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DNA barcoding Indian marine fishes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
DNA barcoding has been adopted as a global bio-identification system for animals in recent years. A major national programme on DNA barcoding of fish and marine life was initiated in India by the authors during 2006 and 115 species of marine fish covering Carangids, Clupeids, Scombrids, Groupers, Sciaenids, Silverbellies, Mullids, Polynemids and Silurids representing 79 Genera and 37 Families from the Indian Ocean have been barcoded for the first time using cytochrome c oxidase I gene (COI) of the mtDNA. The species were represented by multiple specimens and a total of 397 sequences were generated. After amplification and sequencing of 707 base pair fragment of COI, primers were trimmed which invariably generated a 655 base pair barcode sequence. The average Kimura two parameter (K2P) distances within species, genera, families, orders were 0.30%, 6.60%, 9.91%, 16.00%, respectively. In addition to barcode-based species identification system, phylogenetic relationships among the species have also been attempted. The neighbour-joining tree revealed distinct clusters in concurrence with the taxonomic status of the species.  相似文献   

DNA barcoding is a global initiative that provides a standardized and efficient tool to catalogue and inventory biodiversity, with significant conservation applications. Despite progress across taxonomic realms, globally threatened marine turtles remain underrepresented in this effort. To obtain DNA barcodes of marine turtles, we sequenced a segment of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene from all seven species in the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean basins (815 bp; n = 80). To further investigate intraspecific variation, we sequenced green turtles (Chelonia mydas) from nine additional Atlantic/Mediterranean nesting areas (n = 164) and from the Eastern Pacific (n = 5). We established character-based DNA barcodes for each species using unique combinations of character states at 76 nucleotide positions. We found that no haplotypes were shared among species and the mean of interspecific variation ranged from 1.68% to 13.0%, and the mean of intraspecific variability was relatively low (0–0.90%). The Eastern Pacific green turtle sequence was identical to an Australian haplotype, suggesting that this marker is not appropriate for identifying these phenotypically distinguishable populations. Analysis of COI revealed a north–south gradient in green turtles of Western Atlantic/Mediterranean nesting areas, supporting a hypothesis of recent dispersal from near equatorial glacial refugia. DNA barcoding of marine turtles is a powerful tool for species identification and wildlife forensics, which also provides complementary data for conservation genetic research.  相似文献   

A 658-bp fragment of mitochondrial DNA from the 5' region of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase 1 (COI) gene has been adopted as the standard DNA barcode region for animal life. In this study, we test its effectiveness in the discrimination of over 300 species of aphids from more than 130 genera. Most (96%) species were well differentiated, and sequence variation within species was low, averaging just 0.2%. Despite the complex life cycles and parthenogenetic reproduction of aphids, DNA barcodes are an effective tool for identification.  相似文献   

The barcoding of mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (coI) gene was amplified and sequenced from 16 species of freshwater fishes found in Lake Wivenhoe (south‐eastern Queensland, Australia) to support monitoring of reservoir fish populations, ecosystem function and water health. In this study, 630–650 bp sequences of the coI barcoding gene from 100 specimens representing 15 genera, 13 families and two subclasses of fishes allowed 14 of the 16 species to be identified and differentiated. The mean ± s.e . Kimura 2 parameter divergence within and between species was 0·52 ± 0·10 and 23·8 ± 2·20% respectively, indicating that barcodes can be used to discriminate most of the fish species accurately. The two terapontids, Amniataba percoides and Leiopotherapon unicolor, however, shared coI DNA sequences and could not be differentiated using this gene. A barcoding database was established and a qPCR assay was developed using coI sequences to identify and quantify proportional abundances of fish species in ichthyoplankton samples from Lake Wivenhoe. These methods provide a viable alternative to the time‐consuming process of manually enumerating and identifying ichthyoplankton samples.  相似文献   

The freshwater fish fauna of Mexico and Guatemala is exceptionally diverse with >600 species, many endemic. In this study, patterns of sequence divergence were analysed in representatives of this fauna using cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (COI) DNA barcodes for 61 species in 36 genera. The average divergence among conspecific individuals was 0·45%, while congeneric taxa showed 5·1% divergence. Three species of Poblana , each occupying a different crater lake in the arid regions of Central Mexico, have had a controversial taxonomic history but are usually regarded as endemics to a single lake. They possess identical COI barcodes, suggesting a very recent history of isolation. Representatives of the Cichlidae, a complex and poorly understood family, were well discriminated by barcodes. Many species of Characidae seem to be young, with low divergence values (<2%), but nevertheless, clear barcode clusters were apparent in the Bramocharax – Astyanax complex. The symbranchid, Opisthernon aenigmaticum , has been regarded as a single species ranging from Guatemala to Mexico, but it includes two deeply divergent barcode lineages, one a possible new endemic species. Aside from these special cases, the results confirm that DNA barcodes will be highly effective in discriminating freshwater fishes from Central America and that a comprehensive analysis will provide new important insights for understanding diversity of this fauna.  相似文献   

Acacia species are very important tree species in tropical and subtropical countries of the World for their economic and medicinal benefits. Precise identification of Acacia is very important to distinguish the invasive species from rare species however, it is difficult to differentiate Acacia species based on morphological charcters. In addition, precise identification is also important for wood charcterization in the forest industry as these species are declining due to illegal logging and deforestation. To overcome thsese limitations of morphological identification, DNA barcoding is being used as an efficient and quick approach for precise identification of tree species. In this study, we selected two chloroplast and plastid base DNA markers (rbcL and matK) for the identification of five selected tree species of Acacia (A. albida, A. ampliceps, A. catechu, A. coriacea and A. tortilis). The genomic DNA of the selected Acacia species was extracted, amplified through PCR using specific primers and subsequently sequenced through Sanger sequencing. In matK DNA marker the average AT nucleotide contents were higher (59.46%) and GC contents were lower (40.44%) as compared to the AT (55.40%) and GC content (44.54%) in rbcL marker. The means genetic distance K2P between the Acacia species was higher in matK (0.704%) as compared to rbcL (0.230%). All Acacia species could be identified based on unique SNPs profile. Based on SNP data profiles, DNA sequence based scannable QR codes were developed for accurate identification of Acacia species. The phylogenetic analysis based on both markers (rbcL and matK) showed that both A. coriacea and A. tortilis were closely related with each other and clustered in the same group while other two species A. albida and A. catechu were grouped together. The specie A. ampliceps remained ungrouped distantly, compared with other four species. These finding highlights the potential of DNA barcoding for efficient and reproducible identification of Acacia species.  相似文献   

介绍了目前已在木耳属真菌中广泛应用的几种DNA分子标记技术(RFLP、RAPD、AFLP、ISSR、SRAP、SCAR、ITS、IGS),以及这些标记在木耳属真菌系统发育、分类研究、种间和种内鉴定、遗传多样性分析等方面的应用,并展望了这些标记技术在木耳属真菌中的应用前景。  相似文献   

通过扩增中国普缘蝽属Plinachtus Stl(半翅目:异翅亚目:缘蝽科)已知的4个种:刺肩普缘蝽P.dissimilis Hsiao,1964,钝肩普缘蝽P.bicoloripes Scott,1874,黑普缘蝽P.acicularis(Fabricius,1803)和棕普缘蝽P.basalis(Westwood,1842)的COI(1338bp)序列,计算其种间/种内的遗传距离,并进行基于距离法、最大简约法和贝叶斯法的分析,结果均支持将刺肩普缘蝽和钝肩普缘蝽合并为1个种。  相似文献   

Species identification based on the DNA sequence of a fragment of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I gene in the mitochondrial genome, DNA barcoding, is widely applied to assist in sustainable exploitation of fish resources and the protection of fish biodiversity. The aim of this study was to establish a reliable barcoding reference database of the native ray‐finned fishes in Taiwan. A total of 2993 individuals, belonging to 1245 species within 637 genera, 184 families and 29 orders of ray‐finned fishes and representing approximately 40% of the recorded ray‐finned fishes in Taiwan, were PCR amplified at the barcode region and bidirectionally sequenced. The mean length of the 2993 barcodes is 549 bp. Mean congeneric K2P distance (15.24%) is approximately 10‐fold higher than the mean conspecific one (1.51%), but approximately 1.4‐fold less than the mean genetic distance between families (20.80%). The Barcode Index Number (BIN) discordance report shows that 2993 specimens represent 1275 BINs and, among them, 86 BINs are singletons, 570 BINs are taxonomically concordant, and the other 619 BINs are taxonomically discordant. Barcode gap analysis also revealed that more than 90% of the collected fishes in this study can be discriminated by DNA barcoding. Overall, the barcoding reference database established by this study reveals the need for taxonomic revisions and voucher specimen rechecks, in addition to assisting in the management of Taiwan's fish resources and diversity.  相似文献   

An assessment of the DNA barcodes of Indian freshwater fishes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Freshwater fishes in India are poorly known and plagued by many unresolved cryptic species complexes that masks some latent and endemic species. Limitations in traditional taxonomy have resulted in this crypticism. Hence, molecular approaches like DNA barcoding, are needed to diagnose these latent species. We have analyzed 1383 barcode sequences of 175 Indian freshwater fish species available in the databases, of which 172 sequences of 70 species were generated. The congeneric and conspecific genetic divergences were calculated using Kimura's 2 parameter distance model followed by the construction of a Neighbor Joining tree using the MEGA 5.1. DNA barcoding principle at its first hand approach, led to the straightforward identification of 82% of the studied species with 2.9% (S.E = 0.2) divergence between the nearest congeners. However, after validating some cases of synonymy and mislabeled sequences, 5% more species were found to be valid. Sequences submitted to the database under different names were found to represent single species. On the other hand, some sequences of the species like Barilius barna, Barilius bendelisis and Labeo bata were submitted to the database under a single name but were found to represent either some unexplored species or latent species. Overall, 87% of the available Indian freshwater fish barcodes were diagnosed as true species in parity with the existing checklist and can act as reference barcode for the particular taxa. For the remaining 13% (21 species) the correct species name was difficult to assign as they depicted some erroneous identification and cryptic species complex. Thus, these barcodes will need further assay and inclusion of barcodes of more specimens from same and sister species.  相似文献   

In this study, we evaluated the efficacy of various primers for the purpose of DNA barcoding old, pinned museum specimens of blackflies (Diptera: Simuliidae). We analysed 271 pinned specimens representing two genera and at least 36 species. Due to the age of our material, we targeted overlapping DNA fragments ranging in size from 94 to 407 bp. We were able to recover valid sequences from 215 specimens, of which 18% had 500‐ to 658‐bp barcodes, 36% had 201‐ to 499‐bp barcodes and 46% had 65‐ to 200‐bp barcodes. Our study demonstrates the importance of choosing suitable primers when dealing with older specimens and shows that even very short sequences can be diagnostically informative provided that an appropriate gene region is used. Our study also highlights the lack of knowledge surrounding blackfly taxonomy, and we briefly discuss the need for further phylogenetic studies in this socioeconomically important family of insects.  相似文献   

DNA barcoding is a promising tool for the rapid and unambiguous identification of species. Some arcoid species are particularly difficult to distinguish with traditional morphological identification owing to phenotypic variation and the existence of closely related taxa. Here, we apply DNA barcoding based on mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase I gene (COI) to arcoid species collected from the coast along China. Combining morphology with molecular data indicates the 133 specimens of Arcoida could be assigned to 24 species. Because of the deep genetic divergence within Tegillarca granosa, there was an overlap between genetic variation within species and variation between species. Nevertheless, NJ and Bayesian trees showed that all species fell into reciprocally monophyletic clades with high bootstrap values. Our results evidence that the COI marker can efficiently identify species, correct mistakes caused by morphological identification and reveal genetic differentiation among populations within species. This study provides a clear example of the usefulness of barcoding for arcoid identification. Furthermore, it also lays a foundation for other biological and ecological studies of Arcoida.  相似文献   

The campaign to DNA barcode all fishes, FISH-BOL   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
FISH-BOL, the Fish Barcode of Life campaign, is an international research collaboration that is assembling a standardized reference DNA sequence library for all fishes. Analysis is targeting a 648 base pair region of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) gene. More than 5000 species have already been DNA barcoded, with an average of five specimens per species, typically vouchers with authoritative identifications. The barcode sequence from any fish, fillet, fin, egg or larva can be matched against these reference sequences using BOLD; the Barcode of Life Data System ( http://www.barcodinglife.org ). The benefits of barcoding fishes include facilitating species identification, highlighting cases of range expansion for known species, flagging previously overlooked species and enabling identifications where traditional methods cannot be applied. Results thus far indicate that barcodes separate c. 98 and 93% of already described marine and freshwater fish species, respectively. Several specimens with divergent barcode sequences have been confirmed by integrative taxonomic analysis as new species. Past concerns in relation to the use of fish barcoding for species discrimination are discussed. These include hybridization, recent radiations, regional differentiation in barcode sequences and nuclear copies of the barcode region. However, current results indicate these issues are of little concern for the great majority of specimens.  相似文献   

Abstract Identification of aphid species is always difficult due to the shortage of easily distinguishable morphological characters. Aphid genus Toxoptera consists of species with similar morphology and similar to Aphis in most morphological characters except the stridulatory apparatus. DNA barcodes with 1 145 bp sequences of partial mitochondrial cytochrome‐coxidase I (COI) genes were used for accurate identification of Toxoptera. Results indicated mean intraspecific sequence divergences were 1.33%, whereas mean interspecific divergences were greater at 8.29% (0.13% and 7.79% if T. aurantii 3 and T. aurantii 4 are cryptic species). Sixteen samples were distinguished to four species correctly by COI barcodes, which implied that DNA barcoding was successful in discrimination of aphid species with similar morphology. Phylogenetic relationships among species of this genus were tested based on this portion of COI sequences. Four species of Toxoptera assembled a clade with low support in maximum‐parsimony (MP) analysis, maximum‐likelihood (ML) analysis and Bayesian phylogenetic trees, the genus Toxoptera was not monophyletic, and there were two sister groups, such as T. citricidus and T. victoriae, and two clades of T. aurantii which probably presented cryptic species in the genus.  相似文献   

Systematics derived from morphological characters often does not correspond with the evolutionary processes underlying the divergence within a group of organisms. In the family Mugilidae (Teleostei) morphological similarities have resulted in inconsistencies between taxonomy and phylogeny among its species, and particularly for the genera Mugil, Liza and Chelon where both intrageneric and intergeneric phylogenetic clarifications are needed. To address these issues, the direct sequencing of the mitochondrial region that encodes Phenylalanine (69 bp), 12S rRNA (842 bp), cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (651 bp) and cytochrome b (702 bp) was carried out. The data reveal that Mugil platanus and Mugil liza represent a continuum of a single species, closely related to but distinct from Mugil cephalus which itself appears to comprise a grouping of multiple and closely related species. This species complex was genetically distinct from Mugil curema, which, based on three clearly diverged species identified in this study along the Atlantic coast of the Americas, requires extensive taxonomic revision throughout its world-wide distribution. Unlike the monophyly supported within Mugil, relationships within Liza are paraphyletic, and a taxonomic revision of the genera Liza, Chelon and Oedalechilus is needed.  相似文献   

DNA barcoding has become a useful system for linking different biological life stages, and for identification of species within a known taxonomic framework. In this study, we generated mitochondrial DNA COI barcodes using adult specimens of all 22 species of the hoverfly genus Merodon (Diptera, Syrphidae) occurring on Lesvos island (Greece). The generated COI barcodes could well discriminate between all Merodon taxa of Lesvos, except for M. loewi and M. papillus that shared the same haplotype, despite their clear morphological differences. In addition, the barcodes revealed two cases of hitherto unknown morphologically cryptic species close to M. avidus and M. nigritarsis, respectively. Because only few successful rearings of immature stages of Merodon hoverflies are available, the larval host plant remains unknown for these phytophagous taxa. The obtained COI barcode library for the Merodon spp. of Lesvos will constitute a tool to link any unknown immature stages with already known species, and thus provide important life-history information and promise for ecological studies.  相似文献   

In this study, 229 DNA sequences of cytochrome oxidase subunit I gene (COI) from 158 marine fishes of Japan were employed to test the efficacy of species identification by DNA barcoding. The average genetic distance was 60-fold higher between species than within species, as Kimura two parameter (K2P) genetic distances averaged 17.6% among congeners and only 0.3% among conspecifics. There were no overlaps between intraspecific and interspecific K2P distances, and all sequences formed species units in the neighbor-joining dendrogram. Hybridization phenomena in two species (Kyphosus vaigiensis and Pterocaesio digramma) were also detected through searches in Barcode of Life Data Systems (BOLD). DNA barcoding provides a new way for fish identification.  相似文献   

Numerous studies have demonstrated that DNA barcoding is an effective tool for detecting DNA clusters, which can be viewed as operational taxonomic units (OTUs), useful for biodiversity research. Frequently, the OTUs in these studies remained unnamed, not connected with pre-existing taxonomic hypotheses, and thus did not really contribute to feasible estimation of species number and adjustment of species boundaries. For the majority of organisms, taxonomy is very complicated with numerous, often contradictory interpretations of the same characters, which may result in several competing checklists using different specific and subspecific names to describe the same sets of populations. The highly species-rich genus Parnassius (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae) is but one example, such as several mutually exclusive taxonomic systems have been suggested to describe the phenotypic diversity found among its populations. Here we provide an explicit flow chart describing how the DNA barcodes can be combined with the existing knowledge of morphology-based taxonomy and geography (sympatry versus allopatry) of the studied populations in order to support, reject or modify the pre-existing taxonomic hypotheses. We then apply this flow chart to reorganize the taxa within the Parnassius delphius species group, solving long-standing taxonomic problems.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic impacts are an increasing threat to the diversity of fishes, especially in areas around large urban centres, and many effective conservation actions depend on accurate species identification. Considering the utility of DNA barcoding as a global system for species identification and discovery, this study aims to assemble a DNA barcode reference sequence library for marine fishes from the coastal region of São Paulo State, Brazil. The standard 652 bp ‘barcode’ fragment of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene was PCR amplified and bidirectionally sequenced from 678 individuals belonging to 135 species. A neighbour‐joining analysis revealed that this approach can unambiguously discriminate 97% of the species surveyed. Most species exhibited low intraspecific genetic distances (0.31%), about 43‐fold less than the distance among species within a genus. Four species showed higher intraspecific divergences ranging from 2.2% to 7.6%, suggesting overlooked diversity. Notably, just one species‐pair exhibited barcode divergences of <1%. This library is a first step to better know the molecular diversity of marine fish species from São Paulo, providing a basis for further studies of this fauna – extending the ability to identify these species from all life stages and even fragmentary remains, setting the stage for a better understanding of interactions among species, calibrating the estimations about species composition and richness in an ecosystem, and providing tools for authenticating bioproducts and monitoring illegal species exploitation.  相似文献   

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