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The majority of proteins consist of multiple domains that are either repeated or combined in defined order. In this study, we survey the combination of protein domains defined at fold and fold superfamily levels in 185 genomes belonging to organisms that have been fully sequenced and introduce a method that reconstructs rooted phylogenomic trees from the content and arrangement of domains in proteins at a genomic level. We find that the majority of domain combinations were unique to Archaea, Bacteria, or Eukarya, suggesting most combinations originated after life had diversified. Domain repeat and domain repeat within multidomain proteins increased notably in eukaryotes, mainly at the expense of single-domain and domain-pair proteins. This increase was mostly confined to Metazoa. We also find an unbalanced sharing of domain combinations which suggests that Eukarya is more closely related to Bacteria than to Archaea, an observation that challenges the widely assumed eukaryote-archaebacterial sisterhood relationship. The occurrence and abundance of the molecular repertoire (interactome) of domain combinations was used to generate phylogenomic trees. These global interactome-based phylogenies described organismal histories satisfactorily, revealing the tripartite nature of life, and supporting controversial evolutionary patterns, such as the Coelomata hypothesis, the grouping of plants and animals, and the Gram-positive origin of bacteria. Results suggest strongly that the process of domain combination is not random but curved by evolution, rejecting the null hypothesis of domain modules combining in the absence of natural selection or an optimality criterion. 相似文献
The prediction of protein domains 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
Hint protein domains appear in inteins and in the C-terminal region of Hedgehog and Hedgehog-like animal developmental proteins. Intein Hint domains are responsible and sufficient for protein-splicing of their host-protein flanks. In Hedgehog proteins the Hint domain autocatalyses its cleavage from the N-terminal domain of the Hedgehog protein by attaching a cholesterol molecule to it. We identified two new types of Hint domains. Both types have active site sequence features of Hint domains but also possess distinguishing sequence features. The new domains appear in more than 50 different proteins from diverse bacteria, including pathogenic species of humans and plants, such as Neisseria meningitidis and Pseudomonas syringae. These new domains are termed bacterial intein-like (BIL) domains. Bacterial intein-like domains are present in variable protein regions and are typically flanked by domains that also appear in secreted proteins such as filamentous haemagglutinin and calcium binding RTX repeats. Phylogenetic and genomic analysis of BIL sequences suggests that they were positively selected for in different lineages. We cloned two BIL domains of different types and showed them to be active. One of the domains efficiently cleaved itself from its C-terminal flank and could also protein-splice its two flanks, in E. coli and in a cell free system. We discuss several possible biological roles for BIL domains including microevolution and post translational modification for generating protein variability. 相似文献
Ramakrishnan C Dessens JT Armson R Pinto SB Talman AM Blagborough AM Sinden RE 《International journal for parasitology》2011,41(10):1029-1039
The transformation of malaria ookinetes into oocysts occurs in the mosquito midgut and is a major bottleneck for parasite transmission. The secreted ookinete surface protein, circumsporozoite- and thrombospondin-related adhesive protein (TRAP)-related protein (CTRP), is essential for this transition and hence constitutes a potential target for malaria transmission blockade. CTRP is a modular multidomain protein containing six tandem von Willebrand factor A-like (A) domains and seven tandem thrombospondin type I repeat-like (TS) domains. Here we present, to our knowledge, the first structure-function analysis of CTRP using genetically modified Plasmodium berghei parasites expressing mutant versions of the ctrp gene. Our data show that the A domains of CTRP are critical for ookinete gliding motility and oocyst formation whilst, unexpectedly, its TS domains are fully redundant. These results may have important implications for the design of CTRP-based transmission blocking strategies. 相似文献
The identification of protein domains within multi-domain proteins is a persistent problem. Here, we describe an experimental method (shotgun proteolysis) based on random DNA fragmentation and protease selection of the encoded polypeptides on phage for this purpose. We applied the method to the Escherichia coli genome and identified 124 protease-resistant fragments; several were re-cloned for expression as soluble fragments in bacteria, and corresponded to autonomously folding units with folding energies similar to natural protein domains (DeltaG(u)=3.8-6.6 kcal/mol). Structural information was available for approximately half of the selected proteins, which corresponded to compact, globular and domain-sized units that had been derived from a wide range of protein superfamilies. Furthermore, boundaries of the selected fragments correlated with domain boundaries as defined by bioinformatics predictions (R2=0.82; p=0.016). However, predictions were incomplete or entirely lacking for the remaining fragments, reflecting the limited proteome coverage of current bioinformatics methods. Shotgun proteolysis therefore provides a means to identify domains and other autonomously folding units on a genome-wide scale, without any prior knowledge of sequence or structure. Shotgun proteolysis should be particularly valuable for structural studies of proteins and represents a high-throughput alternative to the classical limited proteolysis method for the isolation of stable components of multi-domain proteins. 相似文献
Capturing protein tails by CAP-Gly domains 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Cytoskeleton-associated protein-glycine-rich (CAP-Gly) domains are protein-interaction modules implicated in important cellular processes and in hereditary human diseases. A prominent function of CAP-Gly domains is to bind to C-terminal EEY/F-COO(-) sequence motifs present in alpha-tubulin and in some microtubule-associated protein tails; however, CAP-Gly domains also interact with other structural elements including end-binding homology domains, zinc-finger motifs and proline-rich sequences. Recent findings unravelled the link between tubulin tyrosination and CAP-Gly-protein recruitment to microtubules. They further provided a molecular basis for understanding the role of CAP-Gly domains in controlling dynamic cellular processes including the tracking and regulation of microtubule ends. It is becoming increasingly clear that CAP-Gly domains are also involved in coordinating complex and diverse aspects of cell architecture and signalling. 相似文献
Mechanism of clathrin basket dissociation: separate functions of
protein domains of the DnaJ homologue auxilin 总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6

《The Journal of cell biology》1996,135(4):925-937
Auxilin was recently identified as cofactor for hsc70 in the uncoating of clathrin-coated vesicles (Ungewickell, E., H. Ungewickell, S.E. Holstein, R. Lindner, K. Prasad, W. Barouch, B. Martin, L.E. Greene, and E. Eisenberg. 1995. Nature (Lond.). 378: 632-635). By constructing different glutathione-S-transferase (GST)-auxilin fragments, we show here that cooperation of auxilin's J domain (segment 813-910) with an adjoining clathrin binding domain (segment 547-814) suffices to dissociate clathrin baskets in the presence of hsc70 and ATP. When the two domains are expressed as separate GST fusion proteins, the cofactor activity is lost, even though both retain their respective functions. The clathrin binding domain binds to triskelia like intact auxilin with a maximum stoichiometry of 3 and concomitantly promotes their assembly into regular baskets. A fragment containing auxilin's J domain associates in an ATP-dependent reaction with hsc70 to form a complex with a half-life of 8 min at 25 degrees C. When the clathrin binding domain and the J domain are recombined via dimerization of their GST moieties, cofactor activity is partially recovered. The interaction between auxilin's J domain and hsc70 causes rapid hydrolysis of bound ATP. Release of inorganic phosphate appears to be correlated with the disintegration of the complex between auxilin's J domain and hsc70. We infer that the metastable complex composed of auxilin, hsc70, ADP, and P(i) contains an activated form of hsc70, primed to engage clathrin that is brought into apposition with it by the DnaJ homologue auxilin. 相似文献
Numerous studies have noted that the evolution of new enzymatic specificities is accompanied by loss of the protein's thermodynamic stability (DeltaDeltaG), thus suggesting a tradeoff between the acquisition of new enzymatic functions and stability. However, since most mutations are destabilizing (DeltaDeltaG>0), one should ask how destabilizing mutations that confer new or altered enzymatic functions relative to all other mutations are. We applied DeltaDeltaG computations by FoldX to analyze the effects of 548 mutations that arose from the directed evolution of 22 different enzymes. The stability effects, location, and type of function-altering mutations were compared to DeltaDeltaG changes arising from all possible point mutations in the same enzymes. We found that mutations that modulate enzymatic functions are mostly destabilizing (average DeltaDeltaG = +0.9 kcal/mol), and are almost as destabilizing as the "average" mutation in these enzymes (+1.3 kcal/mol). Although their stability effects are not as dramatic as in key catalytic residues, mutations that modify the substrate binding pockets, and thus mediate new enzymatic specificities, place a larger stability burden than surface mutations that underline neutral, non-adaptive evolutionary changes. How are the destabilizing effects of functional mutations balanced to enable adaptation? Our analysis also indicated that many mutations that appear in directed evolution variants with no obvious role in the new function exert stabilizing effects that may compensate for the destabilizing effects of the crucial function-altering mutations. Thus, the evolution of new enzymatic activities, both in nature and in the laboratory, is dependent on the compensatory, stabilizing effect of apparently "silent" mutations in regions of the protein that are irrelevant to its function. 相似文献
In the present study, we use a novel method, PHDhtm, to predict the exact locations and extents of the transmembrane (TM) domains of multisubunit immunoglobulin Fc-receptors. Whereas most previous studies have used single residue hydrophobicity plots for characterizing of these domains, PHDhtm utilizes a system of neural networks and the evolutionary information contained in multiple alignments of related sequences to predict the above. Present PHDhtm application predicts TM domains of immunoglobulin Fc-receptors that in many cases differ significantly from those derived by using earlier methods. Comparisons of helical wheel projections of the presently derived TM domains from PHDhtm with those produced earlier reveal different hydrophobic moments as well as hydrophobic and hydrophilic surfaces. These differences probably alter the character of subunit association within the receptor complexes. This new algorithm can also be used for other membrane protein complexes and may advance both understanding the principles underlying such complexes formation and design of peptides that can interfere with such TM domain association so as to modulate specific cellular responses. 相似文献
Schneider S Buchert M Georgiev O Catimel B Halford M Stacker SA Baechi T Moelling K Hovens CM 《Nature biotechnology》1999,17(2):170-175
PDZ domains are a recently characterized protein-recognition module. In most cases, PDZ domains bind to the C-terminal end of target proteins and are thought thereby to link these target proteins into functional signaling networks. We report the isolation of artificial PDZ domains selected via a mutagenesis screen in vivo, each recognizing a different C-terminal peptide. We demonstrate that the PDZ domains isolated can bind selectively to their target peptides in vitro and in vivo. Two of the target peptides chosen are the C-terminal ends of two cellular transmembrane proteins with which no known PDZ domains have been reported to interact. By targeting these artificial PDZ domains to the nucleus, interacting target peptides were efficiently transported to the same subcellular localization. One of the isolated PDZ domains was tested and shown to be efficiently directed to the plasma membrane when cotransfected with the full-length transmembrane protein in mammalian cells. Thus, artificial PDZ domains can be engineered and used to target intracellular proteins to different subcellular compartments. 相似文献
Phosphotyrosine-binding (PTB) domains were originally identified as modular domains that recognize phosphorylated Asn-Pro-Xxx-p Tyr-containing proteins. Recent binding and structural studies of PTB domain complexes with target peptides have revealed a number of deviations from the previously described mode of interaction, with respect to both the sequences of possible targets and their structures within the complexes. This diversity of recognition by PTB domains extends and strengthens our general understanding of modular binding domain recognition. 相似文献
Distinct functions of the Drosophila Nup153 and Nup214 FG domains in nuclear protein transport 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1

Sabri N Roth P Xylourgidis N Sadeghifar F Adler J Samakovlis C 《The Journal of cell biology》2007,178(4):557-565
The phenylanine-glycine (FG)-rich regions of several nucleoporins both bind to nuclear transport receptors and collectively provide a diffusion barrier to the nuclear pores. However, the in vivo roles of FG nucleoporins in transport remain unclear. We have inactivated 30 putative nucleoporins in cultured Drosophila melanogaster S2 cells by RNA interference and analyzed the phenotypes on importin alpha/beta-mediated import and CRM1-dependent protein export. The fly homologues of FG nucleoporins Nup358, Nup153, and Nup54 are selectively required for import. The FG repeats of Nup153 are necessary for its function in transport, whereas the remainder of the protein maintains pore integrity. Inactivation of the CRM1 cofactor RanBP3 decreased the nuclear accumulation of CRM1 and protein export. We report a surprisingly antagonistic relationship between RanBP3 and the Nup214 FG region in determining CRM1 localization and its function in protein export. Our data suggest that peripheral metazoan FG nucleoporins have distinct functions in nuclear protein transport events. 相似文献
Read RJ Adams PD Arendall WB Brunger AT Emsley P Joosten RP Kleywegt GJ Krissinel EB Lütteke T Otwinowski Z Perrakis A Richardson JS Sheffler WH Smith JL Tickle IJ Vriend G Zwart PH 《Structure (London, England : 1993)》2011,19(10):1395-1412
This report presents the conclusions of the X-ray Validation Task Force of the worldwide Protein Data Bank (PDB). The PDB has expanded massively since current criteria for validation of deposited structures were adopted, allowing a much more sophisticated understanding of all the components of macromolecular crystals. The size of the PDB creates new opportunities to validate structures by comparison with the existing database, and the now-mandatory deposition of structure factors creates new opportunities to validate the underlying diffraction data. These developments highlighted the need for a new assessment of validation criteria. The Task Force recommends that a small set of validation data be presented in an easily understood format, relative to both the full PDB and the applicable resolution class, with greater detail available to interested users. Most importantly, we recommend that referees and editors judging the quality of structural experiments have access to a concise summary of well-established quality indicators. 相似文献
McArthur AG Knodler LA Silberman JD Davids BJ Gillin FD Sogin ML 《Molecular biology and evolution》2001,18(8):1455-1463
A phylogenetic analysis of protein disulfide isomerase (PDI) domain evolution was performed with the inclusion of recently reported PDIs from the amitochondriate protist Giardia lamblia, yeast PDIs that contain a single thioredoxin-like domain, and PDIs from a diverse selection of protists. We additionally report and include two new giardial PDIs, each with a single thioredoxin-like domain. Inclusion of protist PDIs in our analyses revealed that the evolutionary history of the endoplasmic reticulum may not be simple. Phylogenetic analyses support common ancestry of all eukaryotic PDIs from a thioredoxin ancestor and independent duplications of thioredoxin-like domains within PDIs throughout eukaryote evolution. This was particularly evident for Acanthamoeba PDI, Dictyostelium PDI, and mammalian erp5 domains. In contrast, gene duplication, instead of domain duplication, produces PDI diversity in G. lamblia. Based on our results and the known diversity of PDIs, we present a new hypothesis that the five single-domain PDIs of G. lamblia may reflect an ancestral mechanism of protein folding in the eukaryotic endoplasmic reticulum. The PDI complement of G. lamblia and yeast suggests that a combination of PDIs may be used as a redox chain analogous to that known for bacterial Dsb proteins. 相似文献