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王劲  葛铭 《蛇志》2003,15(1):71-72
随着整体护理工作的不断深入 ,健康教育以贯穿到从病人入院到出院的各个环节 ,健康教育是一门研究传播保健知识和技术 ,影响个体和群体行为 ,消除危险因素 ,预防疾病 ,促进健康的科学知识。护理健康教育是健康教育大体系中的分支 ,主要由护士进行 ,针对病人或健康人群所开展的具有护理特色的健康教育活动。我们在开展护理健康教育工作中常常面临一些实际问题 :角色认识偏差、教育认识淡漠、护士知识结构单一、缺乏教育能力。针对工作中的具体问题 ,我们采取了以下对策。1 强化角色意识 ,明确护士在健康教育中的地位和作用 ,提高护士的健康…  相似文献   

从大庆油田总医院开展“病房管理年”活动的实施背景、对优质护理服务的重要性、具体实施方法以及活动取得的成效和体会等多个方面对开展活动的情况进行了阐述和分析,提出了开展“病房管理年”活动,能够促进医院各项工作的协调发展,为优质护理服务在医院的健康开展提供更大程度的保障和支持的观点,为推进优质护理服务在医院的持续深入开展提供参考。  相似文献   

刘倩  李冰 《蛇志》2003,15(1):70-71
健康教育是一门研究传播保健知识和技术影响个体和群体行为 ,消除危险因素 ,预防疾病 ,促进健康的学科。健康教育作为整体护理工作中最重要的环节之一 ,在临床开展过程中 ,面临着需要提高其层次和水平的问题。现就护士因素对健康教育的影响进行分析 ,促使推动其向纵深发展。1 健康教育知识缺乏  临床上绝大部分护理人员没有接受过较系统、规范的有关健康教育方面课程的训练 ,在我们疗养院 ,其所拥有的结构与以疗养员为中心 ,以健康为中心的护理模式需求存在着距离 ,缺乏对以护理程序为框架的护理实践标准的认识。健康教育仅停留在一般性…  相似文献   

为进一步提高部队作训期间皮肤病健康保障的质量,针对性地开展常见真菌性皮肤病的预防、治疗和健康宣教工作,笔者于2009年7~10月对某部执行任务前后全体官兵真菌感染性皮肤病的发病情况进行了调查。  相似文献   

新生儿抚触作为儿科护理的新理念,是一种对新生儿健康十分有益的自然健康医疗技术。开展新生儿抚触对新生儿有特别重要的意义。抚触可以促进婴儿体格和智能的发育、增进睡眠、稳定情绪;抚触可以增强免疫力、促进食物的消化和吸收;抚触可以促进早产儿生长发育、新生儿缺氧缺血性脑病患儿的康复;抚触可以降低新生儿黄疸、避免发生胆红素脑病;抚触可促进母婴之间情感交流;抚触可利于产后妈妈的恢复。总之,无论是对家庭、社会、医院、还是对新生儿自身来讲,抚触都是非常有意义、重要且必要的,作为家长及医院工作人员都应该了解并掌握新生儿抚触的方法以及注意事项,因此,在临床工作和家庭中都应该积极主动的广泛开展新生儿抚触,目前各国都在研究并开展新生儿抚触这种护理技术,未来新生儿抚触将会被越来越多的家庭所认识并在医院中和家庭中广泛开展。  相似文献   

关于中学生物学教学研究存在的问题和改进建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
开展生物学教学研究,撰写研究论文和申请参加评奖,是当前中学生物学教学一项活跃的教研活动。通过对申请参评的研究论文存在的问题进行研究、分析和归纳,指出它对教研工作的影响,提出改进建议。旨在引起人们的注意和重视,提高认识,促进教研活动更健康和有效地开展。  相似文献   

科学实施干部健康评估、推进实现干部健康管理是干部保健工作的重要发展方向。通过介绍国外老年综合健康评估的概念、内容和特点,指出在干部保健工作中实施老年综合健康评估具有重要意义,可以促进提高干部保健工作的全面性、系统性和科学性,为真正实现保健管理向健康管理模式转变奠定基础。认为要在干部保健工作中开展老年综合健康评估,必须从5个方面来综合管控:转变观念认识,积极推进健康管理理念;提高人员素质,大力发展老年医学教育;加强组织领导,有效组建多科协作团队;创新方法手段,科学建立适宜评估体系;强化以评促管,配套建立长效评估机制。  相似文献   

张莉  宋海玲 《蛇志》2003,15(4):51-52
随着社会、经济、文化的发展 ,医学模式的转变 ,新的健康观念的提高 ,护理学已正式进入健康促进的时代 ,护理工作由过去的以疾病为中心转变为以人的健康为中心的整体护理。近年来 ,我科对88例高血压病人开展以健康教育为主要内容的整体化护理 ,对病人及家属进行有计划、有目的、有评价的健康教育 ,使病人提高了对该病以及相关知识的认识水平 ,掌握科学的自我管理、自我护理的方法 ,对稳定血压 ,延缓并发症的发生起到了重要作用 ,同时也促进了护理质量的提高。现将体会介绍如下。1 对象和实施方法1 .1 对象  2 0 0 2年 1月~ 2 0 0 3年 9…  相似文献   

目的:评价重庆市各级内镜医疗机构医疗执业现状,分析导致医疗执业状况不佳的原因,为改善医疗执业状况和医患关系,促进我国医疗执业健康、和谐发展提供参考。方法:对重庆市137家已开展消化内镜诊疗的医院,506名内镜医师进行调查,调查内容主要包括重庆内镜医师当前的基本素质状况以及医师们如何看待所面临的卫生改革、所处执业状况、管理体制、行业内协会职能、执业内镜医师法、继续教育培训等。结果:54.81%消化内镜医师对自己的工作表示满意,40.13%的医师感觉工作一般;在对医疗事故的调查中,遇到和未遇过医疗事故的比例分别为5%和95%;目前主要困惑重庆消化内镜医师的是以下问题:缺乏休息时间、工作较大强度,比例占到36.09%。结论:应改善消化内镜医师执业环境,缓解消化内镜医师工作压力,有效地发挥媒体导向作用,加强法制建设。  相似文献   

1987年6月10日,我会在市科学会堂召开第一次理事会扩大会议,出席的代表有学会理事和各专业组长以及部分工厂企业的代表共26人。学会理事长丁文祥教授主持了会议。他首先对学会一年来的工作情况作了简单的回顾,并就学会目前所面临的一些问题及今后如何开展工作征询了在座代表的意见。市医药管理局医疗器械专业处处长薛伯卿副理事长作了讲话。他对学会在促进医工结合、开展学术交流、为医疗器械行业的横向协作等方面发挥的积极作用给予肯定。并就随着当  相似文献   

为了分析公立医院提供公共卫生服务效果的影响因素,通过问卷调查,收集了黑龙江省102家公立医院公共卫生服务相关数据。运用软件SPSS18.0和AMOS7.0对数据进行统计分析,建立公立医院提供公共卫生服务效果影响因素结构方程模型,探讨公共卫生服务提供效果的影响因素。研究发现,财政补偿与政府监管、医院管理、医院投入对公共卫生服务提供效果具有促进作用。  相似文献   

围绕国家对公立医院公共卫生服务的要求,以一级、二级、三级公立医院承担公共卫生服务的合理性和科学性为目的,通过对公共卫生服务进行重新归纳分类,并运用DEA/TOPSIS组合模型,计算并评价一级、二级、三级公立医院公共卫生服务的完成效率,找出其差异程度,从而探索出不同等级公立医院应该侧重不同类别公共卫生服务的政策建议。  相似文献   

目的 分析在新形势下军队医院卫生技术人员的稳定性及影响因素。方法 对某省5家军队医院现役卫生技术人员进行问卷调查,采用卡方检验进行统计学分析。结果 有21.4%的现役卫生技术人员有转业倾向,其中医疗岗位占93.5%。与地方比福利待遇偏低、职称晋升困难、改非现役文职人员的不确定性显著影响人员的稳定性。结论 通过组织谈心和政策约束,稳定医疗岗位人才。对于选择提前退休或自主择业人员,积极创造条件返聘,通过各种途径稳定卫生技术人员,确保军队医院稳步转型。  相似文献   

Rates of hospital-acquired infections, such as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), are increasingly used as quality indicators for hospital hygiene. Alternatively, these rates may vary between hospitals, because hospitals differ in admission and referral of potentially colonized patients. We assessed if different referral patterns between hospitals in health care networks can influence rates of hospital-acquired infections like MRSA. We used the Dutch medical registration of 2004 to measure the connectedness between hospitals. This allowed us to reconstruct the network of hospitals in the Netherlands. We used mathematical models to assess the effect of different patient referral patterns on the potential spread of hospital-acquired infections between hospitals, and between categories of hospitals (University medical centers, top clinical hospitals and general hospitals). University hospitals have a higher number of shared patients than teaching or general hospitals, and are therefore more likely to be among the first to receive colonized patients. Moreover, as the network is directional towards university hospitals, they have a higher prevalence, even when infection control measures are equally effective in all hospitals. Patient referral patterns have a profound effect on the spread of health care-associated infections like hospital-acquired MRSA. The MRSA prevalence therefore differs between hospitals with the position of each hospital within the health care network. Any comparison of MRSA rates between hospitals, as a benchmark for hospital hygiene, should therefore take the position of a hospital within the network into account.  相似文献   

The economic value of breastfeeding to the society at large is under researched and its importance as a preventive public health strategy is underestimated. What little research there is indicates that considerable savings would accrue from following the WHO/UNICEF advice to breastfeed exclusively for six months and continue breastfeeding along with complementary foods for two years or more. Despite relatively high breastfeeding initiation in Germany, neither exclusive breastfeeding nor breastfeeding duration come close to international recommendations. Breastfeeding is mostly regarded as a woman’s personal choice and the government has been slow to engage in breastfeeding promotion, support and research. Some structures in Germany do offer support for breastfeeding women – including the growing number of Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) certified hospitals and a comprehensive maternity leave policy. However, the costs of breastfeeding are mostly borne by the mothers and those for breastfeeding training mostly by the individual health care workers or hospital, while the health insurance companies and society-at-large are profiting from the financial savings from exclusive and long-term breastfeeding. Factors which might improve breastfeeding rates and duration in this country include broad expansion of and financial support for both BFHI hospitals as well as training for the health care personnel who support the mother-infant dyad during the breastfeeding period.  相似文献   

The donation of tissues and organs increases significantly when tissue banks and organ transplant organizations work together in the procurement of organs and tissues at donor sources (hospitals, coroners system, organ procurement agencies, and funeral homes, among others). To achieve this important goal, national competent health authorities should considered the establishment of a mechanism that promote the widest possible cooperation between tissue banks and organ transplant organizations with hospitals, research medical institutions, universities, and other medical institutions and facilities. One of the issues that can facilitate this cooperation is the establishment of a coding and traceability system that could identify all tissues and organs used in transplant activities carried out in any country. The promotion of national, regional, and international cooperation between tissue banks and organ transplant organizations would enable the sharing of relevant information that could be important for medical practice and scientific studies carried out by many countries, particularly for those countries with a weak health care system.  相似文献   

公立医院在我国医疗卫生服务体系中承担着重要保障作用。随着改革的不断推进,社会各界对建立符合中国特色要求的现代医院管理制度的呼声日渐高涨。在对已有研究进行总结的基础上,结合各地开展公立医院改革的具体实践经验,从目前医院运营管理现状入手,逐步梳理医院管理制度建设面临的困境及存在的困难,对现代医院管理制度内涵进行梳理,探讨建立中国特色现代医院管理制度的具体实现路径。  相似文献   

目的 了解我国二级及以上医疗机构公共卫生职能的承担情况。方法 对4个省进行实地调研,对180家二级及以上医院进行问卷调查。结果 上报医疗机构对15项公共卫生职能的承担数为0.78,发文组与设置组承担数更高。各项公共卫生工作在医疗机构的开展情况不尽相同。院内公共卫生职能管理分散。结论 建议在二级及以上医院内部单独设置公共卫生科(处),统筹全院公卫工作,并对各级各类医疗机构的公卫职责进行重新划分。  相似文献   



To examine the extent of implementation for patient safety (PS) and patient-centeredness (PC) strategies and their association with hospital characteristics (type, ownership, teaching status, annual evaluation grade) in Iran.


A cross-sectional study through an adapted version of the MARQuIS questionnaire, eliciting information from hospital and nursing managers in 84 Iranian hospitals on the implementation of PS and PC strategies in 2009–2010.


The majority of hospitals reported to have implemented 84% of the PS and 72% of the PC strategies. In general, implementation of PS strategies was unrelated to the type of hospital, with the exception of health promotion reports, which were more common in the Social Security Organization (SSO), and MRSA testing, which was reported more often in nonprofit hospitals. MRSA testing was also more common among teaching hospitals compared to non-teaching hospitals. The higher grade hospitals reported PS strategies significantly more frequently than lower grade hospitals. Overall, there was no significant difference in the reported implementation of PC strategies across general and specialized hospitals; except for the provision of information in different languages and recording of patient’s diet which were reported significantly more often by general than specialized hospitals. Moreover, patient hotel services were more common in private compared to public hospitals.


Despite substantial reporting of PS and PC strategies, there is still room for strengthening standard setting on safety, patient services and patient-centered information strategies in Iranian hospitals. To assure effective implementation of PS and PC strategies, enforcing standards, creating a PS and PC culture, increasing organizational responsiveness, and partnering with patients and their families need more attention.  相似文献   

院长绩效激励是实现公立医院战略绩效目标的重要手段。借鉴企业经营者绩效激励经验,结合公立医院公益性使命和战略绩效管理特征,提出并分析了促进医院战略发展的经济、权力、声誉、升迁等院长绩效激励机制。建议综合运用各种激励措施并完善公立医院治理结构。  相似文献   

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