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广西,贵州和川东二叠纪礁相岩石和礁后相岩层内获得了红藻Solenoporella,Gymnocodium,Permocalcu-lus;绿藻Anthracoporella,Mizzia以及显微疑难藻类化石Pseudovermiporella,Tubiphytes等,除了广西隆林有中二叠世茅口期藻类化石外,其它均属于晚二叠世乐平世的分子,这些藻类植物一般生活于热带和亚热带,正常盐度的浅海水内,其水深不大于30m,川东,鄂西晚二叠世礁属于浅水海绵礁,而非深水礁。  相似文献   

通过综合岩相和生物群落特征对贵州罗甸干田坳晚二叠世生物礁进行分析,将研究区划分出三期造礁旋回。对造礁海绵在三个造礁阶段,以及礁前砾屑岩的成分面积进行统计,计算出各阶段的造礁成分组成状况,还原当时的造礁群落。共鉴定出纤维海绵纲3科4属,房室海绵纲9科10属和硬海绵纲2科2属。数据表明自始至终纤维海绵纲的小领针海绵属都为造礁群落里的优势生物,其中S1阶段房室海绵纲的多囊腔海绵属种、叠瓦腔海绵属种和泡腔海绵属种为造礁主体;S2阶段小领针海绵和一纤维海绵未知属种为造礁主体,S3阶段房室海绵的多囊腔海绵占造礁主导地位。统计表明造礁海绵群团的分异度由S1至S3期降低明显。同时着重对本礁点主体的S2阶段骨架礁岩各个部分的结构特征进行细致分析,尤其是RFC的形成历史进行探讨,碳氧同位素测试得到的数据表明S2阶段古水温经历了高达16℃左右的波动,而RFC形成时的古水温为37.86℃,它是一种高温海水的反映;最后通过与南盘江盆地同期的紫云礁和茅口期的广西隆林礁进行对比,揭示它们的成礁模式和演化的异同。  相似文献   

川西北地区绵竹汉旺青岩沟、观音崖以及安县雎水剖面三叠纪卡尼期马鞍塘组硅质海绵礁群生长于碳酸盐岩缓坡带,可划分为礁基、礁核、礁翼、礁间沉积等亚相,据内碎屑含量、化石埋葬学特征以及灰泥等基质比例厘定岩相和群落特征。礁灰岩主要为海绵格架岩和钙质微生物凝块岩,附礁生物类型包括有孔虫类、双壳类、棘皮类、介形类、腕足类、粗枝藻类、钙质海绵等。马鞍塘组海绵礁终结之后上覆黑色页岩沉积。晚三叠世卡尼期气候骤变在全球生物圈引发广泛的效应,海平面升降速率相对海绵礁的生长速率较大,加之构造活动频繁,大火山岩省集中爆发以及超级季风盛行,从而导致了硅质海绵礁灭绝。  相似文献   

华南早-中二叠世(蜓)类分异度变化过程的对比研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
根据复合标准剖面的数据,对华南早-中二叠世鲢类动物群属种分异度的变化过程进行了研究,分析了早、中二叠世动物群属种首现及末现速率的差异。研究结果表明,鲢类动物群属级分异度经历了两次快速上升,一次明显下降,在早、中二叠世出现两个相对独立的高峰,但总体上表现出持续上升趋势,并在中二叠世中期达到最大。早二叠世期间属级分异度的短暂下降主要与鲢类动物本身的演化趋势有关,是动物群属级分类单元更替的结果。物种分异度在二叠纪初急剧增长,至早二叠世Sakmarian期已达到整个早-中二叠世的顶峰。早二叠世的动物群更替事件对物种分异度具有显著影响,并导致物种分异度随后总体呈下降趋势,中二叠世开始物种数虽有所上升,但始终未能恢复到早二叠世鼎盛时期的水平。早二叠世是筵类动物稳定发展时期,动物群中属种首现的总数及速率明显大于中二叠世,属种更替也更为频繁。中二叠世中期开始,筵类动物群属种分异度同时呈现急剧下降的趋势,但是,早、中二叠世华南鲢类动物群中属种末现速率却并无明显差异,表明造成晚期古生代稳定生态系统崩溃的环境变化对筵类动物的成种速率有较大的影响,持续的低成种速率是导致中二叠世筵类动物属种分异度下降的内在因素。  相似文献   

20世纪中国古生代放射虫研究取得三方面成绩:1.研究地域涉及全国大部分省区。除东北三省、河北、山西、山东、海南、台湾外,古生代放射虫巳在我国19个省区发现。时代从晚寒武世至晚二叠世长兴期;2.研究领域逐步扩大,确立了三种不同的放射虫岩相类型,洋盆相区以广西钦州板城最为典型,从晚泥盆世弗拉斯期-晚二叠世长兴早期共建立18个化石带;岛孤相区以云南西部昌宁-孟连地体作代表,从中泥盆世吉维持期-晚二叠世长兴期发育12个化石带;台盆相区以苏皖地区中二叠世孤峰组放射虫研究得较好,建立3个化石带,这些放射虫化石带,与洋盆相区,岛弧相区同时代的带基本上相似和相同;3.中国4条主要蛇绿岩带都发现了放射虫硅质岩和放射虫动物群。这对蛇绿岩带的形成时代和板块碰撞时间和确定提供了有力的证据。最后,文中还提出了新世纪里我国古生代放射虫研究的方向。  相似文献   

华南板块古生代生物礁及其古地理控制因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
华南板块在古生代处于中、低纬度,碳酸盐岩类型多样并形成不同时空背景下的多种生物礁建造,生物礁发展序列基本吻合于全球古生代生物礁的宏演化趋势,寒武纪生物群和古生代动物群演化过程中重要造礁生物门类的起源、辐射、灭绝与复苏事件是塑造礁群落基本生态结构的历史因素。寒武纪早期的古杯-藻礁和继之的微生物礁生长区域相当局限;早—中奥陶世的苔藓虫礁、藻礁以及瓶筐石-硬海绵礁群落分异明显;晚奥陶世珊瑚-层孔虫礁以及藻丘建造见于浙赣局限台地及台缘带,而扬子区志留纪兰多维列世生物礁的生长频繁受陆源碎屑岩覆盖;中泥盆世的珊瑚-层孔虫-藻礁群落结构相对稳定,晚泥盆世法门期—密西西比亚纪的微生物礁、苔藓虫-珊瑚礁、宾夕法尼亚亚纪—早二叠世的苔藓虫-海绵-藻礁、中—晚二叠世的珊瑚-苔藓虫-海绵-藻礁可诠释为与生物灭绝事件相关的幕式群落演替。区域构造活动导致的岩相分异和海平面变化显著制约生物礁的时空分布。中—晚奥陶世的偏深水环境、志留纪兰多维列世—早泥盆世早期扬子区整体抬升的古地理格局造成适宜于生物礁生长海域的缩减;泥盆纪较长的温室期促进了生物礁发展,而宾夕法尼亚亚纪—早二叠世偏凉的海洋水体对生物礁的规模影响力度明显。从华南板块古生界整体的视角看,海相碳酸盐岩具有量值优势,海水在时间尺度和空间展布上多维持较高的清澈度,陆源碎屑岩沉积在特定的时间段可视为生物礁生长的主控因素;海平面变化因其幅度有限可在单剖面或区域上控制生物礁群落的纵横迁移,碳酸盐岩沉积区多见基底沉降与沉积补偿速率基本均衡,具备不同规模的浅海相沉积空间,因此水深变化并非起到决定性作用。特定时段碳酸盐岩台地海水的盐度异常可造成大规模白云岩沉积可排除生物礁发育。  相似文献   

晚二叠世长兴期至三叠纪末,地球经历了一系列重大全球性事件,全球的地质和古地理环境以及生物群都发生了巨大的改变。对于海洋底栖的腕足动物来说,影响尤为巨大,发生了明显的属种更替。本文通过全球1 421个化石点采集到的9 934条分属2 458种、482属、105科、12目的腕足动物化石数据,建立这一时期的腕足动物全球数据库,在此基础上分析腕足类多样性从长兴期到三叠纪各期的演变规律。从腕足动物分异度变化来看,晚二叠世长兴期到三叠纪末经历了一个灭绝期、残存期、萧条期、复苏-辐射期和灭绝期的过程。腕足动物的属种构成也发生了巨大变化,晚二叠世主要以长身贝目、直形贝目、石燕贝目、小嘴贝目、正形贝目和无窗贝目为主,此外还包括穿孔贝目、准石燕贝目、舌形贝目等属种多样性较低的类型。受二叠纪末大灭绝事件影响,长身贝目、直形贝目和正形贝目灭绝,在中—晚三叠世大量繁盛的主要是小嘴贝目、准石燕贝目和穿孔贝目分子。  相似文献   

钙质海锦之古生态   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
古生代生物礁中钙质海绵(纤维海绵、房室海绵、硬海绵)的生态位在中三叠世以后被生态竞争能力更强的六射珊瑚所占据。在古生代和中三叠世的钙质海绵礁上,0-10m深度内钙质海绵很发育。由于与钙藻共生,典型的造礁钙质海绵生活在透光带以内,并且在其上部更丰富。钙质海绵礁也会生长到破浪带内并受风浪的破坏而形成倒骨岩和骨屑岩。对古生代的钙质海绵礁而言,倒骨岩和骨屑岩形成于0-3m水深范围内,亮晶骨架岩形成于3-1  相似文献   

黔西南兴义地区及邻区中三叠世安尼期台地边缘生物礁发育在上扬子台地西南缘,为大型堡礁。造礁生物主要为暗管管壳石Tubiphytes obscurus,鹿角状管壳石Tubiphytes alcicornis,以及脑型丛状管壳石Plexoramea cerebriformis,占造礁生物总量的90%以上。苔藓虫类Reptonoditrypa cautica,珊瑚类Pinacophyllum spizzensis,奥顿菌Ortonella sp.以及普拉塔拉丁管Ladinella porata等为次要造礁生物。此外,礁灰岩中还见棘皮动物、腹足动物、腕足动物和有孔虫等附礁生物。该生物礁为晚二叠世绝灭事件之后在中三叠世开始重新建立的台地边缘礁复合体。本次研究为中三叠世造礁生物种类的恢复提供了新材料,同时也填补了上扬子台地西南缘安尼期生物礁研究的空白。  相似文献   

滇东石林地区早-中二叠世Globivalvulina有孔虫动物群   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对云南石林地区早中二叠世地层剖面中的Globivalvulina(球瓣虫属)化石系统研究结果表明,栖霞组含16种,茅口组含有13种,两组中物种相似度可达92%。种级分异度变化显示,栖霞组的种以增加趋势为主,茅口组则以减少为趋势。总体上这一时期Globivalvulina动物群物种上升高峰仅有一次,出现在栖霞组中上部;而下降高潮有两次,第一次出现于栖霞组上部与茅口组底部界线附近,第二次是茅口组顶部。后一次下降幅度远大于前者,可能与中二叠世末期有孔虫动物群演化事件有关。  相似文献   

Y. Ezaki 《Palaeontology》2000,43(2):199-217
Scleractinian corals are the most important constituents of modern coralgal reefs. For many years, it was thought that they first appeared in the Middle Triassic and subsequently underwent explosive radiation. However, abundant scleractinian-like corals with ancestral morphological traits have recently been recovered from Middle Permian sponge reefs in China, which not only confirms a role in Permian reef ecology but also suggests a possible Palaeozoic origin for the group. Two species of a new Permian scleractiniamorph genus from China are described herein as Houchangocyathus wangi gen. et sp. nov. and Houchangocyathus yaoi gen. et sp. nov. Putative Palaeozoic Scleractinia may have evolved over a substantial time interval and diverged into stem lineages by the end of the Permian. These forms evolved within both the rigid framework of their basic body plan and the morphological constraints characteristic of each lineage. The Middle Permian development of calcisponge reefs was closely related to habitat expansion, which would have provided an ideal dwelling for scleractinian-like corals and enhanced their chances of fossilization. Such scleractiniamorphs disappeared at the end-Permian extinction, but may have survived as progenitors of Triassic Scleractinia.  相似文献   

所讨论的“板状水螅”是一类分类位置尚有争议的化石,为华蓥山地区上二叠统生物礁的主要造礁生物之一。这里描述了3属3种.其中包括2新属和3新种.它们是Pseudopalaeoaplysinahuayingensis,Phragmorphaasiatica和Cnidoporatuberculosa。  相似文献   

Summary After the end-Permian crisis and a global ‘reef gap’ in the early Triassic, reefs appeared again during the early Middle Triassic. Records of Anisian reefs are rare in the Tethys as well as in non-Tethyan regions. Most Anisian reefs are known from the western part of the Tethys but there are only very few studies focused on biota, facies types and the paleogeographical situation of these reefs. From the eastern part of the Tethys, Anisian reefs, reefal buildups or potential reef-building organisms have been reported from different regions of southern China. Most of the Anisian reefs known from western and central Europe as well as from southern China seem to be of middle and late Pelsonian age. The study area is situated in the northern Dolomites (South Tyrol, Italy) southeast of Bruneck (Brunico). It comprises the area between Olang (Valdaora) and Prags (Braies). The study is based on detailed investigations of the regional geology, stratigraphy and lithofacies (R. Zühlke, T. Bechst?dt) as well as on a comprehensive inventory of Anisian reef organisms (B. Senowbari-Daryan, E. Flügel). These data are used in the discussion of the controls on the recovery of reefs during the early Middle Triassic. Most late Anisian reef carbonates studied are represented by allochthonous talus reef blocks of cubicmeter size. Small biostromal autochthonous mounds are extremely rare (Piz da Peres). The reef mounds as well as most of the reef blocks occur within the middle to late Pelsonian Recoaro Formation. They were formed on the middle reaches of carbonate ramps in subtidal depths, slightly above the storm wave base with only moderate water energy. Most lithotypes observed in the reef blocks correspond to sponge and/or algal bafflestones. Low-growing sessile organisms (Olangocoelia (sponge, alga?), sphinctozoan sponges, bryozoans, soleno-poracean algae, corals) and encrusting epibionts (sponges, porostromate algae, cyanophycean crusts, foraminifera, worms, microproblematica) created low cm-sized biogenic structures (bioconstructions) which baffled and bound sediment. Organic framework was only of minor importance; it is restricted to theOlangocoelia lithotype. Framework porosity was small in these reef mounds. Submarine carbonate cements, therefore, are only of minor importance s compared with Permian or Ladinian reefs. The relatively high number of lithotypes encountered in the reef blocks indicates a high biofacies diversity. Regarding the relative frequency, the diverse biota consist in descending order ofOlangocoelia, sponges (sphinctozoans, inozoans, siliceous sponges), bryozoans, porostromate algae and worm tubes. The sphinctozoans are characterized by small, mostly incrusting forms. The numerical diversity (species richness) is low compared with late Permian or Ladinian and late Triassic sphinctozoan faunas occurring within reefs. Following the sponges, monospecific bryozoans (Reptonoditrypa cautica Sch?fer & Fois) are the most common organisms in the reef limestones. Porostromate algae were restricted to areas within the bioconstructions not inhabited by sponges. The low-diverse corals had no importance in the construction of an organic framework. Surprisingly, microbial crusts are rare or even lacking in the investigated Anisian bioconstructions. This is in contrast to late Permian and Ladinian as well as Carnian reefs which are characterized by the abundance of specific organic crusts. The same comes true for‘Tubiphytes’ which is a common constituent in Permian, Ladinian and Carnian reef carbonates but is very rare in the Anisian of the Olang Dolomites. Instead of‘Tubiphytes’ different kinds of worm tubes (spirorbid tubes, Mg-calcitic tubes and agglutinated tubes) were of importance as epifaunal elements. Macrobial encrustations consisting of characteristic successions of sponges, bryozoans, algae, worm tubes and microproblematica seem to be of greater quantitative importance than in Ladinian reefs. Destruction of organic skeletons (predominantly of bryozoans) by macroborers (cirripedia?) is a common feature. The Anisian reef organisms are distinctly different from late Permian and from most Ladinian reef-builders. No Permian Lazarus taxa have been found. New taxa: Sphinctozoan sponges—Celyphia? minima n.sp.,Thaumastocoelia dolomitica n. sp.,Deningeria tenuireticulata n. sp.,Deningeria crassireticulata n. sp.,Anisothalamia minima n.g. n.sp., Inozoan sponges-Meandrostia triassica n.sp. Microproblematica-Anisocellula fecunda n.g. n.sp., Porostromate alga-Brandneria dolomitica n.g. n.sp. Most of our data are in agreement with the model described byFois & Gaetani (1984) for the recovery of reef-building communities during the Ansian but the biotic diversity seems to be considerably higher than previously assumed. Anisian deposition and the formation of the reef mounds within the Pelsonian Recoaro Formation of the Dolomites were controlled by the combined effects of synsedimentary tectonics and eustatic changes in sea-level. During several time intervals, especially the early Anisian (northern and western Dolomites: tectonic uplift), the early Pelsonian (eastern Dolomites: drowning) and the late Illyrian (wide parts of the Dolomites: uplift and drowning), the sedimentation was predominantly controlled by regionally different tectonic subsidence rates. The amount of terrigenous clastic input associated with synsedimentary tectonics (tectonic uplift of hinterlands) had a major influence on carbonate deposition and reef development. The re-appearance of reef environments in the Olang Dolomites was controlled by a combination of regional and global factors (paleogeographic situation: development of carbonate ramps; decreasing subsidence of horst blocks; reduced terrigenous input; moderate rise in sea-level).  相似文献   

贵州下寒武统牛蹄塘生物群中海绵新材料   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
描述了贵州下寒武统牛蹄塘生物群中海绵化石1新属(Zunyispongiagen.nov.),2新种(Zunyispongiatriangulariagen.etsp.nov.,Choiafanensis.sp.nov.),通过对其形态功能的分析和讨论证实了寒武纪早期海绵动物的骨骼是由细小骨针向粗大骨针演变,骨架结构从不稳定型向稳定型发展。  相似文献   

The new genus and species Lutevanaphis permiana gen.n. et sp.n. , represents the oldest Aphidomorpha, new superfamily Lutevanaphidoidea superfam.n. and new family Lutevanaphididae. This taxon is described from the Middle Permian of the Lodève Basin, southern France. The presence of very small Aphidomorpha in the Middle Permian contradicts the hypothesis of the ‘Lilliput effect’ that is presumed to have affected the insect fauna during the Early to Middle Triassic, after the end‐Permian crisis. Very small insects were present well before the end of the Permian; their relative rarity is attributable probably to taphonomic biases.  相似文献   

The first Mesozoic representative of the extinct archostematan beetle family Permocupedidae, Frankencupes ultimus, gen. et sp. nov., is described based on two isolated elytra from the Lower Anisian (Middle Triassic) Röt Formation of Lower Franconia, Germany. The new fossil occurrence extends the range of the family from the Lower Wuchiapingian (Upper Permian) up to the Anisian, and represents a fine example of a Lazarus taxon in the fossil record of beetles.  相似文献   

Summary The roles of Permian colonial corals in forming organic reefs have not been adequately assessed, although they are common fossils in the Permian strata. It is now known that colonial corals were important contributors to reef framework during the middle and late Permian such as those in South China, northeast Japan, Oman and Thailand. A coral reef occurs in Kanjia-ping, Cili County, Hunan, South China. It is formed by erect and unscathed colonies ofWaagenophyllum growing on top of one anotherin situ to form a baffle and framework. Paleontological data of the Cili coral reef indicates a middle to late Changhsing age (Late Permian), corresponding to thePalaeofusulina zone. The coral reef exposure extends along the inner platform margin striking in E-S direction for nearly 4 km laterally and generally 35 to 57 m thick. The Cili coral reef exhibits a lateral differentiation into three main reef facies; reef core facies, fore-reef facies, and marginal slope facies. The major reef-core facies is well exposed in Shenxian-wan and Guanyin-an sections where it rests on the marginal slope facies. Colonial corals are dispersed and preserved in non-living position easward. Sponges become major stabilizing organisms in the eastern part of Changhsing limestone outcrop in Kanjia-ping, but no read sponge reefs were formed. Coral reefs at Cili County in Human are different distinctly from calcisponge reefs in South China in their palaeogeography, lithofacies development, organic constitutuents, palaeoecology and diagenesis. The Cili coral reef also shows differences in age, depositional facies association, reef organisms and diagenesis from coral reefs in South Kitakami of Japan, Khorat Plateau of Thailand, and Saih Hatat of Oman. Although some sponge reefs and mounds can reach up to the unconformable Permian/Triassic boundary, coral reef at Kanjia-ping, Cili County, is the latest Permian reef known. This reef appears to had been formed in a palaeoenvironment that is different from that of the sponge reefs and provides an example of new and unique Permian reef type in South China, and could help us to: 1) understand the significance of colonial corals in Permian carbonate buildups; 2) evaluate the importance of coral community evolution prior to the collapse of reef ecosystems at the Permian/Triassic boundary; 3) better understand the effects of the biotic extinction events in Palaeotethys realm; 4) look for environmental factors that may have controlled reefs through time and space, and 5) provide valuable data for the study of Permian palaeoclimate and global evolutionary changes of Permian reefs and reef community.  相似文献   

福建永安丰海二叠系上部及三叠系底部的双壳类动物群*   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王明倩 《古生物学报》1993,32(4):458-476
系统研究了闽西永安丰海地区二叠系上部及三叠系下部的双壳类动物群面貌、层位及组合,并与国内外相当的地层进行了对比,阐明了该双壳动物群在二叠-三叠系界线划分中的地层意义.描述了15属24种(其中5新种)、5未定种.  相似文献   

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