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目的 从决策者的角度来研究中国卫生技术评估在决策中的转化和利用情况,探索其中可能存在的影响决策转化的因素,为促进卫生技术评估的决策转化提供参考。方法 采用问卷调查法对国家和地方层面的卫生政策决策人员利用卫生技术评估研究结果的情况进行调查,并进行描述性和统计分析。结果 调查共回收有效问卷112份。结果显示:决策人员对卫生技术评估能够一定程度上参考借鉴,或进行决策采纳,但在促进行动方面有所欠缺。决策部门内部相关培训、资助方面尚十分有限。但决策者对未来卫生技术评估在决策中能够起到的作用给予了很高的信心。决策者重视研究的时效性和语言的通俗易懂程度,因此与研究方也会较多地交流报告提交的方式,他们更倾向于收到报告的概述。结论 卫生技术评估决策转化程度和水平有待提升,决策部门对卫生技术评估的资助力度有待加大,将卫生技术评估引入决策过程的相关机制有待构建。  相似文献   

目的 研究我国医学新技术临床应用中的卫生技术评估,分析卫生技术评估对临床医生新技术使用行为的关联性及影响。方法 采用横断面设计和分层整群抽样方法,选取上海市、福建省、四川省18家医院各科室的患者进行调研,问卷为自主设计,应用logistic回归分析进行影响因素分析,此外通过相关文献检索进一步探究卫生技术评估在新技术使用过程中的作用。 结果 共调查了来自5城市的18家医院各临床科室的912名临床医生,临床医生层面,对于卫生技术评估证据的选择主要是根据证据的结果和结论在不同人群、地点的推广价值;医生对于新技术的有效性感知(P<0.01)及安全性感知(P<0.01)正向影响医生新技术的使用行为;药物涂层支架及高通量基因测序技术的医生使用人数与该项技术相关证据的强度具有一致性。 结论 医生对于新技术的有效性与安全性的感知越好,越倾向于使用新技术,此外虽然我国尚未建立完整的卫生技术评估体系,但是目前在临床医生的临床实践过程中还是存在卫生技术评估证据的使用模式。  相似文献   

目的 比较研究人员和决策人员对卫生技术评估研究结果产出方式的偏好程度的差异,为扩大卫生技术评估研究的决策使用提供依据。方法 采用问卷调查的方法,收集研究人员和决策人员对不同卫生技术评估研究结果产出方式的评价,运用统计描述的方法,对偏好差异进行描述分析。结果 研究人员和决策人员对卫生技术评估研究结果的产出方式偏好有所差异;在不同行政单位、不同行政级别以及不同教育程度的决策者之间,对产出方式的偏好也存在不同;而不同职称、不同教育程度的研究者,所偏好的成果产出方式则较为一致。结论 进一步强化研究方与决策方之间的沟通交流,根据不同决策人员的需求采取合适的产出方式,加强机构对卫生技术评估结果决策转化的支持,逐步完善激励机制,并强化卫生技术评估结果向广大社会公众的传播。  相似文献   

通过回顾卫生技术评估在各国发展的历史,总结其中的成功经验,可以为进一步探索符合我国国情的卫生技术评估发展模式和道路提供参考。文章将卫生技术评估在世界的发展分为起步和成长两个阶段,在成长阶段分别从非政府支持项目与评估项目团队、政府支持项目与政府支持评估机构、政府评估机构与政府支持的第三方评估机构和国际交流与合作几个方面,梳理了卫生技术评估发展中运作模式的变化。从各国经验可得,卫生技术的评估需要政府的推动,评估的开展需要公开透明以促进质量的提升,而第三方评估机构的建立则有利于评估向更加公平独立、规范化的方向发展。  相似文献   

??????? 目的 了解浙江省卫生技术及管理人员对卫生技术评估(HTA)的认知和需求,为进一步开展HTA工作提供建议。方法 采用问卷调查与访谈相结合的方法对3家医院,1家公共卫生机构,8家卫生行政机构的102位运用HTA结果的潜在使用者和22位决策者进行了调查。结果 被调查者认为卫生技术相关政策法规在卫生技术信息来源最为重要,卫生技术临床疗效在用于决策的卫生技术相关信息中最为重要,相关研究质量太差是影响卫生技术评估的最大障碍。结论 浙江省卫生技术及管理人员对于HTA有一定的认知与需求,但关注度不够,针对遇到的障碍提出了HTA进一步发展的建议。  相似文献   

卫生技术人员的概念应作狭义、广义、最广义的区分。狭义的卫生技术人员指取得国家行政许可,掌握医药卫生知识和技能,以提供诊断治疗、公共卫生、药剂、护理服务为职业的人员;广义的卫生技术人员指取得国家行政许可或所在卫生机构认可、掌握相关专业技术知识和技能、以专业技术工作为职业的人员;最广义的卫生技术人员指所有从事卫生技术工作的人员。  相似文献   

目的 分析在新形势下军队医院卫生技术人员的稳定性及影响因素。方法 对某省5家军队医院现役卫生技术人员进行问卷调查,采用卡方检验进行统计学分析。结果 有21.4%的现役卫生技术人员有转业倾向,其中医疗岗位占93.5%。与地方比福利待遇偏低、职称晋升困难、改非现役文职人员的不确定性显著影响人员的稳定性。结论 通过组织谈心和政策约束,稳定医疗岗位人才。对于选择提前退休或自主择业人员,积极创造条件返聘,通过各种途径稳定卫生技术人员,确保军队医院稳步转型。  相似文献   

Objective: To construct an indicator model for stem cell patent evaluation and to analyze the factors affecting stem cell patent transfer and transformation in real scenarios besides the indicators.Methods:Based on the Patent Value Analysis Indicator System edited by China Technology Exchange, a patent evaluation system suitable for stem cells patents was constructed. The weight was determined by AHP, and the operability of the indicator model was verified by case analysis.Results:Based on the technical characteristics of stem cell technologies and operability, an indicator system for evaluating stem cell patents was constructed, which included three first-level indicators including technical value, market value and legal value, and nine second-level indicators such as technological advancement, technological maturity, technological cost, et al. Technological advancement, technological maturity, policy adaptability and market demand were the four most influential indicators for the valuation of stem cell patents. In the analysis of other factors, the core advantage of the stem cell technologies was the key to affect the transformation of stem cell patents. In addition, technical feasibility, quality control and long-term benefits also had important impact on the successful transfer and transformation of stem cell technologies.Conclusion:The patent value evaluation model and factor analysis established can be used in stem cell patent evaluation, which is helpful to promote the effective development and industrialization of the patent technology.  相似文献   

2015年以来,在简政放权的大环境下,我国医疗技术管理面临着从重审批的分级分类管理向重监管转型的挑战和机遇,亟需探索建立更加科学合理的医疗技术管理体系。使用医疗技术评估的科学工具和手段是在医疗技术管理领域国际通行的理念和做法。本文梳理了我国医疗技术管理政策沿革,介绍了国际典型代表英国医疗技术管理的过程和方法,并为完善我国医疗技术管理提供了几条政策建议。  相似文献   

目的 对医院管理者视角下,新技术的引进,引进后的使用与管理及使用后的综合评估与反馈进行综合分析。方法 通过对53名医院管理人员1~1.5小时的半结构式访谈收取定性资料,并进行属性归类分析。结果 研究发现新技术在引入过程中主要考虑的因素涉及新技术的特性及循证依据的情况、新技术引入可能对医生的影响、新技术引入可能为医院带来的影响、新技术引入过程中涉及的相关政策、新技术引入可能对医患关系的影响;明晰了新技术引入的程序、新技术的使用管理及使用后的评估。结论 二三级医院基本已经形成一整套新技术的引进及管理反馈机制,在医院层面新技术的引进及使用过程中,政策因素起到非常重要的作用。  相似文献   




中国野牦牛现状研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
根据1987~1990年在西藏的野外调查资料和752km长的调查样线以及调查中所遇见的267头野牦牛,采用截线抽样法,以直方图截舍法确定其探测函数,计算出了野牦牛在西藏的平均分布密度为0.079头/km2,每群平均头数为12.71头,种群数量达7959±802头,分布面积为10万km2,加上新疆3031头(或10000头),甘肃103头和青海4092头,则中国野牦牛总数为15000~20000头,分布总面积为466000km2以上.目前其分布区已被分割为5个较孤立的区域,整个种群呈急剧下降趋势,亟待人类采取有效措施,防止分布区的进一步分割并制止捕杀,切实保护好现有资源  相似文献   

目的 探寻县中医医院人力资源发展思路,推动健康服务业发展。方法 采用问卷调查法对河北省保定市20所县中医医院人力资源情况进行调查,并将数据输入统计分析软件SPSS13.0进行比较分析。结果 县中医医院人力资源存在中医特色不突出、高层次人才缺乏和人才流失较严重等问题。结论 应以健康服务业发展为契机,强化中医药特色和优势,加强县中医医院人力资源建设,提升服务能力和服务水平。  相似文献   



In this study, Argentine health researchers were surveyed regarding their perceptions of facilitators and barriers to evidence-based policymaking in Argentina, as well as their publication activities, and research environment satisfaction.


A self-administered online survey was sent to health researchers in Argentina. The survey questions were based on a preceding qualitative study of Argentine health researchers, as well as the scientific literature.


Of the 647 researchers that were reached, 226 accessed the survey, for a response rate of 34.9%. Over 80% of researchers surveyed had never been involved in or contributed to decision-making, while over 90% of researchers indicated they would like to be involved in the decision-making process. Decision-maker self-interest was perceived to be the driving factor in the development of health and healthcare policies. Research conducted by a research leader was seen to be the most influential factor in influencing health policy, followed by policy relevance of the research. With respect to their occupational environment, researchers rated highest and most favourably the opportunities available to present, discuss and publish research results and their ability to further their education and training. Argentine researchers surveyed demonstrated a strong interest and willingness to contribute their work and expertise to inform Argentine health policy development.


Despite Argentina’s long scientific tradition, there are relatively few institutionalized linkages between health research results and health policymaking. Based on the results of this study, the disconnect between political decision-making and the health research system, coupled with fewer opportunities for formalized or informal researcher/decision-maker interaction, contribute to the challenges in evidence informing health policymaking in Argentina. Improving personal contact and the building of relationships between researchers and policymakers in Argentina will require taking into account researcher perceptions of policymakers, as highlighted in this study.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to evaluate eco-security of Chongming in China and identify eco-security grades of the relevant subareas. In addition, the study aims to put forward the framework for a regional eco-security assessment system that is suitable for the analysis and evaluation of a man–land complex ecosystem. From the perspective of complex system science, this study puts forward the ANP-PRS-SENCE framework for a regional eco-security assessment. Based on the framework, a compressive assessment index system and a spatial variation assessment index system for Chongming's eco-security were established. Additionally, the eco-security threshold of Chongming was determined through the approach of system dynamics simulation. The assessment results show that in recent years the comprehensive score of eco-security has been on a gradual rise. With respect to the second-grade indices, the ecological risk and ecological protection indices are still relatively low. Therefore, in order to reduce the ecological risk, ecological construction needs to be strengthened and management measures need to be improved. The spatial variation assessment of eco-security shows that although the eco-security levels of most subareas remain between 0.3 and 0.6, regional variations are still quite obvious.  相似文献   

中国生物医药R&D的现状分析与建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
就当前制约我国生物医药发展的影响因素进行了全面、细致地分析,并相应地对下一步生物医药R&D的发展提出设想.  相似文献   

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