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A synthetic peptide formed from residues 20-29 of the pancreatic islet amyloid protein has the confirmation of a twisted beta-pleated sheet protein suggesting it is a potential contributor toward amyloid fibril formation in the islets of Langerhans in Type 2 diabetes mellitus.  相似文献   

We recently described a new apolipoprotein A1 variant presenting a Leu174Ser replacement mutation that is associated with a familial form of systemic amyloidosis displaying predominant heart involvement. We have now identified a second unrelated patient with very similar clinical presentation and carrying the identical apolipoprotein A1 mutation. In this new patient the main protein constituent of the amyloid fibrils is the polypeptide derived from the first 93 residues of the protein, the identical fragment to that found in the patient previously described to carry this mutation. The X-ray fiber diffraction pattern obtained from preparations of partially aligned fibrils displays the cross-beta reflections characteristic of all amyloid fibrils. In addition to these cross-beta reflections, other reflections suggest the presence of well-defined coiled-coil helical structure arranged with a defined orientation within the fibrils. In both cases the fibrils contain a trace amount of full-length apolipoprotein A1 with an apparent prevalence of the wild-type species over the variant protein. We have found a ratio of full-length wild-type to mutant protein in plasma HDL of three to one. The polypeptide 1--93 purified from natural fibrils can be solubilized in aqueous solutions containing denaturants, and after removal of denaturants it acquires a monomeric state that, based on CD and NMR studies, has a predominantly random coil structure. The addition of phospholipids to the monomeric form induces the formation of some helical structure, thought most likely to occur at the C-terminal end of the polypeptide.  相似文献   

A genomic clone containing the lambda constant (C) region genes (C lambda 2S and C lambda 4S) has been isolated from a genomic library from the mouse strain SPE. SPE is an inbred strain derived from progenitors trapped near Grenada in Spain and has been classified as mus 3 or mus spretus. The sequence of the C lambda 2S gene is virtually identical to that of BALB/c both in the coding region and in flanking sequences, suggesting that it is an expressed gene in the SPE strain. By contrast, the C lambda 4S gene on the same cluster has diverged in sequence from that of BALB/c and contains a large deletion that precludes its normal expression. Whereas BALB/c J lambda 4 region contains substitutions that probably preclude its usage, the SPE J lambda 4 gene includes all sequences required for a functional J gene. Comparison of the C lambda 2S and C lambda 4S gene sequences with those available for BALB/c C lambda 3 and C lambda 1 confirms the close relationship between the C lambda 1-C lambda 4 and C lambda 2-C lambda 3 gene pairs. The C lambda 3 gene of BALB/c is more closely related to C lambda 2S than is C lambda 1 of BALB/c to C lambda 4S. If it is assumed that C lambda 1 and C lambda 2 are respective duplicates of C lambda 4 and C lambda 3 and that these duplications occurred at the same time, then the C lambda 2 gene has been under stronger selective pressure than C lambda 4.  相似文献   

We have determined the complete amino acid sequence of the variable region of the light (lambda) chain from a human myeloma cryoimmunoglobulin (IgG Hil), the Fab fragment from which has been previously crystallized. The presence of unblocked alpha-amino terminal residue and the isolation of a CNBr fragment starting at position 46 and of a maleylated tryptic fragment spanning residues 61 to 189 provided three suitable starting points for automatic Edman degradation. In addition, tryptic peptides and chymotryptic subpeptides covering the whole extension of the light chain were obtained and characterized to further verify the sequence of the variable region and the established sequence of the constant region. The proposed sequence of the variable region indicates that it may be assigned to subgroup III. Positions 152 (serine) and 189 (arginine) correspond to the isotypic markers Kern- and Oz-, respectively. In addition, a novel substitution has been detected in the constant region where at position 155 isoleucine replaces the usually occurring valine.  相似文献   

The C-terminal regulatory segment of smooth muscle myosin light chain kinase folds back on its catalytic core to inhibit kinase activity. This regulatory segment consists of autoinhibitory residues linking the catalytic core to the calmodulin-binding sequence and perhaps additional C-terminal residues including an immunoglobulin-like motif. However, mutational and biochemical analyses showed no specific involvement of residues C-terminal to the calmodulin-binding sequence. To obtain additional insights on the proposed mechanisms for autoinhibition and Ca(2+)/calmodulin activation of the kinase, the polypeptide backbone chain of myosin light chain kinase was cleaved by genetic means to produce N- and C-terminal protein fragments. The N-terminal fragment containing the catalytic core was catalytically inactive when expressed alone. Co-expression of the N-terminal fragment with the C-terminal fragment containing the regulatory segment restored kinase activity. Deletion of the autoinhibitory linker residues without or with the calmodulin-binding sequence prevented restoration of kinase activity. In the presence or absence of Ca(2+)/calmodulin, regulatory segment binding occurred through the linker region connecting the catalytic core to the calmodulin-binding sequence. Collectively, these results indicate that residues C-terminal to the calmodulin-binding sequence (including the immunoglobulin-like motif) are not functional components of the regulatory segment. Furthermore, the principal autoinhibitory motif is contained in the sequence linking the catalytic core of myosin light chain kinase to the calmodulin-binding sequence.  相似文献   

Fourteen clones were isolated in culture from a mouse myeloma, MOPC104E. All clones had kappa and lambda types of light chain mRNAs in approximately equimolar quantity as assayed by hybridization with specific complementary DNA (cDNA). However, the myeloma produces and secretes only lambda-type light chain protein. Both kappa- and lambda-type mRNAs in these clones were indistinguishable from kappa- and lambda-type mRNAs of other myelomas with respect to (a) adsorption to oligo-(dT) cellulose, (b) molecular size (12.6 S), and (c) thermal stability of the hybrids formed with corresponding cDNA. The kappa chain mRNA of MOPC104E cells, however, was translated very inefficiently both in vivo and in vitro, whereas the lambda chain mRNA was translated efficiently. These results indicate that each cell of MOPC104E myeloma synthesizes a crippled kappa chain mRNA in addition to a normal lambda chain mRNA.  相似文献   

We describe the construction of a phage antibody fragments library which combines, in a single cloning step, a synthetic human light chain variable region (V(L)) with a diverse set of heavy chain variable regions, from a mouse immunized with the prostate specific antigen (PSA). Despite V(L) restriction, selection from this library rendered two different single chain Fv antibody fragments, specifically recognizing PSA. The human V(L), used as a general partner for mouse heavy chains, was constructed by linking the germline A27 gene and the J(K)1 minigene segment, both of which are prominently involved in human antibody responses. Our approach offers a fast and simple way to produce half-human molecules, while keeping the advantage of immunizing animals for high affinity antibodies.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of despentapeptide insulin, a monomeric insulin, has been refined at 1.3 Å spacing and subsequently used to predict and model the organization in the insulin fibril. The model makes use of the contacts in the densely packed despentapeptide insulin crystal, and takes into account other experimental evidence, including binding studies with Congo red. The dimensions of this model fibril correspond well with those measured experimentally, and the monomer–monomer contacts within the fibril are in accordance with the known physical chemistry of insulin fibrils. Using this model, it may be possible to predict mutations in insulin that might alleviate problems associated with fibril formation during insulin therapy. © 1997 Wiley-Liss Inc.  相似文献   

The complete amino acid sequence has been determined of a unique protein from a 55-years-old female with multiple myeloma associated with Fanconi syndrome. It existed in a monomer form with an apparent molecular weight of 10K daltons, and was consisted of 106 amino acid residues. The sequence was characteristic of the V-region of lambda light chains and was highly homologous with that of the first 106 residues of V lambda III subgroup. The presence of an intact light chain as well as a 13K daltons fragment, corresponding to the entire C-region, strongly suggests that the unique component is a catabolic product from the intact light chain rather than an aberrant product of synthesis.  相似文献   

A mouse myeloma, MOPC-104E, which is known to synthesize and secrete λ type light chain protein as a constituent of immunoglobulin M, was shown to contain mRNA sequences coding for κ as well as λ type light chain protein. Light chain mRNA sequences were quantitated by nucleic acid hybridization reaction using radioactive DNA complementary to light chain mRNAs which had been purified from other myelomas. The amount of κ type light chain mRNA present in MOPC-104E is almost equivalent to that of λ type light chain mRNA. κ chain mRNA was not separated from λ chain mRNA either by centrifugation in sucrose density gradient or by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in formamide.  相似文献   

The amino acid sequence of the light chain from a specifically purified rabbit (No. 2717) anti-p-azobenzoate antibody preparation (b4 allotype) of restricted heterogeneity has been determined. This light chain is composed of 216 residues, including seven half-cystine residues located at positions 23, 80, 88, 134, 171, 194 and 216. Three intrachain disulfide bonds appear to be present in contrast to only two disulfide bonds as has been so far described for Bence Jones protein and light chains of human and mouse. This light chain was sequenced by isolating the tryptic peptides, sequencing the peptides and establishing their order within the molecule. Unambiguous identification of the overlaps was achieved by taking into account the partially characterized tryptic peptides from citraconic anhydride-treated light chains and chymotryptic and peptic peptides from digests of both untreated and citraconylated light chains. Comparison of this amino acid sequence with the amino acid sequence of the car?ylterminal half of the b4 light chains from unimmunized rabbits reveals differences at positions 165, 166, 169 and 176 indicating the existence of more than one sequence in the b4 “constant” region. There is substantial sequence homology between the variable half of 2717 light chain and human Bence Jones protein. Indeed, 46 positions in the V region (42%) are occupied by the same residues in this light chain and in human subgroup VκIII.  相似文献   

The amino acid sequence of the light chain of a human monoclonal IgA1 (Mem) was established, in part by analogy with already known sequences. By homology its variable part was shown to belong to the V lambda I subgroup while the isotype-associated amino acid residues characterized it as Mcg+, Kern+ and Oz-. The normal primary structure of this chain was in contrast to its abnormal physical and antigenic properties: (a) its apparent molecular mass estimated by SDS/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, by gel filtration chromatography and by gradient ultracentrifugation was found to be lower by approximately equal to 10% than the values (23.5 kDa) of 'normal' light chain used as controls; (b) the lambda I chain Mem, when tested in native state was not antigenically reactive. These abnormalities were reverted when the chain was treated with 8 M urea. These data suggest that the abnormal behaviour of lambda I chain Mem is at a conformational level.  相似文献   

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