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A series of investigations on respiration with improved quantitative methods has been commenced. The first of these are here described. They show that when anesthetics are employed in sufficient concentration to produce any result, plants show a rise in the rate of respiration which is followed by a fall. In the animals studied, the rise (found in higher concentrations only) was preceded by a temporary fall which is not entirely due to lowering of muscular activity or tonus. In lower concentrations the effect on animals was merely a decrease of respiration. The results of all the investigations are opposed to the theory of Verworn.  相似文献   

1995-1997年作者比较系统地调查研究了山东省、北京和沈阳3个区域内野生植物根围丛枝菌根(Arbuscularmycorrhizae,AM)菌的资源状况,对采自50种野生植物根围的182个土样中AM菌进行了分离、培养和鉴定,共分离出Acaulospora属6种,分别为附柄无柄囊霉Acaulosporaappendicula Spain,Sieverding &Schenck、膨胀无柄囊霉AcaulooporadilatataMorton、浅窝无柄囊霉A.lacunosaMorton、蜜色无柄囊霉A.melleaSpain &Schenck、细凹无柄囊霉A.scrobiculataTrappe、刺无柄囊霉A.spinosaWalker &Tmppe;Gigaspora属的一个种,珍珠巨抱囊霉GigasporamatyaritaBecker&Hall;Scutellospora属的1个种,美丽盾巨孢囊霉Scutellospora calospora(Nicol,&Derd.)Geulemann &Trappe,其中浅窝无柄囊霉为我国的一个新记录种。  相似文献   

野生植物根围的丛枝菌根真菌I   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1995-1997年作者比较系统地调查研究了山东省、北京和沈阳3个区域内野生植物根围丛枝菌根(Arbuscularmycorrhizae,AM)菌的资源状况,对采自50种野生植物根围的182个土样中AM菌进行了分离、培养和鉴定,共分离出Acaulospora属6种,分别为附柄无柄囊霉Acaulosporaappendicula Spain,Sieverding &Schenck、膨胀无柄囊霉AcaulooporadilatataMorton、浅窝无柄囊霉A.lacunosaMorton、蜜色无柄囊霉A.melleaSpain &Schenck、细凹无柄囊霉A.scrobiculataTrappe、刺无柄囊霉A.spinosaWalker &Tmppe;Gigaspora属的一个种,珍珠巨抱囊霉GigasporamatyaritaBecker&Hall;Scutellospora属的1个种,美丽盾巨孢囊霉Scutellospora calospora(Nicol,&Derd.)Geulemann &Trappe,其中浅窝无柄囊霉为我国的一个新记录种。  相似文献   

齿裂菌属(Coccomyces)二新种,生于映山红(Rhododendronsimsii)上的卷丝齿裂菌(C.circinatus)和生于乌榄(Canariumpimela)上的杯状齿裂菌(C.crateriformis)。新种有拉丁文、中文描述和图解,并讨论。模式标本收藏于安徽农业大学森林保护教研室(AAUFP)。  相似文献   

本文报道链格孢属的2个新种:寄生在苦木科(Simaroubaceae)臭椿[Ailanthusaltissima(Mill.)Swingle]上的臭椿链格孢(Alternariaailanthispnov),寄生在桦木科(Betulaceas)黑桦(BetuladahuricaPall.)上的桦木链格孢(A.betalaesp.nov.),2个新组合:豆链格孢[A.azukiae(Hara)comb.nov.],蔷薇生链格孢[A.rosicola(Rao)comb.nov.]和1个新名称红花链格孢(A.carthami-tinctoriinom.nov)。文中为新种提供了拉丁文简介、描述和图。模式标本保藏在山东农业大学植物病理标本室(HSAUP)。  相似文献   

A study of free infestations of Aphis fabae Scop. on the leaves of its host plants, spindle and sugar beet, showed that the clustered distribution of the aphids within the boundaries of each leaf was not a matter of chance but involved active aggregation. Experiments in small leaf cages showed that aggregation could take place independently of any differences between portions of a leaf, being brought about by truly gregarious reactions between the aphids. Experiments in which walking aphids were made to encounter other live or dummy aphids fixed to leaves, showed that the gregarious reactions were of at least two kinds. The aphids both probed more often, and remained inserted for longer, near other aphids than apart from them.
It appears that the unequal distribution of aphids among the leaves of a plant is due primarily to intrinsic differences between leaves, but is aided by gregariousness, while the aggregations observed on leaves are due primarily to gregariousness, and only secondarily to differences between portions of a leaf. It is suggested that the primary function of gregariousness is to concentrate the aphids on to the best feeding sites, both among the parts of a plant, and among whole plants; that is, it acts as an aid in host selection, even with aphids which do not aggregate so compactly as A. fabae. The functions of compact aggregation and other specialized forms of gregarious behaviour remain to be discovered.  相似文献   

STUDIES ON SEEDS : I. Fixation of Seeds   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Several fixation procedures were studied to determine those most suitable for preservation of seeds during late stages of development and early stages of germination. These are the periods when the tissues are partially dehydrated and are most difficult to fix for electron microscopy. It was found that a prefixation with a mixture of glutaraldehyde, reconstituted formaldehyde (i.e. paraformaldehyde), and acrolein, followed by a postfixation in OsO4 or KMnO4, gives very acceptable images. The results also indicate that glutaraldehyde is necessary for preservation of cell shape, paraformaldehyde for stabilization of reserve proteins, and acrolein for rapid penetration of tissues. Phosphate, cacodylate, and collidine are all acceptable buffers, although collidine gives the most consistent results.  相似文献   

报道了中国小光壳炱属(Asteridiella McAlpine)1个新种和13个国内新记录种。新种是柃小光壳炱Asteridiella euryae B.Song et Y.X.Hu。全部标本存放在广东省微牛物研究所(GDIM)。  相似文献   

本文报道虫囊菌属(Laboulbenia)2个新种,中国新记录种及新记录变种各1个:海南虫囊菌(L.hainanensis Ye et Y.H.Shen sp.nov.)寄生于齿负泥虫[Lema eoromandeliana (Fabricius)],福建虫囊菌(L.fujianensis Ye sp.nov.)寄生于长唇步甲属(Dolichoctissp.),蠕形虫囊菌(L.vermiiormis Balazuc)寄生于锯缘步甲(Peripristus alter Cast.),瘤壳虫囊菌婆罗洲变种(L.thyreopteri Thaxt.var.borneensis Thaxt.)寄生于四斑长唇步甲[Dolichoctis tetraspilotus(Macheay)]。 本文所研究的全部标本都保存于广东省微生物研究所。  相似文献   

齿裂菌属(Coccomyces)二新种,生于映山红(Rhododendron simsii)上的卷丝齿裂菌(C.circinatus)和生于乌榄(Canarium  相似文献   

本文报道柱隔孢菌属二新种和菌绒孢属一个中国新记录种。新种是天门冬柱隔孢Ramulariaasparagi,寄生在百合科Liliaceae文竹Aspargisplumosus上;香茶菜柱隔孢Ramulariarabdosiae,寄生在唇形科Labiatae香茶菜Rabdosiaamethystoides上。新记录种是甜苦菌绒孢Mycovellosielladulcamarae。文中为新种提供了拉丁文描述和附图。研究标本保存于云南农业大学真菌标本室(MHYAU)。  相似文献   

中国海南岛灵芝科的分类研究Ⅰ.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道了海南岛境内的灵芝科真菌4种。其中1新种即尖峰岭灵芝Ganoderma jianfenglingense X.L.Wu sp.nov。岛内新记录有3种即薄盖灵芝Ganoderma capense(Lloyd)Teng;大青山灵芝G.daiqingshanense Zhao;褐树舌G.brownii(Murr.)Gilbn.本文研究的全部标本保藏于贵州科学院真菌标本室。  相似文献   

中国星盾炱属分类研究Ⅰ.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文报道了产于中国的星盾炱属Asterina L(?)v.的15个种,其中2个新种和5个国内新记录种。新种是沉香星盾炱Asterina aquilariae Y.S.Ouyang et B.Song和藤黄生星盾炱Asterina garciniicola Y.S.Ouyang et B.Song.标本保存于广东省微生物研究所(GDIM)。  相似文献   

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