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Various functional explanations can be proposed for the evolution of bird embryonic vocalizations during the pre-hatching period, namely: 1. To elicit switching of parents from incubation to parental behaviour typical of the chick period; 2. To allow thermoregulation of embryos by soliciting parents to incubate; or 3. To establish parent—offspring individual recognition. In this paper, we present the results of field experiments designed to test hypotheses 1 and 3 in the colonial, ground-nesting little tern. Parents that had their hatching eggs cross-fostered with foreign eggs at the same hatching stage exhibited a parental behaviour similar to unmanipulated controls. Parents that incubated foreign eggs up to a stage in which embryos were not yet vocalizing, and were challenged with their own hatching eggs that had been incubated in foster nests, performed less efficient parental cares than unmanipulated control pairs and pairs that had cross-fostered hatching eggs. The results do not support the hypothesis of early individual recognition and suggest that embryonic vocalizations in little terns have the function of promoting switching of parents from incubation to accepting and feeding hatchlings. Similar to other tern and gull species, the duration of incubation period in the little tern varies markedly among pairs and years. In these species, embryonic vocalizations can be adaptive since they provide parents a cue to switch at a proper time from incubation to parental cares typical of the chick period.  相似文献   

We assessed the effects of environmental variables on the distribution and feeding behaviour of adult Little Terns Sternula albifrons in Ria Formosa Natural Park, Algarve, southern Portugal, in different foraging habitats (main lagoon, salinas and sea) during the breeding seasons, April–July, of 2003–05. Foraging density was higher in the lagoon than in the sea, and at low tide. The number of foraging individuals at sea was independent of tide. Individual Little Terns foraged further from the nearest breeding colony in April and May (courtship feeding and incubation) than in June and July (chick-rearing). During intermediate tidal phases, individuals foraged further from the nearest colony, and followed main lagoon channels, perhaps because stronger currents increased prey availability. Diving activity and foraging success were higher in 2003 than 2004 or 2005, perhaps because of greater availability of marine prey in 2003. Diving rate was higher in July (when independent juveniles began learning how to forage) but diving success was higher in June (chick-rearing) than in other months. The variables selected by the final logistic models reflected four basic needs for the selection of feeding habitats by Little Terns: (1) association between foraging individuals, (2) areas with abundant feeding resources, (3) entrance channels and main lagoon channels with strong currents, and (4) the proximity to areas with alternative feeding resources, the salinas. Areas subjected to strong human pressure were avoided by foraging Little Terns.  相似文献   

Recent work on animal personalities has demonstrated that individuals may show consistent behaviour across situations and contexts. These studies were often carried out in one location and/or during short time intervals. Many animals, however, migrate and spend their life in several geographically distinct locations, and they may either adopt behaviours specific to the local environment or keep consistent behaviours over ecologically distinct locations. Long-distance migratory species offer excellent opportunities to test whether the animals maintain their personalities over large geographical scale, although the practical difficulties associated with these studies have hampered such tests. Here, we demonstrate for the first time consistency in disturbance tolerance behaviour in a long-distance migratory bird, using the common crane Grus grus as an ecological model species. Cranes that hatched in undisturbed habitats in Finland choose undisturbed migratory stop-over sites in Hungary, 1300-2000 km away from their breeding ground. This is remarkable, because these sites are not only separated by large distances, they also differ ecologically: the breeding sites are wooded bogs and subarctic tundra, whereas the migratory stop-over sites are temperate zone alkaline grasslands. The significance of our study goes beyond evolutionary biology and behavioural ecology: local effects on behaviour may carry over large distances, and this hitherto hidden implication of habitat selection needs to be incorporated into conservation planning.  相似文献   

Survivorship of Little Tern Sterna albifrons eggs and chicks was followed on an islet in the Nakdong Estuary, Republic of Korea, in 1995 and 1996. Mean egg size and incubation period were significantly different between the 2 years. The maximum clutch size was three eggs, and the second egg in the clutch often hatched earlier than the first, while most of the third eggs hatched last. In 1996, when the fate of 249 eggs from 106 nests was followed for 40 days, hatching success, fledging success and breeding success were 77%, 40% and 31%, respectively. High mortality occurred in the early chick stage, mostly because of rain and predation by Weasels Mustela sibirica. The breeding success per egg was 14% in one-egg clutches, 28% in two-egg clutches and 34% in three-egg clutches. This difference was mainly attributed to the lower hatching success in the smaller clutches. In three-egg clutches, the third egg showed significantly lower breeding success than siblings. The main foods of the Little Tern were Tridentiger obscurus, Engraulis japonicus, Hyporhamphus intermedius, Acanthogobius flavimanus (all fish), Palaemon sp. and Crangon affinis (shrimps). The feeding frequency was, apparently, not affected by time of day and age of chicks but was probably influenced by weather conditions. Newly hatched chicks failed to eat 25% of the prey brought to them, although this decreased with the age of the chicks.  相似文献   

Heritability of arrival date in a migratory bird   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The behaviour of long-distance migratory birds is assumed to partly be under the influence of genes, as demonstrated by selection experiments. Furthermore, competition for early arrival among males may lead to condition-dependent migration associated with fitness benefits of early arrival achieved by individuals in prime condition. Here I present field data on the repeatability and the heritability of arrival date in a trans-equatorial migratory bird, the barn swallow Hirundo rustica, and I test for a genetic correlation between arrival date and the expression of a condition-dependent secondary sexual character. The repeatability was statistically significant and the heritability of arrival date was estimated to be 0.54 (s.e. = 0.15). There was no significant evidence of this estimate being inflated by environmental or maternal condition during rearing. Arrival date and migration are condition dependent in the barn swallow, with males with the most exaggerated secondary sexual characters also arriving the earliest. There was a significant genetic correlation between arrival date and tail length in male barn swallows, providing indirect evidence for a genetic basis of this condition dependence. Given the high level of heritability, arrival date could readily respond to selection caused by environmental change.  相似文献   

The Lake Izunuma–Uchinuma was extensively flooded in 1998 and vast areas (approximately 200 ha) of rice fields were submerged for the first time since the land was reclaimed in 1963. When the numbers of birds in 1998 were compared with those in normal years (1995–1997), the numbers of black-crowned night herons (Nycticorax nycticorax L.), cattle egrets (Bubulcus ibis L.) and black kites (Milvus migrans Boddaert) increased during the flooding, and the numbers of ducks, especially dabbling ducks (seven species of 11 Anas spp.) were high even after the flooding, while the numbers of the little grebe Tachybaputus ruficollis Pallas were diminished by the flooding.  相似文献   

Body condition is an important trait that reflects the capacity of individuals to acquire food or resist disease, eventually allowing successful reproduction and survival. We first quantified the effects of condition on life history and a secondary sexual trait using long‐term lifetime data on condition in a migratory bird species, the barn swallow, Hirundo rustica. Second, we quantified sources of individual variation in condition by separating the within‐individual from the between‐individual components of variation of environmental condition and age on body condition. Therefore, we were able to partition variation as a result of selection and phenotypic plasticity. Within‐individual variation in body condition increased in early life until middle age (i.e. 3–4 years of age) in the two sexes followed by only a slight decrease in body condition during senescence in males but not in females. After accounting for age‐dependent variation, condition could be partitioned into a within‐individual plastic response to environmental conditions during migration and a nonplastic response (i.e. a between‐individual difference) to environmental conditions experienced in the African winter quarters. Specifically, there was a within‐individual increase in body condition as environmental conditions during migration improved in both males and females, independent of age. There was a between‐individual effect of condition found in the winter quarter in body condition of females, but not in males, which was attributed to the disappearance of females in poor body condition from the study population as a result of the higher natal dispersal of low‐quality females compared to high‐quality ones during years with favourable environmental conditions in the African winter quarters. Males and females also tended to be in better body condition during the warmer springs upon arrival at the breeding grounds. There was a temporal decline in female body condition during 1991–2007, whereas no significant trend was detected in males. Therefore, both intrinsic (e.g. age and sex) and extrinsic factors (e.g. climate) affected body condition. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 105 , 420–434.  相似文献   

In human-altered environments, organisms may preferentially settle in poor-quality habitats where fitness returns are lower relative to available higher-quality habitats. Such ecological trapping is due to a mismatch between the cues used during habitat selection and the habitat quality. Maladaptive settlement decisions may occur when organisms are time-constrained and have to rapidly evaluate habitat quality based on incomplete knowledge of the resources and conditions that will be available later in the season. During a three-year study, we examined settlement decision-making in the long-distance migratory, open-habitat bird, the Red-backed shrike (Lanius collurio), as a response to recent land-use changes. In Northwest Europe, the shrikes typically breed in open areas under a management regime of extensive farming. In recent decades, Spruce forests have been increasingly managed with large-size cutblocks in even-aged plantations, thereby producing early-successional vegetation areas that are also colonised by the species. Farmland and open areas in forests create mosaics of two different types of habitats that are now occupied by the shrikes. We examined redundant measures of habitat preference (order of settlement after migration and distribution of dominant individuals) and several reproductive performance parameters in both habitat types to investigate whether habitat preference is in line with habitat quality. Territorial males exhibited a clear preference for the recently created open areas in forests with higher-quality males settling in this habitat type earlier. Reproductive performance was, however, higher in farmland, with higher nest success, offspring quantity, and quality compared to open areas in forests. The results showed strong among-year consistency and we can therefore exclude a transient situation. This study demonstrates a case of maladaptive habitat selection in a farmland bird expanding its breeding range to human-created open habitats in plantations. We discuss the reasons that could explain this decision-making and the possible consequences for the population dynamics and persistence.  相似文献   

Climate change has advanced the phenology of many organisms. Migratory animals face particular problems because climate change in the breeding and the wintering range may be asynchronous, preventing rapid response to changing conditions. Advancement in timing of spring migration may have carry-over effects to other parts of the annual cycle, simply because advancement of one event in the annual cycle also advances subsequent events, gradually causing a general shift in the timing of the entire annual cycle. Such a phenotypic shift could generate accumulating effects over the years for individuals, but also across generations. Here we test this novel hypothesis of phenotypic response to climate change by using long-term data on the Arctic tern Sterna paradisaea. Mean breeding date advanced by almost three weeks during the last 70 years. Annual arrival date at the breeding grounds during a period of 47 years was predicted by environmental conditions in the winter quarters in the Southern Ocean near the Antarctic and by mean breeding date the previous year. Annual mean breeding date was only marginally determined by timing of arrival the current year, but to a larger extent by arrival date and breeding date the previous year. Learning affected arrival date as shown by a positive correlation between arrival date in year (i+1) relative to breeding date in year (i) and the selective advantage of early breeding in year (i). This provides a mechanism for changes in arrival date being adjusted to changing environmental conditions. This study suggests that adaptation to changing climatic conditions can be achieved through learning from year to year[Current Zoology 55(2):92-101,2009].  相似文献   

The magnetic compass of a migratory bird, the European robin (Erithacus rubecula), was shown to be lateralized in favour of the right eye/left brain hemisphere. However, this seems to be a property of the avian magnetic compass that is not present from the beginning, but develops only as the birds grow older. During first migration in autumn, juvenile robins can orient by their magnetic compass with their right as well as with their left eye. In the following spring, however, the magnetic compass is already lateralized, but this lateralization is still flexible: it could be removed by covering the right eye for 6 h. During the following autumn migration, the lateralization becomes more strongly fixed, with a 6 h occlusion of the right eye no longer having an effect. This change from a bilateral to a lateralized magnetic compass appears to be a maturation process, the first such case known so far in birds. Because both eyes mediate identical information about the geomagnetic field, brain asymmetry for the magnetic compass could increase efficiency by setting the other hemisphere free for other processes.  相似文献   

When species occupy habitats that vary in quality, choice of habitat can be critical in determining individual fitness. In most migratory species, juveniles migrate independently of their parents and must therefore choose both breeding and winter habitats. Using a unique dataset of marked black-tailed godwits (Limosa limosa islandica) tracked throughout their migratory range, combined with analyses of stable carbon isotope ratios, we show that those individuals that occupy higher quality breeding sites also use higher quality winter sites. This seasonal matching can severely inflate inequalities in individual fitness. This population has expanded over the last century into poorer quality breeding and winter habitats and, across the whole population; individual birds tend to occupy either novel or traditional sites in both seasons. Winter and breeding season habitat selection are thus strongly linked throughout this population; these links have profound implications for a wide range of population and evolutionary processes. As adult godwits are highly philopatric, the initial choice of winter habitat by juveniles will be critical in determining future survival, timing of migration and breeding success.  相似文献   

  1. Young migratory birds enter the world with two representations of the migratory direction, one coded with respect to the magnetic field, the other with respect to celestial rotation. The preferred magnetic direction of migratory orientation is malleable early in life: it may be calibrated by celestial rotation, observed either in daytime or at night.
  2. Previous experiments showed that early experience with skylight polarization was necessary for calilbration to occur in daytime. In this study, we performed a direct manipulation of patterns of polarized skylight at dawn and dusk.
  3. Hand-raised Savannah sparrows (Passerculus sandwichensis) were allowed to observe the clear sky for 1 h prior to local sunrise and for one h following local sunset. They never saw the Sun nor stars. The birds observed the sky through bands of polarizing material (HNP'B) aligned with the e-vector axis in one of three orientations with respect of the azimuth of sunrise and sunset: group 1) 90°; group 2) 45° CW; group 3) 45° CCW.
  4. Tested indoors in covered cages in both shifted and unshifted magnetic fields, the autumn migratory orientation of the three groups differed significantly. Group 1 oriented magnetic N-S, group 2 oriented magnetic NW-SE, and group 3 oriented magnetic NNE-SSW. These observed orientation directions are very close to those predicted by the manipulations of polarized skylight.
  5. These results indicated that a fairly simplified, static polarized light pattern viewed a limited number of times only in dawn and dusk snapshots is sufficient to produce calibration of the preferred magnetic migratory orientation direction.

《Zoologischer Anzeiger》2009,248(4):265-271
The Lesser White-fronted Goose [Anser erythropus (Linnaeus, 1758)] is one of the most threatened Palearctic goose species, with the Fennoscandinavian subpopulation in particular having seen a drastic decline over the last century. In the 1990s, captive-bred Lesser White-fronted Geese were used successfully for reintroduction and restocking in Sweden and Finland. The discovery of Greater White-fronted Goose [Anser albifrons (Scopoli, 1769)] mtDNA haplotypes in some of these captive-bred birds (Ruokonen et al. 2000) suggested that hybridisation had occurred during captive propagation and led to the discontinuation of the release of captive goslings. Here we report two hybrids of Lesser×Greater White-fronted Geese that were collected on their wintering grounds in England in 1936 and Holland in 1966. Birds from western Russia normally do not migrate south to Western Europe. Hence, these birds most likely originated from the Fennoscandinavian subpopulation and were collected prior to the commencement of the captive-breeding programmes. Both specimens show a heterogeneous set of morphological characters, some of which shared with the putative parent species and others being intermediate between the two White-fronted Goose species. A Canonical Discriminant Function analysis positions both specimens between the two putative parent species, making their hybrid status likely. We show, thus, that hybridisation between Greater and Lesser White-fronted Geese does occur naturally, albeit perhaps infrequently, and argue that the presence of Greater White-fronted Goose mtDNA haplotypes in Lesser White-fronted Goose may be the result of this naturally occurring hybridisation. Our data provide additional information on the debate whether the restocking programmes were halted for the right reasons and whether it is desirable to re-commence with the reintroduction programme.  相似文献   

The role of migratory birds in the movement of the highly pathogenic (HP) avian influenza H5N1 remains a subject of debate. Testing hypotheses regarding intercontinental movement of low pathogenic avian influenza (LPAI) viruses will help evaluate the potential that wild birds could carry Asian-origin strains of HP avian influenza to North America during migration. Previous North American assessments of LPAI genetic variation have found few Asian reassortment events. Here, we present results from whole-genome analyses of LPAI isolates collected in Alaska from the northern pintail (Anas acuta), a species that migrates between North America and Asia. Phylogenetic analyses confirmed the genetic divergence between Asian and North American strains of LPAI, but also suggested inter-continental virus exchange and at a higher frequency than previously documented. In 38 isolates from Alaska, nearly half (44.7%) had at least one gene segment more closely related to Asian than to North American strains of LPAI. Additionally, sequences of several Asian LPAI isolates from GenBank clustered more closely with North American northern pintail isolates than with other Asian origin viruses. Our data support the role of wild birds in the intercontinental transfer of influenza viruses, and reveal a higher degree of transfer in Alaska than elsewhere in North America.  相似文献   

Individual-based data on little terns Sterna albifrons at a post-breeding moulting area were used to investigate the spatial extent at which this site attract birds. Combining information collected on young terns, ringed at the natal colonies, with that on birds captured a few months later at the moulting site, we estimated a survival/movement parameter for each age-by-colony combination. This parameter is the product between the survival probability and the probability to visit the moulting site. The distance between the natal colony and the moulting site negatively influenced the probability of reaching the site in yearlings. Having corrected for the distance from the moulting area, colony characteristics explained only about 10% of the spatial variation in the survival/movement parameter of juveniles. In older birds that had visited the site at least once in their life, neither the colony nor the distance affected the survival/movement parameter significantly. The average annual adult survival/movement probability was 0.90. Juvenile survival between June and September was 0.60. Overall results suggest that the moulting area could act as a 'population funnel' within a system of moult migration that involves birds breeding up to 500 km away. However, other unknown moulting site must exist within this area that could be important for the conservation of the species.  相似文献   

Long-term dynamics of a tropical savanna bird community   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Complete two-month censuses of diurnal raptors and strip transect counts of other bird species were compared between 1968–1972 and 1996 to assess changes in the bird community of a 2700ha guinean savanna in Ivory Coast. Among 117 non-raptor species recorded at least once on the transects, 25 mostly uncommon species were absent in 1996 (but only two of them were likely to be extinct in the study area), 4 were first seen in 1996, 14 decreased and 4 increased significantly. All six large forest raptors and resident savanna eagles disappeared before the mid-1980s. Among the 12 remaining breeding raptors, 4 species increased (including the 2 seasonal migrants), 4 species remained stable (including the 2 forest accipiters) and 4 species decreased, but not significantly (including the 2 largest taxa). All 14 non-breeding raptors (Palearctic and African migrants) remained stable or increased. With on average 63 breeding pairs per 1000ha, this area still supports one of the highest densities of diurnal raptors ever recorded. The geographic distributions, seasonal movements and ecological requirements of species involved suggest the most likely origin of specific changes observed. They were attributed, in roughly similar proportion, to: (i) decreasing rainfall (southward shifts leading to appearance or increase of some resident or migrant species); (ii) deforestation, agricultural development and hunting pressure around the reserve (extinction of larger species following habitat fragmentation or degradation, increase of some species); and (iii) habitat modifications inside the reserve (increasing tree cover, invasion of dense thickets, illegal exploitation of palms). The overall community of this small protected area, however, exhibited a remarkable stability during the last 30 years, in spite of dramatic habitat changes outside its limits.  相似文献   

Interior Least Terns (Sternula antillarum) (ILT) are colonial, fish‐eating birds that breed within active channels of large sand bed rivers of the Great Plains and in the Lower Mississippi Valley. Multipurpose dams, irrigation structures, and engineered navigation systems have been present on these rivers for many decades. Despite severe alteration of channels and flow regimes, regulation era floods have remained effective at maintaining bare sandbar nesting habitat on many river segments and ILT populations have been stable or expanding since they were listed as endangered in 1985. We used ILT breeding colony locations from 2002 to 2012 and dispersal information to identify 16 populations and 48 subpopulations. More than 90% of ILT and >83% of river km with suitable nesting habitat occur within the two largest populations. However, replicate populations remain throughout the entire historical, geophysical, and ecological range of ILT. Rapid colonization of anthropogenic habitats in areas that were not historically occupied suggests metapopulation dynamics. The highest likelihood of demographic connectivity among ILT populations occurs across the Southern Plains and the Lower Mississippi River, which may be demographically connected with Least Tern populations on the Gulf Coast. Paired ecological and bird population models are needed to test whether previously articulated threats limit ILT population growth and to determine if management intervention is necessary and where. Given current knowledge, the largest sources of model uncertainty will be: (1) uncertainty in relationships between high flow events and subsequent sandbar characteristics and (2) uncertainty regarding the frequency of dispersal among population subunits. We recommend research strategies to reduce these uncertainties.  相似文献   

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