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Dell  B.  Robinson  J. M. 《Plant and Soil》1993,155(1):255-261
With the establishment of plantation eucalypts around the world there is an increasing need for reference data which can be used to diagnose the nutrient status of eucalypt seedlings. Therefore, deletion glasshouse nutrient trials were set up in sand and solution culture to obtain deficiencies of N, P, K, Mg, Ca, S, Fe, Zn, Cu and Mn in the spotted iron gum (Eucalyptus maculata). Nutrient concentration ranges were obtained for leaves at defined growth stages for (a) healthy plants, (b) plants where yield was just depressed or where symptoms first appeared, and (c) plants with severe symptoms. The defined symptoms and nutrient concentration ranges should be useful in identifying single nutrient deficiencies in nursury grown seedlings or young plants with juvenile foliage in the field.  相似文献   

Sakya  A.T.  Dell  B.  Huang  L. 《Plant and Soil》2002,246(1):87-95
Although boron (B) deficiency limits the productivity of eucalypts in plantations in many parts of the world, the concentrations of foliar B used in the diagnosis of B deficiency vary greatly among studies. There has been a lack of reliable diagnosis standards for B deficiency in Eucalyptus species. Therefore, the present study investigated the relationship between internal and external B concentrations and growth of Eucalyptus globulus, the main commercial temperate eucalypt species. Seedlings were grown in a B-buffered solution culture (Amberlite IRA 743) from 0.03 to 8.35 M B. Boron deficiency symptoms appeared at day 5 in the nutrient solution containing less than 0.27 M B. The external critical B concentrations, estimated for the growth of shoots and roots, were 1.08 and 0.99 M B, respectively. The internal critical B concentration range in the youngest fully expanded leaf (YFEL) for shoot growth was 12–16 mg B kg–1 dry weight. The internal critical B concentrations estimated in the present study have been successfully used in the diagnosis of B deficiency in E. globulus trees up to three years of age in south-east Asia.  相似文献   

E. Shedley  B. Dell  T. Grove 《Plant and Soil》1995,177(2):183-189
The relationship between shoot growth and foliar nitrogen (N) in E. globulus seedlings was studied in the glasshouse to determine standard values for N deficiency and toxicity diagnosis. Seedlings were grown for 9 weeks in yellow sand, at 10 rates of N, applied as ammonium sulphate, calcium nitrate or ammonium nitrate. Shoot dry weight (DW) increased linearly with N rate for all forms of N in the deficiency range. Seedlings continued to respond to higher rates of ammonium and ammonium nitrate than to nitrate. Maximum shoot DW for nitrate fed plants and ammonium nitrate fed plants were 51% and 84% respectively of ammonium fed plants. Total N concentration in the youngest fully expanded leaf (YFEL) ranged from 1.0% to 3.3% in deficient and adequate plants. The critical N concentration for deficiency diagnosis (corresponding to 90% maximum yield) in the YFEL, determined from these growth response curves averaged over all N forms, was 2.6% N. For ammonium nitrate fed plants, total N concentration in the YFEL for the severely deficient, deficient, adequate, and toxic ranges were <1.4%, 1.4–2.5%, 2.6–3.5%, > 4.3%. High total N concentrations were associated with growth depression and toxicity symptoms, which differed with N form. For nitrate fed plants, a total N concentration above 3.3% in the YFEL was associated with severe growth depression, and leaf tip necrosis. The adequate concentration range for ammonium nitrate was similar to values found on a field trial with 7 month old E. globulus trees grown on an exforest site.  相似文献   

Summary Effects of zinc supply on shoot and root dry weight, root length, zinc concentrations and carbonic anhydrase activity were measured in 52 day old seedlings ofEucalyptus maculata, E. marginata, E. patens and wheat grown in a zinc deficient soil in the glasshouse.Symptoms of zinc deficiency in the eucalyptus and wheat appeared within 20 to 35 days. Eucalypt seedlings had short internodes and small necrotic leaves, reduced dry weight of shoots and roots, root length and zinc concentrations in young leaves; the measurable level of leaf carbonic anhydrase activity decreased to zero. Similar responses also occurred in wheat.The level of zinc fertilizer required for normal growth of Eucalyptus seedlings is therefore likely to be similar to that used for wheat and other agricultural crops.  相似文献   

Summary Effects of calcium phosphate supply on plant dry matter and phosphorus concentrations of parts of jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata) seedlings grown in a lateritic topsoil from the jarrah forest were examined in two glasshouse trials. Phosphorus deficiency depressed root and shoot dry weights and severely deficient leaves were smal and purple with prominent red major veins. Phosphorus deficiency severely reduced stem phosphorus levels (0.5% to 0.02%, experiment 1). Phosphorus concentrations were higher in bark than wood and the amount of phosphorus in the bark was sensitive to stem age and phosphate supply. Phosphorus adequate plants had bark phosphorus concentrations in the range 0.2–0.9% compared to <0.1% in deficient plants (experiment 2). Jarrah leaves accumulated dry matter up to 80 days after expansion and some leaves exported phosphorus during this period. Bark analysis may therefore be preferable to leaf analysis for detecting phosphorus deficiency in this species.  相似文献   

Specific-ion effects in salt-treated eucalypts were examined with two species known to differ in salt tolerance viz. E. camaldulensis (more tolerant) and E. bicostata (less tolerant). Sand-cultured plants were irrigated with different nutrient solutions designed to impose either osmotic stress (concentrated macronutrients with balanced cations and anions) or specific ion stress from either NaCl or MgCl2, or from nutrient solutions rich in particular ions viz. Na+, Mg2+ and Cl- (balancing counter ions were provided in all cases). Half-strength Hoagland nutrient solution served as control. All treatments were applied at osmotic pressures of approximately 0.52 MPa by appropriate concentrations of each solution. In general, salt-induced growth reductions were greater for E. camaldulensis than for E. bicostata, although E. camaldulensis showed strongest exclusion of Na+, Mg2+ and Cl- from shoots. Application of NaCl and concentrated macronutrients resulted in similar growth reductions. E. bicostata seedlings exposed to high Cl- concentrations in the presence of Mg2+ and concentrated cations suffered significantly more shoot and root reduction than those exposed to other salts. Treatment with solution rich in Cl- resulted in extensive leaf damage, which suggested that Cl- may have exerted a specific effect. No specific Na+ effect was observed for either species, even though shoot Na+ concentrations were considerably higher for E. bicostata than for E. camaldulensis. Root growth was considerably less for plants treated with Mg2+ salts and this effect was associated with low root Ca2+ concentrations.  相似文献   

B. Dell  Xu Daping 《Plant and Soil》1995,176(2):329-332
A glasshouse experiment was undertaken to establish the internal Zn requirement for shoot growth of Eucalyptus urophylla, a fast-growing commercial plantation species widely planted in tropical regions of the world. A Zn-deficient sand was supplemented with ten rates of Zn and seedlings were harvested after three months. In Zn-deficient plants the new growth was dwarfed with small, necrotic leaves and short internodes. Foliar Zn concentrations declined markedly with leaf age in both Zn-deficient and Zn-adequate plants. The critical Zn concentration for the diagnosis of Zn deficiency also fell with leaf age. Zinc concentrations in the youngest fully expanded leaf ranged from 8–11 g Zn g–1 dry weight in plants with severe symptoms to 30–37 g Zn g–1 dry weight in non-deficient plants. The critical Zn concentration for the diagnosis of Zn deficiency at 90% of maximum shoot growth in the same leaf was 21 g Zn g–1 dry weight. This value is nearly twice that reported for several other species of eucalypts and may indicate a higher internal demand for Zn in tropical than in temperate eucalypts.  相似文献   

Summary Seedlings of Eucalyptus globulus growing in soil columns were subjected to a 24 day soil drying treatment. Water and solute potentials of both young expanding and fully expanded leaves declined under reduced soil water availability, while slightly higher turgor was sustained by the fully expanded leaves. Although leaf area of unwatered seedlings was smaller, the corresponding leaf dry weight was quite similar to that of well-watered seedlings. Soon after rewatering, leaf area of plants experiencing water shortage was comparable to that of well-watered plants. It seems that a difference in wall properties between juvenile and mature leaves allows for an effective pattern of water use by eucalypt plants growing in drying soil. Some stomatal opening is sustained and therefore, presumably, some carbon may be fixed, keeping the carbon balance of the whole plant positive, and allowing a continuous cell division despite the limited water supply. The highest root density of both well-watered and unwatered plants was found in the upper soil layers. However, root growth of unwatered seedlings was gradually increased in the deeper soil layers, where thicker root apices and higher soil water depletion rates per unit root length were recorded. As a consequence, root absorbing surface area was as large in unwatered plants as in well-watered plants.  相似文献   

C. C. Hole  A. Scaife 《Plant and Soil》1993,150(1):147-156
Critical plant concentrations for a reduction in relative growth rate to 90% of that of fully nourished plants were estimated by a novel method for several mineral nutrients. Carrot plants were grown from seed for 28 days in a range of nutrient solutions omitting N, P, K, Ca, S, Mg, Fe, B, Mn, Zn, Cu and Mo as separate treatments. All treatments except -Mn, -Zn, -Cu and -Mo resulted in effects on plant growth and the development of deficiency symptoms. Estimates of critical concentrations were based on a simple simulation model incorporating the principle of nutrient dilution with increasing plant weight and on mineral analysis of the plants. Parameters governing the shape of the relationship between fractional relative growth rate and plant nutrient concentration were altered until the model predicted the observed final mean dry weight of deficient plants and time of divergence of this growth curve from that of fully nourished plants. Critical concentrations so obtained were higher than those previously reported for Ca, Fe, N and P in carrots and lower for K, Mg and S.  相似文献   

This experiment was designed to examine the effects of aluminium (Al) on the growth of Pinus radiata (D. Don) and Eucalyptus mannifera subsp. mannifera (Mudie) seedlings in culture solutions in a glasshouse to help explain the failure of radiata pine trees on some acid, low fertility soils in Australia on which the native eucalypts flourish. Aluminium (Al) in culture solution increased the growth of roots and shoots of seedlings of both species but while growth of the eucalypt continued to increase with increases in Al to 2.222 μM, growth of the pine was largest at 370 μM Al. In addition to total root length, specific root length (length per unit dry weight), a measure of fineness of the root, increased in the eucalypt seedlings as the substrate Al increased. Growth of the shoots and roots of the pine in the absence of any added Al was extremely poor suggesting that Al, in low concentrations, may be an essential element or ameliorate some other factors in solution culture at low pH. Root and shoot concentrations of K increased with increasing Al, whilst Ca and Mg Concentrations decreased and Mn concentrations were unaffected in both species. Tissue Ca and Mg concentrations were 2 to 3 times higher in the eucalypt seedlings than the pine at all levels of added Al due to greater uptake of these elements by the eucalypt. In contrast, at the highest concentration of Al in the medium, shoot Al concentrations were lower in the cucalypt than in the pine due to a greater proportion of Al being retained in the eucalypt roots. These differences between the seedlings in terms of root growth and tissue cation concentrations may help explain the ability of eucalypt species to maintain vigorous growth on acid soils high in Al and low in Ca and P, where growth of the pines failed.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments were conducted to determine the effects of M-One (Bacillus thuringiensis var.san diego) on larval instars ofColeomegilla maculata lengi Timberlake. Coccinellid larval development (from egg hatch to adult), completed on pollen treated with suspensions of M-One at 20 ml/litre (5.6×108 CPBIU/litre) and 200 ml/litre, took respectively 29.3 and 38.5 days compared with 21.9 days for the control (water). M-One did not cause larval mortality.C. maculata third instars did not show any preference between eggs ofLeptinotarsa decemlineata (Say) treated with water or with M-One at 20 ml/litre. However, at 200 ml M-One/litre, the number of eggs attacked was 34.7% lower than the eggs treated with water only, 48 h after the beginning of the test. These results indicate that the use of M-One, at the manufacturer's recommended field rate of 20 ml/litre, does not cause a major threat to larvalC. maculata populations.
Résumé Des bioessais en laboratoire ont été effectués afin de déterminer si les larves de la coccinelle maculée,Coleomegilla maculata lengi Timberlake (Col.: Coccinellidae), sont affectées par M-One, un insecticide biologique préparé à partir de la bactérieBacillus thuringiensis var.san diego Berliner et utilisé dans la lutte contre le doryphore de la pomme de terre,Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say) (Col.: Chrysomelidae). Le développement larvaire, effectué sur du pollen traité avec des concentrations de 20 ml M-One/litre (5,6×108 unités internationales de doryphore/litre) et 200 ml M-One/litre, a nécessité 29,3 et 38,5 jours respectivement, comparativement à 21,9 jours pour le témoin (eau). M-One n'a pas causé de mortalité chez les larves. Au cours d'un test de 48 h, les larves de stade III n'ont montré aucune préférence entre des œufs traités avec 20 ml M-One/litre et des œufs traités avec de l'eau. Par contre avec 200 ml M-One/litre, le nombre d'œufs attaqués a diminué significativement de 34,7% par rapport au témoin, 48 h après le début du test. Ces résultats indiquent que l'utilisation de M-One à la concentration recommandée de 20 ml/litre ne représente pas une menace pour les populations larvaires de la coccinelle maculée.

The poor growth of young Eucalyptus regnans seedlings in undried soil from the mature forest of E. regnans can be overcome by previously air-drying the soil or by adding sufficient amounts of complete soluble fertilizer or equivalent concentrations of P (as NaH2PO4) and N (as NaNO3). A factorial pot experiment in which phosphate and nitrate were added to undried soil indicated that P was the primary deficiency for young seedlings and that response to N did not occur until this lack was satisfied. In dried soil, seedlings also responded to additions of complete fertilizer but most of this effect was due to N rather than P. Field trials in the mature forest also indicated greater growth in dried soil than undried soil and confirmed a response of young seedlings to superphosphate. In pot experiments, the concentration of P and N per g plant dry weight after four months was relatively constant irrespective of the final size of the plant. Seedlings in dried soil extracted up to 15 times more P than did those grown in undried soil. In general, chemical analysis of soil indicated more extractable P and N from dried soil although this was not always consistently so. Soil desiccation resulted in an increase in soil surface area due to the fragmentation of larger peds and to an increase in the number of microfractures which remained in the soil crumbs after rewetting. Mycorrhiza are likely to be important since the differentiation of the growth response of seedlings in dried and undried soil, which occurred at 5–6 weeks, corresponded with the establishment of full ectomycorrhizal development (80% root tips). The factors concerned with the increase in fertility after air-drying are discussed.Abbreviations GR Growth Ratio  相似文献   

This review summarizes findings on a new family of small cytoplasmic proteins called copper chaperones. The copper chaperones bind and deliver copper ions to intracellular compartments and insert the copper into the active sites of specific partners, copper-dependent enzymes. Three types of copper chaperones have been found in eukaryotes. Their three-dimensional structures have been determined, intracellular target proteins identified, and mechanisms of action have been revealed. The Atx1 copper chaperone binds Cu(I) and interacts directly with the copper-binding domains of a P-type ATPase copper transporter, its physiological partner. The copper chaperone CCS delivers Cu(I) to Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase 1. Cox17 and Cox11 proteins serve as copper chaperones for cytochrome c oxidase, a copper-dependent enzyme.  相似文献   

Egerton-Warburton  L. M.  Kuo  J.  Griffin  B. J.  Lamont  B. B. 《Plant and Soil》1993,(1):481-484
The distribution of Al, Ca, Mg and P in the lateral roots and leaves of mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal seedlings of Eucalyptus rudis grown with and without Al was analysed using energy-dispersive X-ray microanalysis on a cryo-scanning electron microscope. Al accumulated in all tissues of nonmycorrhizal plants: the endodermis was not a barrier to the translocation of Al. In mycorrhizal roots, Al was concentrated within the sheath. The presence of Al reduced the levels of Ca and Mg in both mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal roots and shoots in comparison with control plants. The presence of mycorrhizas increased the levels of Ca and Mg in plants grown with Al in comparison with non-inoculated plants, although there was no evidence that mycorrhizas increased the levels of P in plants grown in Al-amended soils. P levels were higher in the mycorrhizal sheath of plants grown with Al than the controls.  相似文献   

We compared the age, movement, and time–activity budgets of male Calopteryx maculata damselflies occupying off-stream tree-fall gaps with those at stream sites within a 10-ha woodland. All males collected at off-stream sites were younger than males collected at stream sites—as indicated by their significantly higher wing transmittance. Thirty-three percent of teneral males marked at off-stream gaps moved to stream sites within 4 days (mean distance = 140 m), while mature males marked at stream sites never left the stream. In contrast to stream site males, off-stream males spent significantly more time capturing prey and never engaged in aggressive interactions with other males. Behavioral differences were not due to variations in the operative body temperature. However, malaise trapping revealed a greater frequency of suitable prey in forest light gaps. Our findings support the idea that teneral male Calopteryx leave their emergence sites along the stream for off-stream light gaps to forage without interference and build the energy reserves necessary to attain and hold streamside territories.  相似文献   

Seedlings of Eucalyptus regnans (mountain ash) grow poorly in undried forest soil, where they develop purple coloration in the foliage, but their growth is markedly improved when forest soil has been air dried. Whether this growth promotion is purely due to improved nutrient status of the soil, as a result of air drying, was investigated. In several pot experiments, E. regnans seedlings were grown (i) in air-dried and undried forest soil with addition of different levels of complete fertiliser, (ii) in air-dried or undried soil diluted to different extents with sand, or (iii) in undried soil mixed with different amounts of air-dried soil. Seedling dry weight, P content and incidence of ectomycorrhizal root tips were determined.In all experiments, the dry weights of seedlings were 3–6 times greater in 100% air-dried soil than in 100% undried soil. Fertiliser application resulted in a significant increase in dry weight of seedlings in both air-dried and undried soil, but the dry weights in air-dried soil were always significantly greater than those in undried soil at the same level of fertiliser application. Even at the highest level of fertiliser application, the growth difference between seedlings in air-dried and undried soil remained. When air-dried soil was diluted with sand, there was a significant reduction in seedling dry weight only when soil was diluted to 20% or less (air-dried soil:total mix). Conversly, when air-dried soil was mixed with undried soil, there was a proportional decrease in seedling dry weight with increasing amounts of undried soil. In all experiments, the dominant ectomycorrhizal morphotypes in 100% air-dried soil were different from those in undried soil. Fertilisation and dilution of air-dried and undried soil did not result in a reduction in the overall incidence of ectomycorrhizal root tips, although the frequency of occurrence of different ectomycorrhizal morphotypes was affected.It is concluded that the growth difference between seedlings in air-dried and undried forest soils is not due solely to differences in the direct availability of nutrients in the soils, and different ectomycorrhizae may indirectly affect nutrient availability to the plant.  相似文献   

Summary The photosynthetic pigments of the marine algaCryptomonas maculata are decreased under energy fluence rates of 4.4 Wm–2 (high light=HL). That this is a result of nitrogen deprivation following an increased cell growth rate triggered by high light in comparison to the control under 1.28 Wm–2 (low light=LL) is evident from combined pigment, growth rate and nutrient analyses. Fine structural studies by electron microscopy revealed that the electron opaque material in the thylakoid lumen of the plastid is lost under high light treatment parallel to the severe loss of almost 90% phycoerythrin-545. The reduction of chlorophylla andc is accompanied by a reversible disorganization of the thylakoid packing and the thylakoid membranes.In a combined freeze fracture study of HL and LL cells ofCryptomonas maculata it is demonstrated that the exoplasmic fracture face of the thylakoid membranes in HL cells possessed only 10 to 15% of the particles of the LL control; the 12.5 nm particle class was almost lacking, whereas particle populations with main sizes of 10 and 7.5 nm are preserved.The protoplasmic face, on the other hand, was less severely affected with only slight reduction in the particle frequency and a shift of the particle size from two populations with peaks at 10 and 7.5 nm to one class centred around 7.0 nm.  相似文献   

The effects of solar and artifical ultraviolet radiation on the marine cryptoflagellate, Cryptomonas maculata, were studied. Even after short exposure to UV the accessory photosynthetic pigment phycoerythrin is bleached; likewise the fluorescence undergoes significant changes both in amplitude and in the maximal peak wavelength. In parallel, the photosynthetic oxygen production decreases rapidly during exposure. Gel electrophoresis and FPLC of membrane proteins show a significant decrease in chromoproteins after 2 h UV, which is confirmed by fluorescence excitation and emission spectra of the FPLC fractions.Abbreviations APS ammonium persulfate - DCMU 3-(3,4dichlorophenyl)1,1-dimethylurea; Emulphogen, polyoxyethylene 10 tridecyl ether - FPLC fast protein liquid chromatography - PMSF phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride - SDS sodium dodecylsulfate - SDS PAGE sodium dodecylsulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - TEMED NN NNtetramethylethylene diamine - UV-A wavelength range between 320 nm and 400 nm - UV-B wavelength range between 280 nm and 320 nm Dedicated to the 60th birthday of Professor Dr. W. Wehrmeyer  相似文献   

This study assessed the genotype by environment (G × E) interaction for diameter growth in 15 Eucalyptus globulus progeny trials in Australia. Single-site analyses revealed significant subrace and family-within-subrace variance in all trials. Across-site subrace () and family () correlations were estimated by linear mixed model analyses of pairs of trials. Using a factor analytic structure for subrace and family random terms in a multi-environment mixed model analysis, best linear unbiased predictions of subrace effects were obtained for each trial. These were then averaged for each of four states (Victoria, Tasmania, South Australia and Western Australia) and across all sites. Statistically significant G × E interaction was detected, and weighted means across states for and were 0.73 and 0.76, respectively. Nevertheless, the three subraces from the Otway Ranges were both fast growing and relatively stable in their ranks over all sites. We evaluated the sensitivity of subraces to changing environmental conditions, on the basis of random coefficient models regressing subrace performance on selected trial climatic variables. The results suggested differential susceptibility of subraces to water, light and (to a less extent) temperature stresses during summer. Moreover, using multivariate techniques to visualize and interpret the across-site correlation structure for subrace effects, we could identify site clusters of reduced G × E interaction related to soil water availability and evaporative demand during summer. A revised site-type classification using these factors should allow a better capture of genetic gains from breeding and deployment.  相似文献   

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