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By feeding (l-13C)-glutamic acid to Euglena gracilis, a green alga, the 13C-NMR spectra, of chlorophyll showed that the entire carbon skeleton of glutamic acid was incorporated into chlorophyll. The existence of cspathway in chlorophyll biosynthesis was proved. In cell-free test, porphobilinogen (PBG) was formed from (5-13C)-δ-aminolaevulinic acid(ALA), but no evidence for (2-13C)-glycine incorporation was observed. It means that the Shemin pathway was effectivelessness, at least, in E. gracilis.  相似文献   

The unicellular freshwater flagellate Euglena gracilis regulates its position in the water column by means of phototactic and gravitactic behavior. Recent experiments have revealed that the cells switch between negative and positive gravitaxis depending upon environmental stimuli such as solar radiation. In this study, the effect of increased salinity on gravitaxis in Euglena gracilis was investigated. In some experiments it was found that salt concentrations up to 5 gL-1 (in some experiments 10 gL-1) increased the motility, velocity and precision of negative gravitactic orientation. Higher salt concentrations decreased all these parameters. At concentrations of about 15 gL-1, cells which did not become immobile, switched from negative to positive gravitaxis. Positive gravitaxis persisted for several hours or even days when the cells were transferred back to standard culture medium. Most of the cells in cultures exposed to salt concentrations above 20 gL-1 lost their motility (partial formation of palmella stages) but recovered when transferred back to standard medium or de-ionised water. Post recovery, the cells showed pronounced positive gravitaxis. Additional investigations on the pigmentation, revealed that the cells showed a complete loss of a carotenoid shoulder in the spectrum, which reappeared when the cells were brought back to standard medium.  相似文献   

Chloroplasts of Euglena gracilis grown with phototrophic nutrition at pH 3.0 were compact, while those in cells grown at pH 8.1 were swollen with widely separated lamellae.  相似文献   

Rapamycin induces autophagy with lipid remodeling in yeast and mammalian cells. To investigate the lipid biosynthesis of Euglena gracilis, rapamycin was supplemented in comparison with two model algae, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and Cyanidioschyzon merolae. In Euglena, rapamycin induced the reduction of chlorophylls and the accumulation of neutral lipids without deterring its cell proliferation. Its lipidomic profile revealed that the fatty acid composition did not alter by supplementing rapamycin. In Chlamydomonas, however, rapamycin induced serious growth inhibition as reported elsewhere. With a lower concentration of rapamycin, the alga accumulated neutral lipids without reducing chlorophylls. In Cyanidioschyzon, rapamycin did not increase neutral lipids but reduced its chlorophyll content. We also tested fatty acid elongase inhibitors such as pyroxasulfone or flufenacet in Euglena with no significant change in its neutral lipid contents. In summary, controlled supplementation of rapamycin can increase the yield of neutral lipids while the scheme is not always applicable for other algal species.  相似文献   

Etiolated Euglena gracilis Pringsheim, strain Z, were cultured in a lactate medium either in the presence of 2 μ M antimycin A for cells adapted to this inhibitor, or in the absence of antimycin A for controls. The adenylates (ATP, ADP and AMP) and the energy charge (EC) were followed during the growth of both types of cells. The effects of KCN, salicylhydroxamic acid (SHAM) and rotenone on the respiration and the adenylate pool, were investigated during the exponental and stationary phases. EC values of controls and antimycin-adapted cells were not significantly different during culture. In the logarithmic phase, EC of controls was unaffected by 3 m M SHAM, an inhibitor of the alternative pathway, but markedly decreased by 0.3 m M KCN, which inhibits the cytochrome pathway. In contrast, in antimycin-adapted Euglena , in which the cytochrome pathway was blocked, ATP content and EC were markedly lowered in the presence of SHAM but slightly increased by 0.3 m M KCN. The combination of the preceeding treatments, as well as 15 m M KCN alone, were deleterious for both types of cells, in the logarithmic and the late stationary phases. The data indicate that the energy level in Euglena was dependent on the alternative pathway when the cytochrome pathway was blocked. Such dependence could be explained by the engagement of the first rotenone-sensitive site of phosphorylation. Indeed, 50 μ M rotenone caused a similar relative decrease of oxygen consumption and ATP content in controls and in antimycin-adapted Euglena . In the absence of cytochrome respiration, the alternative pathway allowed electrons to flow through this first segment of the respiratory chain, and ATP production by the first site of phosphorylation.  相似文献   

为了从起源与进化的角度考察丝粒蛋白,我们从比酵母更低等的原生生物着手,检查它们的着丝粒蛋白,另文我们已报道了对四膜虫研究的结果,本文报道的是对小眼虫(Englenagracills)的检查。我们的结果表明:眼虫细胞核里存在的ACA抗原的分子量,包括了用ACA血清在高等生物中检出来的CENP-A,CENP-B,CENP-C和CENP-D这几类基本的着丝粒蛋白组分,作免疫荧光染色后,细胞核呈很强的阳性  相似文献   

For Euglena gracilis it has been inferred, in comparison with higher plants, that chloroplast development and chloroplast differentiation are much more dependent on processes regulated by the plastom than by the genome: (1) In the course of the life cycle of autotrophic synchronized Euglena gracilis two separate peaks of plastidial DNA synthesis appear; both precede the nucleic DNA synthesis and are independent of the latter. (2) In contrast to the behaviour of the three nuclear RNA-polymerases, the optimum temperature for the plastidial RNA-polymerase is 28–29 C. Its activity at 34–35 C– near the optimum of the three nuclear RNA-polymerases– is about zero. This temperature-range is used for experimental elimination of chloroplasts (= irreversible apochlorosis). Nevertheless the chloroplast metabolism is linked in part to the metabolism of the nucleocytoplasm. Especially during development the chloroplasts depend on cytoplasmic translation of several chloroplast-proteins. Many constituents of the chloroplasts, as for example the chlorophyll-protein complexes, need proteins of plastidial translation as well as of cytoplasmic translation. For synthesis, transport and assembly of these proteins regulative transactions are necessary. Regulation by specific proteins is favoured as can be demon-strated by change from autotrophic to photoheterotrophic nutrition, by change from 27 C to 35 C or by the influence of specific translation inhibitors as chloramphenicol or cycloheximide.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Mitochondria were isolated from Euglena gracilis strain Z by pressure-breakage of the cells and sucrose-cushion centrifugation. Multiple peaks (2-4) were observed in the rate of phosphorylation with Mg-ADP-phosphate concentration curves. The phosphorylative and oxidative activities were highest with NADH as the substrate, moderate with succinate, and lowest with glutamate. Inhibition of phosphorylation with 2,4-dinitrophenol and carbonyl cyanide, m-chlorophenylhydrazone gave sigmoidal concentration curves, with the extent of inhibition by DNP depending on the substrate used. Inhibition of phosphorylation by valinomycin, atractyloside, or carboxyatractyloside was only ~ 60%. Oligomycin inhibited phosphorylation in 2 phases at low and high concentrations; it inhibited Mg-ATPase in a sigmoidal fashion. Both phosphorylation and oxidation had discontinuities in Arrhenius plots at 34 C and 18 C. The relative Mg2+-dependent nucleoside triphosphatase activity was: 1 for ATP and GTP, 0.6 for ITP, 0.15 for CTP and and UTP; with Ca2+ in place of Mg2+ this activity was 0.35. Both DNP and CCCP stimulated the Mg-ATPase 50-200%. The optimal pH for the stimulation was ~ 7 regardless of the uncoupler used, and ~ 8 without the uncouplers. The few differences observed between mitochondria from Euglena and those from other sources are probably due to the fragmentation of the reticular mitochondrial structure during isolation and not to unique characteristics of these mitochondria.  相似文献   

We have described a procedure for isolating photoreceptors (paraflagellar bodies) from the unicellular phototactic alga Euglena gracilis. This procedure elicited the evagination of the reservoir membrane, and the detachment of the flagellar apparatus due to the very high concentration of CaCl2 in the isolation solution that caused a frenetical acceleration of the flagellar beating.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Glutamate decarboxylase, γ-aminobutyrate-α-ketoglutarate aminotransferase and NAD-linked and NADP-linked succinic semialdehyde dehydrogenase, all constituting the GABA (γ-aminobutyrate)-shunt pathway of glutamate metabolism are localized in the mitochondrial matrix in a streptomycin-bleached mutant of Euglena gracilis strain Z. Glutamate dehydrogenase, requiring NADP as the cofactor, was distributed in the cytoplasm. An improved version of the controlled digestion method for preparing Euglena mitochondria, which involves use of trypsin and a trypsin inhibitor and removal of broken cells before mechanical disruption of cells, is also described.  相似文献   

Development of chlorophyll-proteins in photosystem II was studied with Euglena gracilis Z. during dark-light transition. Upon illumination of the dark-grown cells, protochlorophyllide was photoconverted to chlorophyll(ide) a with a low efficiency (14%). After a lag time of 1-2 h, chlorophylls, apoproteins of antenna chlorophyll-protein complex CP 43/47 and of light-harvesting chlorophyll-protein complex (LHCII) accumulated in the thylakoid membrane in a coordinated fashion. There was, however, a significant difference in the stability between the newly formed LHCII and CP 43/47 judging from non-denaturing lithium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The possibility that efficiencies of incorporation and stabilization of chlorophylls in the apoproteins differ among the chlorophyll-proteins in the early stage of greening of Euglena is discussed.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS Euglena gracilis strain Z, at a concentration of 106 cells/ml and in containers of ∽ 0.1-mm thickness, spontaneously forms dynamic ring patterns in the dark. These patterns are modified differentially by illumination with red and with blue light. The red light effect is abolished by treatment with an inhibitor of photosynthesis. Pattern formation is apparently the result of chemophobic responses to oxygen dissolved in the medium. Euglena can respond to both negative and positive concentration gradients, depending upon the absolute magnitude of oxygen concentration. The photo- and chemosensory transduction systems of Euglena interact at a stage which precedes the overt expression of motor responses.  相似文献   

When etiolated Euglena gracilis was treated with 10 mM 5-azacytidine (5-azaC), an inhibitor of DNA methylation, stimulation of plastidogenesis in both dark and light conditions was observed. The phenomenon occurred in 10–15% of the cells possibly due to the asynchronicity of the cultures. The main features of this sub-population, as evaluated by electron and fluorescence microscopy, were the following: 1. the presence in darkness of differentiating proplastids that were red fluorescent under UV, positive to TCNBT cytochemical reaction (specific for PSII) and negative to DAB (specific for PSI); 2. the acceleration of proplastid differentiation during the first 20–30 h of illumination; 3. the occurrence in both culture conditions of concentric lamellar bodies (LBS). These structures were considered to be proplastids blocked in the first step of evolution, since they emitted a red fluorescence, were contained within compartments limited by a triple-layered envelope, were reactive to TCNBT in darkness and to both TCNBT and DAB in light conditions. Even if the action mechanism of 5-azaC on plastidogenesis in Euglena remains to be defined, the induced stimulatory effect on plastid differentiation pointed to a relationship between DNA methylation and plastid development. Furthermore, the presence of LBS opens the possibility of studying early aspects of plastid development in Euglena.  相似文献   

Euglena gracilis green cells were dark-starved for four months. After this period almost the entire population died, while a few giant, viable cells appeared in the culture. The giantism was maintained after repeated subcultures in growth medium in light or dark conditions. However, the phenomenon was not permanent, and the morphological characteristics of the wild-type Euglena were gradually restored. In giant cells nuclei enlarged greatly, DNA content increased and the Golgi apparatus greatly proliferated. Chloroplasts and mitochondria increased in number and size and often presented structural modifications when compared with normal Euglena. Importantly, in the giant cells that were maintained in darkness in resting or growth conditions chloroplasts persisted as structured organelles which appeared red-fluorescent under UV illumination. Whether giantism is a phenotypic or a genotypic change is still debated. In our case, the evolution of this phenomenon, chiefly the enhanced DNA content, suggests that teratism is a multiploid mutation with the possibility of a return to the normoploid condition. Constitutive chloroplasts are present in most algae, except for a few species, among which is Euglena gracilis. The persistence of differentiated plastids in darkness in giant Euglena is considered to be a return to an ancestral condition and may, therefore, be phylogenetically important.  相似文献   

Euglena gracilis has the ability to accumulate a storage polysaccharide, a β-1,3-glucan known as paramylon, under aerobic conditions. Under anaerobic conditions, E. gracilis cells degrade paramylon and synthesize wax esters. Cytosolic fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase (FBPase) appears to be a key enzyme in gluconeogenesis and position branch point of carbon partitioning between paramylon and wax ester biosynthesis. We herein identified and characterized cytosolic FBPase from E. gracilis. The Km and Vmax values of EgFBPaseIII were 16.5 ± 1.6 μM and 30.4 ± 7.2 μmol min?1 mg protein?1, respectively. The activity of EgFBPaseIII was not regulated by AMP or reversible redox modulation. No significant differences were observed in the production of paramylon in transiently suppressed EgFBPaseIII gene expression cells by RNAi (KD-EgFBPaseIII); nevertheless, FBPase activity was markedly decreased in KD-EgFBPaseIII cells. On the other hand, the growth of KD-EgFBPaseIII cells was slightly higher than that of control cells.  相似文献   

The Molecular Biology of Euglena gracilis IX. Amino Acid Pool Composition   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The amino acid composition of the acid soluble fraction of Euglena gracilis was determined from cells grown in 4 different culture media. Glutamic acid is the major free amino acid. Hydrolysis of this fraction increases the amount of free amino groups, the major amino acids found are then glutamic acid, aspartic acid, glycine and arginine. The pattern of amino acid distribution is similar in all 4 culture media. L-arginyl-L-glutamine was isolated and identified in extracts from all 4 culture conditions. It was shown to be a metabolic intermediate by radioactivity chase experiments.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. In populations of Euglena gracilis strain Z synchronized by cultivation on a repetitive light-dark cycle, chloroplasts undergo cyclic changes in structure. During most of the light period chloroplasts are relatively compact with closely appressed lamellae; during the dark (division) period the chloroplasts become quite distended. This change persists for at least one cycle even when the cells are left in continuous light, suggesting that the periodicity may be related more to the age of the cell than to a direct effect of light. In addition, the pyrenoid in synchronized cells has a transient existence, being present only in the first half of the light period.  相似文献   

The effects of ethidium bromide (EB) at 0.13 m M and of chloramphenicol (CAP) at 46 m M on the mitochondria and mitochondrial nucleoids in Euglena gracilis . Z strain, were examined by fluorescence microscopy and by electron microscopy. Ethidium bromide stopped the multiplication of cells and decreased their respiratory activity by 55% after treatment for 10 days. Most of the mitochondria became slender with few cristae and some became cup-shaped with stacked cristac. Mitochondrial nucleoids decreased markedly in number after treatment with EB for more than 2 days. After treatment for 3 days with EB, mitochondrial nucleoids could not be detected in about half of all cells examined. Treatment with CAP for 10 days reduced the respiratory activity by 47%. Chloramphenicol did not decrease the number of mitochondrial nucleoids but it increased the number of cristae and the volume of mitochondria.  相似文献   

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