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Adenylate cyclase of rat adipocyte membranes exhibited dual responses in a strictly GTP-dependent manner; an activation took place in the presence of certain receptor agonists such as isoproterenol or secretin, whereas an inhibitory phase was observed with other agonists such as prostaglandin E1 or purine-modified adenosine as well as with the stimulatory agonists at higher GTP concentrations. Treatment of membrane donor cells with islet-activating protein (IAP), pertussis toxin, abolished the inhibitory phase while preserving the activatory phase. This unique action of IAP was associated with ADP-ribosylation of a membrane Mr = 41,000 protein. In contrast, the inhibitory phase was preserved in membranes from cholera toxin-treated cells. Monophasic and persistent activation of the cyclase was provoked by guanyl-5'-yl beta,gamma-imidodiphosphate. The time lag normally observed for the guanyl-5'-yl beta,gamma-imidodiphosphate activation was decreased by isoproterenol or cholera toxin but was not altered by IAP treatment. Our conclusion is that the sole site of IAP action is the guanine nucleotide regulatory protein (Ni) that is required for transmission of inhibitory signals from receptors to the catalytic unit of adenylate cyclase; the function of Ni is lost upon IAP-catalyzed ADP ribosylation of the Mr = 41,000 protein which appears to be an active subunit of Ni. A possibility is discussed that rather diverse effects of IAP so far reported with various cell types are accounted for in terms of such interference with the function of Ni.  相似文献   

Incubation of rat mast cells with compound 48/80 resulted in transient breakdown of phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate, rapid generation of inositol polyphosphates, 45Ca inflow, and the arachidonic acid liberation mainly from phosphatidylcholine, eventually leading to histamine secretion. All of these processes of signaling from Ca-mobilizing receptors to degranulation were markedly inhibited by prior 2-h exposure of cells to islet-activating protein (IAP), pertussis toxin. A23187 caused 45Ca inflow and releases of arachidonic acid and histamine without inducing breakdown of inositol phospholipids. The effects of A23187, in contrast to those of compound 48/80, were not altered by the exposure of cells to IAP. Incubation of the supernatant fraction of mast cell homogenates with the active component of IAP caused the transfer of the ADP-ribosyl moiety of added [alpha-32P]NAD to a protein with Mr = 41,000. The IAP-catalyzed ADP-ribosylation of this protein was prevented by guanosine 5'-(3-O-thio)triphosphate, indicating that this IAP substrate resembles, in character, the alpha-subunit of the guanine nucleotide regulatory protein (Ni) involved in inhibition of adenylate cyclase. The degree of ADP-ribosylation of this IAP substrate was prevented progressively by pre-exposure of the homogenate-donor cells to increasing concentrations of IAP. The half-maximally effective concentrations of the toxin were 0.2 to 0.6 ng/ml for all the IAP-sensitive processes studied. Thus, the ADP-ribosylation of the Mr = 41,000 protein occurring during exposure of cells to IAP appears to be responsible for the inhibition of signaling observed. It is proposed that the alpha-subunit of Ni, or a like protein, mediates signal transduction arising from Ca-mobilizing receptors, probably prior to Ca2+ gating.  相似文献   

Exposure of NG108-15 hybrid cells to islet-activating protein (IAP), pertussis toxin, caused strong ADP-ribosylation of one of the membrane proteins with a molecular weight of 41,000. This ADP-ribosylation was paralleled by decreases in the inhibition of cAMP accumulation in intact cells or associated with reversal of the inhibition of GTP-dependent membrane adenylate cyclase, via alpha-adrenergic, cholinergic muscarinic, or opiate receptors. The affinity of these receptors for agonists was lowered by guanyl-5'-yl beta-gamma-imidodiphosphate (Gpp(NH)p) reflecting their coupling to the guanine nucleotide regulatory protein in this cell line. This effect of Gpp(NH)p was lost in membranes of IAP-treated cells; in the absence of Gpp(NH)p, the affinity for agonist was lower in treated than in nontreated cells. In contrast, the function of these receptors to bind antagonists remained unaltered in IAP-treated cells. Thus, IAP treatment of NG108-15 cells caused specific uncoupling of negative signal transduction from inhibitory receptors to the adenylate cyclase catalytic unit via the guanine nucleotide regulatory protein, as a result of ADP-ribosylation of one of the subunits of the regulatory protein.  相似文献   

K Nagata  T Katada  M Tohkin  H Itoh  Y Kaziro  M Ui  Y Nozawa 《FEBS letters》1988,237(1-2):113-117
Two GTP-binding proteins serving as the specific substrate of islet-activating protein (IAP), pertussis toxin, were purified from human platelet membranes as heterotrimers with an alpha beta gamma-subunit structure. The alpha of the major IAP substrate had a molecular mass of 40 kDa and differed from that of Gi 1 or Go previously purified from brain membranes. The partial amino acid sequences of the 40 kDa alpha completely matched with the sequences which were deduced from the nucleotide sequences of the human Gi 2 alpha gene. On the other hand, the alpha of the minor IAP substrate purified from human platelets was about 41 kDa and cross-reacted with an antibody raised against alpha of brain Gi 1 (Gi 1 alpha). These results indicate that the major IAP substrate present in human platelet membranes is a product of the Gi 2 alpha gene.  相似文献   

In adipocyte membranes, cholera toxin may ADP-ribosylate the islet-activating protein (IAP) substrate, under certain conditions. Covalent modification is maximal in the absence of a guanosine triphosphate; in the presence of 5'-guanylylimidodiphosphate, incorporation of [32P]ADP-ribose is markedly reduced. ADP-ribosylation by cholera toxin has similar functional consequences as does IAP-mediated modification, i.e. the biphasic response of isoproterenol-stimulated adenylate cyclase to GTP and the inhibition by N6-phenylisopropyladenosine is abolished, and only the stimulatory phase remains. In contrast, membranes treated with cholera toxin in the presence of GTP display both the stimulatory and inhibitory responses to GTP. The binding of the adenosine analog [3H]N6-phenylisopropyladenosine is increased in the presence of GTP. Treatment of the membranes with IAP, but not with cholera toxin in the absence of GTP, reverses this GTP effect on [3H]N6-phenylisopropyladenosine binding. However, [3H]N6-phenylisopropyladenosine binding is still sensitive to GTP in membranes treated with cholera toxin in the presence of GTP. In adipocyte and cerebral cortical membranes, the IAP substrate appears as a 39,000/41,000-Da doublet which does not appear to reflect protease activity. On two-dimensional polyacrylamide gels, these two proteins migrate with approximate pI values 6.0 and 5.6, respectively. Although both behave similarly under all conditions explored in this study, it is unknown whether both, or only one, are involved in inhibition of adenylate cyclase activity. These results extend the already striking homology between the adenylate cyclase complex and the visual system. Ni, as well as transducin, may be ADP-ribosylated by cholera toxin and by IAP, and, in all cases, there are functional consequences.  相似文献   

In response to a meiosis-inducing hormone, 1-methyladenine (1-MA), starfish oocytes undergo reinitiation of meiosis with germinal vesicle breakdown. The 1-MA-initiated signal is, however, inhibited by prior microinjection of pertussis toxin into the oocytes, suggesting that a guanine nucleotide-binding protein (G protein) serving as the substrate of pertussis toxin is involved in the 1-MA receptor-mediated signal. We thus investigated properties of 1-MA receptors by means of binding of the radiolabeled ligand to the oocyte membranes. There were apparently two forms of 1-MA receptors with high and low affinities in the membranes. The high-affinity form was converted into the low-affinity one in the presence of a non-hydrolyzable analogue of GTP. A 39-kDa protein, which had been identified as the alpha-subunit of the major substrate G protein for pertussis toxin, was also ADP-ribosylated by cholera toxin only when 1-MA was added to the membranes. The ADP-ribosylated 39-kDa alpha-subunit could be immunoprecipitated with antibodies raised against the carboxy-terminal site of mammalian inhibitory G-alpha. These results indicate that 1-MA receptors are functionally coupled with the 39-kDa pertussis toxin-substrate G protein in starfish oocyte membranes.  相似文献   

Two GTP-binding trimeric proteins (referred to as alpha 41 beta gamma and alpha 39 beta gamma based on the kilodalton molecular weights of their alpha-subunits) were purified from rat brain as the specific substrates of the ADP-ribosylation reaction catalyzed by islet-activating protein, pertussis toxin, and resolved irreversibly into alpha- and beta gamma-subunits by incubation with guanosine 5'-O-(thiotriphosphate) (GTP gamma S). Some of these resolved subunits interacted directly with the adenylate cyclase catalyst partially purified from rat brain in a detergent-containing solution, resulting in inhibition of the cyclase activity as follows. 1) GTP gamma S-bound alpha 41 inhibited the catalyst, but GTP gamma S-bound alpha 39 did not; the inhibition was competitive with GTP gamma S-bound alpha-subunit of Ns, the GTP-binding protein involved in activation of adenylate cyclase. 2) beta gamma from either alpha 41 beta gamma or alpha 39 beta gamma inhibited the catalyst in a manner not competitive with the activator such as forskolin or the alpha-subunit of Ns. 3) The ADP-ribosylation of alpha 41 beta gamma by islet-activating protein did not exert any influence on the subsequent GTP gamma S-induced resolution and the ability of the resolved GTP gamma S-bound alpha 41 to inhibit the catalyst. 4) The beta gamma-induced inhibition of the catalyst was additive to the inhibition caused by GTP gamma S-bound alpha 41. Thus, the direct inhibition of the catalyst by beta gamma or GTP gamma S-bound alpha 41 is a likely mechanism involved in receptor-mediated inhibition of adenylate cyclase, in addition to the previously proposed indirect inhibition due to the reduction of the concentration of the active alpha-subunit of Ns by reassociation with beta gamma.  相似文献   

Fluoride and guanosine 5'-[gamma-thio]triphosphate (GTP gamma S) both activate the hepatocyte membrane polyphosphoinositide phosphodiesterase (PPI-pde) in a concentration-dependent manner. AlCl3 enhances the fluoride effect, supporting the concept that [A1F4]- is the active species. Analysis of the products of inositol lipid hydrolysis demonstrate that phosphatidylinositol bisphosphate is the major lipid to be hydrolysed. Guanosine 5'-[beta-thio]diphosphate (GDP beta S) is an inhibitor of activation of PPI-pde by both fluoride and GTP gamma S. These observations suggest that the guanine nucleotide regulatory protein (termed Gp) bears a structural resemblance to the well-characterized G-proteins of the adenylate cyclase system and the cyclic GMP phosphodiesterase system in phototransduction.  相似文献   

Using the membranes treated with Triton X-100, we studied the interaction between gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)B receptors and the GTP-binding proteins which are the substrates for ADP-ribosylation by the islet-activating protein (IAP), pertussis toxin. The addition of guanine nucleotides to the membranes markedly decreased the binding of GABA to GABAB receptors. Preincubation of the membranes with IAP plus NAD caused ADP-ribosylation of the 41,000- and 39,000-Da proteins selectively and decreased GABA binding to GABAB receptors in a time- and dose-dependent manner. This decrease of binding appeared to be due to the reduction of receptor affinity for agonist. The GTP-binding proteins which are ADP-ribosylated by IAP were purified from the membrane fraction of bovine cerebral cortex. The addition of the purified GTP-binding proteins to IAP-treated membranes restored the high affinity binding of GABA to GABAB receptor. The two GTP-binding proteins which were resolved by octyl-Sepharose column chromatography showed similar efficacy in restoring GABA binding. Thus, GABAB receptors are coupled to GTP-binding proteins, IAP-specific substrates, in the brain membranes.  相似文献   

Two proteins serving as substrates for ADP-ribosylation catalyzed by islet-activating protein (IAP), pertussis toxin, and binding guanosine 5'-(3-O-thio)triphosphate (GTP gamma S) with high affinities were purified from the cholate extract of rat brain membranes. The purified proteins had the same heterotrimeric structure (alpha beta gamma) as the IAP substrates previously purified from rabbit liver and bovine brain and differed from each other in alpha only; the molecular weight of alpha was 41,000 (alpha 41 beta gamma) and 39,000 (alpha 39 beta gamma). Both were further resolved into alpha (alpha 41 or alpha 39) and beta gamma which were also purified to homogeneity to compare the activities of alpha-monomers with the original trimers. The maintenance of the rigid trimeric structure by combining alpha 41 or alpha 39 with beta gamma in the absence of Mg2+ was essential for the alpha-subunit to be ADP-ribosylated by IAP. The alpha-subunit was very stable but displayed the only partial GTP gamma S-binding activity under these conditions. Isolated alpha-monomers exhibited high GTPase activities when assayed in the presence of submicromolar Mg2+ but were very unstable at 30 degrees C and not ADP-ribosylated by IAP. The most favorable conditions for the GTP gamma S binding to alpha-subunits were achieved by combining alpha 41 or alpha 39 with beta gamma in the presence of millimolar Mg2+, probably due to the increase in stability and unmasking of the GTP-binding sites. There was no qualitative difference in these properties between alpha 41 beta gamma (alpha 41) and alpha 39 beta gamma (alpha 39). But alpha 39 beta gamma (or alpha 39) was usually more active than alpha 41 beta gamma (or alpha 41), at least partly due to its higher affinity for Mg2+ and lower affinity for beta gamma. Relation of these differences in activity between alpha 41 beta gamma and alpha 39 beta gamma to their physiological roles in signal transduction is discussed.  相似文献   

A guanine nucleotide regulatory protein may be involved in vasopressin-receptor-mediated polyphosphoinositide breakdown in rat liver. Therefore we examined the effects of the non-hydrolysable guanine nucleotide guanosine 5'-[beta gamma-imido]triphosphate (p[NH]ppG) on [3H]vasopressin ([3H]AVP) binding to hepatic plasma membranes and detergent extracts. [3H]AVP bound to a single set of high-affinity binding sites in membranes. Addition of p[NH]ppG decreased the affinity of receptor binding without altering the maximal binding capacity. The rate of dissociation of [3H]AVP from membrane-bound receptors was also enhanced by p[NH]ppG. Solubilization of [3H]AVP-prelabelled membranes with dodecyl beta-D-maltoside resulted in a [3H]AVP-receptor complex that was unstable in solution. Incubation of these extracts for 5 min at 30 degrees C resulted in a 40% loss of bound [3H]AVP, whereas in the presence of p[NH]ppG there was a 54% loss. However, when membranes were prelabelled with [3H]AVP and p[NH]ppG and then solubilized, the resulting hormone-receptor complex was still temperature-labile but insensitive to the further addition of p[NH]ppG. The molecular size of soluble vasopressin receptors was estimated by gel filtration. The [3H]AVP-receptor complex was eluted as a single peak with an apparent molecular size of 258 kDa. However, no peak was detected when solubilized extract was made from membranes prelabelled with [3H]AVP and p[NH]ppG, suggesting that this receptor complex had dissociated during chromatography. It is possible therefore that the high-Mr complex contains the hormone, its receptor and a guanine nucleotide binding protein.  相似文献   

The messenger mechanisms mediating K+ regulatory signals in human adrenocorticocytes were studied. It was shown that potassium ions initiated decay of polyphosphoinositides to inositolphosphates and obviously diacylglycerol. The latter compounds activate protein kinase C as affected by different agonists. Using western blotting method we showed translocation of PKCalpha from cytosol to membranes after adrenal tissue preincubation in the medium with increased K+ content (8.5 mM). Translocation means activation of the enzyme. Activity of PKC increased in the microsomal fraction and did not change in cytosol. Increased concentration of K+ in the incubation medium also activates protein kinase A, although to a lesser extent compared to PKC. Unlike PKC activity of PKA was changed in cytosol as well. The possibility of involvement of several messenger systems in K+ signal transduction in human adrenocortical cells as well as the hypothesis on cross-talk between messenger mechanisms for main physiological agonists controlling aldosterone biosynthesis in the adrenals are discussed.  相似文献   

Adrenergic mechanism for phosphorylase activation was gradually converted from an alpha 1- to a beta 2-type during primary culture of rat hepatocytes. beta 2-Receptor-mediated cAMP generation was also much greater in 8-h cultured cells than in fresh cells. Incubation of hepatocyte membranes with [alpha-32P]NAD and the preactivated A-protomer (an active component) of islet-activating protein (IAP), pertussis toxin, resulted in the ADP-ribosylation of a specific IAP substrate protein (Mr = 41,000). This ADP-ribosylation diminished progressively when the membrane-donor hepatocytes had been cultured. The early diminution was interfered with by the addition of nicotinamide or isonicotinamide, a potent inhibitor of ADP-ribosyltransferase, to the culture medium. The decrease of the IAP substrate was well correlated with the potentiation of beta-adrenergic functions under various conditions of culture. beta-Receptor-mediated activation of GTP-dependent membrane adenylate cyclase was, but glucagon-induced activation was not enhanced by either prior culture of hepatocytes or prior exposure of membranes to the A-protomer of IAP. There was no further enhancement, however, when membranes from cultured cells were exposed to the active toxin. Thus, the IAP-susceptible inhibitory guanine nucleotide-regulatory protein is coupled to beta-adrenergic receptors in such a manner as to reduce the degree of activation of cyclase, and the decrease in this IAP substrate may be responsible, at least partly, for development of beta-receptor functions during culture of hepatocytes. Its possible relation to accompanying inhibition of alpha 1-receptor functions is discussed.  相似文献   

fMet-Leu-Phe (fMLP) stimulated the formation of inositol bis- and trisphosphate in the [3H]inositol-labeled plasma membranes from the human leukemic (HL-60) cells differentiated to neutrophil-like cells by dibutyryl cyclic AMP. The stimulatory effect of fMLP was completely dependent on the simultaneous presence of GTP and Ca2+. The fMLP-stimulated formation of the phosphorylated inositols was markedly reduced by the prior ADP-ribosylation of the membranes with pertussis toxin. This toxin ADP-ribosylated a Mr approximately 40,000 protein, presumably the alpha subunit of Gi and/or Go, in the membranes. Reconstitution of the membranes ADP-ribosylated by pertussis toxin with Gi or Go purified from rat brain restored the fMLP-stimulated formation of the phosphorylated inositols. The efficiency of the rat brain Gi and Go in this capacity was roughly equal. The rat brain Gi or Go ADP-ribosylated beforehand by pertussis toxin was inactive in this reconstitution. These results indicate that both rat brain Gi and Go have the potency to couple functionally the fMLP receptor to the phospholipase C-mediated polyphosphoinositide hydrolysis and suggest that Gi or Go may be involved in the mechanism of signal transduction from the fMLP receptor to this reaction in the differentiated HL-60 cells.  相似文献   

Production of cAMP in response to adenosine A2 or prostaglandin E1 receptor stimulation was, but the production induced by a beta-adrenergic agonist or forskolin was not, enhanced by prior exposure of Swiss 3T3 fibroblasts to agonists of Ca2+-mobilizing receptors or phorbol ester for 3 h. The enhancement reflected potentiation of the receptor-coupled activation of adenylate cyclase and the 2-fold increase in the adenosine A2 receptor number in membranes under these conditions. No enhancement was observed, however, when the medium used for the prior exposure was further supplemented with 1-(5-isoquinolinesulfonyl)-2-methylpiperazine (H-7) or staurosporin, inhibitors of protein kinase C, neither of which affected the cAMP responses of the nonexposed cells. It is very likely, therefore, that activation of protein kinase C triggers the increase in certain receptor density in membranes, thereby enhancing the receptor-coupled cAMP-generating responses. The physiological significance of such cross-talk between cellular signaling systems is discussed in comparison with similar previous observations.  相似文献   

The effect of the addition of guanosine 5'-O-(3-thiotriphosphate) (GTP gamma S), the GTP analog which activates the inhibitory guanine nucleotide-binding regulatory protein of adenylyl cyclase (Ni), on the pertussis toxin-mediated ADP-ribosylation reaction was studied in detail. Two effects were discerned: a stimulation of the ADP-ribosyltransferase activity of the toxin, akin to what was described for ATP and GDP in a previous report (Mattera, R., Codina, J., Sekura, R., and Birnbaumer, L. (1986) J. Biol. Chem. 261, 11173-11179), and a decrease in the ability of Ni to be a substrate for the activated toxin. Both effects were time-dependent with activation of the toxin being somewhat faster than inactivation of Ni. The effect of the addition of GTP gamma S on Ni was readily reversed by excess GDP and attenuated by increasing EDTA in the medium from 0.35 to 10 mM, suggesting dependence on trace concentrations of a divalent cation. It is suggested that this cation is Mg2+ on the basis that low (5-10 nM) concentrations of Mg2+ are needed for the endogenous GTPase activity of Ni (Sunyer, T., Codina, J., and Birnbaumer, L. (1984) J. Biol. Chem. 259, 15447-15451). Sucrose density gradient analysis of the Ni X GTP gamma S complexes with decreased susceptibility to ADP-ribosylation by pertussis toxin showed the same sedimentation parameters as Ni or Ni X GDP complexes, indicating that the molecule of Ni with GTP gamma S bound is heterotrimetric as opposed to dissociated into alpha i X GTP gamma S plus beta X gamma. Thus, these experiments define two conformations of heterotrimeric Ni: one -pt+, ADP-ribosylated by pertussis toxin, and the other pt-, poorly or not ADP-ribosylated by pertussis toxin. This latter, hitherto unrecognized conformation, is stabilized by the addition of strongly activating guanine nucleotides such as GTP gamma S and guanyl-5'-yl imidodiphosphate and should be important in the train of events that lead from an inactive heterotrimeric Ni to a fully active and dissociated Ni.  相似文献   

Overexpression of frequenin and its orthologue neuronal Ca(2+) sensor 1 (NCS-1) has been shown to increase evoked exocytosis in neurons and neuroendocrine cells. The site of action of NCS-1 and its biochemical targets that affect exocytosis are unknown. To allow further investigation of NCS-1 function, we have demonstrated that NCS-1 is a substrate for N-myristoyltransferase and generated recombinant myristoylated NCS-1. The bacterially expressed NCS-1 shows Ca(2+)-induced conformational changes. The possibility that NCS-1 directly interacts with the exocytotic machinery to enhance exocytosis was tested using digitonin-permeabilized chromaffin cells. Exogenous NCS-1 was retained in permeabilized cells but had no effect on Ca(2+)-dependent release of catecholamine. In addition, exogenous NCS-1 did not regulate cyclic nucleotide levels in this system. These data suggest that the effects of NCS-1 seen in intact cells are likely to be due to an action on the early steps of stimulus-secretion coupling or on Ca(2+) homeostasis. Myristoylated NCS-1 bound to membranes in the absence of Ca(2+) and endogenous NCS-1 was tightly membrane-associated. Using biotinylated NCS-1, a series of specific binding proteins were detected in cytosol, chromaffin granule membrane, and microsome fractions of adrenal medulla. These included proteins distinct from those detected by biotinylated calmodulin, demonstrating the presence of multiple specific Ca(2+)-independent and Ca(2+)-dependent binding proteins as putative targets for NCS-1 action. A model for NCS-1 function, from these data, indicates a constitutive membrane association independent of Ca(2+). This differs from the Ca(2+) myristoyl switch model for the closely related recoverin and suggests a possible action in rapid Ca(2+) signal transduction in response to local Ca(2+) signals.  相似文献   

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