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We use the Young Finns Study (N = ∼2000) on the measured height linked to register-based long-term labor market outcomes. The data contain six age cohorts (ages 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 and 18, in 1980) with the average age of 31.7, in 2001, and with the female share of 54.7. We find that taller people earn higher earnings according to the ordinary least squares (OLS) estimation. The OLS models show that 10 cm of extra height is associated with 13% higher earnings. We use Mendelian randomization, with the genetic score as an instrumental variable (IV) for height to account for potential confounders that are related to socioeconomic background, early life conditions and parental investments, which are otherwise very difficult to fully account for when using covariates in observational studies. The IV point estimate is much lower and not statistically significant, suggesting that the OLS estimation provides an upward biased estimate for the height premium. Our results show the potential value of using genetic information to gain new insights into the determinants of long-term labor market success.  相似文献   

Statures and weights for four samples of Mexican-American children in Texas, measured in 1929–1931 and 1968–1972, were evaluated for evidence of a secular trend. The age range was 6 to 18 years, with more complete data from 8 through 15 years. There is no secular increase in the statures and weights of 6 year old children, a small increase in 8 years old children, and a larger secular increase at 10, 12, 14, and 15 years of age. From about 9 or 10 years of age on, the more recent Mexican-American children tend to have greater weights for their heights. The magnitudé of the secular change per decade, however, is considerably smaller than rates for US black, white, European, and Japanese children. The estimated rates of secular change in stature for Mexican-American children approximate about one-fourth to one-half of the generalized rates for European and North American children offered by Meredith ('76) and Tanner ('77). Reasons for a limited secular trend in Texas Mexican-American children are probably bound to the matrix of lower socioeconomic circumstances, poorer health conditions, and marginal nutritional status.  相似文献   

In many animal groups, sexual size dimorphism tends to be more pronounced in species with large body size. Similarly, in a previous cross-cultural analysis, male and female stature in humans were shown to be positively allometrically related, indicating a similar relationship where populations with larger stature were more dimorphic. In this study, we re-examine the hypothesis of an allometric relationship between the sexes using phylogenetic methodology. First, however, we tested whether there exist phylogenetic signals in male and female stature. Data on mean stature from 124 human populations was gathered from the literature. A phylogenetic test showed that male and female stature were significantly associated with phylogeny. These results indicate that comparative methods that to some degree incorporate genetic relatedness between populations are crucial when analyzing human size evolution in a cross-cultural context. Further, neither non-phylogenetic nor phylogenetic analyses revealed any allometric relationship between male and female stature. Thus, we found no support for the idea that sexual dimorphism increases with increasing stature in humans.  相似文献   

Stature was measured (in cm) in 166 (120 male; 46 female) predominantly white adults (age range: 17–87 years). A radiograph of one hand of each subject was taken (for routine diagnostic purposes) and the inter-articular length of all five metacarpal bones was measured with a sliding caliper. These metacarpal lengths were then adjusted to compensate for enlargement during radiography. A significant correlation coefficient between stature and metacarpal length was observed in both sexes. Regression equations were computed from the length of each metacarpal, by which living stature may be fairly accurately estimated in the absence of any complete limb bones. The difference between our estimates and those obtained by more orthodox methods is usually less than 3%.  相似文献   

In order to test the hypothesis that polymorphisms of the Marfan syndrome gene (FBN1) might affect the stature (height) of normal individuals, we genotyped three exonic SNPs on 428 males, 219 with tall stature (>2 SD) and 209 with normal stature (within ±1 SD). One of the SNPs, rs8033037, in exon 15 showed a significant correlation (P = 0.0061) with the adult height, suggesting that FBN1 is one of the ‘stature genes’ of normal individuals.  相似文献   

Age and secular factors in adult stature were investigated in a sample of 111 Zapotec-speaking males from Oaxaca, Mexico. Comparisons with earlier studies showed no clear evidence of a secular trend. The increase in stature due to age and secular factors was approximately 0.07 cm per year (significant, p < 0.05). When stature was adjusted for the estimated age effects, the estimated secular increase was 0.03 cm per year (not significant). By this analysis a secular trend in adult stature of the magnitude noted for industrialized countries apparently does not occur in developing areas.  相似文献   

The present study examines the relationship between femur length and stature in children between the ages of 8 and 18 years. In previous investigations, my colleagues and I reported the surprising finding that femur length bears a nearly constant relationship to stature in adult humans regardless of ethnicity or gender. This earlier study revealed that the femur/stature ratio averages 26.74% in adult humans, and that using the ratio to predict stature from femur length yields remarkably accurate estimates. The current study shows that femur/stature ratios of children between the ages of 8 and 11 differ significantly from their older counterparts. Between the ages of 12 and 18, there are no significant differences due to age in the femur/stature ratio; however, there are significant differences in this age group attributable to gender. This study also shows that the worldwide average adult femur/stature ratio does not adequately describe children in this age range. This study strongly documents the adolescent growth spurt in the femur/stature ratios of both males and females at the precise time one would expect to see the spurt occur (10-12 in females; 12-14 in males). This growth follows a nearly identical trajectory in both genders, with relative femur growth dominating before the peak years of the growth spurt, and relative stature growth dominating afterward. This accounts for the ratio's rise to maximum values just before peak growth, and its decline toward the adult ratio thereafter. These findings require us to use separate adolescent femur/stature ratios of 27.16 (females) and 27.44 (males) to estimate the stature of children between the ages of 12 and 18. Preliminary testing shows these ratios to be more accurate in estimating stature than the properly selected Trotter and Gleser adult regression equation. Use of the adolescent male ratio with the Homo erectus juvenile WT 15000 results in a lower stature estimate (157.4 cm) than previously reported. It is suggested that continued testing of the ratio occur, but that the values herein derived may be useful in routine forensic cases involving children in this age range, and with subadult paleontological specimens.  相似文献   

Students aged 6 to 20 years attending the public schools in the Northern Area of Santiago, Chile, were examined to search for the developmental origin of the large sex dimorphism in adult stature found in this population. Stature, biacromial diameter, and signs of sexual maturation were studied and comparisons were made with European samples. All of the variables showed that Chilean females reach puberty earlier than, and cease growth before Europeans, while males mature at the same pace as Europeans. It is concluded that the large sex dimorphism in adult stature found in this sample is mainly due to this earlier cessation of growth in Chilean females.  相似文献   

Stature and weight of 418 men (age range 15 to 57.6 years) of Italian ancestry immigrated in Belgium are studied as a function of age, education, and of profession. Taking account of the variation observed for these factors, the results are analyzed in terms of the geographical origin and of the age at migration. Compared to a reference population, no significant differences are observed between migrants and sedentes: no evidence of selective migration could be demonstrated. Rather, the influences of environmental factors are seen in that the mean heights of Italians born in Belgium and of individuals who migrated before five years of age are significantly higher than the means of the individuals who migrated after five years.  相似文献   

目前尚未见大样本的中国乡村汉族人随纬度、经度增长,身高、体质量值的变化规律的报道。为此,2009~2013年测量了16501例汉族人(共36个调查地区)乡村成人的身高、体质量等13项指标值,并计算了3项指数。研究不同纬度、经度地区汉族乡村成人的身高、体质量值变化规律以及这种规律形成的原因。研究发现,汉族人的身高、体质量与纬度、经度均呈正相关。随纬度增加,男性和女性的躯干、下肢的高度值均增大是身高与纬度呈正相关的原因。随纬度增加,男性身高的增加、躯干的增粗共同促进体质量与纬度呈正相关,女性身高、躯干围度、四肢围度、背部皮下脂肪厚度值的增大是体质量与纬度呈正相关的原因。男性随经度增加,身高增大,躯干部的增粗是导致体质量与经度相关的原因。而四肢和躯干的皮下脂肪、四肢的围度并不随经度的增加而线性增大。随经度增加,女性的身高、臀围呈线性增大,这是导致女性体质量与经度相关的主要原因。遗传、环境、经济发展水平的差异是导致身高、体质量与纬度、经度呈正相关的因素。  相似文献   

Estimation of stature from skeletal measurements is of great interest in some studies, e.g. in forensic anthropology, where victims have to be identified. A problem occurring in practice is that the individual whose stature has to be assessed is in general from an unknown population. Alternatives to ordinary least squares regression are discussed. Application of available information about stature/long bone proportions leads to a general proposal called thethe weighted line of organic correlation, which is fitted to a wide range of populations. The effects of sex and race upon this line are practically negligible. These properties makes it suitable for use not only for forensic purposes, but also for the estimation of stature based on skeletons or skeletal populations from the past.  相似文献   

Age-specific secular trend patterns for children in industrialized world regions have a regular pattern, beginning low at age 6 and increasing to a maximum at age 10 to 14, then declining. While magnitude differs, the patterns are ordinarily parallel, especially in the female samples. However, age-specific secular trend values for children from developing regions, or from areas of industrialized countries not benefitting substantially from development, are irregular in pattern and magnitude. Consequently, it is difficult to predict age at maximal secular change. We suggest that fluctuating environmental circumstances in these developing countries influence growth and, hence, the pattern of secular trend. As more stable environmental conditions relating to growth are present in the industrialized countries, this leads to more stable patterns of growth and age-specific patterns of secular change.  相似文献   

Many pregnant Muslim women fast during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. A number of studies have reported negative life outcomes in adulthood for children who were prenatally exposed to Ramadan. However, other studies document minimal to no impact on neonatal indicators. Using data from the Indonesian Family Life Survey consisting of 45,246 observations of 21,723 children born to 9771 mothers, we contribute to the current discussion on prenatal exposure to Ramadan by examining the effects on stature (height-for-age Z-scores, weight-for-age Z-scores, and body-mass-index-for-age Z-scores: HAZ, WAZ, and BAZ, respectively) from early childhood to late adolescence (0–19 years of age). We introduce an objective mother’s religiosity indicator to improve the intention-to-treat estimations. Children were classified into three groups based on their mother’s religion-religiosity: religious Muslims, less-religious Muslims, and non-Muslims. Using cluster-robust mother fixed-effects, we found negative effects on stature for children born to religious Muslim mothers. The effects were age-dependent and timing-sensitive. For example, children born to religious Muslim mothers were shorter in late adolescence (15–19 years of age) compared to their unexposed siblings if they were prenatally exposed in the first trimester of pregnancy (HAZ difference = −0.105 SD; p-val. <0.05). Interestingly, we found positive effects on stature for exposed less-religious Muslim children that peak in early adolescence (10–14 years of age) and negative effects on stature for exposed non-Muslim children that occur only in early childhood (0–4 years of age). We nuance our discussion of health and socioeconomic factors to explain these surprising results.  相似文献   

The function of mate retention strategies is to preserve the bond between romantic partners and to prevent desertion, which is also why such behaviours are often elicited by the presence of a potential rival. Most existing studies on mate retention are based on self‐reports, which are prone to various biases. In this study, we observed non‐verbal behaviour of 47 long‐term romantic heterosexual couples during their interview with a female experimenter, whom the women in the couples may have perceived as a potential rival. We measured non‐verbal displays of mate retention tactics (direct guarding, intimacy inducement, appearance enhancement, and love and care display), as well as relationship maintenance strategies of openness and positivity. We expected that relationship quality as reported by both partners in the couple would be positively associated with ‘benefit‐provisioning’ mate retention behaviours and negatively associated with a ‘cost‐inflicting’ mate retention tactic (direct guarding). Relationship quality was assessed by Spanier's Dyadic Adjustment Scale using both the total score of dyadic adjustment and a Dyadic Satisfaction subscale. We found a significant association between both partners' dyadic adjustment and satisfaction and woman's appearance enhancement behaviours (such as self‐touch, hair flip and primp) in the presence of her partner and a potential rival. We also found a negative association between partner's dyadic adjustment and woman's direct guarding of partner using short looks, and a positive association between woman's intimacy‐inducing behaviour using long gaze and her own dyadic satisfaction and her partner's dyadic adjustment. Our results highlight the specific role of female attractiveness in later stages of romantic relationships within the context of mate retention and draw attention to the significance of the use of observational techniques in addition to self‐reports.  相似文献   

The amount of disparity between the lengths of the radii and ulnae of 177 Negro female skeletons of the Terry Collection was questioned. An error was found and corrections have been made in the relevant statistics and tables.  相似文献   

Using data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health, we examine the effect of adolescent height on mental health as measured by Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression (CES-D) scores and Rosenberg Self-Esteem (RSE) scores. We find evidence that height is associated with fewer symptoms of depression among females 17–19 years of age, and among males 12–19 years of age. The negative relationship between height and depression among males persists after controlling for body mass index (BMI), differences in pubertal timing, and individual fixed effects, but does not explain the effect of height on educational attainment. We conclude that there is a small psychological benefit for males to being taller as an adolescent.  相似文献   

Hominin footprints are a particular remain in paleoanthropology representing brief moments of life of extinct individuals. Footprints not only provide information on the locomotor behavior of fossil taxa but also on their body characteristics such as their stature. This stature is usually estimated from the length of the footprints based on the well-known foot length to stature ratio. However, footprint length does not result only from the foot length but of a combination of factors. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate the relationships between footprint length and stature of individuals using experimental approaches. Secondly, recent discoveries of fossil footprints have led to the estimation of statures from isolated footprints. However, such estimates may be biased because of the intraindividual morphometric variation of the footprints. Moreover, footprints may also be incomplete making it impossible to measure the length and therefore the estimation of a stature. The search for relationships between stature and other morphometric variables is therefore necessary to have the most accurate picture possible of the individuals who left these tracks. In this context, this article reports the results of an experimental study that aims to determine the relationships between the stature of individuals and different morphometric variables and to quantify the intraindividual variation of each variable. Thus, 21 morphometric variables were measured on a total of 175 experimental footprints left by 20 individuals in an experimental area composed of loose sand. Statistical analyses show that footprint lengths are not only the variables most correlated with stature but also those with the least intraindividual variation. However, estimation of stature from footprints left by fossil hominins is subject to three types of uncertainties: residuals from linear regression, intraindividual variation that can be particularly large in soft substrates, and the application of relationships defined on modern populations to fossil taxa.  相似文献   

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