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Pre-Clinical Applications of Transgenic Mouse Mammary Cancer Models   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Breast cancer is a leading cause of cancer morbidity and mortality. Given that the majority of human breast cancers appear to be due to non-genetic factors, identifying agents and mechanisms of prevention is key to lowering the incidence of cancer. Genetically engineered mouse models of mammary cancer have been important in elucidating molecular pathways and signaling events associated with the initiation, promotion, and the progression of cancer. Since several transgenic mammary models of human breast cancer progress through well-defined cancer stages, they are useful pre-clinical systems to test the efficacy of chemopreventive and chemotherapeutic agents. This review outlines several oncogenic pathways through which mammary cancer can be induced in transgenic models and describes several types of preventive and therapeutic agents that have been tested in transgenic models of mammary cancer. The effectiveness of farnesyl inhibitors, aromatase inhibitors, differentiating agents, polyamine inhibitors, anti-angiogenic inhibitors, and immunotherapeutic compounds including vaccines have been evaluated in reducing mammary cancer and tumor progression in transgenic models.  相似文献   

Time-lapse imaging can be used to compare behavior of cultured primary preneoplastic mammary epithelial cells derived from different genetically engineered mouse models of breast cancer. For example, time between cell divisions (cell lifetimes), apoptotic cell numbers, evolution of morphological changes, and mechanism of colony formation can be quantified and compared in cells carrying specific genetic lesions. Primary mammary epithelial cell cultures are generated from mammary glands without palpable tumor. Glands are carefully resected with clear separation from adjacent muscle, lymph nodes are removed, and single-cell suspensions of enriched mammary epithelial cells are generated by mincing mammary tissue followed by enzymatic dissociation and filtration. Single-cell suspensions are plated and placed directly under a microscope within an incubator chamber for live-cell imaging. Sixteen 650 μm x 700 μm fields in a 4x4 configuration from each well of a 6-well plate are imaged every 15 min for 5 days. Time-lapse images are examined directly to measure cellular behaviors that can include mechanism and frequency of cell colony formation within the first 24 hr of plating the cells (aggregation versus cell proliferation), incidence of apoptosis, and phasing of morphological changes. Single-cell tracking is used to generate cell fate maps for measurement of individual cell lifetimes and investigation of cell division patterns. Quantitative data are statistically analyzed to assess for significant differences in behavior correlated with specific genetic lesions.  相似文献   

Leukocytes, of both the innate and adaptive lineages, are normal cellular components of all tissues. These important cells not only are critical for regulating normal tissue homeostasis, but also are significant paracrine regulators of all physiologic and pathologic tissue repair processes. This article summarizes recent insights regarding the trophic roles of leukocytes at each stage of mammary gland development and during cancer development, with a focus on Murids and humans.Mammary gland development can be divided into discrete phases. An initial analge is laid down from the milk-line during embryonic development resulting in a minimal ductal structure emanating from the nipple. Development of this anlage into a ductal tree is reactivated postnatally by exposure to the female sex steroid hormone estradiol-17β (E2), whose synthesis begins upon entry into puberty. In mice, this occurs at about 3 wk of age and is characterized by the formation of terminal end buds (TEB) at the ends of the ducts. These TEBs are clublike multilaminate epithelial structures that are the proliferative engines that drive mammary development. These structures also contain the mammary stem cells whose progeny differentiate into luminal and myoepithelial cells. The TEB structures disappear on their encounter with the edge of the fat pad and turn into terminal end-ducts (TED) that cease proliferation and which are bilaminar. As the primary branches grow out through the fat pad, secondary branches form to generate the mature tree that in mice is completed about 8 wk of age coincident with sexual maturity. At each estrus cycle thereafter, there is further development of the secondary branches and dependent on mouse strain, a degree of lobuloalveolar development. The next major phase of growth is during pregnancy in response to progesterone and prolactin when there is significant secondary branching morphogenesis, and the generation of the milk producing lobuloalveolar structures sprouting from these branches. At the end of the process, the gland is filled with ducts and alveolar structures with a commensurate loss of adipocytes. After birth and on suckling, lactation occurs with its effect on the secretory structure of alveoli that flatten to surround a milk-filled lumen. Weaning terminates the lactational process and the gland involutes to re-form a virgin-like structure to begin the cycle again during the next pregnancy (Daniel and Silberstein 1987; Richert et al. 2000; Neville et al. 2002). Every stage of mammary epithelial development is accompanied by changes in the surrounding stroma. This stroma is populated by many immune cells particularly those of the innate system. Although these cells undoubtedly have a role in immunological responses especially during lactation (Paape et al. 2002; Atabai et al. 2007), this review will concentrate on the trophic roles of these hematopoietic cells at each stage of development and during cancer development, with a focus on Murids and humans.  相似文献   

During metastasis, tumor cells may be copying a program that is executed by hematopoietic stem cells during development.That cancer is development gone awry is not a new concept. Most of the “hallmarks” ascribed to cancer—proliferation, invasion and induction of blood vessel growth—also occur during organogenesis and development. Therefore, tumors are not necessarily learning new tricks during their development, but how about when they metastasize? In colonizing a new organ, often with some degree of specificity, tumor cells may simply be copying a program that is executed during development by hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs)—the stem cells that ultimately generate all of the cells in our blood and maintain its homeostasis. One family of cells generated by HSCs—leukocytes—is the focus of the work by Coussens and Pollard (2012). These two scientists have woven together several studies that revolutionized the way we think of immune cells. As pointed out by the investigators (whose respective laboratories are responsible for much of the seminal work on this subject), immune cells also have a variety of trophic functions, and it is these functions that are used rationally during development, and recklessly during tumor growth.This leads us back to metastasis. There is so much to learn about why a tumor travels from one organ to another, how it does so, and the manner by which it adapts to and ultimately flourishes (or fails) in a foreign microenvironment. And as stated above, immune cell precursors, HSCs, do the same. In the mouse, HSCs have originated in one tissue (the dorsal aorta), traveled to another (the placenta) via the circulation, and matured somewhere else (the liver)—all before birth. Finally, HSCs make their way to the bone marrow, where they reside postnatally. Specialized niches in the bone marrow are thought to mediate HSC dormancy as a means to preserve the “stemness” of this population, and there are mechanisms in place that allow these cells to rapidly exit these environs and proliferate in response to injury. Therefore, it should not come as a surprise that a common site where micrometastases are found is the bone marrow for many cancers (including that of the breast).Uncovering whether the same niches that control HSC expansion in the bone marrow are also responsible for maintaining quiescence of tumor cell populations is an exciting prospect, as is deciphering the precise components of these niches. Such work could explain the seemingly incongruous observation that despite an absence of clinically detectable disease, circulating tumor cells are present in the blood of post-treatment cancer patients sometimes even decades later! Perhaps the niches that regulate prolonged dormancy of tumors are dynamic and inhibit tumor proliferation while allowing them to mobilize periodically, much like for HSCs. It also stands to reason that loss of the same controls that prevent HSC expansion until systemic damage occurs could awaken dormant tumors.Shiozawa et al. (2011) have demonstrated that prostate cancer cells do in fact compete with HSCs for niches within the bone marrow, and that tumor cells are mobilized from HSC niches by similar mechanisms as for HSCs. Whether this is the case for other cancers and whether these similarities can be exploited therapeutically remain to be seen.So what more is there to be learned about immune cells? By furthering our understanding of how solid cancers mimic and hijack components of our immune system, we may not “cure” cancer, but we very well may uncover a means to suppress some cancers into a state of permanent dormancy.  相似文献   

The human mammary gland is composed of 15-20 lobes that secrete milk into a branching duct system opening at the nipple. Those lobes are themselves composed of a number of terminal duct lobular units made of secretory alveoli and converging ducts1. In mice, a similar architecture is observed at pregnancy in which ducts and alveoli are interspersed within the connective tissue stroma. The mouse mammary gland epithelium is a tree like system of ducts composed of two layers of cells, an inner layer of luminal cells surrounded by an outer layer of myoepithelial cells denoted by the confines of a basement membrane2. At birth, only a rudimental ductal tree is present, composed of a primary duct and 15-20 branches. Branch elongation and amplification start at the beginning of puberty, around 4 weeks old, under the influence of hormones3,4,5. At 10 weeks, most of the stroma is invaded by a complex system of ducts that will undergo cycles of branching and regression in each estrous cycle until pregnancy2. At the onset of pregnancy, a second phase of development begins, with the proliferation and differentiation of the epithelium to form grape-shaped milk secretory structures called alveoli6,7. Following parturition and throughout lactation, milk is produced by luminal secretory cells and stored within the lumen of alveoli. Oxytocin release, stimulated by a neural reflex induced by suckling of pups, induces synchronized contractions of the myoepithelial cells around the alveoli and along the ducts, allowing milk to be transported through the ducts to the nipple where it becomes available to the pups 8. Mammary gland development, differentiation and function are tightly orchestrated and require, not only interactions between the stroma and the epithelium, but also between myoepithelial and luminal cells within the epithelium9,10,11. Thereby, mutations in many genes implicated in these interactions may impair either ductal elongation during puberty or alveoli formation during early pregnancy, differentiation during late pregnancy and secretory activation leading to lactation12,13. In this article, we describe how to dissect mouse mammary glands and assess their development using whole mounts. We also demonstrate how to evaluate myoepithelial contractions and milk ejection using an ex-vivo oxytocin-based functional assay. The effect of a gene mutation on mammary gland development and function can thus be determined in situ by performing these two techniques in mutant and wild-type control mice. Download video file.(54M, mov)  相似文献   

The mammary gland is composed of a diverse array of cell types that form intricate interaction networks essential for its normal development and physiologic function. Abnormalities in these interactions play an important role throughout different stages of tumorigenesis. Branching ducts and alveoli are lined by an inner layer of secretory luminal epithelial cells that produce milk during lactation and are surrounded by contractile myoepithelial cells and basement membrane. The surrounding stroma comprised of extracellular matrix and various cell types including fibroblasts, endothelial cells, and infiltrating leukocytes not only provides a scaffold for the organ, but also regulates mammary epithelial cell function via paracrine, physical, and hormonal interactions. With rare exceptions breast tumors initiate in the epithelial compartment and in their initial phases are confined to the ducts but this barrier brakes down with invasive progression because of a combination of signals emitted by tumor epithelial and various stromal cells. In this article, we overview the importance of cellular interactions and microenvironmental signals in mammary gland development and cancer.The mammary gland is composed of a combination of multiple cell types that together form complex interaction networks required for the proper development and functioning of the organ. The branching milk ducts are formed by an outer myoepithelial cell layer producing the basement membrane (BM) and an inner luminal epithelial cell layer producing milk during lactation. The ducts are surrounded by the microenvironment composed of extracellular matrix (ECM) and various stromal cell types (e.g., endothelial cells, fibroblasts, myofibroblasts, and leukocytes). Large amount of data suggest that cell-cell and cell-microenvironment interactions modify the proliferation, survival, polarity, differentiation, and invasive capacity of mammary epithelial cells. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying these effects are poorly understood. The purification and comprehensive characterization of each cell type comprising normal and neoplastic human breast tissue combined with hypothesis testing in cell culture and animal models are likely to improve our understanding of the role these cells play in the normal functioning of the mammary gland and in breast tumorigenesis. In this article, we overview cellular and microenvironmental interactions that play important roles in the normal functioning of the mammary gland and their abnormalities in breast cancer.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the specific microenvironmental cues involved at the earliest stages of breast cancer development is currently limited.Breast cancer can be viewed as a disease of defective development, wherein the processes that guide growth and morphogenesis of the mammary gland are inappropriately activated during tumor proliferation and invasion. Research over the last couple of decades, reviewed by Polyak and Kalluri (2011), has defined some of the key microenvironmental signals that underlie both tissue development and disease progression. Meticulous investigation of animal models has revealed how processes controlling mammary gland development during puberty, pregnancy, lactation, and involution become activated in cancer. For example, some of the same stromally produced matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) that facilitate outgrowth and branching morphogenesis as the glandular epithelium grows into the fat pad during puberty are also involved in the penetration of the basement membrane by the developing cancer (Wiseman and Werb 2002). In parallel, development of physiologically relevant 3D culture systems has enabled identification of specific biochemical and biophysical signals, required for maintenance of normal tissue structure, that become dysregulated as tumors grow. For example, recent studies have found that increasing the stiffness and collagen composition of the extracellular matrix can cause normal mammary epithelial structures to acquire invasive characteristics (Egeblad et al. 2010).Although models for studying the impact of the microenvironment on mammary tissue behavior have become increasingly sophisticated, a significant impediment in elucidating the most important changes in breast cancer development is a limited understanding of the specific microenvironmental cues involved at the earliest stages of disease development. The most commonly hypothesized model of breast cancer development posits an evolution through incremental steps of accumulating cellular abnormalities from normal epithelium through proliferative disease without atypia (PDWA), atypical hyperplasia, ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS), and then invasive breast cancer (Santen and Mansel 2005). This model is supported by epidemiologic studies that show a stepwise increase in relative risk (RR) of subsequent development of invasive breast cancer from PDWA (RR = 2) to atypical hyperplasia (RR = 4) to DCIS (RR = 10) (Arpino et al. 2005). What are the critical factors that influence whether a premalignant lesion will develop into invasive cancer? Although seminal work by Polyak and coworkers (Hu et al. 2005), as well as other researchers, has identified some of the specific characteristics associated with subsequent disease progression for patients with DCIS, such lesions have already accumulated a broad array of genetic and structural abnormalities. Investigations of yet earlier stages of disease may help us to identify which alterations are the key drivers of progression to malignancy. This information could lead to entirely novel approaches targeting these processes, toward the ultimate goal of prevention of breast cancer formation.  相似文献   


The recent demonstration in our laboratory of at least two specific estrogen binding sites in the rat uterus prompted us to investigate similar heterogeneity of binding sites in a trans-plantable ovarian dependent mouse mammary tumor (MXT-3590). Saturation analysis of cytoplasmic (protamine sulfate or hydroxylapatite exchange assay) or crude nuclear fractions (protamine sulfate precipitated nuclear exchange assay) revealed two binding components: type I which conforms to the classically described estrogen receptor and type II which has a lower affinity for estradiol but a greater capacity than type I sites. Exposure of cytosol to charcoal partially removes bound 3H-estradiol from type II sites but not from type I sites. Type II sites are specific for estrogens and do not translocate from the cytoplasmic to the nuclear compartment. Although Type II sites undergo dissociation on prelabeled sucrose density gradients, they are readily demonstrable by postlabeling sucrose density gradient fractions and hydroxylapatite adsorption. Since the presence of type II sites interferes with the measurement of the estrogen receptor (type I) which may also undergo dissociation on sucrose gradients, we recommended that the technique of postlabeling be used for the sucrose gradient analysis of type I and II sites. In addition, saturation assays should be performed over a wide range of 3H-es-tradiol concentrations (0.1–120 nM) for proper evaluation of both sites. These considerations may contribute to more accurate predictions about the response of breast cancers to endocrine therapies.  相似文献   

Elevated expression of AKT has been noted in a significant percentage of primary human breast cancers, mainly as a consequence of the PTEN/PI3K pathway deregulation. To investigate the mechanistic basis of the AKT gain of function-dependent mechanisms of breast tumorigenesis, we explored the phenotype induced by activated AKT transgenes in a quantitative manner. We generated several transgenic mice lines expressing different levels of constitutively active AKT in the mammary gland. We thoroughly analyzed the preneoplastic and neoplastic mammary lesions of these mice and correlated the process of tumorigenesis to AKT levels. Finally, we analyzed the impact that a possible senescent checkpoint might have in the tumor promotion inhibition observed, crossing these lines to mammary specific p53(R172H) mutant expression, and to p27 knock-out mice. We analyzed the benign, premalignant and malignant lesions extensively by pathology and at molecular level analysing the expression of proteins involved in the PI3K/AKT pathway and in cellular senescence. Our findings revealed an increased preneoplastic phenotype depending upon AKT signaling which was not altered by p27 or p53 loss. However, p53 inactivation by R172H point mutation combined with myrAKT transgenic expression significantly increased the percentage and size of mammary carcinoma observed, but was not sufficient to promote full penetrance of the tumorigenic phenotype. Molecular analysis suggest that tumors from double myrAKT;p53(R172H) mice result from acceleration of initiated p53(R172H) tumors and not from bypass of AKT-induced oncogenic senescence. Our work suggests that tumors are not the consequence of the bypass of senescence in MIN. We also show that AKT-induced oncogenic senescence is dependent of pRb but not of p53. Finally, our work also suggests that the cooperation observed between mutant p53 and activated AKT is due to AKT-induced acceleration of mutant p53-induced tumors. Finally, our work shows that levels of activated AKT are not essential in the induction of benign or premalignant tumors, or in the cooperation of AKT with other tumorigenic signal such as mutant p53, once AKT pathway is activated, the relative level of activity seems not to determine the phenotype.  相似文献   

前列腺癌鼠模型是研究前列腺癌的重要工具,目前常见以下4类:自发和诱发鼠模型,异种移植鼠模型,转基因鼠模型和基因敲除鼠模型。简要综述了前列腺癌鼠模型的研究进展。  相似文献   

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