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Otoliths of juvenile Girella elevata (M.) were examined to obtain information about the environmental conditions experienced during early life. Patterns of increment deposition and elemental ratios in otoliths were compared in wild fish. A tetracycline experiment indicated that increments were deposited daily in juveniles. Although different patterns in the spacing of increments were found among juveniles collected at different locations and times, the widest increments were always found in the first 40 increments. Strontium: calcium (Sr: Ca) ratios increased with age in the otoliths of most wild G. elevata .
The patterns of increment width and Sr: Ca ratios were not related and, therefore, were probably not under the same relative control by environmental or physiological factors. Although the number of increments can be used to age juvenile G. elevata , the utility of increment widths and Sr: Ca ratios as environmental predictors in this species is questionable without experimental validation.  相似文献   

Synopsis Elemental analyses, using wave-length dispersive electron microprobe techniques on otoliths from reared Atlantic herring larvae, Clupea harengus, showed trace quantities of strontium relative to that of calcium, and an inverse relationship between Sr/Ca concentration ratios and rearing temperature. These data are consistent with those for coral aragonite, in that there appears to be an inverse temperature effect on physiological incorporation of strontium in the otolith aragonite. Our determinations of Sr/Ca concentration ratios of lab-reared herring larvae showed that the deposition of strontium relative to calcium and the rearing temperature were related, where: T (° C) = −2.955 [Sr/Ca] × 1000 ± 19.172. This principle thus makes it possible to use Sr/Ca concentration ratios in fish otoliths to delineate past temperatures experienced by an individual. Further, combining electron microprobe analyses with scanning electron microscope (SEM) examinations of daily increments in the same otolith makes it possible to reconstruct the temperature history for an individual fish on a time scale of days. An example of the application of the technique to an approximately six-month-old field-caught herring larva is given, and the limitations of the technique are discussed.  相似文献   

Influence of seawater Sr content on coral Sr/Ca and Sr thermometry   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The Ca content of a Porites coral from Xisha, South China Sea is quite uniform along its 18-year growth axis. A comparison with previously published data shows that the Ca content of corals from different sites varies by only 0.4%. This is much smaller than the variation of Ca in seawater (2.2%), indicating that Ca variations in seawater do not significantly affect the Ca compositions of coral skeletons. The variation in skeletal Ca contents results in only ±0.6°C of uncertainty in SST calculations, which is much smaller than the large disparities observed for previously established coral Sr/Ca thermometers. In contrast, Sr in tropical seawater varies spatially by as much as 2.4%, corresponding to ~4°C offset for coral Sr/Ca calibrations. The effect of seawater Sr variations on coral Sr/Ca thermometers is evaluated and we demonstrate that the content of seawater Sr is the major factor responsible for disparities in these coral Sr/Ca thermometers. The disparities can be significantly reduced when seawater Sr contents are included in the Sr/Ca thermometers.  相似文献   

The microstructure, in particular checks within the otolith edge, of Anguilla japonica glass-eels and elvers and changes in otolith Sr/Ca ratios were examined to ascertain the environmental history of the eels, especially with regard to the time when glass-eels entered the river, and as a benchmark for count daily increments. The percentage of glass eels and elvers with checks and the mean number of checks within the otoliths of glass-eels caught at four localities, Tosa Bay off Tosa City, the mouth of the Gokase River, the mouth of the Saigo River and the dam of the Tsuri River were 0% (0), 15.0% (0.2), 51.6% (1.0) and 100.0% (4.2), respectively. The Sr/Ca ratios and Sr content peaked in the region where checks were formed and the values decreased rapidly towards the edge of the checks; on the other hand, these decreased gradually in the otolith when checks were not formed. These checks were estimated to be formed by stress when the glass-eels were affected by ambient fresh water within the river. The innermost check was called the freshwater mark in the present study and this mark may be useful as a benchmark in studying the growth history of the eel before and after entering freshwater.  相似文献   

A previous study of strontium/calcium (Sr/Ca) ratios in Paranthropus suggested that it consumed more animal foods than was previously believed. However, that study looked at Sr/Ca in fossil bone, which is known to be highly susceptible to diagenesis. Enamel, in contrast, is resistant to post-mortem alteration making it a more appropriate material for Sr/Ca analysis of Plio-Pleistocene fossils. Yet, we know virtually nothing about Sr/Ca in the enamel of modern African mammals, much less fossil taxa. To address this gap, we studied Sr/Ca in tooth enamel from modern mammals in the greater Kruger National Park, South Africa, as well as fossil fauna from the Sterkfontein Valley. Grazing herbivores have the highest Sr/Ca, followed by browsers and carnivores in both modern and fossil fauna. This similarity in ecological Sr/Ca patterning between modern and fossil fauna shows that diagenesis has not obscured the primary dietary signals. Australopithecus has significantly higher Sr/Ca than Paranthropus, and higher Sr/Ca than fossil papionins, browsers, and carnivores. Paranthropus has lower Sr/Ca than grazers, but its Sr/Ca is higher or equal to that of fossil papionins, browsers, and carnivores. Thus, Sr/Ca for both hominins is relatively high, and provides no direct evidence for omnivory in either taxon. The consumption of underground resources or insects are among the possible explanations for the highly elevated Sr/Ca in Australopithecus.  相似文献   

This work was aimed to investigate whether shoot Sr concentrations of plant species are related to respective Ca concentrations and to soil properties and to compare the Sr-Ca observed ratios (OR), defined as the quotient of the ratios Sr/Ca in shoots and in the soil solution or in the extractable form, among species and soils. Ten pasture plant species were grown in pots (1-L volume) filled with eight soils differing in the various physicochemical characteristics. Each pot received 50 mg Sr except those of the soil with the highest cation exchange capacity (C.E.C.) that received 100 mg Sr per pot. For each soil, shoot Sr concentrations of species were linearly and positively related with the respective Ca concentrations. C.E.C, organic matter content and Ca in the soil solution or in the extractable form were the only soil properties that were related, all negatively, with shoot Sr concentrations. The ratio of extractable Sr and Ca was positively and linearly related with the ratio of Sr and Ca. in the soil solution. OR was affected by both species and soils. Most of OR values of all species in all soils ranged between 0.8 and 1.5, except for the grass Agrostis capillaris which had the highest values for most of soils. This indicates that Agrostis capillaris compared to other species, takes up proportionally more Sr than Ca.  相似文献   

Although otolith Strontium (Sr)/calcium (Ca) ratios have been widely used to reconstruct the past salinity environmental history of anguillid eels, factors affecting the Sr/Ca ratios in otoliths are incompletely understood. Japanese Eel (Anguilla japonica) elvers (mean length 54.7 ± 2.1 mm) were collected in the estuary during their upstream migration and reared at 5 different salinities (0, 5, 15, 25, and 35 psu) and 3 types of feeding conditions (formulated feed, tubifex, and starvation) for 30 days to evaluate the effects of salinity and diets on otolith Sr/Ca ratios. Ca and Sr concentrations in the ambient water significantly increased with salinity (SAL) as [Ca] water = 15.50SAL − 5.56, and [Sr] water = 0.21SAL + 0.03, respectively. Sr/Ca ratios in otoliths increased with salinity (SAL) of the rearing water as [(Sr/Ca) × 1000] otolith = 0.091SAL + 3.790. In diets, Sr/Ca ratios were 4 times higher in tubifex than in formulated feed. However, in otoliths, ANOVA indicated that Sr/Ca ratios did not differ significantly between groups fed on tubifex or formulated feed (p = 0.118). Otolith Sr/Ca ratios were negatively correlated with fish growth rates while the growth rates differed significantly among rearing conditions with different salinities and diets. Partition coefficients of the Sr/Ca ratios from ambient water to fish tissues and otoliths significantly increased with salinity. The Sr/Ca ratios of Japanese Eel otoliths thus were positively correlated with the ambient salinity and decreased with increasing fish growth rate, but was not affected by fish diet.  相似文献   

The Japanese Common Squid, Todarodes pacificus Steenstrup, 1880, moves vertically in the water column in time with the natural day-night cycle and this exposes the animal to considerable temperature changes throughout the 24-h period. We considered that this behavior could result in daily fluctuations of the statolith strontium/calcium ratio (Sr/Ca ratio), if this ratio is thermally sensitive, as is found for coral skeletons. To investigate this hypothesis, Japanese Common Squid were reared under constant temperature (15 °C) for 64 days and their statolith Sr/Ca ratios, in the area that had been deposited while in captivity, measured by wavelength dispersive spectrometer. Small repetitive fluctuations were observed in the statolith Sr/Ca ratios of the captive squid (N=5, 2.7-day cycle) but similar fluctuations were also observed in the statoliths of Japanese Common Squid collected from the wild (N=5, 2.4-day cycle). These results imply that the daily vertical movements in the water column are not reflected in the statolith Sr/Ca ratios in the Japanese Common Squid. The observed small repetitive fluctuations are discussed in relation to the periodic feeding activity of the captive squid (1.9-day cycle).  相似文献   

Calcium/strontium and 87Sr/86Sr ratios in foliage can be used to determine the relative importance of different soil sources of Ca to vegetation, if the discrimination of Ca/Sr by the plant between nutrient sources and foliage is known. We compared these tracers in the foliage of sugar maple (Acer saccharum) to the exchange fraction and acid leaches of soil horizons at six study sites in the White Mountains of New Hampshire, USA. In a previous study, sugar maple was shown to discriminate for Ca compared to Sr in foliage formation by a factor of 1.14 ± 0.12. After accounting for the predicted 14% shift in Ca/Sr, foliar Ca/Sr and 87Sr/86Sr ratios closely match the values in the Oie horizon at each study site across a 3.6-fold variation in foliar Ca/Sr ratios. Newly weathered cations, for which the Ca/Sr and 87Sr/86Sr ratios are estimated from acid leaches of soils, can be ruled out as a major Ca source to current foliage. Within sites, the 87Sr/86Sr ratio of the soil exchange pool in the Oa horizon and in the 0–10 cm and 10–20 cm increments of the mineral soil are similar to the Oie horizon and sugar maple foliar values, suggesting a common source of Sr in all of the actively cycling pools, but providing no help in distinguishing among them as sources to foliage. The Ca/Sr ratio in the soil exchange pool, however, decreases significantly with depth, and based on this variation, the exchange pool below the forest floor can be excluded as a major Ca source to the current sugar maple foliage. This study confirms that internal recycling of Ca between litter, organic soil horizons and vegetation dominate annual uptake of Ca in northern hardwood ecosystems. Refinement of our understanding of Ca and Sr uptake and allocation in trees allows improvement in the use of Ca/Sr and 87Sr/86Sr ratios to trace Ca sources to plants.  相似文献   

Transgenerational mass marking of viviparous fish larvae in vivo was validated by intra‐muscular injection of elemental strontium chloride (SrCl2) in gestating females and detection of the Sr in the otoliths of developing larvae. All otoliths of brown rockfish Sebastes auriculatus larvae produced from SrCl2‐injected females showed enriched Sr:Ca ratios near the otolith edges, and the signatures did not appear to be affected by the anterior, centre and posterior positions of larvae within the ovary. Results from the present study indicate that transgenerational marking is a highly reliable technique for marking large numbers of extremely small viviparous fish larvae.  相似文献   

We studied magnesium:calcium (Mg/Ca) ratios in shells of the deep-sea ostracode genus Krithe from a short interval in the middle Pliocene between 3.29 and 2.97 Ma using deep-sea drilling sites in the North and South Atlantic in order to estimate bottom water temperatures (BWT) during a period of climatic warmth. Results from DSDP and ODP Sites 552A, 610A, 607, 658A, 659A, 661A and 704 for the period Ma reveal both depth and latitudinal gradients of mean Mg/Ca values. Shallower sites (552A, 610A and 607) have higher mean Mg/Ca ratios (10.3, 9.7, 10.1 mmol/mol) than deeper sites (661A, 6.3 mmol/mol), and high latitude North Atlantic sites (552A, 610A, 607) have higher Mg/Ca ratios than low latitude (658A: 9.8 mmol/mol, 659A: 7.7 mmol/mol, 661A: 6.3 mmol/mol) and Southern Ocean (704: 8.0 mmol/mol) sites. Converting Mg/Ca ratios into estimated temperatures using the calibration of Dwyer et al. (1995) [Dwyer, G.S., Cronin, T.M., Baker, P.A., Raymo, M.E., Buzas, J.S., Corrège, T., 1995. North Atlantic deepwater temperature change during late Pliocene and late Quaternary climatic cycles. Science 270, 1347–1351] suggests that mean middle Pliocene bottom water temperatures at the study sites in the deep Atlantic were about the same as modern temperatures. However, brief pulses of elevated BWT occurred several times between 3.29 and 2.97 Ma in both the North and South Atlantic Ocean suggesting short-term changes in deep ocean circulation.  相似文献   

Summary A study conducted in pots to evaluate the effect of different Mg/Ca ratios (2, 4, 8 and 16) and electrolyte concentrations (20 and 80 meq/l) at SAR 10 in irrigation water on the nutrient uptake and yield of wheat crop in two soils revealed that the average grain and dry matter yields of wheat decreased significantly with an increase in Mg/Ca ratio in irrigation water, but the magnitude of decrease was greater at higher electrolyte concentration than at lower electrolyte concentration. The concentration of Na in both straw and grain of wheat increased and that of K decreased with an increase in Mg/Ca ratio and electrolyte concentration of irrigation water, which led to higher Na/Ca and Na/K ratios in the plant. Further, the concentration of Ca and Mg both in straw as well as in grain increased with increasing electrolyte concentration of the irrigation water. An increasing proportion of Mg in saline irrigation water resulted in decreased concentration of Ca and increased concentration of Mg in both straw and grain of wheat crop. It was also noticed that the increasing proportion of Mg over Ca in the poor quality irrigation water increased the P content of both straw and grain of wheat crop.  相似文献   

Summary The K/Ca ratios of six dominant perennial herbs on two abandoned agricultural fields in souther Ontario, Canada, were determined for June and September. Differential uptake of potassium and calcium conformed to root cation exchange theory, suggesting at least one possible mechanism influencing interspecific variability in mineral element composition of successional plants. K/Ca ratios were generally lowest for the legume, highest for the three gramineous species, and intermediate for the two dicotyledonous forbs.  相似文献   

The effects of temperature and salinity on the concentration ratios of strontium (Sr) to calcium (Ca) within the sagittal otoliths of elvers of the Japanese eel, Anguilla japonica, were studied by spot analysis using a wavelength dispersive X-ray electron microprobe. A total of 340 elvers were used: 100 elvers were reared for 15 days under various salinity conditions (freshwater, one-third seawater, two-thirds seawater and pure seawater at 22 °C; 240 elvers were reared for 58 days under various water temperature conditions (12, 17, 22, 27 °C) in either freshwater or pure seawater. Otolith Sr/Ca ratios were found to be positively correlated with water salinity. On the other hand, the Sr/Ca ratios were not found to be significantly different among the various temperature groups. The above results strongly suggest that the physiological mechanism of incorporation of Sr and Ca within the otolith of an eurythermal fish, Japanese eel, does not change within this range of temperatures (12–27 °C).  相似文献   

Rapeseed (Brassica napus) is a crop relatively tolerant to salt and sodium. Our objective was to study the interactions between Na, K and Ca and their relationship with its yield under the isolated effects of soil salinity or sodicity.Two experiments were carried out using pots filled with the Ah horizon of a Typic Natraquoll. There were three salinity levels (2.3 dS m-1; 6.0 dS m-1 and 10.0 dS m-1) and three sodicity levels, expressed as sodium adsorption ratios (SAR: 12; 27 and 44). The soil was kept near field capacity.As soil salinity increased, the K/Na and Ca/Na ratios in the tissues decreased markedly but yields and aerial biomass production were not affected. As soil SAR value increased, the K/Na and Ca/Na ratios in plants and K-Na and Ca-Na selectivities decreased. Plants could not maintain their Ca concentration in soil with a high SAR. The grain yield and biomass production diminished significantly in the highest SAR treatment. Our results are consistent with those showing detrimental osmotic effects of salts in Brassica napus. Conversely, under sodicity, the K/Na and Ca/Na ratios in plant tissues decreased considerably, in accordance with grain and biomass production. These results show that the effects of sodicity are different from those of salinity.  相似文献   

The migratory histories of six Rhinogobius spp., the cross‐band type (R. sp. CB), the large‐dark type (R. sp. LD), the dark type (R. sp. DA), the cobalt type (R. sp. CO), the orange type (R. sp. OR) and R. flumineus, were studied by examining strontium (Sr) and calcium (Ca) concentrations in their otoliths using wavelength dispersive X‐ray spectrometry on an electron microprobe. The Sr:Ca ratios in the otoliths changed both with the ontogenetic development and with the salinity level of the habitat. Most fishes had high Sr:Ca ratios around the otolith core in spite of the fact that those fishes live most of their lives in a freshwater environment. The high ratios in the otoliths were thought to be a physiological effect in those fishes. Thereafter, the Sr:Ca ratios changed remarkably along the life‐history transect, showing intraspecies and interspecies variations. The otolith Sr:Ca ratios of Rhinogobius sp. CB, R. sp. LD and R. sp. CO collected from three rivers connected to the sea were low around the core, subsequently increased sharply to the points 180–345 μm from the core and then decreased again towards the edge. They were thought to reflect the typical amphidromous life history. The R. sp. CO, however, remain in a brackish‐water environment after migration from the sea, while the other species showed typical amphidromous lives with complete freshwater residence after migration from the sea. The five species (R. sp. CB, R. sp. LD, R. sp. CO, R. sp. DA and R. sp. OR) collected above dams had never migrated to the sea, spending their whole life in a freshwater environment, although Rhinogobius species, except for the fluvial type, were thought to have an amphidromous life history according to previous studies. These species are thought to have a landlocked life cycle. The otolith Sr:Ca ratios of R. flumineus showed consistently low ratios towards the edge except for only around the core, although they were collected from a river connected to the sea. These species could have a fluvial life history corresponding to a previous study. The present study clearly suggests that the migratory histories of Rhinogobius spp. are highly different both within and between species and that they have flexible migratory patterns allowing them to utilize the full range of salinity during their life history.  相似文献   

From examination of the ratios of strontium to calcium laid down as a lifetime record in the otoliths of sea trout Salmo trutta from Gotland, Baltic Sea, it was found that: (1) the shortest stream was used mostly by precociously emigrant or coastally hatched spawners; (2) longer streams had more fish that underwent normal smoltification; (3) sea-caught fish were predominantly coastally hatched (presumably near stream mouths). Furthermore, some otoliths showed no evidence of a freshwater history at all, raising the possibility of a contingent of the coastal population that does not depend on riverine spawning. The results emphasize the importance of the coastal zone as natal and early life habitat for sea trout in the Baltic, particularly with respect to a potential change to a warmer climate which may exacerbate conditions within small, ephemeral trout streams.  相似文献   

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