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The inactivation of α-methyl-D-glucoside transport in E. coli by N-ethyl-maleimide and 1-fluoro-2,4-dinitrobenzene is strongly enhanced by the presence of substrate or of an inhibitor of phosphoenol pyruvate synthesis. It is demonstrated in the case of N-ethylmaleimide that the target of the inhibition is the membrane bound component of the phosphoenol pyruvate glucose phospho-transferase system: enzyme II. Enzyme II could exist, in course of the transport, in two alternate conformational states: an energized and a deenergized state, the energized one being protected against inactivation by N-ethylmaleimide.  相似文献   

The inactivation of glucose transport in human red cells by fluorodinitrobenzene is accelerated by 120 mM glucose outside the cell but retarded at least 50% by 120 mM glucose inside the cell. This suggests that the transport system is predominantly in one conformation when there is glucose inside the cell, and in another conformation when there is glucose outside the cell.  相似文献   

Rat liver microsomes exhibit glutathione S-transferase activity with 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene as the second substrate. This activity can be stimulated 8-fold by treatment of the microsomes with N-ethylmaleimide and 4-fold with iodoacetamide. The corresponding glutathione S-transferase activity of the supernatant fraction is not affected by such treatment. These findings suggest that rat liver microsomes contain glutathione S-transferase distinct from those found in the cytoplasmic and that the microsomal transferase can be activated by modification of microsomal sulfhydryl group(s).  相似文献   

E. coli cells were reacted with TNBS in bicarbonate-NaCl buffer, pH 8.5 (buffer A) and in phosphate-NaCl buffer, pH 7.0 (buffer B). In buffer A, DNP-GPE is the major product when FDNB is used. DNP-PE and DNP-LPE are formed in lesser amounts. Phospholipase A activity is high in buffer A. When TNBS is used, the labeling of the lipid components is less than with FDNB and more TNP-PE is formed relative to TNP-GPE. This data suggests that the phospholipases which are located primarily on the outer L-membrane of the cell wall act to a lesser extent on TNP-PE than on DNP-PE. E. coli cells were prelabeled with TNBS and FDNB in buffer A, washed and incubated in buffer A. The endogenous labeled DNP-PE gradually decreased with time with a concomitant increase in DNP-LPE and DNP-GPE due to phospholipase A activity. In contrast, the endogenous labeled TNP-PE also decreased with time as did the endogenous labeled TNP-LPE but a new orange lipid was produced. This lipid is believed to be a derivative of TNP-PE in which one of the nitro groups has been reduced to an amino group by nitroreductase. E. coli cells were prelabeled with TNBS and FDNB in buffer A, washed and incubated in buffer B. Under these conditions with both TNBS and FDNB there is an increase in TNP-PE and DNP-PE with a concomitant decrease in TNP-LPE, TNP-GPE, DNP-LPE and DNP-GPE. These results show that at neutral pH acylation occurs to regenerate TNP-PE and DNP-PE. E. coli cells were incubated with exogenous DNP-GPE or TNP-GPE in buffer A. The DNP-GPE and TNP-GPE were rapidly hydrolyzed by a phosphodiesterase to DNP-ethanolamine and TNP-ethanolamine. An orange derivative was formed which was provisionally identified as a derivative of DNP-ethanolamine or TNP-ethanolamine in which a nitro group has been reduced to an amino group by nitroreductase. The phospholipases and acylating enzymes present in the cell wall of E. coli are active on the dinitrophenyl and trinitrophenyl derivatives of PE and LPE and may act in concert to model and repair the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Laila Zaki 《FEBS letters》1984,169(2):234-240
The reaction of phenylglyoxal, a reagent specific for arginine residues, with erythrocyte membrane at pH 7.4 results in complete inhibition of sulfate equilibrium exchange across human red cells. The inactivation was found to be concentration and time depenent. The binding sites of this reagent in the anion transport protein (band 3) under these conditions were determined by using [14C]phenylglyoxal. The rate of incorporation of the radioactivity into band 3 gave a good correlation with the rate of inactivation. Under conditions where the transport is completely inhibited about 6 mol [14C]phenylglyoxal are incorporated into 1 mol band 3. Treating the [14C]phenylglyoxalated ghosts at different degrees of inactivation with extracellular chymotrypsin showed that about two-thirds of these binding sites are located on the 60 kDa fragment.  相似文献   

利用PCR方法扩增了汉滩病毒76-118株囊膜糖蛋白G1和G2的编码区基因,并将PCR产物克隆到T-载体中,用限制性内切酶将G1和G2的编码区基因切下,并克隆到表达载体pBV220中构建G1和G2的表达质粒。诱导表达后在SDS-PAGE凝胶中未见表达产物带,表达的G1和G2能与部分抗G1和G2的单克隆抗体发生反应,但用Western-blot方法不能检测到表达产物。用表达的G1和G2免疫小白鼠能刺激小白鼠产生特异性抗汉摊病毒的抗体,间接免疫荧光抗体的滴度可分别达到1:160和1:320。  相似文献   

This study uses fluorescence spectroscopy to better understand the role of environmental metal ions in the interaction of charged herbicides with biochemical degradation product Suwannee River fulvic acid (SRFA). The interactions between the widely-used herbicide dichlorprop (2-(2,4-dichlorophenoxy)propionic acid) (DCPPA) with Al3+ and the comparative metal Er3+ were probed at pH 4.0. Fluorescence experiments on binary solutions at pH 4.0 clearly indicated that Al3+ and Er3+ strongly interact with both SRFA and DCPPA alone in solution as demonstrated by fluorescence quenching with DCPPA and enhancement with SRFA by Al3+ and fluorescence quenching of both SRFA and DCPPA fluorescence by Er3+. Titrating Al3+ or Er3+ to SRFA-DCPPA quenched SRFA fluorescence as compared to the SRFA-metal ion binary complexes. Formation constants were determined using the Ryan-Weber model for the titration data. The DCPPA fluorescence results strongly support the formation of DCPPA-Al3+ and DCPPA-Er3+ complexes at pH values above the pKa (3.0) of DCPPA. Excitation and emission data obtained on ternary solutions of SRFA-Al3+-DCPPA and SRFA-Er3+-DCPPA complexes at pH 4.0 suggest that at this pH where the predominant DCPPA species is negatively-charged, Al3+ and Er3+ metal ions may function to “bridge” negatively-charged fulvic acids to negatively-charged pesticides. Fluorescence data collected on UV-irradiated ternary complexes indicate that both metals can also bridge DCPPA interactions with SRFA under those conditions. The results of our studies suggest that creation of a herbicide-free boundary corridor is recommended near mines and runoff areas with metal ions in surface waters to control possible complexation among fulvic acids, DCPPA and metal ions that maintains these molecules in a bioavailable state to plants and animals.  相似文献   

The kinetics of the binding of cyanide to ferric chloroperoxidase have been studied at 25°C and ionic strength 0.11 M using a stopped-flow apparatus. The dissociation constant (KCN) of the peroxidase-cyanide complex and both forward (k+) and reverse (k?) rate constants are independent of the H+ concentration over the pH range 2.7 to 7.1. The values obtained are kcn = (9.5 ± 1.0) × 10-5 M, k+. = (5.2 ± 0.5) × 104 M?1 sec?1 and k- = (5.0± 1.4) sec-1. In the presence of 0 06 M potassium nitrate the affinity of cyanide for chloroperoxidase decreases due to the inhibition of the forward reaction. The dissociation rate is not affected. The nitrate anion exerts its influence by binding to a protonated form of the enzyme, whereas the cyanide binds to the unprotonated form. Binding of nitrate results in an apparent shift towards higher pKa values of the ionization of a crucial heme-linked acid group. Hence the influence of this group can be detected in the accessible pH range. Extrapolation to zero nitrate concentration yields a value of 3.1±0.3 for the pKa of the heme-linked acid group.  相似文献   

Brazzein protein comes from an edible fruit, which has a long history of being a staple in the local human diet in Africa. The attractive features of brazzein as a potential commercial sweetener include its small size (53 amino acid residues), its stability over wide ranges of temperature and pH, and the similarity of its sweetness to sucrose. Heterologous production of brazzein is complicated by the fact that the protein contains four disulfide bridges and requires a specific N-terminal sequence. Our previous protocol for producing the protein from Escherichia coli involved several steps with low overall yield: expression as a fusion protein, denaturation and renaturation, oxidation of the cysteines, and cleavage by cyanogen bromide at an engineered methionine adjacent to the desired N-terminus. The new protocol described here, which is much faster and leads to a higher yield of native protein, involves the production of brazzein in E. coli as a fusion with SUMO. The isolated protein product contains the brazzein domain folded with correct disulfide bonds formed and is then cleaved with a specific SUMO protease to liberate native brazzein. This protocol represents an important advancement that will enable more efficient research into the interaction between brazzein and the receptor as well as investigations to test the potential of brazzein as a commercially viable natural low calorie sweetener.  相似文献   

Fibronectin is a large dimeric glycoprotein found in plasma, on cell surfaces and as a component of the extracellular matrix which has been implicated in a variety of adhesive processes. The role of fibronectin in platelet function has not been clarified. The present investigation demonstrates that an excess of exogenously added fibronectin inhibits platelet aggregation induced by either thrombin or A23187 at a step subsequent to platelet activation and secretion. Similar concentrations of fibrinogen or von Willebrand factor, both of which also bind to the surface of activated platelets, are not inhibitory. These results are consistent with the concept that fibronectin is one of the important mediators of platelet aggregation.  相似文献   

A prokaryotic expression vector containing the rec A promoter and a translational enhancer element from the gene 10 leader of bacteriophage T7 was used to direct efficient synthesis of rat intestinal fatty acid binding protein (I-FABP) in E. coli. Expression of I-FABP in E. coli has no apparent, deleterious effects on the organism. High levels of expression of I-FABP mRNA in supE+ strains of E. coli, such as JM101, is associated with suppression of termination at its UGA stop codon. This can be eliminated by using a sup-Estrain as MG1655 and by site-directed mutagenesis of the cDNA to create an in frame UAA stop codon. E. coli-derived rat I-FABP lacks its initiator Met residues. It has been crystallized with and without bound palmitate. High resolution x-ray crystallographic studies of the 131 residue apo- and holo-proteins have revealed the following. I-FABP contains 10 anti-parallel -strands organized into two orthogonally situated -sheets. The overall conformation of the protein resembles that of a clam — hence the term -clam. The bound ligand is located in the interior of the protein. Its carboxylate group forms part of a unique five member hydrogen bonding network consisting of two ordered solvent molecules as well as the side chains of Arg106 and Gln115. The hydrocarbon chain of the bound C16:0 fatty acid has a distinctive bent conformation with a slight left-handed helical twist. This conformation is maintained by interactions with the side chains of a number of hydrophobic and aromatic amino acids. Apo-I-FABP has a similar overall conformation to holo-I-FABP indicating that the -clam structure is stable even without bound ligand. The space occupied by bound ligand in the core of the holo-protein is occupied by additional ordered solvent molecules in the apo-protein. Differences in the side chain orientations pf several residues located over a potential opening to the cores of the apo- and holo-proteins suggest that solvent may play an important role in the binding mechanism. Comparison of the C coordinates of apo- and holo-I-FABP with those of other proteins indicates it is a member of a superfamily that currently includes (i) 10 mammalian intracellular lipid binding proteins, (ii) the photoactive yellow protein from the purple photoautotrophic bacterium Ectothiorhodospira halophila and (iii) a group of extracellular lipid binding proteins from a diverse number of phyla that have a common barrel consisting of 8 anti-parallel -strands stacked in two nearly orthogonal sheets. In summary, E. coli-derived I-FABP not only represents a useful model for assessing the atomic details of fatty acid-protein interactions and the mechanisms which regulate acquisition and release of this type of ligand, but also structure/function relationships in other superfamily members.Abbreviations I-FABP Intestinal Fatty Acid Binding Protein - r.m.s root mean square  相似文献   

A computational study of the five soybean beta-amylase X-ray structure reported so far revealed a peculiar conformational transition after substrate (or inhibitor) binding, which affects a segment of the beta-strand 6 (residues 341-343) in the (beta/alpha)8 molecular scaffold. Backbone distortions that involve considerable changes in the phi and psi angles were observed, as well as two sharp rotamer transitions for the Thr342 and Cys343 side chains. These changes caused the outermost CA-layer (at the C-terminal side of the barrel), which is involved in the catalysis, to shrink. Our observations strongly suggest that the 341FTC343 residue conformations in the free enzyme are not optimal for protein stability. Furthermore, as a result of conformational transitions in the ligand-binding process, there is a negative enthalpy change for these residues (-27 and -34 kcal/mol, after substrate or inhibitor binding, respectively). These findings support the proposed "stability-function" hypothesis for proteins that recognize a ligand (Shoichet BK, Baase WA, Kuroki R, Matthews BW. 1995. A relationship between protein stability and protein function. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 92:452-456). They are also in good agreement with other experimental results in the literature that describe the role of the 341-343 segment in beta-amylase activity. Site-directed mutagenesis focused on these residues could be useful for undertaking functional studies of beta-amylase.  相似文献   

The disulfonatostilbene spin label, NDS-TEMPO, was synthesized (purity over 96%) and the binding of the spin label to human red-cell ghosts was studied. NDS-TEMPO is readily adsorbed to the membrane surface. Both pretreatment of the ghosts with FDNB and DIDS and the presence of DNDS completely prevent the binding of NDS-TEMPO to red-cell ghosts. Chloride and sulfate competitively inhibit the binding of NDS-TEMPO. Conversely, NDS-TEMPO is a strong, competitive inhibitor of chloride and of sulfate transport. The dissociation constants of NDS-TEMPO from the ESR studies were in the range 1.0–2.0 μM (pH 7.6, 20°C). The inhibition constants of NDS-TEMPO as obtained from the flux experiments were in the range 0.5–2.5 μM (pH 7.3, 25°C). The close accordance of the NDS-TEMPO dissociation constants from the ESR studies with the NDS-TEMPO inhibition constants from the flux measurements indicate a specific labeling of the inorganic-anion-transport system.  相似文献   

Hemolysin E (HlyE), a pore-forming protein-toxin and a potential virulence factor of Escherichia coli, exhibits cytotoxic activity to mammalian cells. However, very little is known about how the different individual segments contribute in the toxic activity of the protein. Toward this end, the role of a 33-residue segment comprising the amino acid region 88 to 120, which contains the putative transmembrane domain in the tail region of HlyE has been addressed in the toxic activity of the protein-toxin by characterizing the related wild type and mutant peptides and the whole protein. Along with the 33-residue wild type peptide, H-88, two mutants of the same size were synthesized; in one mutant a conserved valine at 89th position was replaced by aspartic acid and in the other both glycine and valine at the 88th and 89th positions were substituted by aspartic acid residues. These mutations were also incorporated in the whole toxin HlyE. Results showed that only H-88 but not its mutants permeabilized both lipid vesicles and human red blood cells (hRBCs). Interestingly, while H-88 exhibited a moderate lytic activity to human red blood cells, the mutants were not active. Drastic reduction in the depolarization of hRBCs and hemolytic activity of the whole toxin HlyE was also observed as a result of the same double and single amino acid substitution in it. The results indicate an important role of the amino acid segment 88-120, containing the putative transmembrane domain of the tail region of the toxin in the toxic activity of hemolysin E.  相似文献   

Target protein identification of bioactive small molecules is one of the most important research in forward chemical genetics. The affinity chromatography technique to use a resin bound with a small molecule is often used for identification of a target protein of a bioactive small molecule. Here we report a new method to isolate a protein targeted with a bioactive small molecule using a biotin linker with alkyne and amino groups, protein cross-linker containing disulfide bond, and a bioactive small molecule with an azido group (azido probe). After an azido probe is associated with a target protein, the complex of a target protein and azido probe is covalently bound through the biotin linker by azide-alkyne Huisgen cycloaddition and protein cross-linker containing disulfide bond. This ternary complex is immobilized on an affinity matrix with streptavidin, and then the target protein is selectively eluted with a buffer containing a reducing agent for cleavage of disulfide bonds. This method uses a probe having an azido group, which a small functional group, and has the possibility to be a solution strategy to overcome the hindrance of a functional group introduced into the probe that reduces association a target protein. The effectiveness of the method in this study was shown using linker 1, 3′-azidoabscisic acid 3, and protein cross-linker containing a disulfide bond (DTSSP 5).  相似文献   

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