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文章以依法推进我国医疗卫生资源优化配置为主线,分别从依法明确公立医院功能定位,依法规划公立医院的规模、数量与布局,依法建立以人为中心的医疗卫生系统,依法充分发挥社会办医的作用,以及依法推进医疗卫生资源配置规划的编制与实施五个方面论述了资源配置战略,旨在为制订好“十三五”期间公立医院规模、数量与布局的规划提供了理论支撑。  相似文献   

随着公立医院改革试点指导意见的出台,探索公立医院结构和布局优化成为公立医院管理体制改革的主要任务。文章总结了17个新医改试点城市优化医疗机构布局改革方案的异同,进行分析与探讨并得出相关启示,旨在为我国更好地推进公立医院改革提供借鉴。  相似文献   

通过对我国公立医院的规模、结构、布局、功能等方面进行文献研究,收集相关数据,客观呈现我国公立医院规模、结构、布局等发展的历史进程、现状,发现当前公立医院在规模、结构、布局等方面存在的问题,提出相应的建议:明确卫生体制的基本价值取向,合理调整卫生资源布局与结构,提高医疗卫生服务提供的公平与效率,加强政府的宏观调控和统筹规划及监管能力。  相似文献   

目的:了解居民对社区卫生服务的满意度情况,为提高社区卫生服务质量提供科学依据.方法:采用随机抽样法对青岛市五区/市(市北区、崂山区、李沧区、黄岛区、即墨市)12所社区卫生服务机构抽取样本进行问卷调查并对结果进行分析.结果:对社区卫生服务总体比较满意的人数占调查总人数的81.05%,12.95%的居民对社区卫生服务总体评价为非常满意,但居民对于健康档案的建立、社区卫生服务机构的设备配置以及药品种类满意度较低.结论:青岛市居民对社区卫生服务机构总体满意度较高,但个别服务还有较大的改善空间.  相似文献   

目的 对“十二五”中期我国公立医院数量与规模配置水平进行评价,为引导医疗资源合理配置和布局提供参考依据。方法 基于卫生资源集聚度的评价方法,分析我国各地区公立医院和床位的集聚度。结果 我国公立医院和床位集聚度普遍大于1,只有人口稀疏地区小于1,地理可及性较差。人口密集地区公立医院集聚度相对人口集聚度较低,床位集聚度则明显较高,公立医院规模过大,卫生资源集聚水平过高。结论 我国区域间公立医院数量、规模集聚度不平衡依然突出,公立医院规模扩张现象在人口密集地区较为严峻。  相似文献   

本文基于前人研究的基础上,从社区视角出发,针对建档过程中存在的问题提出相应的对策,提高社区卫生服务质量,促进社区健康档案的发展与进步,保证社区更好地为人民的健康服务,为社会主义现代化服务。  相似文献   

公立医院改革促进了医疗卫生事业发展紧跟国民经济发展的进程,是实现健康中国战略的重要举措。为更好更快保质保量推进公立医院发展,需要不断转变医院管理模式、调整医疗服务价格、完善医院医保机制、优化医疗服务流程以及规范医院档案管理,才能实现公立医院经济效益和社会效益双赢局面。  相似文献   

随着公立医院改革试点的指导意见确立,公立医院发展面临前所未有的挑战。围绕公立医院社会责任以及运用法律保障公立医院更好地履行社会责任等方面进行分析,具有探讨性地提出一些观点。同时对如何保障公立医院的合法权益,如何为公立医院、医务人员提供良性的执业环境等方面从法律角度,结合我国目前新医改方案出台、公立医院面临新一轮改革的形势,提出一些建议与意见。深化医药卫生体制改革是确保公立医院履行社会责任的有效途径之一,目的是建立中国特色的基本医疗卫生制度,保证城乡居民公平,享有安全、有效、方便、价廉的基本医疗卫生服务。这不仅是解决当前医患矛盾也是确保公立医院履行职责的治本之策、久安之道。  相似文献   

改革县级公立医院的运行机制,提升县级公立医院服务能力,发挥县级公立医院的区域基本医疗中心的作用,是体现公立医疗机构的公益性,解决基层群众就医需要的关键措施。文章结合我国医疗资源配置的区域失衡,通过对浙江省城市大型医院与县级公立医院通过托管等不同形式建立协作关系的情况和效果进行了总结,对城市大型医院优质医疗资源下沉到县区开展医疗服务的活动进行了评价和分析,并且进一步阐述了从根本上改变区域医疗资源失衡、完善医疗服务体系、促进医疗卫生事业健康发展的策略。  相似文献   

在分析了南京市科学配置医疗资源的现状与实践的基础上,总结了提升卫生服务能力所面临的困难和挑战。在推进改革的进程中,南京市从修订医疗机构设置规划入手,优化卫生资源配置,引入竞争机制,推动城区二级医院转型;通过创新驱动,实施“三名战略”,提高医疗卫生整体服务水平;通过加强基层医疗卫生服务、公共卫生和应急能力建设,关口前移,重心下沉,打造“十五分钟健康服务圈” ,探索公立医院运行机制改革的新思路。  相似文献   

?????? 目的 了解我国公立医院的卫生资源配置与利用效率情况。方法 运用数据包络分析法(DEA)对6家公立医院2010的投入与产出情况进行分析。结果 2家二级公立医院的效率评价排名优于4家三级医院。结论 加大对基层医疗单位的卫生资源投入力度,加强对三级公立医院卫生资源的整合重组,以提高公立医院的卫生资源配置与利用效率。  相似文献   

调查分析江西省12所不同等级、不同地区公立医院2000—2007年的经济运行数据。结果发现,江西省12所公立医院8年来经济运行状况明显改善,发展趋势良好,但是仍然存在政府投入不足、收支结构不合理、“以药养医”现象严重、营利能力不强等突出问题。建议加大政府对公立医院的监管和财政补助力度,优化卫生资源配置,改革以药养医的经济运行机制,调整医药价格体系,提高医疗服务水平和效率。  相似文献   

This article draws attention to the limited amount of scholarship on what constitutes fairness and equity in resource allocation to health research by individual funders. It identifies three key decisions of ethical significance about resource allocation that research funders make regularly and calls for prioritizing scholarship on those topics – namely, how health resources should be fairly apportioned amongst public health and health care delivery versus health research, how health research resources should be fairly allocated between health problems experienced domestically versus other health problems typically experienced by disadvantaged populations outside the funder's country, and how domestic and non‐domestic health research funding should be further apportioned to different areas, e.g. types of research and recipients. These three topics should be priorities for bioethics research because their outcomes have a substantial bearing on the achievement of health justice. The proposed agenda aims to move discussion on the ethics of health research funding beyond its current focus on the mismatch between worldwide basic and clinical research investment and the global burden of disease. Individual funders’ decision‐making on whether and to what extent to allocate resources to non‐domestic health research, health systems research, research on the social determinants of health, capacity development, and recipients in certain countries should also be the focus of ethical scrutiny.  相似文献   

Alvarez AA 《Bioethics》2007,21(8):426-438
Application of egalitarian and prioritarian accounts of health resource allocation in low-income countries have both been criticized for implying distribution outcomes that allow decreasing/undermining health gains and for tolerating unacceptable standards of health care and health status that result from such allocation schemes. Insufficient health care and severe deprivation of health resources are difficult to accept even when justified by aggregative efficiency or legitimized by fair deliberative process in pursuing equality and priority oriented outcomes. I affirm the sufficientarian argument that, given extreme scarcity of public health resources in low-income countries, neither health status equality between populations nor priority for the worse off is normatively adequate. Nevertheless, the threshold norm alone need not be the sole consideration when a country's total health budget is extremely scarce. Threshold considerations are necessary in developing a theory of fair distribution of health resources that is sensitive to the lexically prior norm of sufficiency. Based on the intuition that shares must not be taken away from those who barely achieve a minimal level of health, I argue that assessments based on standards of minimal physical/mental health must be developed to evaluate the sufficiency of the total resources of health systems in low-income countries prior to pursuing equality, priority, and efficiency based resource allocation. I also begin to examine how threshold sensitive health resource assessment could be used in the Philippines.  相似文献   

通过对法国、德国、日本、韩国和我国台湾地区5个实行社会保险制度的典型国家或地区公立医院基本情况的梳理,总结以上国家及我国台湾地区公立医院规模、布局、结构和功能等现状。提出公立医院改革的建议:医院规模和布局建设应遵循公平、效率与适应性原则,不断优化公立医院布局,严格控制公立医院成本。  相似文献   

The transportation processes for patients, personnel, and material in large and complex maximum-care hospitals with many departments can consume significant resources and thus induce substantial logistics costs. These costs are largely determined by the allocation of the different departments and wards in possibly multiple connected hospital buildings. We develop a hierarchical layout planning approach based on an analysis of organizational and operational data from the Hannover Medical School, a large and complex university hospital in Hannover, Germany. The purpose of this approach is to propose locations for departments and wards for a given system of buildings such that the consumption of resources due to those transportation processes is minimized. We apply the approach to this real-world organizational and operational dataset as well as to a fictitious hospital building and analyze the algorithmic behavior and resulting layout.  相似文献   

The World Health Organization (WHO) has for long proposed the development of community-based mental health services worldwide. However, the progress toward community mental health care in most African countries is still hampered by a lack of resources, with specialist psychiatric care essentially based in large, centrally located mental hospitals. It is again time to reconsider the direction of mental health care in Africa. Based on a small inquiry to a number of experienced mental health professionals in sub-Saharan Africa, we discuss what a community concept of mental health care might mean in Africa. There is a general agreement that mental health services should be integrated in primary health care. A critical issue for success of this model is perceived to be provision of appropriate supervision and continuing education for primary care workers. The importance of collaboration between modern medicine and traditional healers is stressed and the paper ends in a plea for WHO to take the initiative and develop mental health services according to the special needs and the socio-cultural conditions prevailing in sub-Saharan Africa.  相似文献   

颜金珊  祝薇  王保盛  唐立娜 《生态学报》2021,41(22):8921-8930
作为城市重要的生态空间,公园绿地为城市提供环境基础及景观保障,其资源的合理分配是社会公平的重要体现。提出公园绿地社会公平性新的内涵,即无论个体所处的人居环境条件如何,其获得的城市公园绿地质量应该平等。工业城市向服务型、创新型城市的转变是中国城镇发展的典型趋势,研究其公园绿地的社会公平性为城市更新改造与公共资源分配提供重要的科学依据。以东莞市东城街道为例,构建社会-经济-自然复合人居指标体系与公园质量评价体系,基于可达性模型与Pearson相关性系数对公平性进行测度。结果表明:由于区域更新强度及顺序不同,研究区的绿地布局存在不公平现象,居民享受的公园质量与小区的自然、经济要素具有一定的关联。转型中的工业城市高质量公园聚集于风景资源优越的高端居住区,其他公园质量普遍不佳。工业园区以及旧城区为公园服务盲区的主要聚集地。  相似文献   

目的 对二级以上医疗机构疾病预防控制等公共卫生工作现况进行评估。方法 对全国10个省163家医院进行二级以上医疗机构公共卫生工作开展基本情况调查和人员基本情况调查的问卷调查;对全国34个省、自治区、直辖市和新疆生产建设兵团进行函调以及对浙江、河南、辽宁和甘肃4个省进行实地调研。结果(1)医疗机构应承担的公共卫生职能与落实情况相差甚远。(2)医疗机构从事公共卫生工作积极性不高。(3)医疗机构在公共卫生工作中接受多个部门管理,但在工作中缺乏协调。结论(1)弥合临床医疗服务体系与公共卫生体系的割裂状态。(2)增强医疗机构从事公共卫生工作积极性。(3)加强督察考核,促进公共卫生工作的落实。  相似文献   

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