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Genetic alteration of one or more components of the p16(INK4A)-CDK4,6/cyclin D-retinoblastoma pathway is found in more than half of all human cancers. Therefore, CDK4 is an attractive target for the development of a novel anticancer agent. However, it is difficult to make CDK4-specific inhibitors that do not possess activity for other kinases, especially CDK2, because the CDK family has high structural homology. The three-dimensional structure of CDK2, particularly that bound with the inhibitor, has provided useful information for the synthesis of CDK2-specific inhibitors. The same approach used to make CDK4-specific inhibitors was hindered by the failure to obtain a crystal structure of CDK4. To overcome this problem, we synthesized a CDK4 mimic CDK2 protein in which the ATP binding pocket of CDK2 was replaced with that of CDK4. This CDK4 mimic CDK2 was crystallized both in the free and inhibitor-bound form. The structural information thus obtained was found to be useful for synthesis of a CDK4-specific inhibitor that does not have substantial CDK2 activity. Namely, the data suggest that CDK4 has additional space that will accommodate a large substituent such as the CDK4 selective inhibitor. Inhibitors designed to bind into this large cavity should be selective for CDK4 without having substantial CDK2 activity. This design principle was confirmed in the x-ray crystal structure of the CDK4 mimic CDK2 with a new CDK4 selective inhibitor bound.  相似文献   

MicroRNAs are a class of noncoding RNAs that are ∼22 nucleotides in length. MicroRNAs have been shown to play important roles in cell differentiation and in cancer. Recently, studies have shown that miR-372 is tumorigenic in human reproductive system cancers. However, we provide evidence that miR-372 acts as a tumor suppressor gene in cervical carcinoma. miR-372 was found down-regulated in cervical carcinoma tissues as compared with adjacent normal cervical tissues. Growth curve and FACS assays indicated that ectopic expression of miR-372 suppressed cell growth and induced arrest in the S/G2 phases of cell cycle in HeLa cells. We used bioinformatic predictions to determine that CDK2 and cyclin A1 were possible targets of miR-372 and confirmed this prediction using a fluorescent reporter assay. Taken together, these findings indicate that an anti-oncogenic role of miR-372 may be through control of cell growth and cell cycle progression by down-regulating the cell cycle genes CDK2 and cyclin A1.  相似文献   

The distinct expression patterns of the two A-type cyclins during spermatogenesis and the absolute requirement for cyclin A1 in this biological process in vivo suggest that they may confer distinct biochemical properties to their CDK partners. We therefore compared human cyclin A1- and cyclin A2-containing CDK complexes in vitro by determining kinetic constants and by examining the complexes for their ability to phosphorylate pRb and p53. Differences in biochemical activity were observed in CDK2 but not CDK1 when complexed with cyclin A1 versus cyclin A2. Further, CDK1/cyclin A1 is a better kinase complex for phosphorylating potentially physiologically relevant substrates pRb and p53 than CDK2/cyclin A2. The activity of CDKs can therefore be regulated depending upon which A-type cyclin they bind and CDK1/cyclin A1 might be preferred in vivo.  相似文献   

Cyclins contain two characteristic cyclin folds, each consisting of five alpha-helical bundles, which are connected to one another by a short linker peptide. The first repeat makes direct contact with cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) subunits in assembled holoenzyme complexes, whereas the second does not contribute directly to the CDK interface. Although threonine 156 in mouse cyclin D1 is predicted to lie at the carboxyl terminus of the linker peptide that separates the two cyclin folds and is buried within the cyclin subunit, mutation of this residue to alanine has profound effects on the behavior of the derived cyclin D1-CDK4 complexes. CDK4 in complexes with mutant cyclin D1 (T156A or T156E but not T156S) is not phosphorylated by recombinant CDK-activating kinase (CAK) in vitro, fails to undergo activating T-loop phosphorylation in vivo, and remains catalytically inactive and unable to phosphorylate the retinoblastoma protein. Moreover, when it is ectopically overexpressed in mammalian cells, cyclin D1 (T156A) assembles with CDK4 in the cytoplasm but is not imported into the cell nucleus. CAK phosphorylation is not required for nuclear transport of cyclin D1-CDK4 complexes, because complexes containing wild-type cyclin D1 and a CDK4 (T172A) mutant lacking the CAK phosphorylation site are efficiently imported. In contrast, enforced overexpression of the CDK inhibitor p21Cip1 together with mutant cyclin D1 (T156A)-CDK4 complexes enhanced their nuclear localization. These results suggest that cyclin D1 (T156A or T156E) forms abortive complexes with CDK4 that prevent recognition by CAK and by other cellular factors that are required for their nuclear localization. These properties enable ectopically overexpressed cyclin D1 (T156A), or a more stable T156A/T286A double mutant that is resistant to ubiquitination, to compete with endogenous cyclin D1 in mammalian cells, thereby mobilizing CDK4 into cytoplasmic, catalytically inactive complexes and dominantly inhibiting the ability of transfected NIH 3T3 fibroblasts to enter S phase.  相似文献   

The cell cycle is driven by the kinase activity of cyclin·cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) complexes, which is negatively regulated by CDK inhibitor proteins. Recently, we identified INCA1 as an interaction partner and a substrate of cyclin A1 in complex with CDK2. On a functional level, we identified a novel cyclin-binding site in the INCA1 protein. INCA1 inhibited CDK2 activity and cell proliferation. The inhibitory effects depended on the cyclin-interacting domain. Mitogenic and oncogenic signals suppressed INCA1 expression, whereas it was induced by cell cycle arrest. We established a deletional mouse model that showed increased CDK2 activity in spleen with altered spleen architecture in Inca1(-/-) mice. Inca1(-/-) embryonic fibroblasts showed an increase in the fraction of S-phase cells. Furthermore, blasts from acute lymphoid leukemia and acute myeloid leukemia patients expressed significantly reduced INCA1 levels highlighting its relevance for growth control in vivo. Taken together, this study identifies a novel CDK inhibitor with reduced expression in acute myeloid and lymphoid leukemia. The molecular events that control the cell cycle occur in a sequential process to ensure a tight regulation, which is important for the survival of a cell and includes the detection and repair of genetic damage and the prevention of uncontrolled cell division.  相似文献   

In order to understand the mechanisms of ligand binding and the interaction between the ligand and the cyclin-dependent kinase 10 (CDK10), a three-dimensional (3D) model of the CDK10 is generated based on the crystal structure of the cyclin-dependent kinase 2 (CDK2) (PDB code 1AQ1) by using InsightII/Homology module. With the aid of the molecular mechanics and molecular dynamics methods, the last refined model is obtained and is further assessed by PROFILE-3D and PROSTAT, which show that the refined model is reliable. With this model, a flexible docking study is performed and the results indicate that the Lys39 and Asp94 form hydrogen bonds and have strong nonbonding interaction with adenosine 5'-triphosphate (ATP). From the docking studies, we also suggest that the Leu141, Tyr21, and Val24 in CDK10 are three important determinant residues in binding as they have strong nonbonding interaction with ATP. The hydrogen bonding interactions also play an important role for the stability of the complex. Our results may be helpful for further experimental investigations.  相似文献   

A novel 6-aminopurine scaffold bearing an N9-cis-cyclobutyl moiety was designed using structure-based molecular design based on two known CDK inhibitors, dinaciclib and Cmpd-27. A series of novel 6-aminopurine compounds was prepared for structure–activity relationship (SAR) studies of CDK2 and CDK5 inhibitors. Among the compounds synthesized, compound 8l displayed potent CDK2 and CDK5 inhibitory activities with low nanomolar ranges (IC50 = 2.1 and 4.8 nM, respectively) and showed moderate cytotoxicity in HCT116 colon cancer and MCF7 breast cancer cell lines. Here, we report the synthesis and evaluation of novel 6-aminopurine derivatives and present molecular docking models of compound 81 with CDK2 and CDK5.  相似文献   

Cyclin-dependent kinase 4 (CDK4) is a master integrator of mitogenic and antimitogenic extracellular signals. It is also crucial for many oncogenic transformation processes. Various molecular features of CDK4 activation remain poorly known or debated, including the regulation of its association with D-type cyclins, its activating Thr172 phosphorylation, and the roles of Cip/Kip CDK "inhibitors" in these processes. Thr172 phosphorylation of CDK4 was reinvestigated using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis in various experimental systems, including human fibroblasts, canine thyroid epithelial cells stimulated by thyrotropin, and transfected mammalian and insect cells. Thr172 phosphorylation of CDK4 depended on prior D-type cyclin binding, but Thr172 phosphorylation was also found in p16-bound CDK4. Opposite effects of p27 on cyclin D3-CDK4 activity observed in different systems depended on its stoichiometry in this complex. Thr172-phosphorylated CDK4 was enriched in complexes containing p21 or p27, even at inhibitory levels of p27 that precluded CDK4 activity. Deletion of the p27 nuclear localization signal sequence relocalized cyclin D3-CDK4 in the cytoplasm but did not affect CDK4 phosphorylation. Within cyclin D3 complexes, T-loop phosphorylation of CDK4, but not of CDK6, was directly regulated, identifying it as a determining target for cell cycle control by extracellular factors. Collectively, these unexpected observations indicate that CDK4-activating kinase(s) should be reconsidered.  相似文献   

A novel series of 2-amino-4-(7-azaindol-3-yl)pyrimidines was discovered as cyclin dependent kinase 1 (CDK1) inhibitors. The core structure was synthesized via Pd(II) catalyzed coupling reaction. A number of analogues showed good potency for CDK1 and exhibited cellular antiproliferation activity. The structure-activity relationship is described.  相似文献   

Fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) negatively regulate long bone development by inhibiting the proliferation of chondrocytes that accumulate in the G1 phase of the cycle following FGF treatment. Here we report that FGF also causes a striking but transient delay in mitotic entry in RCS chondrocytes by inactivating the cyclin B1-associated CDK1(CDC2) kinase. As a consequence of this inactivation, cells accumulate in the G2 phase of the cycle for the first 4–6 hours of the treatment. Cyclin B1/CDK1 activity is then restored and cells reach a G1 arrest.The reduced cyclin B1/CDK1 activity was accompanied by increased CDK1 inhibitory phosphorylation, likely caused by increased activity and expression of the Myt1 kinase. FGF1 also caused dephosphorylation of the CDC25C phosphatase. That, however, appears due the inactivation of cyclin B1/CDK1 complex in the CDK1 feedback loop and not the activation of specific phosphatases. The inactivation of the cyclin B1/CDK1 complex is a direct effect of FGF signaling and not a consequence of the G2 arrest as can be observed also in cells blocked at mitosis by Nocodazole. The Chk1 and ATM/ATR kinase are known to play essential roles in the G2 checkpoint induced by DNA damage/genotoxic stress, but inhibition of Chk1 or ATM/ATR not only did not prevent, but rather potentiated the FGF-induced G2 arrest.Additionally, our results indicate that the transient G2 arrest is induced by FGF in RCS cell through mechanisms that are independent of the G1 arrest, and that the G2 block is not strictly required for the sustained G1 arrest but may provide a pausing mechanism that allows the FGF response to be fully established.Key words: fibroblast growth factor, chondrocyte, G2/M arrest, Myt1, cyclin B1, CDK1  相似文献   

The cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs) are critical regulators of cell cycle progression, and are involved in uncontrolled cell proliferation—a hallmark of cancer. This suggests that small molecular inhibitors of CDKs might be attractive as prospective antitumor agents. To explore the relationship between the structures of substituted isoquinoline-1,3-(2H,4H)-diones and their inhibition of CDK4, 3D-QSAR studies were performed on a dataset of 48 compounds. The bioactive conformation of template compound 34 was obtained by performing molecular docking into the ATP binding site of the homology model of CDK4 and ranking by highest consensus score, which was then used to build and align the rest of the molecules in the series. The constructed comparative molecular similarity indices analysis (CoMSIA) produces significantly better results than comparative molecular field analysis (CoMFA), with r\textcv2 r_{\text{cv}}^2 = 0.707 and r 2 = 0.988. The contours analysis provides useful information about the structural requirements for substituted isoquinoline-1,3-(2H,4H)-diones for CDK4 inhibitory activity.  相似文献   

Cyclin-dependent kinase 1 (CDK1) inhibitory phosphorylation controls the onset of mitosis and is essential for the checkpoint pathways that prevent the G(2)- to M-phase transition in cells with unreplicated or damaged DNA. To address whether CDK2 inhibitory phosphorylation plays a similar role in cell cycle regulation and checkpoint responses at the start of the S phase, we constructed a mouse strain in which the two CDK2 inhibitory phosphorylation sites, threonine 14 and tyrosine 15, were changed to alanine and phenylalanine, respectively (CDK2AF). This approach showed that inhibitory phosphorylation of CDK2 had a major role in controlling cyclin E-associated kinase activity and thus both determined the timing of DNA replication in a normal cell cycle and regulated centrosome duplication. Further, DNA damage in G(1) CDK2AF cells did not downregulate cyclin E-CDK2 activity when the CDK inhibitor p21 was also knocked down. We were surprised to find that this was insufficient to cause cells to bypass the checkpoint and enter the S phase. This led to the discovery of two previously unrecognized pathways that control the activity of cyclin A at the G(1) DNA damage checkpoint and may thereby prevent S-phase entry even when cyclin E-CDK2 activity is deregulated.  相似文献   

The series of 2-amino-4-aryl-5-chloropyrimidines was discovered to be potent for both VEGFR-2 and CDK1. Described here are the chemistry for analogue synthesis, SAR study, and its kinase selectivity prolifing. The full rat PK data and in vivo efficacy study are also included.  相似文献   

Cyclin-dependent kinase 2 (cdk2) activation requires phosphorylation of Thr160 and dissociation from cyclin A. The T-loop of cdk2 contains a regulatory phosphorylation site at Thr160. An interaction between cdc-associated phosphatase (KAP) and cdk2 compromises the interaction between cdk2 and cyclin A, which permits access of KAP, a Thr160-directed phosphatase, to its substrate, cdk2. We have reported that KAP is bound and activated by a nuclear membrane protein, HTm4. Here, we present in vitro data showing the direct interaction between the HTm4 C terminus and KAP Tyr141. We show that this interaction not only facilitates access of KAP to Thr160 and accelerates KAP kinetics, but also forces exclusion of cyclin A from the KAP.cdk2 complex.  相似文献   

Many cyclins are degraded by the ubiquitination/proteasome pathways involving the anaphase-promoting complex and SCF complexes. These degradations are frequently dependent on phosphorylation by cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs), providing a self-limiting mechanism for CDK activity. Here we present evidence from in vitro and in vivo assay systems that the degradation of human cyclin A can be inhibited by kinase-inactive mutants of CDK2 and CDC2. One obvious interpretation of these results is that like other cyclins, CDK-dependent phosphorylation of the cyclin A may be involved in cyclin A degradation. Our data indicated that CDK2 can phosphorylate cyclin A on Ser-154. Site-directed mutagenesis of Ser-154 abolished the phosphorylation by recombinant CDK2 in vitro and the majority of cyclin A phosphorylation in the cell. Activation of CDK2 and binding to SKP2 or p27(KIP1) were not affected by the phosphorylation of Ser-154. Surprising, in marked contrast to cyclin E, where phosphorylation of Thr-380 by CDK2 is required for proteolysis, degradation of cyclin A was not affected by Ser-154 phosphorylation. It is likely that the stabilization of cyclin A by the kinase-inactive CDKs was mainly due to a cell cycle effect. These data suggest an important difference between the regulation of cyclin A and cyclin E.  相似文献   

Fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) negatively regulate long bone development by inhibiting the proliferation of chondrocytes that accumulate in the G1 phase of the cycle following FGF treatment. Here we report that FGF also causes a striking but transient delay in mitotic entry in RCS chondrocytes by inactivating the cyclin B1-associated CDK1(CDC2) kinase. As a consequence of this inactivation, cells accumulate in the G2 phase of the cycle for the first 4-6 hours of the treatment. Cyclin B1/CDK1 activity is then restored and cells reach a G1 arrest. The reduced cyclin B1/CDK1 activity was accompanied by increased CDK1 inhibitory phosphorylation, likely caused by increased activity and expression of the Myt1 kinase. FGF1 also caused dephosphorylation of the CDC25C phosphatase, that however appears due the inactivation of cyclin B1/CDK1 complex in the CDK1 feedback loop, and not the activation of specific phosphatases. The inactivation of the cyclin B1/CDK1 complex is a direct effect of FGF signaling, and not a consequence of the G2 arrest as it can be observed also in cells blocked at mitosis by Nocodazole. The Chk1 and ATM/ATR kinase are known to play essential roles in the G2 checkpoint induced by DNA damage/genotoxic stress, but inhibition of Chk1 or ATM/ATR not only did not prevent, but rather potentiated the FGF-induced G2 arrest. Additionally our results indicate that the transient G2 arrest is induced by FGF in RCS cell through mechanisms that are independent of the G1 arrest, and that the G2 block is not strictly required for the sustained G1 arrest but may provide a pausing mechanism that allows the FGF response to be fully established.  相似文献   

The RNA-binding protein LIN28A regulates the translation and stability of a large number of mRNAs as well as the biogenesis of certain miRNAs in embryonic stem cells and developing tissues. Increasing evidence indicates that LIN28A functions as an oncogene promoting cancer cell growth. However, little is known about its molecular mechanism of cell cycle regulation in cancer. Using tissue microarrays, we found that strong LIN28A expression was reactivated in about 10% (7.1-17.1%) of epithelial tumors (six tumor types, n = 369). Both in vitro and in vivo experiments demonstrate that LIN28A promotes cell cycle progression in cancer cells. Genome-wide RNA-IP-chip experiments indicate that LIN28A binds to thousands of mRNAs, including a large group of cell cycle regulatory mRNAs in cancer and embryonic stem cells. Furthermore, the ability of LIN28A to stimulate translation of LIN28A-binding mRNAs, such as CDK2, was validated in vitro and in vivo. Finally, using a combined gene expression microarray and bioinformatics approach, we found that LIN28A also regulates CCND1 and CDC25A expression and that this is mediated by inhibiting the biogenesis of let-7 miRNA. Taken together, these results demonstrate that LIN28A is reactivated in about 10% of epithelial tumors and promotes cell cycle progression by regulation of both mRNA translation (let-7-independent) and miRNA biogenesis (let-7-dependent).  相似文献   

The Pt(II) and Pd(II) complexes of the types cis-[Pt(L(1))(2)Cl(2)].H(2)O (1), cis-[Pt(L(2))(2)Cl(2)].3H(2)O (2), trans-[Pd(L(1))(2)Cl(2)].H(2)O (3), trans-[Pd(L(2))(2)Cl(2)].H(2)O (4), trans-[Pd(L(3))(2)Cl(2)].2DMF (5) and trans-[Pd(L(4))(2)Cl(2)].2DMF (6) (L(1)-L(4)=cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors derived from 6-benzylamino-9-isopropylpurine) have been prepared and characterized. The complexes have been studied by elemental analyses, conductivity measurements, ES+ MS, FT-IR, (1)H, (13)C and (195)Pt NMR spectra, differential scanning calorimetry and thermogravimetric analysis. The molecular structures of L(1), trans-[Pd(L(3))(2)Cl(2)].2DMF (5) and trans-[Pd(L(4))(2)Cl(2)].2DMF (6) have been determined by single crystal X-ray analysis. The complexes have been tested in vitro due to their presumable anticancer activity against the following human cancer cell lines: K-562, MCF7, G-361 and HOS. Satisfying results were obtained for the complex 1 with IC(50) values of 6 microM acquired against G-361 as well as against HOS cell lines. The lowest values of IC(50) were achieved for the complexes 3 and 4 against MCF 7 cell line with IC(50) 3 microM(for 3) and also 3 microM (for 4).  相似文献   

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