malformations. The father was a heterozygous carrier of the mutation, whereas no mutation in the LPL gene was detected in the mother. Southern blotting did not reveal any LPL gene rearrangement in the proband or her parents. The proband was homozygous for 17 informative markers spanning both arms of chromosome 8 and specifically for the haplotype containing the paternally derived LPL gene. This shows that homozygosity for the defective mutation in the LPL gene resulted from a complete paternal isodisomy for chromosome 8. This is the first report of UPD for chromosome 8 unmasked by LPL deficiency and suggests that normal development can occur with two paternally derived copies of human chromosome 8.  相似文献   

Rod monochromacy (complete congenital achromatopsia) is inherited as an autosomal recessive trait of unknown genetic location. The disorder is characterized by total absence of color discrimination because retinal cone photoreceptors do not develop; systemic features do not occur. A 20-year-old white female with rod monochromacy presented with short stature (less than 5th percentile), mild developmental delay, premature puberty, small hands and feet (length less than 5th percentile), minimal dysmorphism, and a reproductive history of three consecutive first-trimester miscarriages. Cytogenetic analysis showed 45,XX,rob(14;14) in all 30 cells examined. Southern analysis of DNA from the patient and her phenotypically normal mother and two brothers (her father is deceased) ascertained the parental origin of the 14;14 Robertsonian translocation. Analysis of RFLPs associated with nine VNTR probes and two dinucleotide repeat polymorphisms from chromosome 14 demonstrated that the patient had inherited two copies of a single allele, each of which was maternally derived. A fully informative RFLP analysis of three probes from chromosome 14 enabled reconstruction of the paternal haplotype and showed the lack of any paternal contribution to the subject. These data are consistent with maternal isodisomy for all portions of chromosome 14 tested by these markers. This finding suggests that rod monochromacy maps to chromosome 14, and it emphasizes the importance of uniparental isodisomy to provide a putative chromosomal assignment of a gene for a rare autosomal recessive disorder.  相似文献   

Uniparental disomy of chromosome 14 (UPD 14) results in one of two distinct abnormal phenotypes, depending upon the parent of origin. This discordance may result from the reciprocal over-expression and/or under-expression of one or more imprinted genes. We report a case of segmental paternal isodisomy for chromosome 14 with features similar to those reported in other paternal disomy 14 cases. Microsatellite marker analysis revealed an apparent somatic recombination event in 14q12 leading to proximal biparental inheritance, but segmental paternal uniparental isodisomy distal to this site. Analysis of monochromosomal somatic cell hybrids containing either the paternally inherited or the maternally inherited chromosome 14 revealed no deletion of the maternally inherited chromosome 14 and demonstrated the presence of paternal sequences from D14S121 to the telomere on both chromosomes 14. Thus, the patient has paternal isodisomy for 14q12-14qter. Because the patient shows most of the features associated with paternal disomy 14, this supports the presence of the imprinted domain(s) distal to 14q12 and suggests that the proximal region of chromosome 14 does not contain imprinted genes that contribute significantly to the paternal UPD 14 phenotype.  相似文献   

Uniparental disomy has been recently recognized as an important phenomenon in non-Mendelian inheritance of human genetic disorders. Several mechanisms for uniparental disomy, i.e., the presence of two homologous chromosomes derived from one parent, have been proposed. We studied two independent cases of abnormalities of chromosome 21 in which there were abnormal karyotypes at birth but blood cells with normal karyotype predominated later in life, and the cells with abnormalities disappeared. Uniparental isodisomy was observed in the normal cells in these individuals. The uniparental disomy in these families was the result of duplication of a chromosome in mitosis after the loss of the homologous abnormal chromosome. The duplication can be seen as mechanism for cell survival and is called here "compensatory" isodisomy, which provided a selective advantage for the cell population with the normal number of chromosomes 21.  相似文献   

Human paternal uniparental disomy for chromosome 14 (upd(14)pat) presents with skeletal abnormalities, joint contractures, dysmorphic facial features and developmental delay/mental retardation. Distal human chromosome 14 (HSA14) is homologous to distal mouse chromosome 12 (MMU12) and both regions have been shown to contain imprinted genes. In humans, consistent radiographic findings include a narrow, bell-shaped thorax with caudal bowing of the anterior ribs, cranial bowing of the posterior ribs and flaring of the iliac wings without shortening or dysplasia of the long bones. Mice with upd(12)pat have thin ribs with delayed ossification of the sternum, skull and feet. In both mice and humans, the axial skeleton is predominantly affected. We hypothesize that there is an imprinted gene or genes on HSA14/MMU12 that specifically affects rib/thorax development and the maturation of ossification centers in the sternum, feet and skull with little effect on long bone development.  相似文献   

DNA methylation is a hallmark of genomic imprinting and differentially methylated regions (DMRs) are found near and in imprinted genes. Imprinted genes are expressed only from the maternal or paternal allele and their normal balance can be disrupted by uniparental disomy (UPD), the inheritance of both chromosomes of a chromosome pair exclusively from only either the mother or the father. Maternal UPD for chromosome 7 (matUPD7) results in Silver-Russell syndrome (SRS) with typical features and growth retardation, but no gene has been conclusively implicated in SRS. In order to identify novel DMRs and putative imprinted genes on chromosome 7, we analyzed eight matUPD7 patients, a segmental matUPD7q31-qter, a rare patUPD7 case and ten controls on the Infinium HumanMethylation450K BeadChip with 30 017 CpG methylation probes for chromosome 7. Genome-scale analysis showed highly significant clustering of DMRs only on chromosome 7, including the known imprinted loci GRB10, SGCE/PEG10, and PEG/MEST. We found ten novel DMRs on chromosome 7, two DMRs for the predicted imprinted genes HOXA4 and GLI3 and one for the disputed imprinted gene PON1. Quantitative RT-PCR on blood RNA samples comparing matUPD7, patUPD7, and controls showed differential expression for three genes with novel DMRs, HOXA4, GLI3, and SVOPL. Allele specific expression analysis confirmed maternal only expression of SVOPL and imprinting of HOXA4 was supported by monoallelic expression. These results present the first comprehensive map of parent-of-origin specific DMRs on human chromosome 7, suggesting many new imprinted sites.  相似文献   

DNA methylation is a hallmark of genomic imprinting and differentially methylated regions (DMRs) are found near and in imprinted genes. Imprinted genes are expressed only from the maternal or paternal allele and their normal balance can be disrupted by uniparental disomy (UPD), the inheritance of both chromosomes of a chromosome pair exclusively from only either the mother or the father. Maternal UPD for chromosome 7 (matUPD7) results in Silver-Russell syndrome (SRS) with typical features and growth retardation, but no gene has been conclusively implicated in SRS. In order to identify novel DMRs and putative imprinted genes on chromosome 7, we analyzed eight matUPD7 patients, a segmental matUPD7q31-qter, a rare patUPD7 case and ten controls on the Infinium HumanMethylation450K BeadChip with 30?017 CpG methylation probes for chromosome 7. Genome-scale analysis showed highly significant clustering of DMRs only on chromosome 7, including the known imprinted loci GRB10, SGCE/PEG10, and PEG/MEST. We found ten novel DMRs on chromosome 7, two DMRs for the predicted imprinted genes HOXA4 and GLI3 and one for the disputed imprinted gene PON1. Quantitative RT-PCR on blood RNA samples comparing matUPD7, patUPD7, and controls showed differential expression for three genes with novel DMRs, HOXA4, GLI3, and SVOPL. Allele specific expression analysis confirmed maternal only expression of SVOPL and imprinting of HOXA4 was supported by monoallelic expression. These results present the first comprehensive map of parent-of-origin specific DMRs on human chromosome 7, suggesting many new imprinted sites.  相似文献   

Human chromosome 14q32.2 carries a cluster of imprinted genes including paternally expressed genes (PEGs) such as DLK1 and RTL1, and maternally expressed genes (MEGs) such as GTL2 (alias, MEG3), RTL1as (RTL1 antisense), and MEG8. Consistent with this, paternal and maternal uniparental disomies for chromosome 14 (upd(14)pat and upd(14)mat) cause distinct phenotypes. In this report, we review the current knowledge about the underlying factors for the development of clinical features in upd(14)pat and upd(14)mat. The data available suggest that the DLK1–GTL2 IG-DMR functions as a regulator for the maternally inherited imprinted region, and that excessive RTL1 expression and decreased DLK1 and RTL1 expression play a major role in the development of upd(14)pat-like and upd(14)mat-like phenotypes, respectively  相似文献   

Uniparental isodisomy resulting from the simultaneous presence of isochromosomes of the p and q arms of a chromosome and absence of a normal homologue is an exceptionally rare event. We have observed a growth-retarded female infant in whom the normal chromosome 7 homologues were replaced by what appeared cytogenetically to be isochromosomes of 7p and 7q. Polymorphic microsatellite loci spanning the length of 7p and 7q were analyzed in the proband and her parents to ascertain the parental origin and extent of heterozygosity of the proband's rearranged chromosomes. These studies demonstrated that the 7p alleles of the proband were derived only from the father, the 7q alleles were derived only from the mother, and there was homozygosity for all chromosome 7 loci analyzed. The mechanisms leading to the formation of the proband's isochromosomes could reflect abnormalities of cell division occurring at meiosis, postfertilization mitosis, or both. We believe that the present case may result from incomplete mitotic interchange in the pericentromeric regions of chromosome 7 homologues, with resolution by sister-chromatid reunion in an early, if not first, zygotic division. Phenotypically, our proband resembled three previously reported cases of maternal isodisomy for chromosome 7, suggesting that lack of paternal genes from 7q may result in a phenotype of short stature and growth retardation.  相似文献   

Summary Fluorescence markers were studied in 40 patients with Down's syndrome and their parents. In 11 cases maternal and in 5 cases paternal non-disjunction could be shown. The disjunctional event occurred in the first meiotic division in 5 maternal and in 2 paternal cases. A second division failure was found in 4 maternal and 2 paternal cases. In 3 cases the failure could either be of first or second meiotic division origin.  相似文献   

Heterozygous inactivating mutations in the GNAS1 exons (20q13.3) that encode the alpha-subunit of the stimulatory G protein (Gsalpha) are found in patients with pseudohypoparathyroidism type Ia (PHP-Ia) and in patients with pseudo-pseudohypoparathyroidism (pPHP). However, because of paternal imprinting, resistance to parathyroid hormone (PTH)-and, sometimes, to other hormones that require Gsalpha signaling-develops only if the defect is inherited from a female carrier of the disease gene. An identical mode of inheritance is observed in kindreds with pseudohypoparathyroidism type Ib (PHP-Ib), which is most likely caused by mutations in regulatory regions of the maternal GNAS1 gene that are predicted to interfere with the parent-specific methylation of this gene. We report a patient with PTH-resistant hypocalcemia and hyperphosphatemia but without evidence for Albright hereditary osteodystrophy who has paternal uniparental isodisomy of chromosome 20q and lacks the maternal-specific methylation pattern within GNAS1. Since studies in the patient's fibroblasts did not reveal any evidence of impaired Gsalpha protein or activity, it appears that the loss of the maternal GNAS1 gene and the resulting epigenetic changes alone can lead to PTH resistance in the proximal renal tubules and thus lead to impaired regulation of mineral-ion homeostasis.  相似文献   

Neonatal diabetes, which can be transient or permanent, is defined as hyperglycemia that presents within the first month of life and requires insulin therapy. Transient neonatal diabetes mellitus has been associated with abnormalities of the paternally inherited copy of chromosome 6, including duplications of a portion of the long arm of chromosome 6 and uniparental disomy, implicating overexpression of an imprinted gene in this disorder. To date, all patients with transient neonatal diabetes mellitus and uniparental disomy have had complete paternal isodisomy. We describe a patient with neonatal diabetes, macroglossia, and craniofacial abnormalities, with partial paternal uniparental disomy of chromosome 6 involving the distal portion of 6q, from 6q24-qter. This observation demonstrates that mitotic recombination of chromosome 6 can also give rise to uniparental disomy and neonatal diabetes, a situation similar to that observed in Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome, another imprinted disorder. This finding has clinical implications, since somatic mosaicism for uniparental disomy of chromosome 6 should also be considered in patients with transient neonatal diabetes mellitus.  相似文献   

Distal mouse chromosome 12 is imprinted. Phenotypic analysis of mouse embryos with maternal or paternal uniparental disomy for the whole of chromosome 12 has characterized the developmental defects associated with the altered dosage of imprinted genes on this chromosome. Here we conduct a characterization of maternal and paternal Dp(dist12) mice using the reciprocal translocation T(4;12)47H. This limits the region analysed to the chromosomal domain distal to the T47H breakpoint in B3 on mouse chromosome 12. Both MatDp(dist12)T47H and PatDp(dist12)T47H conceptuses are non-viable and the frequency of recovery of Dp(dist12) conceptuses by 10.5 days post coitum (dpc) was lower than expected after normal adjacent-1 disjunction. A subset of MatDp(dist12) embryos can survive up to one day post partum. In contrast to paternal uniparental disomy 12 embryos, no live PatDp (dist12) embryos were recovered after 16.5 days of gestation. Other phenotypes observed in maternal and paternal chromosome 12 uniparental disomy mice are recapitulated in the Dp(dist12) mice and include placental, muscle and skeletal defects. Additional defects were also noted in the skin of both MatDp(dist12) and maternal uniparental disomy 12 embryos. This study shows that the developmental abnormalities associated with the altered parent of origin for mouse chromosome 12 can be attributed to the genomic region distal to the T47H breakpoint.  相似文献   

Summary A patient with the phenotype of trisomy 21 (Down syndrome) was found to have a normal karyotype in blood lymphocytes and fibroblasts. Assessment of the chromosome 21 markers SOD1, CBS, ETS2, D21S11, and BCEI showed partial trisomy by duplication of a chromosome segment carrying the SOD1, CBS, and ETS2 loci and flanked by the BCEI and D21S11 loci, which are not duplicated. This submicroscopic duplication at the interface of 21q21 and 21q22.1 reduces to about 2000–3000kb the critical segment the trisomy of which is responsible for the phenotype of trisomy 21.  相似文献   

Genetic analysis has shown that the distal portion of mouse chromosome 12 is imprinted; however, the developmental roles of imprinted genes in this region are not known. We have therefore generated conceptuses with uniparental disomy for chromosome 12, in which both copies of chromosome 12 are either paternally or maternally derived (pUPD12 and mUPD12, respectively). Both types of UPD12 result in embryos that are non-viable and that exhibit distinct developmental abnormalities. Embryos with pUPD12 die late in gestation, whereas embryos with mUPD12 can survive to term but die perinatally. The mUPD12 conceptuses are invariably growth-retarded while pUPD12 conceptuses exhibit placentomegaly. Skeletal muscle maturation defects are evident in both types of UPD12. In addition, embryos with paternal UPD12 have costal cartilage defects and hypo-ossification of mesoderm-derived bones. In embryos with mUPD12, the development of the neural crest-derived middle ear ossicles is defective. Some of these anomalies are consistent with those seen with uniparental disomies of the orthologous chromosome 14 region in humans. Thus, imprinted genes on chromosome 12 are essential for viability, the regulation of prenatal growth, and the development of mesodermal and neural crest-derived lineages.  相似文献   

A 36-year-old normal healthy female was karyotyped because all of her five pregnancies had terminated in spontaneous abortions during the first 3 mo. Cytogenetic investigation disclosed a female karyotype with isochromosomes of 2p and 2q replacing the two normal chromosomes 2. Her husband and both of her parents had normal karyotypes. Molecular studies revealed maternal only inheritance for chromosome 2 markers. Reduction to homozygosity of all informative markers indicated that the isochromosomes derived from a single maternal chromosome 2. Except for the possibility of homozygosity for recessive mutations, maternal uniparental disomy 2 appears to have no adverse impact on the phenotype. Our data indicate that no maternally imprinted genes with major effect map to chromosome 2.  相似文献   

Molecular analysis of a patient affected by the autosomal recessive skeletal dysplasia, pycnodysostosis (cathepsin K deficiency; MIM 265800), revealed homozygosity for a novel missense mutation (A277V). Since the A277V mutation was carried by the patient's father but not by his mother, who had two normal cathepsin K alleles, paternal uniparental disomy was suspected. Karyotyping of the patient and of both parents was normal, and high-resolution cytogenetic analyses of chromosome 1, to which cathepsin K is mapped, revealed no abnormalities. Evaluation of polymorphic DNA markers spanning chromosome 1 demonstrated that the patient had inherited two paternal chromosome 1 homologues, whereas alleles for markers from other chromosomes were inherited in a Mendelian fashion. The patient was homoallelic for informative markers mapping near the chromosome 1 centromere, but he was heteroallelic for markers near both telomeres, establishing that the paternal uniparental disomy with partial isodisomy was caused by a meiosis II nondisjunction event. Phenotypically, the patient had normal birth height and weight, had normal psychomotor development at age 7 years, and had only the usual features of pycnodysostosis. This patient represents the first case of paternal uniparental disomy of chromosome 1 and provides conclusive evidence that paternally derived genes on human chromosome 1 are not imprinted.  相似文献   

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