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Inverted repeat sequences, capable of forming stable intra-chain foldback duplexes, are shown using electron microscopy to be located in over 90% of fragments of nuclear DNA from Physarum polycephalum. A statistical treatment of the data indicates that, on average, foldback sequence foci are spaced every 7,000 nucleotides and that they are distributed uniformly amongst the DNA chains. The majority of inverted repeat sequences give rise to the simple types of foldback structure observed in DNA from other eukaryotic species, but a significant proportion of the DNA fragments also contain novel foldback structures with a more complex appearance, referred to as 'bubbled' hairpins. The latter structures appear to be formed by the annealing of several distinct segments of homologous inverted repeat sequence, each separated by interspersed non-foldback sequences of variable sizes up to 15,000 nucleotides in length. The size, both of the foldback duplexes and of the intervening single-chain segments of DNA, are not random. Instead, they appear to form a regular, arithmetic series of lengths. These observations suggest that the different segments of Physarum DNA from which foldback structures are derived contain nucleotide sequences that share a highly ordered and unform pattern of structural organisation. These regular units of organisation in Physarum DNA in some cases extend over distances up to 50,000 nucleotides in length.  相似文献   

The properties of inverted repeated sequences in wheat nuclear DNA have been studied by HAP(1) chromatography, nuclease S1 digestion and electron microscopy. Inverted repeated sequences comprise 1.7% of wheat genome. The HAP studies show that the amount of "foldback HAP bound DNA" depends on DNA length. Inverted repeats appear to be clustered with an average intercluster distance of 25 kb. It is estimated that there are approximately 3 x 10(6) inverted repeats per haploid wheat genome. The sequences around inverted repeats involve all families of repetition frequencies. Inverted repeats are observed as hairpins in electron microscopy. 20% of hairpins are terminated by a single-stranded spacer ranging from 0.3 to 1.5 kb in length. Duplex regions of the inverted repeats range from 0.1 to 0.45 kb with number average values of 0.24 kb and 0.18 kb for unlooped and looped hairpin respectively. Thermal denaturations and nuclease S1 digestions have revealed a length of about 100 bases for duplex regions. The methods used to study inverted repeated sequences are compared and discussed.  相似文献   

A cell-free system of nuclear extracts from BHK21 cells has been developed to catalyse recombination in vitro between the DNA of adenovirus type 12 (Ad12) and two different hamster preinsertion sequences. The pBR322 cloned 1768 bp fragment p7 and the 3.1 kbp fragment p16 from BHK21 hamster DNA had previously been identified as the preinsertion sites corresponding to the junctions between Ad12 DNA and hamster DNA in cell line CLAC1 and in the Ad12-induced tumour T1111(2), respectively. Preinsertion sequences, which had recombined previously with foreign (Ad12) DNA, might again be recognized by the recombination system even in a cell-free system. PstI cleaved Ad12 DNA and the circular or the EcoRI linearized p7 or p16 preinsertion sequences were incubated with nuclear extracts. Recombinants were isolated by transfecting the DNA into recA- Escherichia coli strains and by screening for Ad12 DNA-positive colonies. Without a selectable eukaryotic marker, all Ad12 DNA positive recombinants were registered. Out of a total of greater than 90 p7-Ad12 DNA recombinants, 21 were studied by restriction-hybridization, and four by partial nucleotide sequence analyses. Among the p16-Ad12 DNA recombinants, four were analysed. The sites of linkage between Ad12 DNA and p7 or p16 hamster DNA were all different and distinct from the original CLAC1 or T1111(2) junction site between Ad12 and hamster DNA. The in vitro recombinants were not generated by simple end-to-end joining of the DNA fragments used in the reaction but by genetic exchange. Thirteen of the 25 recombinants were derived from the 61-71 map unit fragment of Ad12 DNA. Recombination experiments between Ad12 DNA and four randomly selected unique or repetitive hamster DNA sequences of 1.5-6.2 kbp in length did not yield recombinants. Apparently, the p7 and p16 hamster preinsertion sequences recombined with Ad12 DNA with a certain preference.  相似文献   

The inverted repeated sequences of the chromatin-eliminating nematode Ascaris lumbricoides var. suum have been examined by electron microscopy and by hydroxyapatite chromatography, both in the germ-line and in the somatic DNA. 38% of the inverted repeats of the germ-line DNA analysed in the electron microscope have a single-stranded loop, in comparison to about 50% of looped structures in the somatic DNA. The loops are on average 2.3 X 10(3) base pairs (bp) long. The rest of the foldback DNA consists of simple hairpins. The average length of looped and unlooped inverted repeats is of the order of 300-400 bp in the germ-line and in the somatic DNA. The content of S1-resistant foldback duplexes isolated by hydroxyapatite chromatography amounts to 1.3% in spermatids, with an average length of 350 bp, and to 1.1% in intestinal or larval cell nuclei, with a length of about 320 bp. We estimate by two different methods that there exist approximately 12500 inverted repeats per haploid germ-line genome and approximately 8000 in the haploid somatic genome. A statistical analysis of the data indicates that the great majority of the foldback sequences are randomly distributed in the Ascaris genome, with a spacing of about (40-80) X 10(3) bp, both in the germ-line and in the somatic DNA.  相似文献   

The macronucleus of the protozoan Oxytricha fallax is generated from a micronucleus following conjugation. While the micronucleus contains high molecular weight DNA, the macronucleus contains only short linear DNA molecules which all end in the same 20 bp inverted terminal repeat (Ma-ITR). The Ma-ITR was radioactively labeled and purified for use as a probe in hybridizations to micronuclear and macronuclear DNA. Sequences homologous to the Ma-ITR were detected in micronuclear DNA. The copy number of the repeat in the micronuclear genome is approximately that required to encode the macronuclear DNA termini. The micronuclear copies are found embedded in repeated long sequence blocks.  相似文献   

This paper describes the nucleotide sequences of three spontaneous mutations in a suppressor gene of phage T4 tRNA(Ser). They are duplications of the anticodon and variable arms of the tRNA(Ser) molecule. One is a 34-nucleotide direct repeat of the wild-type sequence. The remaining two have reciprocal structures, with each containing 35-nucleotide inverted and direct repeats of the wild-type sequence. One of the latter mutations is frequent and was present in multiple isolates. All three duplications are unstable, and several revertants of each were sequenced. Most of the revertants had the wild-type nucleotide sequence; however, one had imprecisely removed the duplicated residues, leaving four new nucleotides compared to the wild-type sequence. These mutations represent significant genetic events with regard to their high rates and their gross structural alterations. As to their origin, the mutations can be described as the end-products of endonuclease cleavage of DNA at regions of potential secondary structure and subsequent DNA synthesis. The secondary structure contains four base-paired stems that emerge from duplex DNA. These stems encode the anticodon and variable arm regions of the tRNA(Ser) molecule. The cleavage sites mimic the known substrate of T4 endonuclease VII, an enzyme previously noted for its ability to resolve Holliday-like DNA intermediates.  相似文献   

Inverted repeat DNA was isolated from HeLa cell nuclei and transcribed in vitro with Escherichia coli RNA polymerase in the presence of [alpha-32P]nucleoside triphosphates. The RNA products were digested with T1 ribonuclease and subjected to separation in two dimensions. The pattern of the prominent oligonucleotides was almost indistinguishable from that seen when the double-stranded regions from 32P-labeled HeLa cell heterogeneous nuclear RNA were fingerprinted in a similar manner. The sequences of several of the largest prominent T1 ribonuclease-generated oligonucleotides were determined and were found to agree with those isolated from the double-stranded heterogeneous nuclear RNA that migrated to the same positions in the fingerprints. The most prominent component of the inverted repeat DNA appears to be sequences that are transcribed into double-stranded regions in heterogeneous nuclear RNA molecules.  相似文献   

Butler DK  Gillespie D  Steele B 《Genetics》2002,161(3):1065-1075
Large DNA palindromes form sporadically in many eukaryotic and prokaryotic genomes and are often associated with amplified genes. The presence of a short inverted repeat sequence near a DNA double-strand break has been implicated in the formation of large palindromes in a variety of organisms. Previously we have established that in Saccharomyces cerevisiae a linear DNA palindrome is efficiently formed from a single-copy circular plasmid when a DNA double-strand break is introduced next to a short inverted repeat sequence. In this study we address whether the linear palindromes form by an intermolecular reaction (that is, a reaction between two identical fragments in a head-to-head arrangement) or by an unusual intramolecular reaction, as it apparently does in other examples of palindrome formation. Our evidence supports a model in which palindromes are primarily formed by an intermolecular reaction involving homologous recombination of short inverted repeat sequences. We have also extended our investigation into the requirement for DNA double-strand break repair genes in palindrome formation. We have found that a deletion of the RAD52 gene significantly reduces palindrome formation by intermolecular recombination and that deletions of two other genes in the RAD52-epistasis group (RAD51 and MRE11) have little or no effect on palindrome formation. In addition, palindrome formation is dramatically reduced by a deletion of the nucleotide excision repair gene RAD1.  相似文献   

In the course of our genetic studies on Toxoplasma gondii, it was discovered that one cosmid hybridized to a repetitive element. The hybridization pattern observed for the enzyme BglII indicated that this cosmid hybridized to a large number of discrete, but related elements. Four BglII fragments were subcloned from the cosmid, and each was shown to hybridize with all the others, as well as to numerous dispersed sequences in genomic DNA. Three subclones were sequenced in their entirety, and shown to contain fragments of the genes for cytochrome oxidase subunit I and apocytochrome b, complete and functional copies of which have been found in only mitochondrial genomes. All the subcloned fragments were bounded at both ends by a 91 base-pair sequence, which contains a site for BglII. This 91 base-pair sequence could be found as either a direct or inverted repeat. It was determined that the BglII elements are arrayed downstream from a single copy nuclear gene. Comparison of genomic and cosmid DNAs confirmed that the cosmid faithfully reflects the nuclear genome. Although the mitochondrial genome of Toxoplasma has not been characterized, these nuclear mitochondrial-like sequences appear to be internally rearranged with respect to known, functional mitochondrial genomes, and with respect to each other. The finding of short repeated sequences flanking these elements may be a clue to the mechanism of their dissemination.  相似文献   

中国地鼠基因组微卫星富集文库的构建与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的筛选中国地鼠微卫星位点,为中国地鼠种质资源的分类、进化等遗传研究奠定基础。方法中国地鼠基因组DNA经超声打碎,用2%琼脂糖凝胶电泳回收500~1000 bp的DNA片段,与SNX连接头连接,连接产物与生物素标记的14种微卫星探针变性及退火,再通过链亲和素偶联磁珠亲和捕捉,经吸附、洗涤及洗脱,然后以洗脱产物为模板,通过PCR扩增,与pGEM-T载体连接,转化大肠杆菌DH10B,构建中国地鼠微卫星DNA富集文库。结果测序结果发现,微卫星DNA序列的阳性克隆占70.3%。结论中国地鼠微卫星文库的建立和微卫星的筛选将为下一步进行中国地鼠遗传连锁图谱的构建、分子进化和系统发育研究提供大量的微卫星标记。  相似文献   

The Wassilewskija (WS) strain of Arabidopsis has four PAI genes at three sites: an inverted repeat at one locus plus singlet genes at two unlinked loci. These four genes are methylated over their regions of DNA identity. In contrast, the Columbia (Col) strain has three singlet PAI genes with no methylation. To test the hypothesis that the WS inverted repeat locus triggers methylation of unlinked identical sequences, we introduced this locus into the Col background by genetic crosses. The inverted repeat induced de novo methylation of all three unmethylated Col PAI genes, with methylation efficiency varying with the position of the target locus. These results, plus results with inverted repeat transgenes, show that methylation is communicated by a DNA/DNA pairing mechanism.  相似文献   

A palindromic hairpin duplex containing the inverted terminal repeat sequence of adeno-associated virus type 2 (AAV) DNA was used as a substrate in gel retardation assays to detect putative proteins that specifically interact with the AAV hairpin DNA structures. Nuclear proteins were detected in extracts prepared from human KB cells coinfected with AAV and adenovirus type 2 that interacted with the hairpin duplex but not in nuclear extracts prepared from uninfected, AAV-infected, or adenovirus type 2-infected KB cells. The binding was specific for the hairpin duplex, since no binding occurred with a double-stranded DNA duplex with the identical nucleotide sequence. Furthermore, in competition experiments, the binding could be reduced with increasing concentrations of the hairpin duplex but not with the double-stranded duplex DNA with the identical nucleotide sequence. S1 nuclease assays revealed that the binding was sensitive to digestion with the enzyme, whereas the protein-bound hairpin duplex was resistant to digestion with S1 nuclease. The nucleotide sequence involved in the protein binding was localized within the inverted terminal repeat of the AAV genome by methylation interference assays. These nuclear proteins may be likely candidates for the pivotal enzyme nickase required for replication or resolution (or both) of single-stranded palindromic hairpin termini of the AAV genome.  相似文献   

Stability of an inverted repeat in a human fibrosarcoma cell.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Deletions and rearrangements of DNA sequences within the genome of human cells result in mutations associated with human disease. We have developed a selection system involving a neo gene containing a DNA sequence inserted into the NcoI site that can be used to quantitatively assay deletion of this sequence from the chromosome. The spontaneous deletion from the neo gene of a 122 bp inverted repeat occurred at a rate of 2.1 x 10(-8) to <3.1 x 10(-9) revertants/cell/generation in three different cell lines. Deletion of the 122 bp inverted repeat occurred between 6 bp flanking direct repeats. Spontaneous deletion of a 122 bp non-palindromic DNA sequence flanked by direct repeats was not observed, indicating a rate of deletion of <3.1 x 10(-9) revertants/cell/generation. This result demonstrates that a 122 bp inverted repeat can exhibit a low level of instability in some locations in the chromosome of a human cell line.  相似文献   

Bromoacetaldehyde, a reagent which modifies unpaired adenine residues, selectively modifies supercoiled DNA in the region of inverted repeats which are known targets for single-strand-specific nucleases. The reaction is dependent upon the topological state of the molecule, and the absolute importance of the inverted repeat has been demonstrated. Finer mapping of the distribution of the modification pattern reveals significant and interesting differences from the S1 nuclease target positions. Bromoacetaldehyde modification is distributed over a wider region covering the whole inverted repeat, with greatest extent of reaction in the regions which flank the inverted repeat. It is suggested that an altered conformation may be propagated into these sequences. These results further support the contention that inverted repeats adopt an altered conformation when negatively supercoiled, for which the principal suggestion remains the cruciform structure.  相似文献   

The polyoma (PY) viral DNA sequences present in a series of hamster tumor cell lines were evaluated using the blotting technique of Southern ((1975) J. Mol. Biol. 98, 503-517). Remarkably, no cell line contained an intact distal portion of the early gene region which encodes a portion of the large T antigen. All cell lines examined contained the PY DNA Bum I fragment which contains most of the genetic information encoding PY small and middle T antigens, as well as the origin of viral DNA replication. These results provide an explanation for our previous observation that PY virus-induced hamster tumors do not contain the large species of T antigen.  相似文献   

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