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Adult male Nilgiri langurs (Presbytis johnii) utter loud call bouts consisting of one or more phrases. Phrases are made up of several units showing similar or different structural features. The units involved differ with respect to not only their physical structure but also their overall utilization: three vocal patterns are uttered exclusively by mature males living in bisexual groups or all-male bands and, in addition to being part of loud call bouts, are given during encounters with terrestrial predators; two vocal patterns are uttered by males and females, again not just as constituents of loud calls; and one vocal pattern is given exclusively by mature males living in bisexual groups. Within a given bout, phrases differ not only with respect to their composition but also in their temporal organization. In addition to the acoustic components, loud calls are regularly accompanied by stereotyped motoric displays. The motoric and acoustic components of loud call displays appear independently of each other and at different times during ontogeny. The development of the display is characterized by combination of units with different structural features and synchronization of vocal and motoric components. Although more evidence is needed, our observations suggest that the development of loud call displays coincides with the aquisitation of social maturation and competence and requires not only social experience but also a certain amount of motoric training. In spite of the high degree of ritualization, loud call displays are not completely fixed in form, but instead are open to individual- and population-specific variation.  相似文献   

The social interactions between young male Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata) and members of two adjacent groups were studied. Young males usually associated with members of a single group. Although some young males occasionally interacted with members of the neighboring group, the frequency of their intergroup affiliative interactions was much lower than that of their intragroup interactions. The intergroup affiliative interactions were less symmetrical than the intragroup interactions. Three- or four-year-old males who remained in their natal group interacted with males of the neighboring group, whereas males over 5 years old did not. Young males revealed a dramatic change in their association partners from males in one group to those in another during the course of their intergroup transfer. Males who remained in their natal group did not attempt to interact with females of the neighboring group. In contrast, males who had transferred to a non-natal group interacted with females in their natal group. It is suggested that intergroup affiliative interactions and intergroup transfer of young male macaques are influenced by close associations between males. The immediate motivation for transfer of young natal macaques may be some attraction to males outside their group rather than sexual attraction to unfamiliar females.  相似文献   

Playback experiments were conducted to investigate interspecific discrimination of male loud calls in Sulawesi macaques. Loud calls of four macaque species living in Sulawesi (Macaca tonkeana, M. maurus, M. hecki, andM. nigrescens) and a control stimulus (an 8-sec frequency modulated sound) were played back to semi-free-ranging Tonkean macaques (M. tonkeana). A preliminary acoustic analysis indicated that the calls of these four species differ in some spectral and temporal features. In the playback experiments, Tonkean macaques responded in a similar manner to conspecific calls and calls of two other species,M. maurus andM. hecki. In contrast, animals responded more weakly to the call ofM. nigrescens and the control stimulus. Males responded more strongly than females to all stimuli, while females appeared to be more discriminating for species differences than males. Analyses on the acoustic features of loud calls suggested that high frequency, wide frequency range, and repetition of sound units at a high rate elicit quick responses from animals.  相似文献   

Between June 1986 and October 1992, in 3 periods totaling 12 months, we studied social organization of pigtailed langurs (Simias concolor)in the Pagai Islands, Indonesia. With one possible exception, all of 20 family groups contained only 1 adult male each. Nine of them contained only 1 adult female,and 11 contained ≥2 adult females. Mean group size is 4.1 individuals. Home ranges varied from 7 to 20 ha, and population density averages 21 animals/km 2 . Simias concoloris sexually dimorphic⤖n a museum sample males average 29% heavier than females, and their canine teeth are on average nearly twice the length of female canines. Combined data from several studies indicate that 60% of S. concolorgroups contain an adult pair plus young,and 40% are multifemale groupings. We sggest that any 1-male mating system that comprises a mixture of 1-female and multifemale groups in the same population should be termed monandry.  相似文献   

Black-crested gibbons (Hylobates concolor concolor), which inhabit the subtropical forests of southern China and northern Vietnam, have until now never been the subject of any systematic behavioral or ecological field study. This report presents the findings of a three-month field study of wild black-crested gibbons in the Wuliang and Ailao Mountain Game Reserves in Yunnan Province, People's Republic of China. The sites visited consisted of temperate, subtropical, broadleaf evergreen forests, with trees belonging to the families Elaeocarpaceae, Fagaceae, Lauraceae, Magnoliaceae, and Theaceae. Black-crested gibbons were documented from four sites visited and were found to be polygynous, with an average group size of seven to eight animals. The family groups were observed to comprise one adult male, from one to four adult females, and numerous offspring of various ages. Both sexes of this species emit interactive songs, and various features of this loud vocal behavior were analyzed and are discussed here. Since all other gibbon species were found to inhabit only tropical rain forests and live in strictly monogamous family groups, some of the ecological and evolutionary implications of these findings are also presented.  相似文献   

During a field study on habituated groups of wild Nilgiri langurs (Presbytis johnii),four cases of group fission were observed which differed markedly from group changes reported in other species of the same genus. All fissions occurred in groups with more than one mature male and roughly coincided with the onset of loud call vocalization by the second mature male group member. As a result of the fission the founder group factions acquired the structure of a onemale group. The filial factions consisted of both mature males and females and occupied, at least temporarily, a part of, or an area adjacent to, the founder group. During fission, the amount of aggressive interactions between the two mature males increased. However, the majority of agonistic interactions involved ritualized threat and intimidation behavior without physical aggression. In at least three cases the two mature males involved in the fission had not joined recently but had lived in these groups for three years or more. Although the presence of all male bands and single males in the two study populations indicate that male replacement by invasive takeovers may occur, it is suggested that in Nilgiri langurs, noninvasive fissions are probably another common mechanism for the foundation and maintenance of bisexual one-male groups.  相似文献   

All gibbons are monogamous and territorial with the exception ofHylobates concolor. This paper reports the coexistence of monogamy and polygyny in black-crested gibbons. Based on the fact of two adult females and two offspring of the same age category in one group and other reasons, we suppose that the two adult females have bred in a single group, i.e. a polygynous one. The other main reasons are: (1) a large home range makes it possible for more individuals to live in one group; (2) mutual tolerance among two females; and (3) selection pressure favouring polygyny.  相似文献   

I studied the process of adult male replacement and social change in two one- male troops (B20 and B21) of hanuman langurs (Presbytis entellus)at Jodhpur, India. Male-male competition lasted for about 6 months before the successful takeover of one troop (B20). During that period, five adult males from three neighboring bands (AMB7, AMB9, and AMB10) and a resident male of a neighboring troop (B21) were involved in taking over the troop. The latter male also copulated with six females during his interim residency, which suggests that he may have opportunistically maximized his mating chances with females of a neighboring group. During an intertroop interaction, a 14-month-old female infant of the other troop (B21) was fatally attacked by an adult female of the first troop and the infant eventually died. The attacker may have taken advantage of the disorganization created by male-male competition, perhaps to eliminate a future food competitor. In addition, the first troop gained an additional feeding area from the other troop’s range; it included a sleeping site and a waterhole, indicating that territorial fights during social instability may have led to the expansion of the winner’s resource area.  相似文献   

Antiraptor responses from forest-living ringtailed lemurs to advertisement calls of naturally-occurring red-tailed hawks suggested that the lemurs discriminated these calls from other environmental sounds. A series of playback experiments, using real animal sounds and synthetic sound probes, was conducted to investigate the acoustic basis of this putative discrimination. Two semi-captive groups of ringtails served as study subjects: one group had many years of experience living in the forest, whereas the other group had relatively little such experience. Responses to playbacks suggested that both groups used the same acoustic criteria to discriminate “calls of large hawks” from other sounds, but the range of auditory stimuli that evoked antiraptor responses was broader for the experienced group than for the inexperienced group. Although several interpretations of the experimental results are possible, one that seems particularly compatible with the data is the “prototype” concept of stimulus categorization.  相似文献   

Patrick J. Shea 《Oecologia》1989,81(1):104-110
Summary The insect complex colonizing white fir (Abies concolor [Gord. and Glend.] Lindl.) cones is composed of eleven species that can be separated into three feeding guilds: the seed-mining guild, Megastigmus pinus Parfitt, M. rafni Hoffmeyer, Earomyia abietum McAlpine; the cone-and seed-mining guild, Dioryctria abietivorella Grote, Eucosma prob. siskiyouana (Kearfoot), Cydia prob. bracteatana (Fernald), Barbara sp.; the scale-and bract-feeding guild, Asynapta hokinsi (Felt), Dasineura prob. abiesemia Foote, Ressiliella conicola (Foote), Lasiomma abietis Huckett). In three of four study sites the cone crop decreased from one year to the next. As cone crop size decreased there was a concomitant increase in the percent of cones with more than one species. In addition, there was a shift toward an increased co-occurrence of members of different guilds within a single cone. Both positive and negative interactions were detected between selected species-pairs. Present-day competition was only inferred between species-pairs belonging to the cone and seed-mining guild. Decreasing resources over time, combined with increasing insect populations and the absence of acceptable alternate hosts appeared to be important factors for setting conditions conducive to interspecific competition. It is hypothesized, that the aperiodicity of white fir cone crops was important in keeping insect populations below levels which would result in interspecific competition. The possible elimination of aperiodicity in cone crops of white fir, such as might occur in managed seed orchards, may lead to decreased species diversity via competitive exclusion and thereby simplify development of IPM programs.  相似文献   

Recent research indicates that animal vocalizations can refer to objects in the outside world, and that call production may be controlled by the sender depending on the type of audience involved. Our research on wild male Thomas langurs (Primates: Presbytis thomasi) shows that these males call as a response to a tiger model when they are in a group, but do not call when they are solitary. This is the first experimental study on wild primates to demonstrate that the presence or absence of an audience influences calling behavior. Our results indicate that males in mixed-sex groups give more loud calls than solitary males when exposed to a predator model. This suggests that giving loud calls in response to predators is not purely a reflex and may be controlled in some way by the sender.  相似文献   

The song of the largest Malagasy lemur was extensively studied in the field between 1972 and 1984. The song’s structure is described, and the role of song in the natural history of Indriis examined by relating the naturally occurring variability of different song parameters to the behavior of habituated groups and the composition of other groups in the population. The function of an Indrigroup’s song is complex, varying according to the location and identity of animals hearing it. Territorial aspects of the song are considered in detail and the nature of primate territorial vocalizations is critically discussed.  相似文献   

A population of langurs (Presbytis entellus)at the Rajaji Wildlife Sanctuary in northern India was investigated for 1820 hr throughout a 10-month period in 1978. Data were collected from four bisexual troops and the adult males that ranged outside of bisexual troops. Most (60%) of the observation hours occurred with a main study troop from which social and ecological data were collected. The langur population at Rajaji shows pronounced birth and mating seasons. The population density is high (ca. 80/km 2), with about 75% of the adult males living outside of bisexual troops, which typically are large and multimale. Males outside of bisexual troops occur in small all-male bands or as isolates. Relations between bisexual troops and all-male bands are characterized by relatively low levels of aggression, and members of all-male bands are able to associate with bisexual troops for prolonged periods during the mating season. As a result of these associations, nontroop males are about as successful as troop males in achieving reproductive access to troop females. These associations between bisexual troops and all-male bands occurred with a minimal amount of agonistic behavior and without mortality or injury to troop females or immatures.  相似文献   

Data on intermale social relations and troop membership changes in one Nepalese high-altitude population of free-ranging langurs (Presbytis entellus)are reported here. Data were collected from six troops by three observers and cover 32 months of observations. The predominantly multi-male troops indicate an alternating pattern of exclusions and introductions with gradual adult male replacement. Takeovers and infant killing were not observed. Analysis of adult social behavior records show qualitative and quantitative differences in intrasexual relations, with primarily agonistic social contacts occurring between males. Agonistic encounters between females and between males differ in frequency of occurrence, types of be-haviors used, cause, and consistency in direction of threats between individuals. Individual adult male frequency of interaction with females and immatures varied significantly, with the majority of these interactions occurring between the dominant troop male and other troop members. Data indicate that intermale dominance is a major factor in determining male access to fertile females: This appears to be achieved by either directly excluding males from the troop or effectively “controlling” their inter-actions with troop females. Data from these studies are compared with data from other Presbytis entellusinvestigations. Review of these data suggests that intraspecific variability in intermale social dynamics and type of troop male membership change are correlated with the percentage of nontroop males. It is suggested that environmental pressures resulting in social crowding can be critical in determing the occurrence of takeovers in some populations of Presbytis entellus.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate whether the emission of food calls in common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus) is influenced by different social contexts. Food calls are emitted by this species only in the presence of preferred food. If these calls have any communicative function, it may be that individuals produce food calls in order to call family mates toward the food source. If this is the case, the number of calls produced should vary in accordance with the number of family mates present at the moment of the discovery of the food, i.e., the fewer family mates nearby, the more food calls are emitted. This hypothesis was tested with five pairs of common marmosets, by recording the number of food calls emitted in four experimental conditions: 1). isolation: completely isolated from the family mates; 2). visual isolation: separated by a wooden panel from the family mates; 3). visual contact: separated by a wire-mesh from the family mates; and 4). physical interaction: together with the family mates. The results show that the proportion of intervals during which food calls were produced by the pairs was significantly different in the four experimental conditions. It decreased from the isolation and visual isolation condition, through the visual contact condition, reaching the lowest value in the physical interaction condition. The variation observed in the proportion of intervals during which food calls were emitted, in relation to different social contexts, is an indication in favor of the communicative function of this vocalization.  相似文献   

Two pairs of twins were observed in free-ranging Hanuman langurs (Presbytis entellus) at Jodhpur, India. Each twin had a preferred nipple for suckling, the preference of which developed during the first 5 weeks of life. The behaviour of the twins was mostly synchronized. In more than 60% of all activity bouts both showed the same behaviour, with “nipple contact” and “playing” prevailing. Differences in physical strength and development were apparent within each pair. While the total amount of allomothering was almost the same, individual weekly scores differed considerably.  相似文献   

We studied intergroup encounters among moor macaques at the Karaenta Nature Reserve, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Group B has been observed on the basis of individual identification since 1988. We analyzed 85 encounters between members of Group B and members of neighboring groups from September 1990 to November 1998. The average frequency of intergroup encounters was 0.035/hour. Neither the presence of females in estrus nor rainfall had an effect on encounter frequency. Behaviors of moor macaques during intergroup encounters differed from those of Japanese macaques. In moor macaques, no intergroup interactions with body contact were observed during encounters, and females never directed aggression toward members of different groups. The present study did not confirm the prediction of the model ofvan Schaik (1989). Extension of the existing models is required to explain the difference in female dominance styles among macaques by socioecological factors.  相似文献   

Correlations among female age, dominance, and reproduction were investigated for a 12-year period in free-ranging, provisioned Hanuman langurs (Presbytis entellus), living in one-male groups near Jodhpur in Rajasthan, India. Of 2940 displacement episodes, 27% occurred over natural food, 26% over provisioned food, 8% over grooming, 23% over position and shade, and 16% for other reasons. It was possible to reconstruct a displacement hierarchy that was linear and stable over short periods but fluctuated according to the age composition of the troop, resulting in an age inversed dominance structure. Females occupied top ranks as soon as they experienced menarche (around 2.4 years of age) and gradually declined thereafter, with postmenopausal females (≥30 years) being the lowest ranking individuals. Old females tended to be peripheral, while young females were highly social and active. Fertility peaked at about 7 years and gradually decreased thereafter, but infant mortality was much higher in young females than in old ones. During years when females gave birth, their ranks, especially those of old females, were higher than the average expectation for their age class, which suggests that females compete more vigorously if they have an infant. Reproductive success (i.e., infant survival to ≥2 years) declined significantly from high-over middle-to low-ranking females but did not differ for the three age classes investigated, because the higher fecundity of young females was balanced by better rearing success of older females. These results are discussed in light of the controversy over whether the langur social system is strongly influenced by kin selection (Hrdy and Hrdy, 1976; Dolhinow et al., 1979).  相似文献   

Synopsis Males of two freshwater Italian gobies, the common goby, Padogobius martensii and the panzarolo goby, Knipowitschia punctatissima, emit trains of low-frequency pulses, i.e. drumming sounds, in the presence of a ripe female in the nest. In P, martensii the drumming sound is usually followed by a tonal sound (complex sound). Examination of the pulse structure suggests that these sounds are produced by muscles acting on the swimbladder. Both species exhibited high emission rates of spawning sounds, especially before the beginning of oviposition. Moreover, spawning sound production ceased only after the female abandoned the nest, which always occurred at the end of oviposition. This is the first study reporting the production among fishes of distinct sounds during protracted spawning. Unlike sounds produced just before mating by fishes with planktonic or demersal zygotes, the spawning sound production of these gobies does not function to coordinate mating events in the nest. The presence of a two-part vocalization by male P. martensii even suggests a functional dichotomy of spawning sounds in this species.  相似文献   

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