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Harold  Fox 《Journal of Zoology》1985,205(2):223-234
The skin of the paired tentacles of Ichthyophis consists of a cornified epidermis of 5–7 layers of epidermal cells, and a glandular dermis of ducted mucous glands, in association with collagen, blood vessels, fibroblasts, granulocytes, sparse melanophores and characteristic laminophores of unknown function. The epidermis is highly innervated at all levels below the stratum corneum by naked neurites, which originate as branches from large unmyelinated nerve bundles (and associated Schwann cells), located sub-epidermally, and which are part of the trigeminal cranial nerve. Myelinated nerves are also present below the epidermis, spatially associated with capillaries and glands. The study of the ultrastructure of the tentacle supports a concept of a sensory function, possibly tactile, though until further information from experimentation is available, any ideas on the specific nature of these sensory activities must remain speculative.  相似文献   

The state of development of advanced embryos of the direct‐developing Ecuadorian caecilian Caecilia orientalis (Caeciliidae: Gymnophiona: Amphibia) was examined. Because it is established that development is correlated with reproductive modes in a number of features, we included comparison with taxa that represent the major reproductive modes and all of the modern normal tables and ossification sequences. The embryos of C. orientalis most closely resemble those of stage 47/48 Gegeneophis ramaswamii, an Indian caeciliid, and stage 47/48 Hypogeophis rostratus, a Seychellian caeciliid, both direct developers, in details of bone mineralization, chondrocranial degeneration, and vertebrogenesis. They are most like stage 45 H. rostratus in external features (gills, pigmentation, etc.). They are less similar to prehatchings of Ichthyophis kohtaoensis, an ichthyophiid with free‐living larvae, and to fetuses of the viviparous caeciliid Dermophis mexicanus and the viviparous typhlonectid Typhlonectes compressicauda at comparable total lengths in both skeletal development and external features. The similarity of developmental features among the direct‐developers suggests a correlation with mode of life history. A noteworthy feature is that C. orientalis has an armature of multiple rows of teeth on the lower jaw with tooth crowns that resemble the “fetal” teeth of viviparous taxa and that are covered with a layer of oral mucosal epithelium until full development and eruption, but the upper jaw bears a single row of widely spaced, elongate, slightly recurved teeth that resemble those of the adult. J. Morphol., 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Light and electron microscopic observations of the lateral-line organs of larval Ichthyophis kohtaoensis confirmed earlier reports of the occurrence of two different types of lateral-line organs. One type, the ampullary organ, possesses 15–26 egg-shaped sensory cells. Each sensory cell extends a single kinocilium surrounded by a few microvilli into the ampullary lumen. This is in contrast to the ampullary organs of urodele amphibians that contain only microvilli. The second type of organ, the ordinary neuromast, has 15–24 pear-shaped sensory cells arranged in two to three rows. Each sensory cell shows a kinocilium that is asymmetrically placed with respect to both a basal plate and approximately 60 stereovilli. The sensory cells of ampullary organs are always separated by supporting cells; those of neuromasts are occasionally in contact with one another. Numerous (neuromasts) or few (ampullary organs) mantle cells separate the organs from the epidermal cells. Only afferent synapses are found in the ampullary organs whereas vesicle-filled fibers together with afferent nerve terminals are found in neuromasts. Both organs contain similarly sized presynaptic spheres adjacent to the afferent fibers. It is suggested that the neuromasts have a mechanoreceptive function, whereas the ampullary organs have an electroreceptive one.  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructure of hepatic peroxisomes was investigated in Ichthyophis glutinosus (Amphibia: Gymnophiona), employing perfusion fixation and the diaminobenzidine (DAB) technique for the visualization of catalase. The majority of peroxisomes is circular or rod-shaped, although elongated particles occasionally occur. They contain a finely granular matrix, lightly stained after the DAB procedure. Their mean diameter is approximately 0.25 m. Serial sections reveal that the circular and rod-shaped peroxisomal profiles are cross and oblique sections of highly tortuous, tubular organelles exceeding 2 m in length.In addition to tubular profiles, elongated, rectangular particles, as well as straight dumbbell-shaped organelles with distinct marginal plates are observed. They range from 900 to 1650 nm in length (mean = 1200 nm). In the flattened, thin central portion of the dumbbell-shaped particle, the peroxisomal membranes form a cisterna enclosing one or two uniformly thick marginal plates, which display a definite substructure with a periodicity of 10 nm.These findings indicate that peroxisomes in the liver of Ichthyophis exhibit a complex organization. It is suggested that the organelles undergo a specific differentiation process, morphologically characterized by the formation of enlarged segments of unusual shape.This study was supported by grants from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Fa 146/1-2 and Sto 75/9  相似文献   

Summary The notochord of Ichthyophis glutinosus and I. kohtaoensis consists of peripheral flattened cells characterized by a well-developed system of rough endoplasmic reticulum, bundles of tonofilaments, and abundant glycogen particles. These cells contain furthermore fairly high activities of -naphtyl-acetate esterase and 4-chloro-5-bromoindoxyl acetate esterase as well as acid phosphatase which was found in lysosomal localization. The huge intracellular vacuoles of the centrally situated cells possibly originate from electron translucent spaces within the glycogen fields of the peripheral cells.The notochord sheath consists of variously differentiated layers of collagen fibers and of an elastica externa. The diameters of the collagen fibers increase from the inner towards the outer region of the sheath. A peculiar feature of the Ichthyophis notochord sheath is a ring of mineralized collagen. The notochord of the caecilians investigated is compared with that of anurans, urodeles, and several groups of fish.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

Summary The retinal projections of the caecilian Ichthyophis kohtaoensis were investigated by anterograde transport of HRP. The optic tract forms two bundles in the diencephalon, a narrow medial bundle in the optic tectum, and a basal optic tract consisting of few fibres. Terminal fields are in the thalamus, pretectum, tectum, and as a circum-scribed basal optic neuropile in the tegmentum. Thalamic, pretectal and tectal projections are contralateral as well as ipsilateral. The reduced but existing visual projection corresponds to a reduced but existing visually guided behaviour.  相似文献   

Odontogenesis of early larval non-pedicellate teeth, late larval teeth with a more or less distinct dividing zone and fully transformed pedicellate teeth in Ambystoma mexicanum (Urodela) was studied to obtain insights into the development of differently structured teeth in lower vertebrates. Using transmission electron microscopy we investigated five developmental stages: (1) papilla; (2) bell stage (secretion of the matrix begins); (3) primordium (mineralization and activity of ameloblasts starts); (4) replacement tooth (young, old); and (5) established, functional tooth. Development of the differently structured teeth is largely identical in the first three stages. Mineralization takes place in apico-basal direction up to the (prospective) pedicel (early and some late larvae) or up to the zone that divides the late larval and transformed tooth in pedicel and dentine shaft (pedicellate condition). Mineralization starts directly at the collagen and by means of matrix vesicles. First odontoblasts develop small processes that extend to the basal lamina of the inner epithelial layer of the enamel organ. The processes are small and lack organelles in early larval teeth, but become larger, arborescent, and contain some organelles in late larval and transformed teeth. The processes are surrounded by unmineralized matrix (predentine). Odontoblasts at the basis of the teeth, at the pedicel, and in the zone of division do not develop significant cytoplasmic processes that extend into the matrix. Cells of the inner enamel epithelium differentiate to ameloblasts that secrete the enamel. In the early larval tooth they show an extensive basal labyrinth that becomes regressive when the enamel layer is completed. In late larval and transformed teeth, however, a large cavity arises between the basal ruffled border of ameloblasts and their basal lamina. This cavity appears to mediate amelogenesis. A small apical zone in early, but not in late larval teeth directly below the thin enamel layer consists of enameloid and is free of dentine channels.  相似文献   

采用常规解剖学和组织学方法对版纳鱼螈Ichthyophis bannanica的泌尿系统进行研究.结果表明,版纳鱼螈泌尿系统包括中肾、输尿管、膀胱.版纳鱼螈的中肾由肾小体和肾小管组成,无皮质、髓质之分,肾小体主要分布在肾脏背外侧缘,肾小管由颈段、第1近曲小管、第2近曲小管、间段、第1远曲小管、第2远曲小管和集合管组成;输尿管位于两肾外侧缘,其上皮由前端的单层立方上皮过渡到后端的假复层上皮;膀胱为泄殖腔膀胱,内壁具有发达的绒毛,绒毛上皮为变移上皮.  相似文献   

The inner ear of Ichthyophis glutinosus is described with emphasis on the position of the sensory organs and the polarization of the hair cells. The hair cell polarization patterns of the maculae, cristae and papilla basilaris is similar to previous observations in other tetrapods. The papilla amphibiorum shows a simpler bidirectional polarization than described in other amphibians. The papilla neglecta, a sensory organ in the utriculus shows a unidirectional posteriorly directed polarization. A neglecta has not been found in the utriculus of anurans and urodeles previously.  相似文献   

The gross anatomy and microanatomy of the digestive system of Ichthyophis supachaii were investigated. The microscopic structures of the digestive system are similar to those in other caecilians. Functional and developing teeth are present in adults. The tongue contains the genioglossus muscle. The digestive tract is elongated and consists of the mucosa, submucosa, muscularis and adventitia/serosa. The oesophagus contains longitudinal folds and lacks oesophageal glands. We report for the first time the caecilian gastric rugae and specific localization of oxynticopeptic cells in the anterior gastric region. The intestinal folds are exclusively present in the anterior intestinal region. The liver comprises 30–40 incomplete hepatic lobes, lying in an imbricate manner. Each lobe is enveloped by haematopoietic tissue that produces and delivers blood cells into sinusoids. Hepatic parenchyma is organized into anastomosing, two‐cell‐thick plates, having sinusoids at the basal domain and bile canaliculi at the apical domain of hepatocytes. Pigment cells are scattered inside sinusoids. The pancreas contains pancreatic acini interspersed with islets of Langerhans. The gallbladder proper is thin and continuous with the cystic duct wall. Neutral and carboxylated acid mucosubstances are secreted along the digestive tract, while sulphated mucosubstances are not produced by the stomach and anterior intestinal regions.  相似文献   

The calcified amorphous layer of the skin of Bufo marinus (Amphibia: Anura)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The integument of Bufo marinus is surveyed. It is similar to that of other anurans and contains the three chromatophores common to anurans. The skin of these toads contains more than 28% minerals deposited as small crystals in a mucopolysaccharide-positive amorphous layer between the stratum compactum and the stratum spongiosum. These crystals reveal a high content of calcium and phosphorus aggregated in and near membrane-bound vesicles which have an appearance very similar to matrix vesicles. Electron microscopy gives the appearance that these vesicles are associated with flbroblasts located between alternating bundles of collagen. Histochemical studies indicate that the amorphous layer possesses many of the characteristics commonly associated with mineralized cartilage or bone.  相似文献   

The inner ear of the caecilian Ichthyophis glutinosus is briefly described. An analysis of the fine structure of the utricular macula show the presence of several varieties of hair cells. At least one type seems to be degenerating, another developing. A slow hair cell turnover is proposed. The number of afferent nerve endings in contact with a few hair cells were found to be 6–13 as reconstructed from electron microscopical serial sectioning.  相似文献   

Spermiogenesis, known as spermateleosis in lower vertebrates, is the transformation of the round spermatid into a highly specialized spermatozoon with a species-specific structure. Spermateleosis and sperm morphology of two species of caecilians, Ichthyophis tricolor and Uraeotyphlus cf. narayani, from the Western Ghats of Kerala, India, were studied using light and transmission electron microscopy. Spermateleosis is described in early, mid-, and late phases. During the early phase, the spermatid nucleus does not elongate, but the acrosome vesicle is Golgi-derived and its material is produced as a homogeneous substance rather than as discrete granules. In development of the acrosome, the centrioles shift in position to the lower half of the cell. The acrosomal vesicles take the full shape of the acrosome with the establishment of the perforatorium in midphase. An endonuclear canal develops and accommodates the perforatorium. The incipient flagellum is laid down when the proximal centriole attaches to the posterior side of the nucleus and the distal centriole connects to the proximal centriole, which forms the basal granule of the acrosome. The axial fiber also appears during midphase. The mitochondria shift in position to the posterior pole of the cell to commence establishment of the midphase. Late phase is characterized by nuclear condensation and elongation. Consequently, the final organization of the sperm is established with the head containing the nucleus and the acrosome. The undulating membrane separates the axoneme and axial fiber. Most of the cytoplasm is lost as residual bodies.  相似文献   

The female genital system of the oviparous peripatopsid Ooperipatellus decoratus consists of an ovary, oviducts equipped with receptacula seminis and additional pouches, uteri, and a vagina. It is examined using transmission and scanning electron microscopy. The ovary is made up of paired ovarian tubes united anteriorly and posteriorly and differentiated into a sterile dorsal part and a fertile ventral part with exogenous oocytes. Fertilization presumably occurs in the oviducts once the oocytes pass the receptaculum seminis. Although the receptacula seminis have been reported to occur in juvenile O. decoratus females only, the present study reveals that they are present in adult females as well. Their wall consists of a cuboidal epithelium covered with a thin collagen-muscle layer. The additional pouches are projections of the oviducts facing the receptacula seminis. They are distally closed to the haemocoel by a flattened epithelium and lack external muscle cells. A thin collagen layer is only found proximally. The uteri are characterized by a columnar epithelium with folded cell membranes allowing extension of the uteri, thus facilitating the passage of the large uterine eggs towards the vagina. Another dominating feature of the uteri is a distally increasing secretory production, which probably contributes to chorion development. Cilia occurring along the entire length of the uteri are considered to assist in the transport of eggs towards the vagina.  相似文献   

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