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The human epidermal growth factor receptor (hEGF-R) was introduced into murine P19 embryonal carcinoma (EC) cells, which do not express endogenous EGF-R. Undifferentiated stable P19 EC transfectants containing multiple copies of the hEGF-R complementary DNA were isolated. These cells express functional EGF-R, exhibiting characteristic biphasic EGF binding and intrinsic tyrosine protein kinase activity. Whereas normally EGF induces the expression of multiple nuclear protooncogenes, only junB expression is induced by EGF in the HER-transfected cells. This indicates that undifferentiated P19 EC cells contain at least part of a signal transduction machinery capable of coupling to the ectopically expressed hEGF-R. Interestingly, neuronal differentiation is induced in these cells in response to EGF under culture conditions resembling those during early preimplantation embryogenesis. These results indicate that neuronal differentiation of pluripotent P19 EC cells can be induced via activation of a tyrosine protein kinase signaling pathway.  相似文献   

Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), a receptor tyrosine kinase, is commonly altered in different tumor types, leading to abnormally regulated kinase activity and excessive activation of downstream signaling cascades, including cell proliferation, differentiation, and migration. To investigate the EGFR signaling events in real time and in living cells and animals, here we describe a multidomain chimeric reporter whose bioluminescence can be used as a surrogate for EGFR kinase activity. This luciferase-based reporter was developed in squamous cell carcinoma cells (UMSCC1) to generate a cancer therapy model for imaging EGFR. The reporter is designed to act as a phosphorylated substrate of EGFR and reconstitutes luciferase activity when it is not phosphorylated, thereby providing a robust indication of EGFR inhibition. We validated the reporter in vitro and demonstrated that its activity could be differentially modulated by EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibition with erlotonib or receptor activation with epidermal growth factor. Further experiments in vivo demonstrated quantitative and dynamic monitoring of EGFR tyrosine kinase activity in xenograft. Results obtained from these studies provide unique insight into pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of agents that modulate EGFR activity, revealing the usefulness of this reporter in evaluating drug availability and cell targeting in both living cells and mouse models.  相似文献   

Epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor protein kinase activity, estimated by the use of peptide substrates, was reduced by as much as 70% after the treatment of intact A431 human carcinoma cells with EGF. The apparent decrease in protein kinase activity was observed after immunoprecipitation of the receptor or after purification of the receptor by lectin chromatography. By the use of [35S]methionine, it was determined that the total amount of receptor obtained was the same whether or not cells were treated with EGF. EGF stimulated the purified receptor protein kinase activity in vitro; however, the EGF-stimulated activity of receptor from EGF-treated cells continued to be reduced by as much at 70% compared to the EGF-stimulated activity from untreated cells. The reduction in receptor protein kinase activity induced by EGF may represent a feedback mechanism by which responsiveness to the growth factor is regulated.  相似文献   

Embryonal carcinoma cells defective in their ability to adhere to tissue culture dishes were isolated from mutagenized P19X1 and P19S1801A1 cells. Three independently isolated variants were analyzed for their morphology, surface properties and ability to differentiate in vitro. Two of the mutant cell lines expressed similar amounts of stage-specific embryonic antigens TEC-1, TEC-4 and Thy-1 as parental cells, whereas all three showed significant reduction in the expression of uvomorulin as determined by a direct radioantibody binding assay. Variant cells exhibited a decrease in their ability to aggregate in media with or without CA2+ and were unable to form compact aggregates when cultured for two days in complete culture media. In the presence of retinoic acid variant cells formed aggregates which exhibited significantly lower frequency neuron formation after transfer to tissue culture dishes. The combined data indicate that the adhesion-defective phenotype of P19-derived cells is in part the result of a reduced surface expression of uvomorulin.  相似文献   

Two key enzymes of glycolysis, phosphofructokinase and pyruvate kinase, were studied in embryonal carcinoma cells (P19 EC cells) and three differentiated derivatives in relation to growth rate and differentiation state. The growth rates of P19 EC cells and its differentiated derivatives are positively correlated with both the specific activity of phosphofructokinase and the expression of the L-subunit of this enzyme. The specific activity of pyruvate kinase and its isozyme composition is not correlated with growth rate but seems to be correlated with the differentiation state of these cells. The decrease in specific activity of pyruvate kinase during differentiation of P19 EC cells induced by retinoic acid or dimethylsulfoxide preceded the shift from K- to M-type pyruvate kinase. In contrast to aggregates that were treated with dimethylsulfoxide, the specific activity of pyruvate kinase was reduced after aggregation in the presence of retinoic acid. Only after plating dimethylsulfoxide-treated aggregates again in the presence of dimethylsulfoxide, was a decrease in specific activity obtained. Both retinoic acid and dimethylsulfoxide are able to induce a K- to -M shift of pyruvate kinase.  相似文献   

Aim: We have reported the in vitro and in vivo anticancer activities of 6-(methylsulfinyl)hexyl isothiocyanate (6-MITC) derived from a Japanese spice, wasabi. In order to obtain some clues about the mechanism of the anticancer activity, we have studied the effect of alkyl isothiocyanates (MITCs) on protein kinase activities. Methods: The anti-autophosphorylation activity of MITCs with respect to the epidermal growth factor (EGF)-stimulated receptor kinase of A431 epidermoid carcinoma cells was examined by incorporation of radioactive ATP into an acid-insoluble fraction. Their anti-phosphorylation activity with respect to the non-receptor protein kinase was analyzed by a standard SDS-PAGE method. Results: All the tested MITCs interfered with the EGF-stimulated receptor kinase activity in a dose-dependent manner, although their effects were less than 1/10 of that of erbstatin in μg/ml. On the other hand, the MITCs did not interfere with non-receptor kinases (kinase A, kinase C, tyrosine kinase and calmodulin dependent kinase III), but enhanced non-receptor tyrosine kinase. Discussion: A possible anticancer mechanism of MITCs may involve the suppression of EGF receptor kinase activity and augmentation of non-receptor PTK.  相似文献   

Syk has been implicated in activated immunoreceptors to downstream signaling events in hematopoietic cells. Here we report that Syk is expressed in neuron-like cells and involved in neuron-like differentiation of embryonal carcinoma P19 cells. Immunoblot, RT-PCR, and Northern analysis indicated that Syk is expressed in mouse brain, PC12 and P19 cells. In addition, Syk was found to be tyrosine phosphorylated during neuron-like differentiation of P19 cells. Furthermore, adenovirus-mediated overexpression of Syk induced supernumerary neurite formation and extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) activation in P19 cells. These results suggest that Syk plays an important role in signaling steps leading to ERK activation in P19 cells.  相似文献   

The effect of self-phosphorylation on the protein-tyrosine kinase activity of the epidermal growth factor receptor has been investigated using immunoaffinity-purified protein. Enzyme was first incubated for various times with excess ATP to phosphorylate it to differing extents; the ability of the enzyme to phosphorylate exogenous peptide substrates was then measured as a function of its self-phosphorylation state. Increasing self-phosphorylation to 1.3-1.8 mol of phosphate mol-1 of epidermal growth factor receptor enhanced protein-tyrosine kinase activity 2-3-fold. Comparison of the kinetics of protein-tyrosine kinase activity at different ATP concentrations revealed significant differences between unphosphorylated and phosphorylated enzyme. At low levels of ATP, a double reciprocal plot of the protein-tyrosine kinase activity of the unphosphorylated enzyme was hyperbolic, suggesting that ATP may act as an activator of the enzyme. At higher ATP concentrations, where greater levels of self-phosphorylation occurred during the reaction, the kinetics appeared linear and similar to those of the phosphorylated enzyme. Dose-response studies using three different peptide substrates (angiotensin II, gastrin, and a synthetic peptide corresponding to the self-phosphorylation site in p60v-src) showed that exogenous substrates inhibit receptor self-phosphorylation. In each case, half-maximal inhibition was observed at a peptide concentration approximately equal to the substrate's Km. A kinetic analysis comparing peptide phosphorylation using unphosphorylated and prephosphorylated enzyme indicated that the self-phosphorylation site can act as a competitive inhibitor (alternate substrate) versus peptide substrates. These results suggest that self-phosphorylation of the epidermal growth factor receptor removes a competitive constraint so that exogenous substrates can be more readily phosphorylated.  相似文献   

Previous studies have established that embryonal carcinoma (EC) cells produce several different growth factors, but express few, if any, receptors for epidermal growth factor, platelet-derived growth factor, or transforming growth factor type-beta. In this study, the production and utilization of fibroblast growth factor (FGF) by EC cells and their differentiated cells were investigated. We have determined that EC cells produce a heat-labile, heparin-binding factor that competes with FGF for binding to membrane receptors and appears to be immunologically related to FGF. The same or a similar factor is produced by three different EC cell lines, including a multipotent human EC cell line. However, production of this factor is apparently reduced when each EC cell line differentiates. Unlike the parental EC cells, the differentiated cells respond to FGF by growth stimulation and the growth responses to FGF correlate with increased binding of FGF. Although the binding data indicate that both the EC cells and their differentiated cells exhibit high affinity receptors for FGF, the differentiated cells express these receptors at levels approximately 10-fold higher. These findings suggest that the FGF-related growth factor could influence the growth of EC cells or their differentiated cells.  相似文献   

Three site-directed mutants of human epidermal growth factor, Leu-26----Gly, Leu-47----Ala, and Ile-23----Thr, were examined for their ability to stimulate the protein-tyrosine kinase activity of the epidermal growth factor receptor. The receptor binding affinities of the mutant growth factors were 20- to 50-fold lower, as compared to wild-type growth factor. At saturating concentrations of growth factor, the velocities of the phosphorylation of exogenously added substrate and receptor autophosphorylation were significantly lower with the mutant analogs, suggesting a partial 'uncoupling' of signal transduction. The mutant analogs were shown to compete directly with the binding of wild-type, resulting in a decrease in growth factor-stimulated kinase activity.  相似文献   

The mechanism by which the protein kinase activity of the epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor is activated by binding of growth factor was investigated. Detergent-solubilized receptor in monomeric form was isolated by sucrose density gradient centrifugation and both its kinase and autophosphorylation activities monitored. In a low ionic strength medium and with MnCl2 as an activator, the activity of the monomeric receptor was EGF-independent. However, with 0.25 M ammonium sulfate present, the MnCl2-stimulated kinase activity was strikingly EGF-dependent. In contrast, the kinase activity expressed in the presence of MgCl2 showed growth factor control in the absence of added salt. Under the conditions of these experiments there was apparently little tendency for growth factor to induce aggregation of the receptor, indicating that the allosteric activation of the receptor kinase by EGF occurred via an intramolecular mechanism. Whereas detergent-solubilized receptor was the subject of these studies, the kinase activity of cell surface receptors might also be controlled by an intramolecular mechanism. These results indicate that an individual receptor molecule has the potential to function as a transmembrane signal transducer.  相似文献   

Embryonal carcinoma (EC) cells are the malignant stem cells of teratocarcinoma and have the capacity to proliferate in the absence of serum growth factors. As yet no receptor protein tyrosine kinases have been identified on undifferentiated EC cells and as a consequence tyrosine kinase signaling pathways could not be studied in these cells. We have used stably transfected P19 embryonal carcinoma cells expressing a well-characterized receptor protein tyrosine kinase, the human epidermal growth factor receptor (hEGF-R) to study protein tyrosine kinase signaling mechanisms in undifferentiated EC cells. Here we report that the ectopically expressed hEGF-R contains EGF-inducible autophosphorylation activity and is rapidly internalized and degraded upon ligand binding. In addition, the exogenous hEGF-R confers EGF-responsiveness to these cells in that inositol phosphate formation and cytoplasmic-free Ca2+ concentration are enhanced in response to EGF. Furthermore, the Na+/H+ exchanger is activated in response to EGF, leading to a sustained rise in intracellular pH. Our results show that undifferentiated P19 EC cells contain the necessary components of protein tyrosine kinase signal transduction machinery.  相似文献   

In order to characterize more fully the mechanism by which casein kinase II is regulated in mammalian cells, the effect of epidermal growth factor (EGF) on the activity of the kinase in human A-431 carcinoma cells was examined. Treatment of cells with EGF prior to lysis consistently resulted in a transient 4-fold increase in the activity of cytosolic casein kinase II. Activity rose sharply between 20 and 30 min, peaked at approximately 50 min, and returned to basal levels by approximately 120 min. Similar results were obtained using the casein kinase II specific peptide substrate, Arg-Arg-Arg-Glu-Glu-Glu-Thr-Glu-Glu-Glu, or DNA topoisomerase II (which is specifically modified by the kinase in vivo and serves as a high affinity substrate in vitro) as the phosphate acceptor in assays. Identification of casein kinase II as the stimulated activity was confirmed by partial proteolytic mapping and phosphoamino acid analysis of modified topoisomerase II, by inhibition at nanomolar levels of heparin or micromolar levels of nonradioactive GTP, and by the ability to employ radioactive GTP as a direct phosphate donor. The EGF stimulation of casein kinase II was dependent on the availability of intracellular (but not extracellular) calcium. In addition, hormonal action was modulated by calcium/phospholipid-dependent protein kinase (protein kinase C). Casein kinase II stimulation did not require an increase in the concentration of the kinase, protein synthesis, the continual presence of a small effector molecule, or a direct interaction with the EGF receptor/tyrosine kinase. In contrast, hormonal activation of the kinase was dependent on the phosphorylation of casein kinase II or a terminal stimulatory factor.  相似文献   

The Ca2+- and phospholipid-dependent protein kinase (C-kinase) binds tightly in the presence of Ca2+ to purified membranes of A431 human epidermoid carcinoma cells. The major membrane substrate for C-kinase is the epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor. Phosphorylation of the EGF receptor is Ca2+-dependent and occurs at threonine and serine residues. After tryptic digestion of the receptor, three major phosphothreonine-containing peptides were identified. These are identical with three new phosphopeptides present in the EGF receptor isolated from A431 cells treated with either of the tumor promoters 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate or teleocidin. C-kinase catalyzes phosphorylation at these same sites in purified EGF receptor protein. These results indicate that, in A431 cells exposed to tumor promoters, C-kinase catalyzes phosphorylation of a significant population of EGF receptor molecules. This phosphorylation of EGF receptors results in decreased self-phosphorylation of the EGF receptor at tyrosine residues both in vivo and in vitro and in decreased EGF-stimulated tyrosine kinase activity in vivo.  相似文献   

Botulinum neurotoxins (BoNTs) inhibit neurotransmitter release at peripheral nerve terminals. They are serologically classified from A to G, C/D and D/C mosaic neurotoxins forming further subtypes of serotypes C and D. Cultured primary neurons, as well as neuronal cell lines such as PC12 and Neuro-2a, are often utilized in cell-based experiments on the toxic action of botulinum toxins. However, there are very few reports of the use of neural cell lines for studying BoNTs/C and D. In addition, the differentiated P19 neuronal cell line, which possesses cholinergic properties, has yet to be tested for its susceptibility to BoNTs. Here, the responsiveness of differentiated P19 cells to BoNT/C and BoNT/DC is reported. Both BoNT/C and BoNT/DC were shown to effectively bind to, and be internalized by, neurons derived from P19 cells. Subsequently, the intracellular substrates for BoNT/C and BoNT/DC were cleaved by treatment of the cells with the toxins in a ganglioside-dependent manner. Moreover, P19 neurons exhibited high sensitivity to BoNT/C and BoNT/DC, to the same extent as cultured primary neurons. These findings suggest that differentiated P19 cells possess full sensitivity to BoNT/C and BoNT/DC, thus making them a novel susceptible cell line for research into BoNTs.  相似文献   

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