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Summary Cryosurgery of a primary HSV-2-induced hamster fibrosarcoma resulted in the generation of a population of suppressor cells. These cells were detectable in the spleen 1–10 days post-cryosurgery by their ability to suppress the proliferation of immunocompetent splenic T-lymphocytes following exposure to concanavalin A (Con A). The spleens of tumour-bearing (t.b.) animals which received cryosurgery 3 days previously displayed gross splenomegaly due to the generation of large numbers of highly proliferative erythroblasts. The erythroblast cells were unlikely to be the source of suppression since time course studies have demonstrated the presence of suppressor cells before and after their appearance in the spleen. The erythroblasts therefore probably reflected a response by the host to regenerate the erythrocytes lost during surgery and their presence was independent of the appearance of suppressor cells. Characterisation of the suppressor cell has revealed it to be non-adherent and esterase negative making it unlikely to be of macrophage (MØ) lineage. This was confirmed by the ability of splenic MØs from day 3 t.b. cryosurgery-treated animals to completely restore Con A-dependent T-lymphocyte proliferation following MØ depletion. As nylonwool column-eluted cells are able to suppress Con A-dependent T-lymphocyte proliferation, it seemed unlikely that B-lymphocytes play a role in cryosurgery-induced immunosuppression. These findings suggest that cryosurgery of a t.b. animal results in the generation of a population of T-lymphocytes capable of suppressing Con A-dependent T-lymphocyte proliferation, and infers that these cells contribute to the inferior prognosis following cryosurgery as compared to excision of a metastatic tumour.  相似文献   

The results from a number of studies have documented that the HSV glycoprotein gD is an important target for neutralizing antibodies. In contrast, little is known about the Th cell determinants present on HSV that are required for anti HSV gD antibody production. In our study we have immunized BALB/c mice with a recombinant source of HSV-1 gD lacking the carboxyl-terminal 93 amino acids. T cell hybridomas produced from the immunized animals recognized a single antigenic peptide (amino acids 246-261) in the context of I-Ad. The determinant expressed by gD peptide 246-261 was generated and presented by both HSV-1 and HSV-2 infected APC. Fine specificity analysis using truncated synthetic gD peptides revealed that the minimal amino acids recognized by the T hybrids were identical between HSV-1 and HSV-2. In addition, the minimal peptide-I-Ad binding analysis demonstrated that the minimal peptide sequence required for the binding to I-Ad and for T cell recognition contained two prolines. Thus, this important HSV antigenic determinant would not be expected to form an amphipathic alpha-helix and could therefore be missed by algorithms currently used to predict which amino acid sequences would be antigenic based on the propensity to form helices.  相似文献   

Mounting evidence indicates that genital HSV-2 infection may increase susceptibility to HIV infection and that co-infection may increase infectiousness. Accordingly, antiviral treatment of people with HSV-2 may mitigate the incidence of HIV in populations where both pathogens occur. To better understand the epidemiological synergy between HIV and HSV-2, we formulate a deterministic compartmental model that describes the transmission dynamics of these pathogens. Unlike earlier models, ours incorporates gender and heterogeneous mixing between activity groups. We derive explicit expressions for the reproduction numbers of HSV-2 and HIV, as well as the invasion reproduction numbers via next generation matrices. A qualitative analysis of the system includes the local and global behavior of the model. Simulations reinforce these analytical results and demonstrate epidemiological synergy between HSV-2 and HIV. In particular, numerical results show that HSV-2 favors the invasion of HIV, may dramatically increase the peak as well as reducing the time-to-peak of HIV prevalence, and almost certainly has exacerbated HIV epidemics. The potential population-level impact of HSV-2 on HIV is demonstrated by calculating the fraction of HIV infections attributable to HSV-2 and the difference between HIV prevalence in the presence and absence of HSV-2. The potential impact of treating people with HSV-2 on HIV control is demonstrated by comparing HIV prevalence with and without HSV-2 therapy. Most importantly, we illustrate that the aforementioned aspects of the population dynamics can be significantly influenced by the sexual structure of the population.  相似文献   

A study was undertaken to compare the host immune responses to herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) and HSV-2 infection by the ocular or genital route in mice. Titers of HSV-2 from tissue samples were elevated regardless of the route of infection. The elevation in titers of HSV-2, including cell infiltration and cytokine/chemokine levels in the central nervous system relative to those found following HSV-1 infection, was correlative with inflammation. These results underscore a dichotomy between the host immune responses to closely related alphaherpesviruses.  相似文献   

目的:通过将筛选的UL29shRNA表达质粒与抗病毒药物阿昔洛韦(ACV)的抗病毒效果及细胞毒性进行比较,探讨RNA干扰在细胞水平上对HSV-2病毒的抑制效果。方法:将筛选的干扰效果最好的表达质粒UL29-shRNA1641作为RNA干扰组与抗病毒药ACV进行对HSV-2的抑制效果的比较研究,分为RNAi组、ACV组和RNAi+ACV组。采用实时荧光定量PCR检测UL29mRNA的相对表达量,Karber法检测细胞上清液中病毒滴度的变化、蛋白印迹法(Western blot)检测ICP8的相对表达量,对RNAi与ACV抑制效果进行比较,通过WST-1(Water-Soluble Tetrazolium-1)法对质粒转染复合物(质粒+转染试剂)和ACV的细胞毒性进行比较。结果:RT-PCR检测三组mRNA的相对表达水平,其中RNAi组UL29基因相对表达量高于ACV组(P0.05);RNAi+ACV组UL29基因相对表达量明显低于RNAi组和ACV组(P0.05)。Karber法检测三组细胞上清液病毒滴度表明,RNAi组病毒滴度高于ACV组(P0.05),RNAi+ACV组的病变病毒滴度明显低于RNAi组和ACV组(P0.05)。Western blot检测ICP8相对表达量,ACV组的ICP8(UL29编码的单链DNA结合蛋白,主要作用是在HSV-2 DNA复制过程中与复制叉产生了单链DNA结合,防止其重新配对形成ds DNA或被核酸酶降解)相对表达量比RNAi组低(P0.05)。RNAi+ACV组ICP8相对表达量降低最为明显,与ACV组和RNAi组相比有显著差异(P0.05)。WST-1法对转染复合物与ACV的细胞毒性进行比较,其中RNAi中质粒和转染试剂对细胞的毒性明显小于ACV。结论:在RNAi与ACV对HSV-2抑制效果的比较中,ACV要好于RNAi,两者联合使用的抑制效果好于单独使用RNAi或ACV。在抑制效果都较好的情况下比较,RNAi中使用的质粒与转染试剂对细胞的影响比ACV小。  相似文献   

Summary Mice immunized by excision of a primary, subcutaneously growing SV40-induced mKSA solid tumor which resisted challenge of homologous tumor cells administered at a contralateral site, were found to develop a specific DTH response to SV40 tumor associated transplantation antigens (TATA).In a two-way criss-cross experiment, this DTH response (assessed by direct challenge) was found to be one-way SV40 specific in that chemically induced, non SV40, MCA tumor failed to elicit a DTH response in mice primed by excision of mKSA tumor.These mice also showed a corresponding one-way specific protection against challenge with live homologous mKSA sarcoma cells. In contrast immunization and challenge of MCA-excised mice with either MCA or mKSA tumor cells, exhibited cross-reactivity in both DTH response and protection against either tumor.Unlike this cross-immunity by the direct challenge method, transfer of immune spleen cells from mKSA or MCA excision-primed mice demonstrated a specific DTH response and protection to the original immunizing, homologous but not heterologous tumor. Tumor resistant, DTH-primed mice remained DTH reactive to the primary tumor cells over a period of 4 weeks. Characterization of the splenic T-DTH cells in mice primed by excision of mKSA tumor, indicated a Lyt 1+2+ phenotype of cells conferring both the DTH response and the immune protection against mKSA sarcoma in a local (Winn) adoptive transfer assay, thus reinforcing the correlation between the DTH response and the antitumor protection.  相似文献   

These studies present an efficient and sensitive method for detection of T cell growth factor (TCGF) activity in human lymphocyte cultures and illustrate that T cell growth factors are associated with T lymphocyte-mediated anti-HSV-1 responses. Secretion of TCGF is induced after stimulation of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells ( PBMNC ) with herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1). Lymphokine activity is detected in a simple, sensitive method by studying [3H]thymidine incorporation after the addition of murine CTLL -20 cells to cultures of gamma-irradiated (4000 R), virus-stimulated PBMNC . By using this assay, we find that PBMNC from seropositive but not seronegative individuals produce detectable TCGF activity in a dose-dependent manner after incubation with HSV-1. Maximum activity is detected between 24 to 48 hr of incubation and correlates with in vitro proliferation of nonirradiated PBMNC in response to the virus. In addition, gamma-irradiated (1000 to 3000 R) PBMNC , which are frequently used as a source of antigen-presenting cells (APC), can secrete TCGF after contact with HSV-1. Lymphokine production by the APC-containing population is eliminated by gamma-irradiation (5000 R); such APC can still present UV-inactivated HSV-1 to HSV-1-responsive lymphoblasts, indicating that lymphokine production by T cells residing in the APC population is not essential for antigen presentation.  相似文献   

Virion glycoproteins such as glycoprotein D (gD) are believed to be the dominant antigens of herpes simplex virus 2 (HSV-2). We have observed that mice immunized with a live HSV-2 ICP0- mutant virus, HSV-2 0ΔNLS, are 10 to 100 times better protected against genital herpes than mice immunized with a HSV-2 gD subunit vaccine (PLoS ONE 6:e17748). In light of these results, we sought to determine which viral proteins were the dominant antibody-generators (antigens) of the live HSV-2 0ΔNLS vaccine. Western blot analyses indicated the live HSV-2 0ΔNLS vaccine elicited an IgG antibody response against 9 or more viral proteins. Many antibodies were directed against infected-cell proteins of >100 kDa in size, and only 10 ± 5% of antibodies were directed against gD. Immunoprecipitation (IP) of total HSV-2 antigen with 0ΔNLS antiserum pulled down 19 viral proteins. Mass spectrometry suggested 44% of immunoprecipitated viral peptides were derived from two HSV-2 infected cells proteins, RR-1 and ICP8, whereas only 14% of immunoprecipitated peptides were derived from HSV-2’s thirteen glycoproteins. Collectively, the results suggest the immune response to the live HSV-2 0ΔNLS vaccine includes antibodies specific for infected cell proteins, capsid proteins, tegument proteins, and glycoproteins. This increased breadth of antibody-generating proteins may contribute to the live HSV-2 vaccine’s capacity to elicit superior protection against genital herpes relative to a gD subunit vaccine.  相似文献   

本文探讨了单纯疱疹病毒2型 (HSV-2)潜伏相关转录体 (LAT)的开放读码框2 (ORF2)在细胞中的表达, 及其对5-氟尿嘧啶 (5-FU)诱导的非洲绿猴肾细胞 (Vero)凋亡的影响。通过将重组质粒pEGPF-ORF2转染Vero细胞, 绿色荧光蛋白检测转染效率, RT-PCR验证目的基因的表达, 5-FU 诱导细胞凋亡, 通过荧光显微镜观察凋亡小体, Gimesa染色检测细胞核形态, MTT法检测细胞的存活率, DNA ladder片段分析, 结果表明, 转染后绿色荧光蛋白表达效率很高, RT-PCR验证有目的基因的转录。凋亡诱导后的细胞形态正常, MTT法分析活性率与正常无差异, 而显著高于空质粒组, DNA ladder未见凋亡条带。由此我们认为HSV-2 LAT ORF2 基因在Vero细胞中得到了高效表达, 并且具有抗5-FU诱导的凋亡作用。  相似文献   

Three characteristics of standard Mutator lines reflect developmental regulation: new mutants usually involve single gametes, somatic excision is restricted to terminal cell divisions during tissue development, and germinal excision is rare. By selection for earlier (larger) somatic sectors in the aleurone, a Mutator line was identified that exhibits a dramatic elevation in somatic excision frequency during the first three nuclear divisions of the endosperm and more than a 10-fold increase in germinal reversion from the bzl::Mul reporter gene. The programming of early sectoring is dominant in crosses with Mutator lines containing diverse reporter alleles. Germinal reversion is biased 5- to 10-fold for events through the pollen compared to the ear. The timing of germinal excision in the tassel is late because somatic excision sectors in the anthers are small; however, 98% of the germinal revertants are concordant. These observations indicate that in the early sectoring line Mu excision usually occurs before the mitotic divisions that separate gametic nuclei and may be restricted to the early stages of microsporogenesis. © 1992 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Using the T-REx (Invitrogen, California) gene switch technology and a dominant-negative mutant polypeptide of herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1)-origin binding protein UL9, we previously constructed a glycoprotein D-expressing replication-defective and dominant-negative HSV-1 recombinant viral vaccine, CJ9-gD, for protection against HSV infection and disease. It was demonstrated that CJ9-gD is avirulent following intracerebral inoculation in mice, cannot establish detectable latent infection following different routes of infection, and offers highly effective protective immunity against primary HSV-1 and HSV-2 infection and disease in mouse and guinea pig models of HSV infections. Given these favorable safety and immunological profiles of CJ9-gD, aiming to maximize levels of HSV-2 glycoprotein D (gD2) expression, we have constructed an ICP0 null mutant-based dominant-negative and replication-defective HSV-2 recombinant, CJ2-gD2, that contains 2 copies of the gD2 gene driven by the tetracycline operator (tetO)-bearing HSV-1 major immediate-early ICP4 promoter. CJ2-gD2 expresses gD2 as efficiently as wild-type HSV-2 infection and can lead to a 150-fold reduction in wild-type HSV-2 viral replication in cells coinfected with CJ2-gD2 and wild-type HSV-2 at the same multiplicity of infection. CJ2-gD2 is avirulent following intracerebral injection and cannot establish a detectable latent infection following subcutaneous (s.c.) immunization. CJ2-gD2 is a more effective vaccine than HSV-1 CJ9-gD and a non-gD2-expressing dominant-negative and replication-defective HSV-2 recombinant in protection against wild-type HSV-2 genital disease. Using recall response, we showed that immunization with CJ2-gD2 elicited strong HSV-2-specific memory CD4(+) and CD8(+) T-cell responses. Collectively, given the demonstrated preclinical immunogenicity and its unique safety profiles, CJ2-gD2 represents a new class of HSV-2 replication-defective recombinant viral vaccines in protection against HSV-2 genital infection and disease.  相似文献   

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