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We tested the effects of 1 alpha,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 (1,25-(OH)2D3), 2 beta-(3-hydroxypropoxy)-1 alpha,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 (ED-71) and dexamethasone on osteocalcin mRNA levels in rat tibiae in vivo. Northern blot analysis showed that both 1,25-(OH)2D3 and ED-71 caused an increase in osteocalcin mRNA levels in bone: 1,25-(OH)2D3 induced a transient increase in the mRNA levels followed by a decrease in the control level by 12 h post administration. In contrast, ED-71 caused a persistent increase in osteocalcin mRNA level for seven days post administration. Serum osteocalcin levels paralleled the osteocalcin mRNA level in bone in both groups. Dexamethasone caused a marked reduction in both osteocalcin mRNA and serum osteocalcin levels. Suppressive effect of dexamethasone on osteocalcin expression was persistent for seven days at higher dose. Our results represent the first demonstration of the effect of active vitamin D and corticosteroid on the expression of osteocalcin mRNA in bone in vivo.  相似文献   

The ability of embryonic chick bone to respond to 25 hydroxyvitamin D3 and 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D3 was assessed in organ culture. These metabolites were added to prelabeled chick embryo long-bone explants, and the amount of calcium-45 released into the medium after 24 or 48 h of hormone exposure was measured. For each time period a significant release of calcium-45 from hormone-treated bones was observed. The response to 25 hydroxyvitamin D3 and 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D3 was always greater at 48 h and a clear dose-dependency was established at this time as well. 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D3 was the more potent resorbing agent at all concentrations tested. The results from this study suggest that vitamin D metabolites may be involved in bone regulation in the chick embryo.  相似文献   

Summary In the present study we sought to determine the developmental potentialities and restrictions of adrenal medullary cells (pheochromoblasts) by investigating their morphological and biochemical response to nerve growth factor (NGF), anti-NGF antibodies and dexamethasone (DEX) after explantation into culture at different embryonic stages. With the exception of explants taken at embryonic day 15 (E 15) cultures of embryonic adrenal glands showed neurite outgrowth, which was not influenced by the addition of NGF, anti-NGF antibodies or DEX to the culture medium during the 4-day-culture period.Pheochromoblasts in E 17+4 explants showed spontaneous ultramorphological and biochemical maturation in terms of an increase in the number of catecholamine storage vesicles (CSVs) per m2 of cytoplasmic area, diameters of the cores of CSVs, percentages of electron-lucent cores of CSVs indicative of increased storage of adrenaline, overall catecholamine (CA) content and relative amount of adrenaline. NGF did not significantly affect this maturational process. Anti-NGF antibodies slightly decreased the proportion of adrenaline. The most pronounced maturation was seen in response to DEX and DEX plus NGF, although a maturational state equivalent to the E 21 stage was not achieved. E 21+4 explants showed neither spontaneous nor drug-induced biochemical maturation. Medullary cells in NGF-treated E 21 explants frequently retained the morphological features of pheochromoblasts. Treatment with anti-NGF antibodies significantly reduced the portion of adrenaline as compared to any other treatment. We conclude that under the culture conditions employed (1) a few pheochromoblasts spontaneously express a neuronal phenotype, (2) differentiation of pheochromoblasts towards chromaffin cells is enhanced by glucocorticoids but not by NGF, and (3) anti-NGF antibodies do not impair spontaneous neuritic growth and morphological maturation of pheochromoblasts, but cause a small reduction in the relative amount of adrenaline.  相似文献   

To assess the possibility that diets rich in eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) could have adverse effects on the skeleton, we examined the resorptive response to its major project, PGE3, and the effects and metabolism of EPA itself in cultured fetal rat long bones and neonatal rat calvaria. PGE3 stimulated bone resorption with a potency similar to that of PGE2. However, EPA was a much less effective precursor for PGE3 than was arachidonic acid (AA) for PGE2. In bones cultured with complement sufficient rabbit serum, which stimulates endogenous PGE release, addition of EPA had little effect on bone resorption while AA produced a substantial increase. Bones labeled with [3H]-AA and incubated with transforming growth factor-alpha (TGF-alpha), which stimulates endogenous PGE production, produced substantial amounts of PGE2, while bones labeled with [3H]-EPA and treated similarly produced less than 1/10th as much labeled PGE3. Thus, EPA appears to be a less effective precursor for the production of bone resorbing prostanoids than AA in cultured rat bone. However, since PGE3 is a potent stimulator of bone resorption, the possibility that dietary EPA can effect the production of bone resorbing prostanoids in man requires further study.  相似文献   

Summary When fetal rat long bones are incubated in the presence of 10−8 M 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 [1,25(OH)2D3], steady-state parathyroid hormone-related peptide (PTHrP) mRNA levels are decreased. This decrease is temporary: it is observed as soon as after 3 h of exposure and reaches a nadir after 6 h. At that time, PTHrP mRNA levels are significantly lower in the experimental than in the control bones. However the inhibitory effect vanishes after 24 h, despite continuous exposure to 1,25(OH)2D3 for even 48 h. This is the first report showing that PTHrP mRNA expression can be regulated in rat fetal long bones in vitro by 1,25(OH)2D3.  相似文献   

Organ explants from the canine prostate with and without methylprednisolone pretreatment were cultivated for ten days in Trowell's T-8 medium or medium supplemented with testosterone and/or vitamin A. Upon termination of the experiments, explants were fixed and examined histologically. All glands from the most central section of each explant were graded according to epithelial type, and from these grades the proportion of acini with maintained columnar cells was calculated for each explant. Stromal cellular maintenance was also estimated. While a small proportion of explants from the vitamin-treated and methylprednisolone-pretreated groups showed epithelial maintenance, a combination of these treatments significantly increased such maintenance. Stromal maintenance was enhanced with methylprednisolone pretreatment but not by vitamin A. These results are in accord with the hypothesis that methylprednisolone acts to stabilize the lysosomal membrane, thus protecting tissue against the effects of ischemic shock. In protected explants vitamin A is able to maintain a columnar glandular epithelium. In a subsequent experiment a series of linoleic acid dosages was tested in the presence or absence of vitamin A. In neither case was this fatty acid of value in improving epithelial or stromal maintenance.  相似文献   

The effect of dexamethasone on the evolution pattern of brush border enzymes was examined in the rat jejunum cultured in vitro at different postnatal stages (4 to 21 days). Enzymic activities were analyzed in purified brush border membranes isolated from noncultured intestine and from explants cultured for 24 and 48 hr. The data obtained from this study indicated that dexamethasone exhibits two types of effects on the cultured intestinal tissue: (1) a nonspecific but protective effect against the drastic drop of all enzyme activities as well as against a loss of villus cells observed in control cultures, and (2) a direct and specific effect on precocious induction of sucrase and on stimulation of maltase activity. The SDS-polyacrylamide gel patterns of brush border membrane proteins showed that in the 6-day-old intestine, appearance of sucrase as well as stimulation of maltase activities elicited by dexamethasone were accompanied by a simultaneous appearance or enhancement of the corresponding protein bands. Furthermore, the radioactivity peaks on gels due to the incorporation of 14C-valine and of 14C-fucose indicated that dexamethasone induces the synthesis of new proteins or at least the glycosylation of preexisting proteins which may lead to the formation of active maltase and sucrase molecules.  相似文献   

To achieve biologic potency, vitamin D must undergo two successive hydroxylations, first, in the liver and then, in the kidney. Carbon tetrachloride is known to cause extensive damage to the liver, but its effect on vitamin D metabolism has not been studied thoroughly. The effect of carbon tetrachloride on renal hydroxylation of 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 has not been studied. To evaluate the acute effect of carbon tetrachloride on vitamin D metabolism in the liver, vitamin D depleted rats received a single intraperitoneal injection of carbon tetrachloride (2.0 mL/kg body weight). After 24 h, they were given 55, 550, or 5050 pmol [3H]vitamin D3 intravenously. Twenty-four hours after injection of [3H]vitamin D3, aliquots of serum and liver were analyzed for [3H]vitamin D3 and its metabolites by high performance liquid chromatography. Sera of carbon tetrachloride treated rats had higher [3H]vitamin D3 and [3H]25-hydroxyvitamin D and lower [3H]1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 concentrations than did control sera. Livers of carbon tetrachloride treated rats contained more [3H]vitamin D3, [3H]25-hydroxyvitamin D3, and more fat. Liver histology showed massive centrilobular necrosis in the treated rats. Thus, our experiment in rats given an acute dose of carbon tetrachloride provided no evidence of impairment of vitamin D metabolism by the liver, but offered a suggestion that 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 metabolism by the kidney might be impaired. To determine the acute effect of carbon tetrachloride on metabolism of vitamin D3 by the kidney, we studied hydroxylation of [3H]25-hydroxyvitamin D3 in isolated perfused kidney. Kidneys from the treated rats showed a 66% reduction in [3H]1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 production.  相似文献   

The effect of vitamin D on rat intestinal plasma membrane CA-pump mRNA   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The effects of vitamin D on steady-state levels of rat intestinal Ca-pump mRNA were examined in RNA extracted from isolated cell fractions of the crypt-to-villus gradient of differentiation. Northern blots revealed three different size mRNAs. Vitamin D deficient animals showed a decrease in these Ca-pump mRNAs, which increased markedly after 1,25-(OH)2D3 repletion, particularly for the villus cell. The data suggest that one of the effects of 1,25-(OH)2D3 may be to modulate enterocyte Ca-pump mRNA and that this effect is partly dependent on the stage of cell differentiation.  相似文献   

The interactions between alcohol and cytochrome P-450 enzymes have been well investigated. However, the data regarding the effect of alcohol on the regulation of UDP-glucuronosyltranferase (UGT) activity are less clear. The aim of the present study was to determine the role of alcohol in the regulation of UGT mRNA expression by using whole animal and primary cultured hepatocytes. Chronic ethanol feeding of rats significantly increased the expression of liver UGT1A1 mRNA to 177% of control. The mRNA levels for UGT1A5, UGT2B1 and UGT2B3 were also enhanced, but did not reach statistical significance. In cultured hepatocytes, treatment with either ethanol or isopentanol significantly increased the expression of UGT1A1, UGT1A5, UGT2B1, and UGT2B3 mRNAs, but to different degrees. The induction of UGT1A1 and UGT2B1 mRNAs by ethanol or isopentanol was time-dependent and maximal changes occurred at 48 h. The expression of UGT1A6 mRNA was not significantly modified by either ethanol or isopentanol. In conclusion, ethanol and isopentanol have direct roles in the regulation of UGT.  相似文献   

Summary Mature acini with attached segments of intercalated ducts were dissociated from the submandibular glands of rats and grown in primary culture on gels of reconstituted rat tail collagen. Screening evaluations indicated that the following new conditions promoted a substantial improvement in the survival of the cells as compared with our previously reported results: a) adding dexamethasone, epidermal growth factor, and retinoic acid to the medium, b) decreasing the fetal bovine serum in the medium to 1%; and c) adjusting the oxygen in the gas phase to 50%. A detailed evaluation, including light and electron microscopy and biochemical analysis, then provided the following observations. The acinar-ductal complexes enlarged throughout the 22-d culture period, and after 4d sheets comprised of a one- to two-cell thick layer of acinar cells spread among the complexes. Synthesis of mucin, and its secretion in response to norepinephrine or cAMP, dropped precipitously to very low levels after 2 d. However, synthesis of DNA, general proteins, and glycoproteins dropped only transiently after 2 d, rising to levels approaching those of freshly dissociated complexes by 22 d. These data indicate that a shift occurred from the synthesis of large quantities of secretory proteins and glycoproteins, especially mucins, during the first 2d in culture, to other materials thereafter. Overall, the new culture conditions resulted in substantial growth and survival of acinar cells through 22 d in primary culture, but the important acinar characteristic of the synthesis and secretion of mucins was essentially lost after 4 d. This investigation was supported by grant DK 33835 from the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, and the Medical Research Service of the Veterans Administration, Washington, DC.  相似文献   

Astrocytes are the primary site of glutamate conversion to glutamine in the brain. We examined the effects of treatment with either dibutyryl cyclic AMP and/or the synthetic glucocorticoid dexamethasone on glutamine synthetase enzyme activity and steady-state mRNA levels in cultured neonatal rat astrocytes. Treatment of cultures with dibutyryl cyclic AMP alone (0.25 mM–1.0 mM) increased glutamine synthetase activity and steady state mRNA levels in a dose-dependent manner. Similarly, treatment with dexamethasone alone (10–7–10–5 M) increased glutamine synthetase mRNA levels and enzyme activity. When astrocytes were treated with both effectors, additive increases in glutamine synthetase activity and mRNA were obtained. However, the additive effects were observed only when the effect of dibutyryl cyclic AMP alone was not maximal. These findings suggest that the actions of these effectors are mediated at the level of mRNA accumulation. The induction of glutamine synthetase mRNA by dibutyryl cyclic AMP was dependent on protein synthesis while the dexamethasone effect was not. Glucocorticoids and cyclic AMP are known to exert their effects on gene expression by different molecular mechanisms. Possible crosstalk between these effector pathways may occur in regulation of astrocyte glutamine synthetase expression.Abbreviations used GS glutamine synthetase - dbcAMP dibutyryl cyclic AMP - MEM minimal essential medium - cyx cycloheximide - GRE glucocorticoid response element - CRE cyclic AMP response element  相似文献   

Vitamin A deficiency is one of the most common dietary deficiencies in the developing world and is a major health concern where it is associated with increased risk of fetal and infant mortality and morbidity. Early studies in the rat demonstrated that, in addition to respiratory problems, neonates showed evidence of mobility problems in response to moderate vitamin A deficiency. This study investigated whether moderate deficiency of this vitamin plays a role in regulating key skeletal muscle regulatory pathways during development. Thirty female rats were fed vitamin A-moderate (VAM) or vitamin A-sufficient diets from weaning and throughout pregnancy. Fetal and neonatal hindlimb and muscle samples were collected on days 13.5, 15.5, 17.5, and 19.5 of pregnancy and 1 day following birth. Mothers fed the VAM diet had reduced retinol concentrations at all time points studied (P < 0.01), and neonates had reduced relative lung weights (P < 0.01). Fetal weight and survival did not differ between groups but neonatal survival was lower in the VAM group where neonates had increased relative heart weights (P < 0.05). Analysis of myogenic regulatory factor expression and calcineurin signaling in fetuses and neonates demonstrated decreased protein levels of myf5 [50% at 17.5 dg (P < 0.05)], myogenin [70% at birth (P < 0.001)], and myosin heavy chain fast [50% at birth (P < 0.05)] in response to moderate vitamin A deficiency. Overall, these changes suggest that vitamin A status during pregnancy may have important implications for fetal muscle development and subsequent muscle function in the offspring.  相似文献   

The time course of in vivo metabolism of 24,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 in rats has been examined. Several tissues were surveyed in an effort to discover new metabolites of 24,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 and to estimate the concentrations of previously identified metabolites. Rapidly growing male rats were dosed with 24,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 orally until plasma concentrations of 24,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 were at steady state. 24,25-Dihydroxyvitamin [3-3H]D3 was then administered. At 10 min and 1, 6, 15, 24, 96, and 192 h after dosing, the animals were killed, and plasma, liver, intestine, and bones were analyzed with a newly developed gradient straight-phase high performance liquid chromatography system. The high performance liquid chromatography system is capable of base-line resolution of most of the major vitamin D metabolites. 24,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3 clearance from plasma, liver, and kidney but not intestine followed a two-compartment model. 24,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3 disappeared from plasma with a half-life of 0.55 h (fast phase) and 73.8 h (slow phase). Only two lipid-soluble metabolites of 24,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 were detected: 24-oxo-25-hydroxyvitamin D3 and 1,24,25-trihydroxyvitamin D3. These compounds circulate at very low concentrations in the plasma (50 pg/ml of plasma).  相似文献   

A study was conducted to explore the relationship between the effects of vitamin A upon cartilage and the biological role of vitamin A in maintaining growth and life. Retinol, retinoic acid, alpha-retinoic acid, and ROB-7699 (a cyclopentyl analog of retinoic acid) were highly effective in promoting the lysis of the extracellular matrix of cartilage grown in organ culture in vitro. Retinoic acid and its two analogs were quantitatively more active than was retinol in bringing about lysis of matrix and release of proteoglycan into the culture medium. A bioassay was then conducted to determine the ability of each compound to promote growth of vitamin A-deficient rats. In contrast to their effects upon cartilage, retinoic acid and its two analogs were considerably less active quantitatively than retinol in promoting growth of vitamin A-deficient rats. Moreover, the three acids tested showed graded biological activity in the growth bioassay, with alpha-retinoic acid showing reduced bioactivity (approx. one-fourth that of retinoic acid) and ROB-7699 being virtually inactive. The lysis of cartilage produced by these compounds was presumably caused by release of lysosomal enzymes as a result of the membrane-labilizing effects of the compounds. Thus, these membrane effects of the vitamin A-related compounds are poorly correlated with their biological growth-promoting activity. The alpha-ionone analogs of retinol and retinoic acid were able to maintain good health and growth of vitamin A-deficient rats, although their quantitative activity was low. Rats fed alpha-retinyl acetate showed high liver stores of alpha-retinyl esters and low levels of serum retinol-binding protein (similar to the levels seen in retinoic acid-fed rats). The biological activity of the alpha-ionone analogs was apparently not due to contamination with or conversion to the normal beta-ionone compounds.  相似文献   

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