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The high performance liquid chromatography separation of the perbenzoyl derivatives of the neutral glycosphingolipids (GlcCer, LacCer, GbOse3Cer, GbOse4Cer, and GgOse3Cer) and the p-bromophenacyl and 2,4-dinitrophenyl hydrazide derivatives of the gangliosides (GM4, GM3, GM2, GM1, GD1a) into individual molecular species on a C18 reversed-phase column is described. Peaks were identified by comparing their relative retention times to the relative retention time of the corresponding glycosphingolipid of known molecular species composition. As little as 5 to 10 pmol of each molecular species of neutral glycosphingolipids and 3 to 5 pmol of the gangliosides can be detected. The effects of changes in the proportion of acetonitrile, methanol, and water in the mobile phase and of column temperature on the molecular species separation are described. A procedure for the tentative identification of glycosphingolipid molecular species based on their relative retention times is presented.  相似文献   

A rapid, reproducible, and sensitive high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method for the determination of the concentrations of metallothionein-I (MT-I) and metallothionein-II (MT-II) in rat liver has been developed. Metallothioneins (MTs) were separated and quantitated by anion-exchange high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with atomic absorption spectrophotometry (AAS). Purified rat liver MT-I and MT-II, used as standards for developing the method, were easily resolved, eluting at 7.5 and 10.4 min, respectively. To establish standard curves, protein concentrations of solutions of the purified MTs were determined by the Kjeldahl method for the determination of nitrogen, after which the standards were saturated with Cd (final concentration of 50 ppm Cd). Rat liver cytosols obtained from untreated and Cd- or Zn-treated rats were prepared for HPLC-AAS analysis by saturation with Cd (50 ppm Cd) followed by heat denaturation (placing in a boiling water bath for 1 min). Based on the method of standard additions, recovery of MTs exceeded 95% and repeated injection of a sample yielded a coefficient of variance of approximately 2%. A detection limit of 5 micrograms MT/g liver was established for the method. Only MT-II was detected in untreated rats, whereas following exposure to Cd or Zn, both forms of MTs were detected. Concentrations of total MTs in liver of untreated and Cd- or Zn-treated rats were also determined by the Cd/hemoglobin radioassay (which fails to distinguish MT-I from MT-II) and indicated that results obtained with the HPLC-AAS method compared favorably to the Cd/hemoglobin radioassay. Thus, the HPLC-AAS method for quantitating MT-I and MT-II offers the advantage of determining the concentrations of both proteins in tissues and should be useful for studying the regulation of MT-I and MT-II.  相似文献   

The method of separation of glucosylceramide by HPLC was reported. Glucosylceramide was perbenzoylated and separated on a packed muBondapack C18 column, using methanol as eluting solvent. The pattern obtained by HPLC closely resembled that obtained by GLC of the TMS-glucosylceramide, and reflected the molecular species of fatty acid components. This method is reproducible, and sensitive as GLC. This method also can be used for analysis of higher glycolipids.  相似文献   

Different molecular species of phospholipids exhibit distinctly different patterns of biologic behavior. In this minireview, the utility of HPLC for analysis of molecular species of phospholipids is illustrated in studies in which it has been demonstrated that molecular species are selectively synthesized, selectively transported, and selectively participate in enzymatic reactions. HPLC appears to be more adaptable for routine use than older procedures used to separate phospholipid molecular species. Since the metabolism of intact molecules can be characterized with HPLC, this procedure promises to provide particularly novel information with respect to changes in composition brought about by remodelling reactions during the biologic life of specific phospholipids.  相似文献   

Corpus cardiacum extracts from the phasmids, Carausius morosus, Cuniculina impigra, Sipyloidea sipylus, Acrophylla wuelfingi, Eurycantha goliath, Bacillus rossius and Extatosoma tiaratum, from the Orthopterans, Locusta migratoria and Gryllus bimaculatus, from the Dictyopterans, Periplaneta americana, Gromphadorrhina coquereliana and Blaberus craniifer, from the Coleopterans Tenebrio molitor and Pachnoda sp., synthetic adipokinetic hormone and synthetic crustacean red pigment-concentrating hormone (RPCH) were injected into locusts, cockroaches and ligated stick insects as bioassay systems for adipokinetic and hyperglycaemic substances, respectively. The locust and cockroach bioassay gave positive results with all corpus cardiacum material tested (however the lipid response in locusts upon injection of T. molitor corpus cardiacum extract was very poor). The stick insect bioassay was quite specific for stick insect corpus cardiacum material; only corpus cardiacum extracts from a few other species (G. bimaculatus, P. americana, G. coquereliana and Pachnoda sp.) showed weak activity. All other extracts, including synthetic adipokinetic hormone and RPCH, failed to induce a response.Separations of corpus cardiacum extracts from L. migratoria, P. americana, T. molitor, C. morosus and S. sipylus were achieved on reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC). Locust corpus cardiacum extract showed two absorbance peaks with adipokinetic activity, adipokinetic hormones I and II. The peaks with hyperglycaemic activity from P. americana corpus cardiacum extracts had different retention times to those of locust adipokinetic hormones I and II. Stick insect corpus cardiacum extracts revealed also 2 absorbance peaks with adipokinetic activity, the major one co-eluting with RPCH. The active compound from corpus cardiacum extracts of T. molitor appeared to elute close to locust adipokinetic hormone I.  相似文献   

Alkylphosphocholines represent a new class of drugs with remarkable antineoplastic and antiprotozoal activity. For instance, hexadecylphosphocholine has been approved for the topical treatment of skin metastasis. In addition, it was successfully studied in India for the treatment of leishmaniasis. Different phase-I and phase-II-trials resulted in cure rates of more than 97%. To optimize antitumor or antiprotozoal activity, we have prepared alkylphosphocholines differing in chain length and unsaturation. For the qualitative and quantitative analysis of these longer chain analogues, we have used isocratic high performance liquid chromatography. The separation of the alkylphosphocholines with different chain lengths in this reversed phase HPLC system was achieved on a YMC-TMS column with a mobile phase consisting of methanol-water (85:15; v/v) at a flow rate of 1.0 ml/min. Furthermore the cis-/trans-isomers such as oleylphosphocholine and elaidylphosphocholine were clearly separated on a YMC-C8 column with a methanol-water mixture (80:20; v/v) as mobile phase. In the described reversed phase HPLC systems simple refractive index detection and UV detection allow the sensitive and quantitative determination of alkylphosphocholines. These methods are very important for reproducible identification and quantitative determination of saturated and mono-unsaturated alkylphosphocholines with alkyl residues containing up to 25 carbon atoms.  相似文献   

A new method is described for the separation of individual molecular species of the aminophospholipids, phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylserine. Trinitrobenzene-sulfonic acid was used to derivatize both aminophospholipids and the derivatives were purified by thin-layer chromatography. A reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography technique was developed to separate and quantify individual molecular species based upon ultraviolet detection of the attached chromophore. The retention times of the molecular species on the C18 reversed-phase column were longer with increasing carbon chain length and decreasing degree of unsaturation of fatty acyl chain. The overall procedure allowed a quantitative recovery of the aminophospholipid species. The lower limit of detection was about 10 pmol and a linear response was observed in the range of 0.1-10 nmol of phospholipid. Using this method, we were able to separate and quantify trinitrophenyl-phosphatidylethanolamine molecular species of both subclasses (diacyl and alkenyl) from human red blood cells and rat brains. Separation of species was confirmed by gas-liquid chromatographic analysis of the fatty acid content of each peak and by thermospray liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. This new method provides a convenient and sensitive technique for studies of aminophospholipid molecular species composition. Furthermore, it appears to be a useful tool for the analysis of asymmetric distribution of these species in biological membranes.  相似文献   

Rabbits were given repeated injections of cadmium chloride. Cadmium- and zinc-containing protein fractions were obtained from the livers of these animals by precipitation procedures and Sephadex G-75 chromatography. The protein thus obtained showed several characteristics similar to those of the earlier described protein metallothionein. Further separation by isoelectric focusing showed two main protein peaks with isoelectric points at 3.9 and 4.5 respectively. Amino acid analysis of these two forms showed similar content of most amino acids [residues per cent.: cysteine (28%), aspartate (8%), threonine (5–6%), serine (12%), glycine (7%), alanine (13%), methionine (2%), isoleucine (2%)] but with a small difference in content of lysine (12 and 13% respectively), proline (9 and 5% respectively) and glutamate (2 and 4% respectively). The two forms of the protein both contained cadmium, but only the one with pI4.5 contained also significant amounts of zinc.  相似文献   

Lipopolysaccharides (LPS) from the type strains of the anaerobic beer spoilage bacteria Pectinatus cerevisiiphilus and P. frisingensis were extracted with the 5:5:8 volume ratio modification of the phenolchloroform-petroleum ether method (H. Brade and C. Galanos, Eur. J. Biochem. 122:233-237, 1982). Sequential precipitations of LPS with water and acetone from the phenol phase yielded LPS which differed in that water-precipitable material (LPS-H2O; 0.1 to 0.4% of the dry weight of the cells) was rough-type LPS, whereas acetone-precipitable material (LPS-Ac; 4.6 to 5.8% of the dry weight) contained both rough-type LPS and high-molecular-weight material resembling smooth LPS. The LPS were chemically characterized, and they contained D-glucosamine, 4-amino-4-deoxy-L-arabinose, 3-deoxy-D-manno-2-octulosonic acid, D-fucose, D-galactose, D-glucose, D-mannose, and phosphate. D-Fucose was present mostly in LPS-Ac, suggesting that it is a constituent of the O antigen. The major fatty acids were ester- and amide-linked (R)-3-hydroxytridecanoic and ester-linked undecanoic acids, with minor amounts of ester-linked tridecanoic and (R)-3-hydroxyundecanoic acids. The chemical compositions of LPS-H2O and LPS-Ac suggested that they differ not only in their smooth or rough nature but also in the structure of their core regions. This may explain their different precipitabilities from the extraction mixture. The extraction method was also shown to be applicable to the isolation of smooth-type LPS from Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium. Extraction of two Typhimurium strains carrying chemically different O antigens resulted in high yields (8% of the dry weight) of LPS. Strain SH2183, which contains the relatively hydrophobic O-4,5,12 antigen yielded almost exclusively LPS-Ac, whereas the LPS of strain SH5770, which has a hydrophilic O-6,7 antigen, was exclusively LPS-H2O. No fractionation to smooth and rough LPS occurred with the Typhimurium strains.  相似文献   

A sensitive method for determination of metallothionein (MT) isoform levels in rat liver by ion-exchange high-performance liquid chromatography and atomic absorption spectrometry was developed. Critical steps in sample preparation, like MT extraction, MT saturation with Cd and protein separation, were optimized. This method is capable of measuring levels of 2.0 μg/g liver for metallothionein-1 (MT-1) and 1.3 μg/g liver for metallothionein-2 (MT-2), respectively, with a high recovery of 103% on average. The method described, thus, proved suitable for analyzing metallothionein isoform concentrations even in untreated animals. The ratio of MT-1 to MT-2 was found to be 1:1 on average. MT decomposition during storage was very high in whole livers, but could be reduced by about 80% when extracted liver samples were used.  相似文献   

Separations of five diastereoisomers of nucleoside phosphoramidate derivatives (pronucleotides) were performed by both HPLC method using derivatized cellulose and amylose chiral stationary phases and CE method using anionic cyclodextrins added in the background electrolyte (BGE). An optimal baseline separation (Rs > 1.5) was readily obtained with all silica-based celluloses and amyloses using in a normal-phase methodology. Capillary electrophoresis was used as an alternative technique to HPLC for the separation of pronucleotides. The diastereoisomers were fully resolved with sulfated cyclodextrins at both BGE pH (2.5 and 6.2). Limits of detection and limits of quantification, calculated for both methods, are up to 200 times higher in CE separations than in HPLC separations. The analytical HPLC method was then applied in a preliminary study for the pronucleotide 1 quantification in cellular extract.  相似文献   

Commercial samples of basic fuchsin contain variable proportions of four homologs, pararosaniline, rosaniline, magenta II, and new fuchsin. That different samples of dyes give variable staining is documented in the literature. Three commercial samples of basic fuchsin were investigated using high performance liquid chromatography. Separation of homologs was achieved using a C18 adsorbant and a solvent system of methanol:water:glacial acetic acid (66:24:10).  相似文献   

Pigeon metallothionein consists of two species   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two isospecies of metallothionein, a cysteine-rich protein that binds metals, exist in all mammals examined, but only one in some invertebrates and lower animals. Lower vertebrates such as fish and birds have one or two metallothionein genes depending upon the organism. In this study, we show by amino acid sequence determinations that two isospecies of metallothionein, 75% homologous to each other, can be induced by zinc to accumulate in pigeon livers. This is in contrast to single isospecies found in chicken and duck. Each of these two sequences consists of 63 amino acids, with all 20 cysteines in positions held invariant in most if not all class I mammalian metallothioneins. One of these two pigeon isometallothioneins is terminated with histidine at the carboxyl end, which is apparently unique to avians. Its sequence differs from that of duck and chicken by only four substitutions and is the predominant isospecies that accumulates upon induction. The other pigeon metallothionein has lysine at its carboxyl terminus and is devoid of arginine. None of these isospecies carries any aromatic amino acid, which is also characteristic of all higher metallothioneins. As this is the first demonstration with sequence data that two isospecies of metallothionein indeed exist in birds, these results suggest that pigeon metallothionein genes evolved from an ancestral form through duplication and mutation upon specification.  相似文献   

We have developed a method for the rapid separation of anionic oligosaccharide species by high-performance liquid chromatography utilizing a MicroPak AX-10 ion-exchange column (Varian Associates) with the mobile phase consisting of 25–500 mm KH2PO4, pH4.0. Separation of oligosaccharides bearing zero, one, two, three or four sialic acid residues requires less than 45 min. Oligosaccharides containing mannose-6-PO4 moieties in monoester or diester linkage can also be analyzed in this system. Preparative separations of as much as 20 mg of oligosaccharide can be accomplished in a single chromatographic analysis with quantitative yields of oligosaccharide. This method should prove useful for the rapid isolation and characterization of anionic oligosaccharide species.  相似文献   

We describe a specific assay for serum provitamin A (alpha- and beta-carotene) by high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC). The system separates alpha- and beta-carotene in 7.4 min using a C18 muBondapak, 10-micron particle size column with a mobile phase of acetonitrile-chloroform 92:8 at 2 ml per min and a 462 nm detector. The HPLC assay had a recovery of 94.8% of added beta-carotene and, at a serum concentration of 215.2 micrograms/L, had within-run and between-run precisions of 3.1% and 3.6%, respectively. In 65 subjects, the HPLC-determined provitamin A (alpha- and beta-carotene) value was 343 +/- 166 micrograms/L and averaged 23.4 +/- 7.9% (range 9-43%) of the values obtained by a traditional colorimetric assay for total serum "carotenes." Although total serum carotenes showed no relationship to serum vitamin A (r = -0.048; P = 0.78), HPLC-determined alpha- and beta-carotene was significantly inversely correlated (r = -0.357; P = 0.05).  相似文献   

A high performance liquid chromatographic method is described for the rapid, non-destructive separation of a number of physiologically important steroidal estrogens, including the labile catechol estrogens. This procedures uses a "Diol" column and gradient elution to separate in a single run, estrogens ranging from 2-methoxy estrone, one of the least polar C18 steroids, to estriol, one of the most polar. Simpler, isocratic conditions, are provided for the separation of estrogens of similar polarity. A semi-preparative column of similar composition was used for the purification of samples containing 25 to 50 mg of individual steroids.  相似文献   

An improved high-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry method for the separation and characterization of cardiolipin molecular species is presented. Reverse-phase ion pair chromatography with acidified triethylamine resulted in increased chromatographic retention and resolution when compared with chromatography without acidified triethylamine. Using a hybrid triple quadrupole linear ion trap mass spectrometer to generate MS/MS spectra revealed three regions within each spectrum that could be used to deduce the structure of the cardiolipin molecular species: the diacylglycerol phosphate region, the monoacylglycerol phosphate region, and the fatty acid region. Cardiolipin standards of known composition were analyzed and exhibited expected chromatographic and mass spectral results. Two minor components in commercial bovine heart cardiolipin, (with the same molecular weight but different chromatographic retention times), were shown to differ by fatty acid composition: (C18:2)2(C18:1)2 versus (C18:2)3(C18:0)1. These compounds were then analyzed by HPLC-MS3 to examine specific diac ylglycerol phosphate generated fatty acid fragmentation. Also, two commercial sources of bovine heart cardiolipin were shown to have minor differences in cardiolipin species content. Cardiolipin isolated from rat liver, mouse heart, and dog heart mitochondria were then characterized and the relative distributions of the major cardiolipin species were determined.  相似文献   

Chromatographic procedures have been developed for resolving all of the known enkephalins and endorphins on a single column. The effect of eluant pH on the retention times and separation of the enkephalins and beta-endorphin was determined. By combining these separations with a sensitive radioreceptor assay it is possible to assay all of the opioid peptides in the pituitary gland or in various regions of the brain from individual small laboratory animals.  相似文献   

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