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A battery of monoclonal antibodies (MoAbs) against human retinol-binding protein (RBP) was produced to obtain useful probes for the study of the antigenic determinants of RBP. The 12 antibodies all reacted with human RBP by immunoblotting. Based on antibody cross-competition radioimmunoassays, four distinct and different groups of antibodies were identified: group I, 1A4 and 2F4; group II, 1G10, 5C5, 6F4, and 7G3; group III, 5H6, 6C7, 10G5, and 14E3; and group IV, 5H9 and 13A1. Information about the epitopes of RBP recognized by these MoAbs was obtained by testing the reactivity of each antibody with human, rabbit, and rat RBPs by immunoblotting. Group I and group IV antibodies reacted to a similar extent with human, rabbit, and rat RBPs. Group II antibodies reacted strongly with human and rabbit RBPs, but reacted very weakly with rat RBP. Group III antibodies reacted strongly with human RBP, but did not react with rabbit or rat RBP. Thus, the epitopes for group I and group IV antibodies appear to be regions of the RBP molecule that are conserved across the three species, whereas group III antibodies recognized only human RBP. In a preliminary study, the reactivity of each antibody with purified cyanogen bromide fragments of RBP was tested by slot immunoblotting. None of the MoAbs reacted with any of the cyanogen bromide fragments. This study shows that MoAbs specific for at least four different regions of the RBP molecule can be produced; hence, RBP contains at least four major antigenic domains.  相似文献   

Methods have been developed for the removal of retinol from human plasma retinol-binding protein (RBP), so as to form the retinol-free apoprotein, and for the recombination of apo-RBP with retinol to again form the holoprotein. Retinol is removed from RBP by gently shaking a solution of RBP with heptane under controlled conditions. During the shaking, retinol is gradually extracted from the RBP and into the heptane phase. The reassociation of apo-RBP with retinol is achieved by exposing a solution of apo-RBP to Celite coated with a thin film of retinol, followed by isolation of the RBP by gel filtration on Sephadex G-100. This procedure results in the recombination of apo-RBP with an amount of retinol almost identical with that previously removed by extraction. The two-phase extraction procedure was used to explore some of the factors which affect the interaction of retinol with RBP. The retinol-RBP complex was most stable in the lower portion of the pH range 5.6 to 10. The rate of removal of retinol from the RBP-prealbumin complex (the form in which RBP normally circulates in plasma) was markedly less than the rate of its removal from RBP alone. The interaction of retinol with RBP appears to be stabilized by the formation of the RBP-prealbumin complex. The recombination procedure was employed to examine the specificity of the binding of retinol to RBP, by determining whether compounds other than all-trans-retinol would effectively bind to apo-RBP. Apo-RBP did not bind cholesterol, but displayed a slight affinity for phytol. The affinity of RBP for beta-carotene was minimal, whereas both retinyl acetate and retinal were bound about one-third as effectively as all-trans-retinol. In contrast, retinoic acid bound to apo-RBP almost as effectively as did retinol. Each of two isomers of retinol, 13-cis and 11,13-di-cis-retinol, bound to apo-RBP to some extent. The 13-cis isomer appeared to bind somewhat less effectively than did the 11,13-di-cis isomer. The binding of retinol to RBP is highly but not absolutely specific.  相似文献   

Crystals of human plasma retinol-binding protein have been obtained from 4.5 m-NaCl buffered at pH 6.8 with 20 mm-cacodylate. The crystals are trigonal with space group R3 and unit cell dimensions, referred to the hexagonal system. a = b = 104.2 A? and c = 74.5 A?. The crystals diffract to a resolution of 2.0 Å.  相似文献   

A retinol-binding protein and prealbumin both in the homogeneous state are isolated from human blood serum. Immunization of rabbits is used to obtain antibodies against the retinol-binding protein; the highly specific method is developed for quantitative determination of the content of retinol-binding protein in human blood. The method may be widely applied in the biochemical and clinical practice.  相似文献   

Human plasma retinol-binding protein has been purified to homogeneity by a simple method that requires an ammonium sulfate fractionation, a hydrophobic interaction chromatography on phenyl-Sepharose, which dissociates the complex between retinol-binding protein and its carrier, transthyretin, and a gel filtration on Sephadex G-50. The yield of pure protein is comparable or higher than that obtained with the more complex procedures previously reported.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of the specific carrier of retinol (retinol-binding protein, RBP) purified from chicken plasma has been determined (space group P2(1)2(1)2(1), with a=46.06(5) A, b=53.56(6) A, c=73.41(8) A, and one protein molecule in the asymmetric unit). Despite being obtained from a species phylogenetically distant from mammals, chicken holoRBP has an overall structure that closely resembles the previously determined structures of mammalian holoRBPs. The lack in chicken RBP of eight carboxy-terminal amino acid residues characteristic of mammalian RBPs does not significantly affect the protein structure. A distinctive feature of the avian protein is a better definition of the loop 63-67, close to the opening of the beta-barrel cavity accommodating the retinol molecule, which is rather disordered in the structures of mammalian RBPs.  相似文献   

Liver takes up retinol-binding protein from plasma   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Retinol is transported in plasma bound to a specific transport protein, retinol-binding protein. We prepared 125I-tyramine cellobiose-labeled rat retinol-binding protein and studied its tissue uptake 1, 5, and 24 h after intravenous injection into rats. The liver was the organ containing most radioactivity at all time points studied. After 5 and 24 h, 30 and 22% of the injected dose were recovered in liver, respectively. After separating the liver into parenchymal and nonparenchymal cells in the 5-h group, we found that both cell fractions contained approximately the same amount of radioactivity (per gram of liver). Most of the retinol-binding protein radioactivity in the nonparenchymal cell fraction was in the stellate cells. The implication of these results for a possible transfer mechanism for retinol between parenchymal and stellate cells is discussed.  相似文献   

At least four different proteins that bind retinoids could be present in a vitamin A target tissue like the skin. In order to separate cellular retinoid-binding proteins (CRBP and CRABP) from serum retinol-binding protein (RBP) and albumin, a one-step procedure was devised. The technique is based on slab polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) of the extracted proteins incubated with tritiated retinoids. The procedure was used to study binding proteins in the skin. The results show that epidermal extracts (the epithelial part of the skin) contain no RBP activities whereas dermal extracts (the mesenchymal part of the skin) contain 1.6 +/- 0.81 pmol/mg protein of RBP. This technique further showed higher levels of CRABP in both epidermal (9.05 +/- 1.16 pmol/mg protein) and dermal (1.5 +/- 0.54 pmol/mg protein) extracts than those previously determined by other less specific techniques. On the other hand CRBP levels were found to be lower in the two tissues (epidermis 0.2 +/- 0.1 pmol/mg and dermis 0.12 +/- 0.05 pmol/mg protein). New conditions to measure specifically CRABP with the charcoal/dextran technique could be developed and analyzed by the PAGE technique; a dissociation constant of 13.7 nM was then calculated for epidermal CRABP. This PAGE technique appears to be the most appropriate method for the study of retinoid-binding proteins including RBP in human skin.  相似文献   

Crystals of the human and rabbit plasma retinol-binding proteins have been grown from solutions of polyethylene glycol 6000 and CdCl2. Two crystal forms have been observed for the human protein, while the rabbit protein has only crystallized in one form which is isomorphous with one of the human serum retinol-binding protein crystals. The crystals differ in their morphologies, but are both in space group P212121 and have similar unit cell sizes (a = 45.9, b = 53.3, c = 72.0 A and a = 45.7, b = 48.7, and c = 76.5 A). The crystals diffract to approximately 2.0 A resolution. In both cases there is 1 molecule/asymmetric unit.  相似文献   

Retinol (vitamin A) is essential for reproduction, and retinoids have been suggested to play a role in ovarian steroidogenesis, oocyte maturation, and early embryonic development. Retinol is transported systemically and intercellularly by retinol-binding protein (RBP). Within the cell, cellular retinol-binding protein (CRBP) functions in retinol accumulation and metabolism. Since the actions of retinoids are mediated, in part, by retinoid-binding proteins, the objective of this study was to investigate cell-specific expression of RBP and CRBP in the bovine ovary. Immunocytochemical analysis (ICC) localized RBP to the thecal and granulosa cell layers of antral and preantral follicles with the most intense staining in the cells of large, healthy follicles. The tunica adventitia of arterial blood vessels also exhibited RBP staining. Immunostaining of CRBP was most intense in the granulosa cells of preantral follicles and present, but diminished, in thecal and granulosa cells of antral follicles. Within the corpus luteum, both proteins were observed in large luteal cells, but only RBP was observed in small luteal cells. Northern blot analysis demonstrated that thecal and granulosa cells from antral follicles and luteal tissue expressed RBP and CRBP mRNA. Synthesis and secretion of RBP by thecal cells, granulosa cells, and luteal cells were demonstrated by immune-complex precipitation of radiolabeled RBP from the medium of cultured cells or explants, followed by SDS-PAGE and fluorography. Follicular fluid was collected from small (<5 mm) and large (8-14 mm) follicles, pooled according to follicular size, and analyzed for retinol, RBP, estradiol-17beta, and progesterone. Concentrations of retinol, RBP, and estradiol were greater in the fluid of large follicles. Results demonstrate retinoid-binding protein expression by bovine ovaries and provide physical evidence that supports the concept that retinoids play a role in ovarian function.  相似文献   

N Noy  W S Blaner 《Biochemistry》1991,30(26):6380-6386
The interactions of retinol with rat cellular retinol-binding protein (CRBP) and with rat serum retinol-binding protein (RBP) were studied. The equilibrium dissociation constants of the two retinol-protein complexes (Kd) were found to be 13 x 10(-9) and 20 x 10(-9) M for CRBP and for RBP, respectively. The kinetic parameters governing the interactions of retinol with the two binding proteins were also studied. It was found that although the equilibrium dissociation constants of the two retinol-protein complexes were similar, retinol interacted with CRBP 3-5-fold faster than with RBP; the rate constants for dissociation of retinol from CRBP and from RBP (koff) were 0.57 and 0.18 min-1, respectively. The rate constants for association of retinol with the two proteins (kon) were calculated from the expression: Kd = koff/kon. The kon's for retinol associating with CRBP and with RBP were found to be 4.4 x 10(7) and 0.9 x 10(7) M-1 min-1, respectively. The data suggest that the initial events of uptake of retinol by cells are not rate-limiting for this process and that the rate of uptake is probably determined by the rate of metabolism of this ligand. The data indicate further that the distribution of retinol between RBP in blood and CRBP in cytosol is at equilibrium and that intracellular levels of retinol are regulated by the levels of CRBP.  相似文献   

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