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Hao L  Li HP  Yan L 《遗传》2011,33(4):371-377
文章通过对东北梅花鹿(Cervus nippon hortulorum)鹿茸尖端组织cDNA文库随机测序获得了906条高质量ESTs,906条ESTs拼接后代表了701个Unigenes,其中包括重叠群86个,单拷贝615个。Blast分析显示具已知和推测功能的基因580个(82.7%),通过Gene Ontology(GO)分类对获得的580个功能基因进行了包括分子功能、生物过程和细胞组分在内的3个层次的功能注释,并根据BLAST的注释结果及进一步的筛选与分析,共得到39条与鹿茸尖端组织生长发育相关的基因。cDNA文库的构建和ESTs分析填补了鹿科动物在NCBI公共数据库上基因组信息的空白,并为科学的开发和利用梅花鹿资源提供了重要的理论依据。  相似文献   

Sesame (Sesamum indicum) is an important oilseed crop which produces seeds with 50% oil that have a distinct flavor and contains antioxidant lignans. Because sesame lignans are known to have antioxidant and health-protecting properties, metabolic pathways for lignans have been of interest in developing sesame seeds. As an initial approach to identify genes involved in accumulation of storage products and in the biosynthesis of antioxidant lignans, 3328 expressed sequence tags (ESTs) were obtained from a cDNA library of immature seeds 5-25 days old. ESTs were clustered and analyzed by the BLASTX or FASTAX program against the GenBank NR and Arabidopsis proteome databases. To compare gene expression profiles during development of green and non-green seeds, a comparative analysis was carried out between developing sesame and Arabidopsis seed ESTs. Analyses of these two seed EST sets have helped to identify similar and different gene expression profiles during seed development, and to identify a large number of sesame seed-specific genes. In particular, we have identified EST candidates for genes possibly involved in biosynthesis of sesame lignans, sesamin and sesamolin, and also suggest a possible metabolic pathway for the generation of cofactors required for synthesis of storage lipid in non-green oilseeds. Seed-specific expression of several candidate genes has been confirmed by northern blot analysis.  相似文献   

To understand the molecular events that occur during reproductive organ development and to provide genetic resources for molecular breeding, we generated 328 expressed sequence tags (ESTs) from randomly selected clones of four watermelon cDNA libraries. These libraries were prepared from young and mature anthers, as well as the seed coat and inner seed tissues. EST clones found in the young anthers and inner seed tissues showed similarity with genes related to development and signal transduction. We could deduce that, especially in the developing inner seed tissues, important morphological processes were associated exclusively with seed and embryo development In addition, seed metabolism was tailored toward the accumulation of economically valuable storage compounds such as lipids. In the seed coat, EST clones showed similarity with genes that influence the transport or conversion of nutrients such as porin, sucrose synthase, L-asparaginase, and arginine decarboxylase. We also selected two cDNA clones from each of the four classes of ESTs for studying expression levels and patterns in the various organs. Among those eight clones, three (An88, Is124, and Sc68) were expressed preferentially in their particular organ.  相似文献   

Twenty-one randomly selected clones from a turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) pituitary complementary DNA (cDNA) library were sequenced to develop expressed sequence tags (ESTs) for this economically important avian species whose genome is among the least understood. Primers specific for the ESTs were used to produce amplicons from the genomic DNA of turkey, chicken (Gallus gallus), guinea fowl (Numidia meleagris), pigeon (Columba domestica), and quail (Corturnix japonica). The amplicons were sequenced and analyzed for sequence variation within- and similarity among-species and with GenBank database sequences. The proportion of shared bases between the turkey sequence and the consensus sequence from each of the other species ranged from 72% to 93% between turkey and pigeon and quail and between turkey and chicken, respectively. The total number of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) observed ranged from 3 in quail to 18 in chicken out of 4898 and 5265 bases analyzed, respectively. The most frequent nucleotide variation observed was a C-->T transition. Linkage analysis of one such SNP in the backcross progeny of the East Lansing reference DNA panel, localized TUS0005, the chicken sequence derived from primers specific for turkey TUT2E EST, to chromosome 4. The ESTs reported, as well as the SNPs may provide a useful resource for ongoing efforts to develop high utility genome maps for the turkey and chicken. The primers described can also be used as a tool in future investigations directed at further understanding the biology of the guinea fowl, pigeon and quail and their relatedness to the turkey.  相似文献   

The cotton mealybug, Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley, is a serious and invasive pest. At present, genetic resources for studying P. solenopsis are limited, and this negatively affects genetic research on the organism and, consequently, translational work to improve management of this pest. In the present study, expressed sequence tags (ESTs) were analyzed from a normalized complementary DNA library of P. solenopsis. In addition, EST‐derived microsatellite loci (also known as simple sequence repeats or SSRs) were isolated and characterized. A total of 1107 high‐quality ESTs were acquired from the library. Clustering and assembly analysis resulted in 785 unigenes, which were classified functionally into 23 categories according to the Gene Ontology database. Seven EST‐based SSR markers were developed in this study and are expected to be useful in characterizing how this invasive species was introduced, as well as providing insights into its genetic microevolution.  相似文献   

Ma J  Zhang T  Zhuang P  Zhang LZ  Liu T 《Marine Genomics》2011,4(3):173-179
Chinese sturgeon Acipenser sinensis belongs to the family Acipenseridae, an ancient species of actinopterygian fishes. In order to advance molecular research on its reproduction, ontogenetic development, we were seeking for genomic information in the NCBI expressed sequence tag (EST database). We found 3384 indentified cDNA sequences which were assembled into 861 unigenes. Blast analysis revealed 301 unigenes shared high similarity with genes in the public databases, and these were classified into three groups: 202 known genes, 81 putative genes and 8 unknown genes. The remainder (560 genes) had no significant match to any protein sequence. Further, 255 unigenes and 333 unmatched unigenes were annotated with Gene Ontology (GO), which could be classified into cellular component, molecular function, and biological process. Among the known genes, the hormone genes pomc A (proopiomelanocortin), pomc B, GtH alpha I subunit (gonadotropin hormone), GtH alpha II subunit and GH (growth hormone) were present in this library. Comparison of the Chinese sturgeon proteins (GH, GtH alpha subunit and POMC) to proteins of other species showed higher levels of homology among sturgeon species. We performed five hormone related genes including GnRHRI (gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptor I), cpH (carboxypeptidase H), ppiB (peptidylprolyl isomerase B), stmn3 (stathmin-like 3), 7B2 (neuroendocrine protein 7B2), and four novel genes (contig 192, 177, 170 and 168) a semi-quantitative RT-PCR on different tissues from Chinese sturgeon.  相似文献   

鸡下丘脑cDNA文库的构建及部分克隆ESTs序列初步分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
以鸡下丘脑为实验材料,以λgt10为载体,构建了鸡下丘脑cDNA文库。结果表明,文库的滴度为3.8×10  相似文献   

Salinity is a major abiotic stress that greatly affects plant growth and crop production. Sodium ions in saline soil are toxic to plants because of their adverse effects on potassium nutrition, cytosolic enzyme activities, photosynthesis, and metabolism. It is important to identify genes involved in salinity tolerance from mangrove plants that survive under saline conditions. In this study, a total of 864 randomly selected cDNA clones were isolated and sequenced from the primary cDNA library of Acanthus ebracteatus. Among the 521 readable sequences, 138 of them were assembled into 43 contigs, whereas 383 were singletons. Sequence analyses demonstrated that 349 of these expressed sequence tags showed significant homology to functional proteins, of which 18% are particularly interesting as they correspond to genes involved in stress response. Some of these clones, including putative mannitol dehydrogenase, plastidic aldolase, secretory peroxidase, ascorbate peroxidase, and vacuolar H+-ATPase, may be related to osmotic homeostasis, ionic homeostasis, and detoxification.  相似文献   

Kar B  Nayak S  Joshi RK 《Bioinformation》2012,8(3):142-146
Glycine-rich proteins (GRPs) are a group of proteins characterized by their high content of glycine residues often occurring in repetitive blocs. The diverse expression pattern and sub cellular localization of various GRPs suggest their implication in different physiological processes. Several GRPs has been isolated and characterized from different monocots and dicots. However, little or no information is available about the structure and function of GRPs in asexually reproducing plants. In this study, in-silico analysis of expressed sequence tag database resulted in the isolation of fifty-one GRPs from Curcuma longa L., an asexually reproducible plant of great medicinal and economic significance. Phylogenetic analysis grouped the GRPs into four distinct classes based on conserved motifs and nature of glycine-rich repeats. Majority of the isolated GRPs exhibited high homology with known GRPs from other plants that are expressed in response to various stresses. The presence of high structural diversity and signal peptide in some GRPs suggest their diverse physiological role and tissue specific localization. The isolated sequences can be used as a framework for cloning, characterization and expressional analysis of GRPs in response to various biotic and abiotic stresses in Curcuma longa as well as other asexually reproducing plants.  相似文献   

The susceptibility of members of the Anopheles sinensis Group in Korea to insecticides was evaluated under laboratory conditions using 15 insecticides currently used by local public health centers in Korea. The insecticides included eight pyrethroids, six organophosphates and a pyrazol analogue. Based on their LC50 values, the order of susceptibility of An. sinensis larvae to the insecticides was bifenthrin, chlorfenapyr, α-cypermethrin and λ-cyhalothrin, with values of 0.009, 0.04, 0.06 and 0.08 p.p.m., respectively. The least susceptibility was obtained with fenitrothion, with an LC50 of 7.7 p.p.m. In the comparative resistance test, the resistance ratios (RR) of 14 insecticides were compared to each other using two strains of members of the An. sinensis Group collected in the locality in 2001 and 2008. Anopheles spp. demonstrated higher RR to organophosphates such as fenthion, and low RR for the pyrethroids. Among the organophosphates, fenthion had the highest RR of 33.3 and 270.0 fold differences for LC50 and LC90 values, respectively. Among the pyrethroids, permethrin was observed to have the highest RR of 3.8 and 1.8 fold differences for LC50 and LC90 values, respectively. However, there were no significant differences in susceptibility to chlorfenapyr, chlorpyrifos, deltamethrin and fenitrothion. An. sinensis s. l. was more susceptible to the six insecticides bifenthrin, λ-cyhalothrin, α-cypermethrin, cypermethrin, cyfluthrin and pyridafenthion, showing 0.03, 0.06, 0.3, 0.3, 0.4 and 0.4 fold differences in resistance rates (RR LC50), respectively.  相似文献   

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