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To achieve our aim of understanding the interactions between direct current and enzymes in solution, we exposed reconstituted Crotalus atrox venom to direct electric current by immersing two platinum thread electrodes connected to a voltage generator (between 0 and 8 V) into a reaction mixture for a few seconds. Then, we assayed the residual activity of phospholipases A(2) (PLA(2)),metalloproteinases, and phosphodiesterases, abundant in crotaline snake venoms and relevant in the pathophysiology of envenomation, characterized by hemorrhage, pain, and tissue damage. C. atrox venom phospholipase A(2) and metalloproteinases were consistently and irreversibly inactivated by direct current (between 0 and 0.7 mA) exposure. In contrast, C. atrox venom phosphodiesterases were not affected. Total protein content and temperature of the sample remained the same. Secretory pancreatic phospholipase A(2), homologue to snake venom phospholipases A(2), was also inactivated by direct current treatment. In order to understand the structural reasoning behind PLA(2) inactivation, circular dichroism measurements were conducted on homogeneous commercial pancreatic phospholipase A(2), and it was found that the enzyme undergoes structural alterations upon direct current exposure.  相似文献   

The refined high resolution crystal structure of the bovine phospholipase A2 was compared with its counterpart from the venom of Crotalus atrox, the western diamondbacked rattlesnake. The strong similarity in their backbone conformations forms the basis of a common numbering system for the amino acid sequence. The three common major helices and much of the extended chain form a nearly identical "homologous core" structure. The variations in conformation usually arise from deletions/insertions or en bloc shifts of structural units. The exception to this is part of the highly conserved calcium-binding loop; however, this is to be expected as 1) there is no calcium ion sequestered in the venom dimer as there is in the case of the bovine enzyme and 2) two side chains in that segment form dimer-stabilizing interactions between the subunits of the C. atrox enzyme. The absolutely conserved catalytic network of hydrogen-bonded side chains formed by His 48, Tyr 52, Tyr 73, and Asp 99, as well as the hydrophobic wall that shields it, are virtually superimposable in the two structures. However, the details of the structural relationship between the amino terminus and the catalytic network differ in the two species and the ordered water molecules thought to be either functionally or structurally important in the pancreatic enzymes are not found in the crystal structure of the phospholipase A2 from C. atrox. The most striking difference from a functional standpoint is the fact that the surface depression in the region of the catalytic network that has been commonly considered the active site is shielded substantially in forming the intersubunit contact surface of the dimeric venom enzyme.  相似文献   

The dimeric Crotalus atrox venom PLA2 is part of the secreted phospholipase A2 (PLA2) enzyme family that interacts at the lipid-solution interface to hydrolyze the sn-2 acyl ester bond of phospholipids. We have employed fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) to study the monomer-dimer equilibrium of the C. atrox venom PLA2 in solution, in the presence of urea, and in the presence of monomeric and micellar n-dodecylphosphocholine (C12-PN), a phosphatidylcholine analogue. Dilution experiments show that PLA2 is an extremely tight dimer, Kd < or = 0.01 nM, in solution. Urea was introduced to weaken the subunit's association, and an estimate for the PLA(2) dimer dissociation constant in buffer was obtained by linear extrapolation. The derived dissociation constant was at least several orders of magnitude greater than that suggested from the dilution experiments, indicating a complex interaction between urea and the PLA2 dimer. FCS data indicate that the PLA2 dimer begins to dissociate at 10 mM C12-PN in 10 mM Ca2+ and at 5 mM C12-PN in 1 mM EDTA. The PLA2 tryptophan fluorescence displayed spectral shifts and intensity changes upon interacting with C12-PN. On the basis of the FCS and tryptophan fluorescence results, we postulate an intermediate state where the two monomers are in loose interaction within a protein-lipid comicelle. As the concentration of C12-PN was increased, complete dissociation of the dimer was observed, inferred from the doubling of the particle number, and the average diffusion constant decreased to approximately 60 microm2/s, consistent with PLA2 associated with a C12-PN micelle. The presence of Ca2+ makes the comicelle intermediate more stable, retarding the separation of the monomers in the micellar suspension. Our data clearly indicate that PLA2, though a strong dimer in the absence of lipids, is dissociated by micellar C12-PN and supports the monomer hypothesis for PLA2 action.  相似文献   

T W Wu  D O Tinker 《Biochemistry》1969,8(4):1558-1568

Evidence that the phospholipase A 2 of Crotalus adamanteus venom are dimers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
M A Wells 《Biochemistry》1971,10(22):4074-4078

We have used alkyl ether analogs of ethanolamine and choline phospholipids as ligands to purify phospholipase A2 (EC from Crotalus adamanteus venom by affinity chromatography. One of the affinity columns was prepared with rac-1-(9-carboxy)nonyl-2-hexadecylglycero-3-phosphocholine linked to AH-Sepharose 4B via the carboxyl group. Specific adsorption of phospholipase A2 to this column was achieved in buffer containing Ca2+, and the enzyme was eluted in buffer containing EDTA. The two enzymes from this venom were prepared in good yield (greater than 90%), and were homogeneous as judged by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Retention of phospholipase A2 did not occur when the initial irrigant was devoid of Ca2+. These results support the compulsory ordered mechanism for this enzyme proposed by Wells ((1972), Biochemistry 11, 1030-1041) on the basis of kinetic considerations. The second affinity support was prepared with 1,2-dihexadecyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine attached through the amine moiety to CH-Sepharose 4B. Specific adsorption of phospholipase A2 to this column did not occur. These data indicate that the phospholipid base group must be accessible to the enzyme for optimal binding, and that modifications in the alkyl side chains are more desirable when designing affinity matrices for purification of enzymes involved in phospholipid metabolism.  相似文献   

We describe the interaction of Crotalus atrox-secreted phospholipase A2 (sPLA2) with giant unilamellar vesicles (GUVs) composed of single and binary phospholipid mixtures visualized through two-photon excitation fluorescent microscopy. The GUV lipid compositions that we examined included 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-phosphatidylcholine, 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DPPC), and 1,2-dimyristoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DMPC) (above their gel-liquid crystal transition temperatures) and two well characterized lipid mixtures, 1,2-dimyristoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine (DMPE):DMPC (7:3) and 1,2-dilauroyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DLPC)/1,2-diarachidoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DAPC) (1:1) equilibrated at their phase-coexistence temperature regime. The membrane fluorescence probes, 6-lauroyl-2-(dimethylamino) napthalene, 6-propionyl-2-(dimethylamino) naphthalene, and rhodamine-phosphatidylethanolamine, were used to assess the state of the membrane and specifically mark the phospholipid domains. Independent of their lipid composition, all GUVs were reduced in size as sPLA2-dependent lipid hydrolysis proceeded. The binding of sPLA2 was monitored using a fluorescein-sPLA2 conjugate. The sPLA2 was observed to associate with the entire surface of the liquid phase in the single phospholipid GUVs. In the mixed-lipid GUV's, at temperatures promoting domain coexistence, a preferential binding of the enzyme to the liquid regions was also found. The lipid phase of the GUV protein binding region was verified by the introduction of 6-propionyl-2-(dimethylamino) naphthalene, which partitions quickly into the lipid fluid phase. Preferential hydrolysis of the liquid domains supported the conclusions based on the binding studies. sPLA2 hydrolyzes the liquid domains in the binary lipid mixtures DLPC:DAPC and DMPC:DMPE, indicating that the solid-phase packing of DAPC and DMPE interferes with sPLA2 binding, irrespective of the phospholipid headgroup. These studies emphasize the importance of lateral packing of the lipids in C. atrox sPLA2 enzymatic hydrolysis of a membrane surface.  相似文献   

The complete primary structure of a galactose-specific lectin contained in the venom of the rattlesnake, Crotalus atrox, was determined. The lectin is composed of two covalently linked, identical subunits, each consisting of 135 amino acid residues. Under physiological conditions the lectin proved to be highly aggregated. The venom lectin contained 9 half-cystines, 8 of which formed four intrasubunit disulfide bridges (Cys3-Cys14, Cys31-Cys131, Cys38-Cys133, and Cys106-Cys123), while Cys86 was involved in an intersubunit disulfide bridge. Because of the high content of disulfide bridges, the intact lectin was extremely resistant to tryptic digestion. The determined amino acid sequence was found to be homologous with those of the so-called carbohydrate recognition domains of Ca2(+)-dependent-type lectins in animal. Among them, 8 amino acid residues (Cys31, Gly69, Trp92, Pro97, Cys106, Asp120, Cys123, and Cys131) were completely conserved. Leu40, Trp67, and Trp81 were also well conserved. The rattlesnake venom lectin showed high hemagglutinating activity. These results, together with the occurrence of similar lectins in crotalid venoms, suggest that these lectins have evolved in order to make the venom a more effective weapon to capture prey animals.  相似文献   

A rapid and sensitive spectrophotometric assay for venom phospholipase A2 based on the hemolysis of guinea pig erythrocytes in the presence of decomplemented serum and cardiotoxin (direct lytic factor) is described. This assay is particularly useful for rapid multisample analyses, such as those used in monitoring chromatography fractions, and is specific for phospholipase A2 in she presence of other potentially hemolytic venom components. The hemolytic mechanism is shown to be a combination of the action of lysophospholipids liberated from lipoproteins in the serum and the synergistic action of phospholipase A2 and cardiotoxin on the erythrocyte membrane.  相似文献   

A novel method for analysing molecular dynamics trajectories has been developed, which filters out high frequencies using digital signal processing techniques and facilitates focusing on the low-frequency collective motions of proteins. These motions involve low energy slow motions, which lead to important biological phenomena such as domain closure and allosteric effects in enzymes. The filtering method treats each of the atomic trajectories obtained from the molecular dynamics simulation as a "signal". The trajectories of each of the atoms in the system (or any subset of interest) are Fourier transformed to the frequency domain, a filtering function is applied and then an inverse transformation back to the time domain yields the filtered trajectory. The filtering method has been used to study the dynamics of the enzyme phospholipase A2. In the filtered trajectory, all the high frequency bond and valence angle vibrations were eliminated, leaving only low-frequency motion, mainly fluctuations in torsions and conformational transitions. Analysis of this trajectory revealed interesting motions of the protein, including concerted movements of helices, and changes in shape of the active site cavity. Unlike normal mode analysis, which has been used to study the motion of proteins, this method does not require converged minimizations or diagonalization of a matrix of second derivatives. In addition, anharmonicity, multiple minima and conformational transitions are treated explicitly. Thus, the filtering method avoids most of the approximations implicit in other investigations of the dynamic behaviour of large systems.  相似文献   

Refinement of distance geometry (DG) structures of EETI-II (Heitz et al.: Biochemistry 28:2392-2398, 1989), a member of the squash family trypsin inhibitor, have been carried out by restrained molecular dynamics (RMD) in water. The resulting models show better side chain apolar/polar surface ratio and estimated solvation free energy than structures refined "in vacuo." The consistent lower values of residual NMR constraint violations, apolar/polar surface ratio, and solvation free energy for one of these refined structures allowed prediction of the 3D folding and disulfide connectivity of EETI-II. Except for the few first residues for which no NMR constraints were available, this computer model fully agreed with X-ray structures of CMTI-I (Bode et al.: FEBS Lett. 242:285-292, 1989) and EETI-II complexed with trypsin that appeared after the RMD simulation was completed. Restrained molecular dynamics in water is thus proved to be highly valuable for refinement of DG structures. Also, the successful use of apolar/polar surface ratio and of solvation free energy reinforce the analysis of Novotny et al. (Proteins 4:19-30, 1988) and shows that these criteria are useful indicators of correct versus misfolded models.  相似文献   

The activity of phospholipase A on phosphatidyl choline and phosphatidal choline spread as monolayers on phosphate buffers containing snake venom (Crotalus atrox or Naja naja) was studied by measuring the fall of surface potential as a function of time, pH, film pressure, temperature, and concentrations of phosphate and venom. At 25 degrees C, pH 7.0, and 0.2 micrograms of venom per ml, optimal activity was observed with both venoms on both substrates at 12 dynes/cm film pressure on 0.04 m phosphate. Under these conditions, the pH optimum for C. atrox was broad (6.6-7.4) and that for N. naja was sharp (8.0) for the action on phosphatidyl choline, whereas both venoms had a sharp optimum at pH 8.0 in their action on phosphatidal choline. The optimal temperature with phosphatidyl choline was 27.5 degrees C for N. naja and 40 degrees C for C. atrox. In line with studies of phospholipase A activity in bulk phase in ether, phosphatidal choline was attacked much more slowly than phosphatidyl choline by C. atrox. Under conditions where both venoms had equal activity on phosphatidyl choline, C. atrox was only half as active as N. naja on phosphatidal choline. The studies suggest that the linkage of the hydrophobic chains in glycerophosphatides may affect their interaction with proteins.  相似文献   

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