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Summary The redox interconversion of Escherichia coli glutathione reductase has been studied both in situ, with permeabilized cells treated with different reductants, and in vivo, with intact cells incubated with compounds known to alter their intracellular redox state.The enzyme from toulene-permeabilized cells was inactivated in situ by NADPH, NADH, dithionite, dithiothreitol, or GSH. The enzyme remained, however, fully active upon incubation with the oxidized forms of such compounds. The inactivation was time-, temperature-, and concentration-dependent; a 50% inactivation was promoted by just 2 M NADPH, while 700 M NADH was required for a similar effect. The enzyme from permeabilized cells was completely protected against redox inactivation by GSSG, and to a lesser extent by dithiothreitol, GSH, and NAD(P)+. The inactive enzyme was efficiently reactivated in situ by physiological GSSG concentrations. A significant reactivation was promoted also by GSH, although at concentrations two orders of magnitude below its physiological concentrations. The glutathione reductase from intact E. coli cells was inactivated in vivo by incubation with DL-malate, DL-isocitrate, or higher L-lactate concentrations. The enzyme was protected against redox inactivation and fully reactivated by diamide in a concentration-dependent fashion. Diamide reactivation was not dependent on the synthesis of new protein, thus suggesting that the effect was really a true reactivation and not due to de novo synthesis of active enzyme. The glutathione reductase activity increased significantly after incubation of intact cells with tert-butyl or cumene hydroperoxides, suggesting that the enzyme was partially inactive within such cells. In conclusion, the above results show that both in situ and in vivo the glutathione reductase of Escherichia coli is subjected to a redox interconversion mechanism probably controlled by the intracellular NADPH and GSSG concentrations.  相似文献   

Summary Redox inactivation of glutathione reductase involves metal cations, since chelators protected against NADPH-inactivation, 3 µM EDTA or 10 µM DETAPAC yielding full protection. Ag+, Zn2+ and Cd2+ potentiated the redox inactivation promoted by NADPH alone, while Cr3+, Fe2+, Fe3+, Cu+, and Cu2+ protected the enzyme. The Zn2+ and Cd2+ effect was time-dependent, unlike conventional inhibition. Glutathione reductase interconversion did not require dioxygen, excluding participation of active oxygen species produced by NADPH and metal cations. One Zn2+ ion was required per enzyme subunit to yield full NADPH-inactivation, the enzyme being reactivated by EDTA. Redox inactivation of glutathione reductase could arise from the blocking of the dithiol formed at the active site of the reduced enzyme by metal cations, like Zn2+ or Cd2+.The glutathione reductase activity of yeast cell-free extracts was rapidly inactivated by low NADPH or moderate NADH concentrations; NADP+ also promoted rapid inactivation in fresh extracts, probably after reduction to NADPH. Full inactivation was obtained in cell-free extracts incubated with glucose-6-phosphate or 6-phosphogluconate; the inactivating efficiency of several oxidizable substrates was directly proportional to the specific activities of the corresponding dehydrogenases, confirming that redox inactivation derives from NADPH formed in vitro.Abbreviations DETAPAC diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid - 2,5-ADP-Sepharose-N6-(6-aminohexyl) adenosine 2,5-bisphosphateSepharose  相似文献   

The pathway leading to the formation of ethylene as a secondary metabolite from methionine by Escherichia coli strain B SPAO has been investigated. Methionine was converted to 2-oxo-4-methylthiobutyric acid (KMBA) by a soluble transaminase enzyme. 2-Hydroxy-4-methylthiobutyric acid (HMBA) was also a product, but is probably not an intermediate in the ethylene-forming pathway. KMBA was converted to ethylene, methanethiol and probably carbon dioxide by a soluble enzyme system requiring the presence of NAD(P)H, Fe3+ chelated to EDTA, and oxygen. In the absence of added NAD(P)H, ethylene formation by cell-free extracts from KMBA was stimulated by glucose. The transaminase enzyme may allow the amino group to be salvaged from methionine as a source of nitrogen for growth. As in the plant system, ethylene produced by E. coli was derived from the C-3 and C-4 atoms of methionine, but the pathway of formation was different. It seems possible that ethylene production by bacteria might generally occur via the route seen in E. coli.Abbreviations EDTA ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid - HMBA 2-hydroxy-4-methylthiobutyric acid (methionine hydroxy analogue) - HSS high speed supernatant - KMBA 2-oxo-4-methylthiobutyric acid - PCS phase combining system  相似文献   

Trypanothione reductase (TR) is an NADPH-dependent flavoprotein oxidoreductase central to thiol metabolism in all the trypanosomatids including Leishmania. The unique presence of this enzyme in trypanosomatids and absence in mammalian host make this enzyme an attractive target for the development of the antileishmanials. Complete open reading frame encoding trypanothione reductase from Leishmania donovani (Dd8 strain, causative agent of Indian visceral leishmaniasis) was cloned, sequenced, and expressed in Escherichia coli strain BL21 (DE3) as glutathione S-transferase fusion protein. The conditions were developed for overexpression of fusion protein in soluble form and purification of the recombinant protein to homogeneity. The recombinant LdTR was 54.68 kDa in size, dimeric in nature, and reduces oxidized trypanothione to reduced form. The kinetic parameters for trypanothione disulfide are K(m), 50 microM; k(cat), 18,181 min(-1); and k(cat)/K(m), 6.06x10(6) M(-1) s(-1). The yield of recombinant LdTR was approximately 16 mg/L bacterial culture and accounted for 6% of the total soluble proteins. The expressed protein was inhibited by known TR inhibitors as well as by SbIII, the known antileishmanial compound. This is the first report of large-scale production of any leishmanial TR in E. coli.  相似文献   

Two enzymes, one NADPH-dependent and another NADH-dependent which catalyze the reduction of methylglyoxal to acetol have been isolated and substantially purified from crude extracts of Escherichia coli K12 cells. Substrate specificity and formation of acetol as the reaction product by both the enzymes, reversibility of NADH-dependent enzyme with alcohols as substrates and inhibitor study with NADPH-dependent enzyme indicate that NADPH-dependent and NADH-dependent enzymes are identical with an aldehyde reductase (EC and alcohol dehydrogenase (EC respectively. The Km for methylglyoxal have been determined to be 0.77 mM for NADPH-dependent and 3.8 mM for NADH-dependent enzyme. Stoichiometrically equimolar amount of acetol is formed from methylglyoxal by both NADPH- and NADH-dependent enzymes. In phosphate buffer, both the enzymes are active in the pH range of 5.8–6.6 with no sharp pH optimum. Molecular weight of both the enzymes were found to be 100,000 ± 3,000 by gel filtration on a Sephacryl S-200 column. Both NADPH- and NADH-dependent enzymes are sensitive to sulfhydryl group reagents.  相似文献   

Yang Q  Li M  Xu J  Bao Y  Lei X  An L 《Biotechnology letters》2003,25(2):101-104
Gloshedobin, a thrombin-like enzyme from the venom of Gloydius shedaoensis, was expressed in Escherichia coli using expression vector pET-32a(+). The gene was expressed under T7 promotor with a fusion partner of Thx.Tag and a 6xHis.Tag at its 5 terminal. After induction by IPTG for 6 h, the recombinant enzyme was expressed in the cytoplasm. Expression at 25°C gave twice the amount of recombinant gloshedobin in cytoplasm than at 37°C.  相似文献   

Summary The nucleotide sequence of the gene cysH from Escherichia coli K12 was determined. The open reading frame was 735 nucleotides in length; it was flanked by a repetitive palindromic sequence centred 36 nucleotides upstream of cysH and a terminator-like structure located 20 nucleotides downstream. CysH encoded a colypeptide of Mr 27927 consisting of 244 amino acids. The gene product was isolated as a homodimer exhibiting phospo-adenylylsulphate reductase (PAPS reductase) activity. The active enzyme was devoid of electron transferring cofactors and contained only one cysteine per subunit. Reduction of the enzyme by dithiols resulted in a shift of the apparent molecular weight from 44000 to 62000 without formation of an enzyme-thioredoxin complex.

Previous work based on double immunodiffusion assays had shown that there are common antigenic determinants for nitrate reductase from Escherichia coli and component I of nitrogenase from Azotobacter vinelandii. Further work reported herein using a variety of immunoelectrophoretic techniques indicates that the cross-reaction between nitrate reductase and antiserum to component I of nitrogenase results from a contaminant antigen co-purified with nitrate reductase.  相似文献   

Preparation of a nitrate reductase lysate of Escherichia coli MC1061 to measure nitrate and nitrite in biologic fluids is described. To obtain the crude bacterial lysate containing nitrate reductase activity, E. coli MC1061 was subjected to 16-20 freeze-thawing cycles, from -70 to 60 degrees C, until nitrite reductase activity was < or = 25%. Nitrate reductase activity was detected mainly in the crude preparation. To validate the nitrate reduction procedure, standard nitrate solutions (1.6-100 microM) were incubated with the nitrate reductase preparation for 3 h at 37 degrees C, and nitrite was estimated by the Griess reaction in a microassay. Nitrate solutions were reduced to nitrite in a range of 60-70%. Importantly, no cofactors were necessary to perform nitrate reduction. The biological samples were first reduced with the nitrate reductase preparation. After centrifugation, samples were deproteinized with either methanol/ether or zinc sulfate and nitrite was quantified. The utility of the nitrate reductase preparation was assessed by nitrate+nitrite determination in serum of animals infected with the protozoan Entamoeba histolytica or the bacteria E. coli and in the supernatant of cultured lipopolysaccharide-stimulated RAW 264.7 mouse macrophages. Our results indicate that the nitrate reductase-containing lysate provides a convenient tool for the reduction of nitrate to determine nitrate+nitrite in biological fluids by spectrophotometric methods.  相似文献   

The intracellular concentrations of total glutathione, GSSG and protein · S-SG, the total excreted glutathione concentration, and the susceptibility towards GSH-reacting compounds were assayed in strains of Escherichia coli deficient in biosynthesis and/or reduction of glutathione. A deficiency in glutathione reductase displaced the glutathione status towards the oxidized forms. This displacement was more clearly appreciated in strains additionally deficient in glutathione biosynthesis. A deficiency in catalase activity also produced an increase in the oxidation of glutathione. The most severe changes were observed in the concentrations of protein-glutathione mixed disulfides and in the amount of glutathione excreted to the medium. Increased sensitivities towards compounds known to interact with cellular GSH were observed in glutathione reductase deficient strains, although these effects were enhanced in strains additionally deficient in GSH biosynthesis  相似文献   

U Ermler  G E Schulz 《Proteins》1991,9(3):174-179
The structure of glutathione reductase from Escherichia coli has been solved at 3 A resolution using multiple isomorphous replacement, solvent flattening, and molecular replacement on the basis of the homologous (53% identical residues) and structurally well-established human enzyme. The structures of both enzyme species agree with each other in a global way; there is no domain rearrangement. In detail, clear structural differences can be observed. The structure analysis of the E. coli enzyme was tackled in order to understand site-directed mutants, the most spectacular of which changed the cofactor specificity of this enzyme from NADP to NAD (Scrutton et al., 1990, Nature 343:38-43).  相似文献   

Smirnova  G. V.  Torkhova  O. A.  Oktyabr'skii  O. N. 《Microbiology》2003,72(5):542-547
The study of glutathione status in aerobically grown Escherichia coli cultures showed that the total intracellular glutathione (GSHin + GSSGin) level falls by 63% in response to a rapid downshift in the extracellular pH from 6.5 to 5.5. The incubation of E. coli cells in the presence of 50 mM acetate or 10 g/ml gramicidin S decreased the total intracellular glutathione level by 50 and 25%, respectively. The fall in the total intracellular glutathione level was accompanied by a significant decrease in the (GSHin : GSSGin) ratio. The most profound effect on the extracellular glutathione level was exerted by gramicidin S, which augmented the total glutathione level by 1.8 times and the (GSHout : GSSGout) ratio by 2.1 times. The gramicidin S treatment and acetate stress inhibited the growth of mutant E. coli cells defective in glutathione synthesis 5 and 2 times more severely than the growth of the parent cells. The pH downshift and the exposure of E. coli cells to gramicidin S and 50 mM acetate enhanced the expression of the sodA gene coding for superoxide dismutase SodA.  相似文献   

Summary A Co2+-dependent dipeptidase from E. coli strain AJ005, a peptidase-deficient mutant, was purified with streptomycin sulfate, ammonium sulfate and DEAE-cellulose. The purified dipeptidase increased by about 106-fold in specific activity, with dilysine as a substrate. The dipeptidase cleaved dilysine to two lysines among the lysine homopolymers, the possibility remaining that it is active toward peptides other than dilysine, since it was investigated in the present study only for activity toward lysine homopolymers. Activity was inhibited 54% by 10–3 M KCN and completely by 10–3 M PCMB, EDTA and benzethonium chloride, but not at all by soybean trypsin inhibitors. 78% and 95% of its activity was lost with 30 minutes' treatment at 45°C and 50°C, respectively. The apparent Km value was 6.7 × 10–4 M for dilysine. It is probable that the dipeptidase differs from dipeptidase DP.Abbreviations EDTA Ethylenediaminetetraacetate - PCMB pchloromercuribenzoate  相似文献   

We have subjected peas (Pisum sativum L.) to four different oxidative stresses: cold conditions (4 °C) in conjunction with light, treatment with paraquat, fumigation with ozone, and illumination of etiolated seedlings (greening). In crude extracts of leaves from stressed plants, an increase (up to twofold) in activity of glutathione reductase (GR) was observed which was consistent with previous reports from several laboratories. In all cases, except for ozone fumigation, the increase in activity was not due to an elevation in the steady-state levels of GR protein. None of the applied stresses had any effect on steady-state levels of GR mRNA. In contrast to the small increase in GR activity, the K m of GR for glutathione disulphide showed a marked decrease when determined for extracts of stressed leaves, compared with that from unstressed plants. This indicates that GR from stressed plants has an increased affinity for glutathione disulphide. The profile of GR activity bands fractionated on non-denaturing acrylamide gels varied for extracts from differently stressed leaves and when compared with GR from unstressed plants. The changes in GR-band profiles and the alteration in the kinetic properties are best explained as changes in the isoform population of pea GR in response to stress.Abbreviations GR glutathione reductase - GSSG glutathione disulphide - Rubisco Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase-oxygenase - RNase A/T1 ribonucleases A and T1 We are grateful to Prof. Alan Wellburn and Dr. Phil Beckett (Division of Biological Sciences, University of Lancaster, UK) for providing ozone-fumigated material and Dr. Jeremy Harbinson for providing material grown at 4° C. This work was supported by a grant-in-aid to the John Innes Institute from the Agricultural and Food Research Council. E.A.E. and C.E. gratefully acknowledge the support of a John Innes Foundation studentship and a European Molecular Biology Organisation Fellowship respectively.  相似文献   

Cadmium is a widespread pollutant that has been associated with oxidative stress, but the mechanism behind this effect in prokaryotes is still unclear. In this work, we exposed two glutathione deficient mutants (ΔgshA and ΔgshB) and one respiration deficient mutant (ΔubiE) to a sublethal concentration of cadmium. The glutathione mutants show a similar increase in reactive oxygen species as the wild type. Experiments performed using the ΔubiE strain showed that this mutant is more resistant to cadmium ions and that Cd-induced reactive oxygen species levels were not altered. In the light of these facts, we conclude that the interference of cadmium with the respiratory chain is the cause of the oxidative stress induced by this metal and that, contrary to previously proposed models, the reactive oxygen species increase is not due to glutathione depletion, although this peptide is crucial for cadmium detoxification.  相似文献   

The redox properties of periplasmic protein disulfide isomerase (DsbA) from Escherichia coli were analyzed by measuring the equilibrium constant of the oxidation of reduced DsbA by oxidized glutathione. The experiments are based on the finding that the intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence of DsbA increases about threefold upon reduction of the enzyme, which can be explained by the catalytic disulfide bridge quenching the fluorescence of a neighboring tryptophan residue. From the specific fluorescence of DsbA equilibrated in the presence of different ratios of reduced and oxidized glutathione at pH 7, an equilibrium constant of 1.2 x 10(-4) M was determined, corresponding to a standard redox potential (E'0) of DsbA of -0.089 V. Thus, DsbA is a significantly stronger oxidant than cytoplasmic thioredoxins and its redox properties are similar to those of eukaryotic protein disulfide isomerase. The equilibrium constants for the DsbA/glutathione equilibrium were found to be strongly dependent on pH and varied from 2.5 x 10(-3) M to 3.9 x 10(-5) M between pH 4 and 8.5. The redox state-dependent fluorescence properties of DsbA should allow detailed physicochemical studies of the enzyme as well as the quantitative determination of the oxidized protein by fluorescence titration with dithiothreitol and open the possibility to observe bacterial protein disulfide isomerase "at work" during catalysis of oxidative protein folding.  相似文献   

Yang Q  Xu J  Li M  Lei X  An L 《Biotechnology letters》2003,25(8):607-610
The mature gene of gloshedobin, a snake venom thrombin-like enzyme from the snake, Gloydius shedaoensis, was cloned and expressed in strain E. coli BL21(DE3). Having been induced by IPTG, the recombinant gloshedobin was in both soluble and insoluble forms. To avoid inclusion body formation, expression was optimized at 25 °C. Furthermore, a 50% increase in solubilization of the target protein was obtained by adding 0.1 mM Mg2+ to the medium. The purified recombinant gloshedobin gave a 44 kDa band on SDS-PAGE gel.  相似文献   

A recombinant Escherichia coli strain (E. coli NO3) containing genomic DNA fragments from azo-reducing wild-type Pseudomonas luteola strain decolorized a reactive azo dye (C.I. Reactive Red 22) at approx. 17 mg dye h–1 g cell. The ability to decolorize the azo dye probably did not originate from the plasmid DNA. Acclimation in azo-dye-containing media gave a nearly 10% increase in the decolorization rate of E. coli NO3. Growth with 1.25 g glucose l–1 completely stopped the decolorization activity. When the decolorization metabolites from E. coli NO3 were analyzed by HPLC and MS, the results suggested that decolorization of the azo dye may be due to cleavage of the azo bond.  相似文献   

For anaerobic glucose-limited chemostat cultures of Escherichia coli a value of 8.5 was found for Y ATP max . For anaerobic glucose- or ammoniumlimited chemostat cultures of the ATPase-negative mutant M2-6 of E. coli Y ATP max values of 17.6 and 20.0 were found, respectively. From these data it can be concluded that in the wild type during anaerobic growth 51–58% of the total ATP production is used for energetization of the membrane. Using the Y ATP values obtained in the anaerobic experiments a P/O ratio of 1.46 could be calculated for aerobic experiments with the wild type. It is concluded that from the energy obtained by respiration in wild type E. coli about 60% is used for membrane energetization and only about 40% for the actual formation of ATP. No dramatic difference in the maintenance requirement for ATP or glucose has been observed between glucose- and ammonium-limited chemostat cultures of the mutant. The large difference in maintenance requirement observed for such cultures of the wild type is therefore supposed to be made possible by ATP hydrolysis by the ATPase.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of the dimeric flavoenzyme glutathione reductase from Escherichia coli was determined and refined to an R-factor of 16.8% at 1.86 A resolution. The molecular 2-fold axis of the dimer is local but very close to a possible crystallographic 2-fold axis; the slight asymmetry could be rationalized from the packing contacts. The 2 crystallographically independent subunits of the dimer are virtually identical, yielding no structural clue on possible cooperativity. The structure was compared with the well-known structure of the homologous enzyme from human erythrocytes with 52% sequence identity. Significant differences were found at the dimer interface, where the human enzyme has a disulfide bridge, whereas the E. coli enzyme has an antiparallel beta-sheet connecting the subunits. The differences at the glutathione binding site and in particular a deformation caused by a Leu-Ile exchange indicate why the E. coli enzyme accepts trypanothione much better than the human enzyme. The reported structure provides a frame for explaining numerous published engineering results in detail and for guiding further ones.  相似文献   

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