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Male rock elephant shrews, Elephantulus myurus , showed active spermatogenesis throughout the year but had significant reductions in testis and prostate size, the proportion of interstitial cells and sperm numbers and viability from April to June, when no pregnant females were recorded. Rock elephant shrews have relatively small testes and extragonadal sperm reserves compared to many similar–sized mammals  相似文献   

Patterns of daily torpor were measured in response to photoperiod and food restriction at a constant temperature (18 °C) in two species of elephant shrew (Macroscelidea), Elephantulus rozeti (from Morocco) and Elephantulus myurus (from southern Africa). Body temperature was monitored continuously for ca. 3 months using temperature-sensitive telemeters. Under short photoperiods (8:16 L:D), both species entered spontaneous torpor on an ad libitum diet, but showed a higher frequency of induced torpor when food was restricted. Under long photoperiods (16:8 L:D), E. myurus could be induced to enter daily `summer' torpor. A total of 378 torpor bouts were measured, none of which were longer in duration than 18 h. Under short photoperiods, arousal from torpor was associated with the onset of the photoperiod, whereas the time of entry was variable throughout the scotophase. However, E. myurus tended to phase shift torpor from the photophase to the scotophase under long photoperiods, despite displaying weak circadian amplitudes of body temperature indicative of a photophase rest phase. Both species lacked well-defined circadian amplitudes of body temperature, a pattern thought to be associated with polyphasic activity cycles characteristic of several Elephantulus species. It was concluded that these and other patterns of torpor shown by Elephantulus show similarities with other small Afrotropical insectivores inhabiting semi-arid habitats or unpredictable environments. Accepted: 26 July 2000  相似文献   

In the laboratory rock elephant shrews (Elephantulus myurus; mean body mass 56.6 g) displayed the lowest torpor Tb min yet recorded (ca. 5°C) in a placental daily heterotherm. It was unknown whether these low Tbs were characteristic of daily heterothermy in free-ranging animals. It was also unclear how cost effective these low Tbs were since considerable energy is required to arouse from low Tbs on a daily basis. We continuously measured body temperature once every hour for 85 days in 13 free-ranging E. myurus from May to August 2001 (winter) in Weenen Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. We recorded a total of 412 torpor bouts. Free-ranging E. myurus had a high propensity for torpor with females displaying higher torpor frequency than males. The lowest Tb recorded was 7.5°C at Ta=2.7°C and the minimum torpor Tb was strongly correlated with ambient temperature. Torpor arousal was tightly coupled with ambient temperature cycles. Low torpor Tb min at low Tas was therefore cost-effective because the animals offset the high cost of arousal through exogenous passive heating. Laboratory studies under constant ambient temperatures may therefore underestimate the energetic benefits of torpor in free-ranging small mammals that inhabit regions where seasonality is moderate.  相似文献   

The evolution of endothermy is thought to have been facilitated by the advent of endothermic energy sources such as brown adipose tissue (BAT), the principal site of non-shivering thermogenesis (NST). In marsupials, heat is primarily produced through shivering and NST in skeletal muscle because BAT is either absent or appears to be non-functional. The most basal group of the eutherian lineage are the Afrotheria. Rock elephant shrews, Elephantulus myurus are amongst the smallest members of the Afrotheria and are also known to use exogenous passive heating. The aim of this study was to determine whether the reliance on passive heating compromised the capacity for thermogenesis in E. myurus. We measured the thermogenic response to noradrenalin (NA) injection in E. myurus acclimated to short photoperiod. The thermogenic response at 25°C was 1.58 ml O2 g−1 h−1. We used phylogenetically independent analyses to establish how this thermogenic response compared to other eutherians that display classical NST. The thermogenic response of E. myurus was not significantly different from phylogenetically independent allometric predictions. However, it is unclear whether this thermogenic response is indicative of classical NST and molecular data are required to verify the presence of BAT and UCPs in elephant shrews.  相似文献   

We report on the seasonal metabolic adjustments of a small-sized member of the phylogenetically ancient Afrotheria, the Western rock elephant shrew (Elephantulus rupestris). We recorded body temperature (T (b)) patterns and compared the capacity for adrenergically induced nonshivering thermogenesis (NST) in E. rupestris captured in the wild in summer and winter. Noradrenaline (NA) treatment (0.4-0.5?mg/kg, s.c.) induced a pronounced elevation in oxygen consumption compared to controls (saline), and the increase in oxygen consumption following injection of NA was 1.8-fold higher in winter compared to summer. This suggests that the smaller members of Afrotheria possess functional brown adipose tissue, which changes in thermogenic capacity depending on the season. Torpor was recorded in both seasons, but in winter the incidence of torpor was higher (n?=?205 out of 448 observations) and minimal T (b) during torpor was lower (T (b)min: 11.9°C) than in summer (n?=?24 out of 674 observations; T (b)min: 26°C). In addition to cold, high air humidity emerged as a likely predictor for torpor entry. Overall, E. rupestris showed a high degree of thermoregulatory plasticity, which was mainly reflected in a variable timing of torpor entry and arousal. We conclude that E. rupestris exhibits seasonal metabolic adjustments comparable to what has been long known for many Holarctic rodents.  相似文献   

1. The relative size of the digestive organs and the function of the caeca of an insectivorous elephant shrew Elephantulus myurus (Macroscelididae) and of a herbivorous rodent Aethomys namaquensis (Muridae) were compared. 2. Both species had similar body mass but A. namaquensis had a significantly heavier total digestive tract, full stomach, and caecum and a longer large intestine and caecum than E. myurus. 3. Both species had similar total volatile fatty acid (VFA) concentration and VFA % composition although A. namaquensis had a significantly higher % of n-butyric acid. Both had a similar caecal NH3-N concentration. 4. The presence of a functional caecum in E. myurus supports the view that Macroscelididae have evolved from ancestral herbivores and not from insectivores.  相似文献   

The use of heterothermy is well documented in the order Caprimulgiformes, but there is conflicting information regarding whether whip-poor-wills are heterothermic. Consequently, we sought to rigorously examine the thermoregulatory abilities of this species. Our study was conducted in southeast South Dakota (42 degrees 47'N, 97 degrees 0'W), where 35 individuals were captured and outfitted with external, temperature-sensitive radio transmitters. We found evidence that whip-poor-wills used daily torpor during the autumn of 2000 and the spring of 2001 (n=12 torpor bouts, based on 346 bird-nights of observation). The average minimum skin temperature of two torpid whip-poor-wills (n=5 torpor bouts) in spring 2001 was 20.1 degrees +/-2.6 degrees C, and bouts of reduced skin temperature lasted an average of 360.0+/-93.7 min. The distribution of heterothermy within the Caprimulgiform phylogeny suggests that the trait is ancestral in the order. Specific heterothermic parameters, however, differ among the different species. In particular, the frequency of torpor use in whip-poor-wills is lower than for other species. These data suggest that several factors, including weather conditions and gender-specific reproductive ecology, influence the propensity of whip-poor-wills and other Caprimulgiformes to enter torpor.  相似文献   

Ticks are important vectors of pathogens of medical and veterinary importance worldwide. In spite of their economic importance, our current knowledge about the factors affecting tick prevalence and abundance in tropical and subtropical regions is rather limited. Both abiotic (e.g. temperature) as well as biotic variables (e.g. host sex) have been identified as key determinants of distributions. Eastern rock sengis or elephant shrews (Elephantulus myurus, Macroscelidea: Cacroscelididae, Thomas & Schwann) are widely distributed throughout Africa and can harbour a large number of tick species and substantial tick burdens. In the present study, we evaluated the contribution of climate and host factors on tick burdens of sengis. Throughout the year sengis carried high abundances of immature stages of a single tick species, Rhipicephalus sp. near warburtoni. There was no evidence that host parameters affected tick burdens. However, larval abundance decreased with increasing ambient temperatures and both larvae and nymphs were negatively affected by rainfall 2 months before the sampling month. In addition, nymphal burdens decreased with increasing minimum temperatures. Our results suggest that climate factors are the largest constraint for the immature stages of R. sp. near warburtoni and that eastern rock sengis could play a crucial role in the dynamics of tick-borne diseases as a result of the large tick burdens they can sustain.  相似文献   

Ticks are important vectors of numerous pathogens causing illness, fatalities, and economic loss worldwide. Infectious disease episodes are increasing, and novel tick-borne pathogens are described frequently. Identification of novel reservoir hosts and vectors of tick-borne pathogens is essential if control measures are to be successful. In South Africa, the eastern rock sengi, Elephantulus myurus , hosts a number of tick species of veterinary importance. Despite this, there remains a paucity of information regarding the tick fauna of this species, the pathogen associations of ticks that it hosts, and its role as a reservoir host of tick-borne pathogens. The current study documents the tick fauna of E. myurus and sympatric small mammal species in Limpopo Province, South Africa. The pathogen associations of ticks hosted by elephant shrews were also investigated by PCR screening of engorged nymphs for a broad range of bacterial and protozoan tick-borne infections, including Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato and members of Apicomplexa and the order Rickettsiales. There were marked differences in tick species and abundance among host species. Elephantulus myurus was heavily, and predominantly, parasitized by an as-yet undescribed tick species that we identify as Rhipicephalus sp. near warburtoni. PCR and sequence analysis revealed the presence of Anaplasma bovis in this tick species, which may have consequences for livestock production and conservation efforts in the area where this tick species occurs.  相似文献   

Torpid common dormice (Muscardinus avellanarius) were found in nestboxes during all the activity period from early April until late October. Prevalence of torpor among dormice was highest in spring, decreased considerably in summer and increased again in October. The proportion of adult dormice that were torpid was inversely related to mean monthly air temperature, except in September, when dormice prepare for hibernation by accumulating fat reserves. In spring and summer, torpid dormice were found when ambient temperature was up to 14–15 °C and in the arousal phase of torpor – up to 19–20 °C. In autumn, dormice were active at much lower ambient temperatures compared to spring and summer, and only dormice that were fat enough and ready for hibernation were torpid. Torpor bouts usually lasted only until noon, but also in the afternoon during persistently low ambient temperatures in April and October. In April–July, torpor was more frequent among adult males than females (75% vs. 46%), and pregnant females were never found in deep torpor. Prevalence of torpor among young-of-the-year was lower compared to adult dormice at the same time. In October, the average weight of torpid young-of-the-year dormice was significantly higher compared to the weight of active dormice (22.3 vs. 17.5 g).


Tagestorpor bei frei lebenden Haselmäusen (Muscardinus avellanarius) in LitauenHaselmäuse (Muscardinus avellanarius) im Torpor wurden während der gesamten aktiven Saison zwischen zeitigem April und Ende Oktober in Nistkästen gefunden. Im Frühjahr war die Torporfrequenz am höchsten, während des Sommers ging sie beträchtlich zurück, und im Oktober stieg sie wieder deutlich. Der Anteil an Haselmäusen im Torpor war umgekehrt abhängig von der mittleren Monatslufttemperatur, mit Ausnahme des Septembers, wo sich die Haselmäuse Fettreserven in Vorbereitung des Winterschlafes anlegen. Während des Frühlings und des Sommers konnten Haselmäuse im Torpor gefunden werden, wenn die Umgebungstemperatur bis 14–15 °C war, und in der Aufwachphase bei Temperaturen bis 19–20 °C. Im Herbst waren die Haselmäuse bei viel tieferen Temperaturen als im Sommer oder Frühjahr aktiv und nur die Haselmäuse die fett genug waren, um in den Winterschlaf gehen zu können, waren lethargisch. Die Torporphasen dauerten in der Regel nur bis zum Mittag, aber im April und Oktober während lang anhaltenden tiefen Umgebungstemperaturen auch bis in den Nachmittag hinein. Zwischen April und Juli konnten mehr adulte Männchen als Weibchen im Torpor nachgewiesen werden (75% vs 46%). Tragende Weibchen waren niemals im tiefen Torpor zu finden. Die Torporfrequenz war bei Haselmäusen in ihrem ersten Lebensjahr geringer als bei adulten im selben Zeitraum. Im Oktober war bei den lethargischen Jungtieren des Jahres das Durchschnittsgewicht höher als bei den aktiven Haselmäusen (22.3 vs. 17.5 g).  相似文献   

It is widely believed that torpor is mainly an adaptation of endotherms for cold stress and food limitation. We studied torpor use in the wild by a small tree-roosting microbat from a sub-tropical area during summer when food was abundant. Surprisingly, two torpor bouts per day were employed on each roost-day observed. The first bout occurred in the early morning and the second bout in the late afternoon, whilst a period of normothermia was maintained over the warmest part of the day. Torpor likely reduced energy expenditure substantially, and may be common in small microbats whose day-roosts are poorly insulated, even in sub-tropical climates.  相似文献   

Uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1) mediated nonshivering thermogenesis (NST) in brown adipose tissue (BAT) is an important avenue of thermoregulatory heat production in many mammalian species. Until recently, UCP1 was thought to occur exclusively in eutherians. In the light of the recent finding that UCP1 is already present in fish, it is of interest to investigate when UCP1 gained a thermogenic function in the vertebrate lineage. We elucidated the basis of NST in the rock elephant shrew, Elephantulus myurus (Afrotheria: Macroscelidea). We sequenced Ucp1 and detected Ucp1 mRNA and protein restricted to brown fat deposits. We found that cytochrome c oxidase activity was highest in these deposits when compared with liver and skeletal muscle. Consistent with a thermogenic function of UCP1 isolated BAT mitochondria showed increased state 4 respiration in the cold, as well as palmitate-induced, GDP-sensitive proton conductance, which was absent in liver mitochondria. On the whole animal level, evidence of thermogenic function was further corroborated by an increased metabolic response to norepinephrine (NE) injection. Cold acclimation (18 degrees C) led to an increased basal metabolic rate relative to warm acclimation (28 degrees C) in E. myurus, but there was no evidence of additional recruitment of NE-induced NST capacity in response to cold acclimation. In summary, we showed that BAT and functional UCP1 are already present in a member of the Afrotheria, but the seasonal regulation and adaptive value of NST in Afrotherians remain to be elucidated.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Food consumption, assimilation and passage rates of an elephant shrew, Elephantulus edwardii, on three natural diets (cockroaches, locusts and termites) and one artificial cereal diet (Pronutro) were compared.
  • 2.2. Daily food consumption varies significantly between the diets and was partly related to % assimilation, which was highest on Pronutro and cockroaches (71%) and lowest on termites (31%).
  • 3.3. Throughput times were estimated using soluble (51 Cr-EDTA) and particulate markers in the Pronutro diet. First appearance of the soluble marker (0.5 hr) was significantly earlier than for the particulate marker (1.85 hr); 50% appeared at 3.2 and 3.35 hr for the soluble and particulate markers, respectively.
  • 4.4. The distribution of particulate markers in the digestive tract showed some retention in the stomach, ileum and colon, but rapid movement through the duodenum and very little entry to the caecum.

We investigated the role of diet and substrate features in the coexistence and habitat affinities of the rock elephant shrew, Elephantulus myurus, and the Namaqua mouse, Micaelamys namaquensis. We measured giving‐up densities at experimental food patches that varied in foraging substrate, escape substrate surrounding the food patch and food type. In terms of food consumption, E. myurus favoured pebble (63% total harvest) over sand and sawdust, whereas M. namaquensis favoured foraging in sand (48% total harvest) over sawdust (29%) and pebbles (23%). Mealworms comprised most of E. myurus’s harvest, and M. namaquensis harvested seeds the most, followed by alfalfa and mealworms. In terms of escape substrates, M. namaquensis had significantly higher GUDs when the food patch was surrounded by tussocks of sedge (average 28.11 seeds/patch) than rock surfaces (17.41) or by bush/crevice (14.36). In conjunction with morphologic adaptations, E. myurus detects and recovers food using its snout and long tongue, and M. namaquensis digs and handles foods with its forepaws. The different foraging preferences of E. myurus and M. namaquensis suggest that the interaction of substrates with food types characterize their niches and promote coexistence. Elephantulus myurus travelled greater distances, whereas M. namaquensis was selective for microhabitats offering refuge or traction.  相似文献   

Studies investigating heterothermy under natural conditions are particularly scarce for tropical species. However, heterothermy patterns in tropical and subtropical environments often differ markedly from those observed in arctic and temperate species. The investigation of heterothermy in strepsirhine primates has focussed largely on the Malagasy cheirogaleids. In addition, a physiological verification of torpor occurrence in mainland strepsirhines is important with regard to arguments pertaining to the colonization of Madagascar by strepsirhine primates. We measured body temperatures of 11 free-ranging Galago moholi, between February 2002 and September 2003, for 3 consecutive months for each animal. No incidents of heterothermy were recorded throughout the study period. We considered how physiological and ecological aspects of G. moholi biology might have obviated the use of torpor. It was suggested that the breeding pattern observed in G. moholi prevented torpor use whilst increasing fecundity, and that the ecological costs of torpor far outweighed the energetic costs. This study highlights the need for more studies on free-ranging animals to elucidate the physiological, ecological and phylogenetic constraints and determinants of torpor use. Furthermore, if convincing arguments are to be made regarding the possible role of heterothermy in species dispersal, more data from free-ranging animals are needed.  相似文献   

Many animal species employ natural hypothermia in seasonal (hibernation) and daily (torpor) strategies to save energy. Facultative daily torpor is a typical response to fluctuations in food availability, but the relationship between environmental quality, foraging behaviour and torpor responses is poorly understood. We studied body temperature responses of outbred ICR (CD-1) mice exposed to different food reward schedules, simulating variation in habitat quality. Our main comparison was between female mice exposed to low foraging-cost environments and high-cost environments. As controls, we pair-fed a group of inactive animals (no-cost treatment) the same amount of pellets as high-cost animals. Mice faced with high foraging costs were more likely to employ torpor than mice exposed to low foraging costs, or no-cost controls (100% versus 40% and 33% of animals, respectively). While resting-phase temperature showed a non-significant decrease in high-cost animals, torpor was not associated with depressions in active-phase body temperature. These results demonstrate (i) that mice show daily torpor in response to poor foraging conditions; (ii) that torpor incidence is not attributable to food restriction alone; and (iii) that high levels of nocturnal activity do not preclude the use of daily torpor as an energy-saving strategy. The finding that daily torpor is not restricted to conditions of severe starvation puts torpor in mice in a more fundamental ecological context.  相似文献   

The body temperature (T b) of Cape ground squirrels (Xerus inauris, Sciuridae) living in their natural environment during winter has not yet been investigated. In this study we measured abdominal T b of eight free-ranging Cape ground squirrels over 27 consecutive days during the austral winter. Mean daily T b was relatively stable at 37.0 ± 0.2°C (range 33.4 to 40.2°C) despite a marked variation in globe temperature (T g) (range −7 to 37°C). Lactating females (n = 2) consistently had a significantly higher mean T b (0.7°C) than non-lactating females (n = 3) and males. There was a pronounced nychthemeral rhythm with a mean active phase T b of 38.1 ± 0.1°C and a mean inactive phase T b of 36.3 ± 0.3°C for non-lactating individuals. Mean daily amplitude of T b rhythm was 3.8 ± 0.2°C. T b during the active phase closely followed T g and mean active phase T b was significantly correlated with mean active phase T g (r 2 = 0.3–0.9; P < 0.01). There was no evidence for daily torpor or pronounced hypothermia during the inactive phase, and mean minimum inactive phase T b was 35.7 ± 0.3°C for non-lactating individuals. Several alternatives (including nocturnal huddling, an aseasonal breeding pattern and abundant winter food resources) as to why Cape ground squirrels do not employ nocturnal hypothermia are discussed.  相似文献   

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