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alpha-Amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole propionic acid (AMPA)-type glutamate receptors (AMPARs) mediate excitatory neurotransmission at neuronal synapses, and their regulated localization plays a role in synaptic plasticity. In Caenorhabditis elegans, the PDZ and PTB domain-containing protein LIN-10 is required both for the synaptic localization of the AMPAR subunit GLR-1 and for vulval fate induction in epithelia. Here, we examine the role that different LIN-10 domains play in GLR-1 localization. We find that an amino-terminal region of LIN-10 directs LIN-10 protein localization to the Golgi and to synaptic clusters. In addition, mutations in the carboxyl-terminal PDZ domains prevent LIN-10 from regulating GLR-1 localization in neurons but do not prevent LIN-10 from functioning in the vulval epithelia. A mutation in the amino terminus prevents the protein from functioning in the vulval epithelia but does not prevent it from functioning to regulate GLR-1 localization in neurons. Finally, we show that human Mint2 can substitute for LIN-10 to facilitate GLR-1 localization in neurons and that the Mint2 amino terminus is critical for this function. Together, our data suggest that LIN-10 uses distinct modular domains for its functions in neurons and epithelial cells and that during evolution its vertebrate ortholog Mint2 has retained the ability to direct AMPAR localization in neurons.  相似文献   

The neuroendocrine hypothalamus regulates a number of critical biological processes and underlies a range of diseases from growth failure to obesity. Although the elucidation of hypothalamic function has progressed well, knowledge of hypothalamic development is poor. In particular, little is known about the processes underlying the neurogenesis and specification of neurons of the ventral nuclei, the arcuate and ventromedial nuclei. The proneural gene Mash1 is expressed throughout the basal retrochiasmatic neuroepithelium and loss of Mash1 results in hypoplasia of both the arcuate and ventromedial nuclei. These defects are due to a failure of neurogenesis and apoptosis, a defect that can be rescued by ectopic Ngn2 under the control of the Mash1 promoter. In addition to its role in neurogenesis, analysis of Mash1(-/-), Mash1(+/-), Mash1(KINgn2/KINgn2), and Mash1(KINgn2/+) mice demonstrates that Mash1 is specifically required for Gsh1 expression and subsequent GHRH expression, positively regulates SF1 expression, and suppresses both tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) and neuropeptide Y (NPY) expression. Although Mash1 is not required for propiomelanocortin (POMC) expression, it is required for normal development of POMC(+) neurons. These data demonstrate that Mash1 is both required for the generation of ventral neuroendocrine neurons as well as playing a central role in subtype specification of these neurons.  相似文献   

Differentiation of neuronal precursor cells in response to neurotrophic differentiation factors is accompanied by the activation of membrane-anchored SNT signaling adaptor proteins. Two classes of differentiation factors, the neurotrophins and fibroblast growth factors, induce rapid tyrosine phosphorylation of SNT1(FRS2alpha), which in turn enables SNT1 to recruit Shp2 tyrosine phosphatase and Grb2 adaptor protein in complex with the Ras GDP/GTP exchange factor Sos. To determine effector functions of SNT that promote neuronal differentiation of PC12 pheochromocytoma cells, we engineered a chimeric protein, SNT1(IRS)CX, bearing the effector region of SNT1 and the insulin receptor recognition domains of IRS2. Insulin promoted tyrosine phosphorylation of SNT1(IRS)CX in transfected PC12 cells accompanied by sustained activation of ERK1/2 mitogen-activated protein kinases and neuronal differentiation. The SNT1(IRS)CX-mediated response was dependent on endogenous Ras, MEK, and Shp2 activities. Mutagenesis of SNT1(IRS)CX identified three classes of effector motifs within SNT critical for both sustained ERK activation and neuronal differentiation: 1) four phosphotyrosine motifs that mediate recruitment of Grb2, 2) two phosphotyrosine motifs that mediate recruitment of Shp2, and 3) a C-terminal motif that functions by helping to recruit Sos. We discuss possible mechanisms by which three functionally distinct SNT effector motifs collaborate to promote a downstream biochemical and biological response.  相似文献   

Human CRK protein is a homolog of the chicken v-crk oncogene product and consists mostly of src homology region 2 (SH2) and SH3, which are shared by many proteins, in particular those involved in signal transduction. SH2 has been shown to bind specifically to phosphotyrosine-containing peptides. We report here that both SH2 and SH3 are required for signaling from CRK protein. Microinjection of the CRK protein induced neurite formation of rat pheochromocytoma cell line PC12. This activity was abolished by mutation of the CRK protein in either SH2 or SH3. The neuronal differentiation induced by the CRK protein was blocked by an excess amount of peptides containing CRK SH3. Moreover, we identified three proteins, of 118, 125, and 136 kDa, which bound specifically to CRK SH3. The CRK-induced neuronal differentiation was also suppressed by monoclonal antibodies against either CRK SH2 or p21ras. These results suggest that both SH2 and SH3 of the CRK protein mediate specific protein-protein binding and that the resulting multimolecular complex generates a signal for neurite differentiation through activation of p21ras.  相似文献   

We have shown that cultured mouse neural crest (NC) cells exhibit transient increases in intracellular calcium. Up to 50% of the cultured NC-derived cells exhibited calcium transients during the period of neuronal differentiation. As neurogenic activity declined, so did the percentage of active NC-derived cells and their calcium spiking frequency. The decrease in calcium transient activity correlated with a decreased sensitivity to thimerosal, which sensitizes inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate receptors. Thimerosal increased the frequency of oscillations in active NC-derived cells and induced them in a subpopulation of quiescent cells. As neurogenesis ended, NC-derived cells became nonresponsive to thimerosal. Using the expression of time-dependent neuronal traits, we determined that neurons exhibited spontaneous calcium transients as early as a neuronal phenotype could be detected and continued through the acquisition of caffeine sensitivity, soon after which calcium transient activity stopped. A subpopulation of nonneuronal NC-derived cells exhibited calcium transient activity within the same time frame as neurogenesis in culture. Exposing NC-derived cells to 20 mM Mg(2+) blocked calcium transient activity and reduced neuronal number without affecting the survival of differentiated neurons. Using lineage-tracing analysis, we found that 50% of active NC-derived cells gave rise to clones containing neurons, while inactive cells did not. We hypothesize that calcium transient activity establishes a neuronal competence for undifferentiated NC cells.  相似文献   

The mechanisms that guide progenitor cell fate and differentiation in the vertebrate central nervous system (CNS) are poorly understood. Gain-of-function experiments suggest that Notch signaling is involved in the early stages of mammalian neurogenesis. On the basis of the expression of Notch1 by putative progenitor cells of the vertebrate CNS, we have addressed directly the role of Notch1 in the development of the mammalian brain. Using conditional gene ablation, we show that loss of Notch1 results in premature onset of neurogenesis by neuroepithelial cells of the midbrain-hindbrain region of the neural tube. Notch1-deficient cells do not complete differentiation but are eliminated by apoptosis, resulting in a reduced number of neurons in the adult cerebellum. We have also analyzed the effects of Notch1 ablation on gliogenesis in vivo. Our results show that Notch1 is required for both neuron and glia formation and modulates the onset of neurogenesis within the cerebellar neuroepithelium.  相似文献   

The SGS1 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a homologue for human Bloom's syndrome, Werner's syndrome, and Rothmund-Thomson's syndrome causative genes. Disruptants of SGS1 show high sensitivity to methyl methanesulfonate (MMS) and hydroxyurea, and hyper recombination phenotypes including interchromosomal homologous recombination in mitotic growth. In addition, sgs1 disruptants show poor sporulation and a reduced level of meiotic recombination as assayed by return-to-growth. We examined domains of Sgs1 required for mitotic and meiotic functions of Sgs1 by transfecting variously mutated SGS1 into sgs1 disruptants. The N-terminal 1-401 amino acid region was required for complementation of MMS sensitivity and suppression of hyper heteroallelic recombinations of sgs1 disruptants in mitotic growth and for complementation of poor sporulation and of reduced meiotic recombination. Although the N-terminal 1-125 amino acid region was absolutely required for the complementation of MMS sensitivity and suppression of hyper heteroallelic recombinations in mitotic growth, it was dispensable for the meiotic functions. In contrast, the highly acidic region (400-596 amino acid) was dispensable for the mitotic functions but a deletion of this region affected the meiotic functions. The C-terminal 1271-1350 amino acid region containing a HRDC (helicase and RNaseD C-terminal) domain was dispensable for the mitotic and meiotic functions. Although DNA helicase activity of Sgs1 was not required for Sgs1 to complement the meiotic functions, a deletion of helicase motifs III-IV (842-1046 amino acid) abolished the complementing activity of Sgs1, indicating that a structurally intact helicase domain is necessary for Sgs1 to fulfill its meiotic functions.  相似文献   

Normal heart function is critically dependent on the timing and coordination provided by a complex network of specialized cells: the cardiac conduction system. We have employed functional assays in zebrafish to explore early steps in the patterning of the conduction system that previously have been inaccessible. We demonstrate that a ring of atrioventricular conduction tissue develops at 40 hours post-fertilization in the zebrafish heart. Analysis of the mutant cloche reveals a requirement for endocardial signals in the formation of this tissue. The differentiation of these specialized cells, unlike that of adjacent endocardial cushions and valves, is not dependent on blood flow or cardiac contraction. Finally, both neuregulin and notch1b are necessary for the development of atrioventricular conduction tissue. These results are the first demonstration of the endocardial signals required for patterning central ;slow' conduction tissue, and they reveal the operation of distinct local endocardial-myocardial interactions within the developing heart tube.  相似文献   

Vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 (VCAM-1), a member of the Ig superfamily originally identified on activated endothelium, binds to the integrin very late antigen-4 (VLA-4), also known as alpha 4 beta 1 or CD49d/CD29, to support cell-cell adhesion. Studies based on cell adhesion to two alternatively spliced forms of VCAM-1 or to chimeric molecules generated from them and intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) have demonstrated two VLA-4 binding sites on the predominate form of VCAM-1. Here, we studied VLA-4-dependent adhesion of the lymphoid tumor cell line Ramos to cells expressing wild type and mutant forms of VCAM-1. Results based on domain deletion mutants demonstrated the existence and independence of two VLA-4-binding sites located in the first and fourth domains of VCAM-1. Results based on amino acid substitution mutants demonstrated that residues within a linear sequence of six amino acids found in both domain 1 and 4 were required for VLA-4 binding to either domain. Five of these amino acids represent a conserved motif also found in ICAM domains. We propose that integrin binding to these Ig-like domains depends on residues within this conserved motif. Specificity of integrin binding to Ig-like domains may be regulated by a set of nonconserved residues distinct from the conserved motif.  相似文献   

The Hmx homeobox gene family is comprised of three members in mammals, Hmx1, Hmx2, and Hmx3, which are conserved across the animal kingdom and are part of the larger NKL clustered family of homeobox genes. Expression domains of Hmx genes in distantly related species such as Drosophila and mouse suggest an ancestral function in rostral central nervous system development. During vertebrate evolution, the Hmx genes appear to have been recruited into additional roles in inner ear morphogenesis and specification of vestibular inner ear sensory and supporting cell types. Being derived from a common ancestor, the vertebrate Hmx gene family is thus a strong candidate to investigate functional overlap versus the unique roles played by multiple genes belonging to the same family. The functions of Hmx2 and Hmx3 were investigated via directed gene mutagenesis and the primary regions where Hmx2 and Hmx3 exert their individual functions are consistent with their expression domains, such as the vestibule and uterus. Meanwhile, it is notable that some tissues where both Hmx2 and Hmx3 are extensively expressed were not severely affected in either of the Hmx2 or Hmx3 single mutant mice, suggesting a possible functional overlap existing between these two genes. Compound Hmx2 and Hmx3 double mutant mice showed more severe defects in the inner ear than those displayed by either single knockout. Furthermore, novel abnormalities in the hypothalamic-neuroendocrine system, which were never observed in either of the single mutant mice, confirmed a hypothesis that Hmx2 and Hmx3 also function redundantly to control embryonic development of the central nervous system.  相似文献   

Patterning of the vertebrate eye appears to be controlled by the mutual regulation and the progressive restriction of the expression domains of a number of genes initially co-expressed within the eye anlage. Previous data suggest that both Otx1 and Otx2 might contribute to the establishment of the different eye territories. Here, we have analysed the ocular phenotype of mice carrying different functional copies of Otx1 and Otx2 and we show that these genes are required in a dose-dependent manner for the normal development of the eye. Thus, all Otx1(-/-); Otx2(+/-) and 30% of Otx1(+/-); Otx2(+/-) genotypes presented consistent and profound ocular malformation, including lens, pigment epithelium, neural retina and optic stalk defects. During embryonic development, optic vesicle infolding was severely altered and the expression of pigment epithelium-specific genes, such as Mitf or tyrosinase, was lost. Lack of pigment epithelium specification was associated with an expansion of the prospective neural retina and optic stalk territories, as determined by the expression of Pax6, Six3 and Pax2. Later in development the presumptive pigment epithelium region acquired features of mature neural retina, including the generation of Islet1-positive neurones. Furthermore, in Otx1(-/-); Otx2(+/-) mice neural retina cell proliferation, cell differentiation and apoptotic cell death were also severely affected. Based on these findings we propose a model in which Otx gene products are required for the determination and differentiation of the pigment epithelium, co-operating with other eye patterning genes in the determination of the specialised tissues that will constitute the mature vertebrate eye.  相似文献   

Cerebellar granule cells (CGCs) are the most abundant neuronal type in the mammalian brain, and their differentiation is regulated by the basic helix-loop-helix gene, Math1. However, little is known about downstream genes of Math1 and their functions in the cerebellum. To investigate them, we have here established an electroporation-based in vivo gene transfer method in the developing mouse cerebellum. Misexpression of Math1 ectopically induced expression of Bar-class homeobox genes, Mbh1 and Mbh2, which are expressed by CGCs. Conversely, their expression was repressed in CGCs by knockdown of Math1. These findings, taken together with chromatin immunoprecipitation assays, suggest that Math1 directly regulates the Mbh genes in CGCs. Furthermore, a dominant-negative form of the Mbh proteins disrupted proper formation of the external granule layer and differentiation of CGCs, whereas misexpression of the Mbh genes ectopically induced expression of a CGC marker in nonneuronal cells, indicating that the Mbh proteins are required for the differentiation of CGCs.  相似文献   

Vitamin A and its derivatives, the retinoids, have been implicated as important signaling molecules in vertebrate development, primarily due to numerous gain-of-function experiments involving treatment of embryos with exogenous retinoic acid. Collectively, the results from these experiments suggested that retinoids were sufficient to mimic the action of endogenous factors which posteriorize the embryonic axis, however the question of their necessity has remained unclear. Recent loss-of-function experiments from several laboratories have shown that retinoids are indispensable for regionalizing the anteroposterior axis and promoting neuronal differentiation. These results firmly establish retinoids as endogenous signaling molecules that are required for embryonic patterning.  相似文献   

Covalent modifications of histone tails have fundamental roles in chromatin structure and function. Tri‐methyl modification on lysine 27 of histone H3 (H3K27me3) usually correlates with gene repression that plays important roles in cell lineage commitment and development. Mash1 is a basic helix‐loop‐helix regulatory protein that plays a critical role in neurogenesis, where it expresses as an early marker. In this study, we have shown a decreased H3K27me3 accompanying with an increased demethylase of H3K27me3 (Jmjd3) at the promoter of Mash1 can elicit a dramatically efficient expression of Mash1 in RA‐treated P19 cells. Over‐expression of Jmjd3 in P19 cells also significantly enhances the RA‐induced expression and promoter activity of Mash1. By contrast, the mRNA expression and promoter activity of Mash1 are significantly reduced, when Jmjd3 siRNA or dominant negative mutant of Jmjd3 is introduced into the P19 cells. Chromatin immunoprecipitation assays show that Jmjd3 is efficiently recruited to a proximal upstream region of Mash1 promoter that is overlapped with the specific binding site of Hes1 in RA‐induced cells. Moreover, the association between Jmjd3 and Hes1 is shown in a co‐Immunoprecipitation assay. It is thus likely that Jmjd3 is recruited to the Mash1 promoter via Hes1. Our results suggest that the demethylase activity of Jmjd3 and its mediator Hes1 for Mash1 promoter binding are both required for Jmjd3 enhanced efficient expression of Mash1 gene in the early stage of RA‐induced neuronal differentiation of P19 cells. J. Cell. Biochem. 110: 1457–1463, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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