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The induction of double-strand breaks (DSBs) in DNA by exposure to DNA damaging agents, or as intermediates in normal cellular processes, constitutes a severe threat for the integrity of the genome. If not properly repaired, DSBs may result in chromosomal aberrations, which, in turn, can lead to cell death or to uncontrolled cell growth. To maintain the integrity of the genome, multiple pathways for the repair of DSBs have evolved during evolution: homologous recombination (HR), non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) and single-strand annealing (SSA). HR has the potential to lead to accurate repair of DSBs, whereas NHEJ and SSA are essentially mutagenic. In yeast, DSBs are primarily repaired via high-fidelity repair of DSBs mediated by HR, whereas in higher eukaryotes, both HR and NHEJ are important. In this review, we focus on the functional conservation of HR from fungi to mammals and on the role of the individual proteins in this process.  相似文献   

Preston CR  Flores CC  Engels WR 《Genetics》2006,172(2):1055-1068
Double-strand DNA breaks can be repaired by any of several alternative mechanisms that differ greatly in the nature of the final repaired products. We used a reporter construct, designated "Repair reporter 3" (Rr3), to measure the relative usage of these pathways in Drosophila germ cells. The method works by creating a double-strand break at a specific location such that expression of the red fluorescent protein, DsRed, in the next generation can be used to infer the frequency at which each pathway was used. A key feature of this approach is that most data come from phenotypic scoring, thus allowing large sample sizes and considerable precision in measurements. Specifically, we measured the proportion of breaks repaired by (1) conversion repair, (2) nonhomologous end joining (NHEJ), or (3) single-strand annealing (SSA). For conversion repair, the frequency of mitotic crossing over in the germ line indicates the relative prevalence of repair by double Holliday junction (DHJ) formation vs. the synthesis-dependent strand annealing (SDSA) pathway. We used this method to show that breaks occurring early in germ-line development were much more frequently repaired via single-strand annealing and much less likely to be repaired by end joining compared with identical breaks occurring later in development. Conversion repair was relatively rare when breaks were made either very early or very late in development, but was much more frequent in between. Significantly, the changes in relative usage occurred in a compensatory fashion, such that an increase in one pathway was accompanied by decreases in others. This negative correlation is interpreted to mean that the pathways for double-strand break repair compete with each other to handle a given breakage event.  相似文献   

DNA double-strand break repair by homologous recombination   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
DNA double-strand breaks (DSB) are presumed to be the most deleterious DNA lesions as they disrupt both DNA strands. Homologous recombination (HR), single-strand annealing, and non-homologous end-joining are considered to be the pathways for repairing DSB. In this review, we focus on DSB repair by HR. The proteins involved in this process as well as the interactions among them are summarized and characterized. The main emphasis is on eukaryotic cells, particularly the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and mammals. Only the RAD52 epistasis group proteins are included.  相似文献   

The yeast Mre11-Rad50-Xrs2 (MRX) and Ku complexes regulate single-strand resection at DNA double-strand breaks (DSB), a key early step in homologous recombination (HR). A prior plasmid gap repair study showed that mre11 mutations, which slow single-strand resection, reduce gene conversion tract lengths and the frequency of associated crossovers. Here we tested whether mre11Delta or nuclease-defective mre11 mutations reduced gene conversion tract lengths during HR between homologous chromosomes in diploid yeast. We found that mre11 mutations reduced the efficiency of HR but did not reduce tract lengths or crossovers, despite substantially reduced end-resection at the test (ura3) locus. End-resection is increased in yku70Delta, but this change also had no effect on tract lengths. Thus, heteroduplex formation and tract lengths are not regulated by the extent of end-resection during DSB repair in a chromosomal context. In a plasmid-chromosome DSB repair assay, tract lengths were again similar in wild-type and mre11Delta, but they were reduced in mre11Delta in a gap repair assay. These results indicate that tract lengths are not affected by the extent of end processing when broken ends can invade nearby sites, perhaps because MRX coordination of the two broken ends is dispensable when ends invade nearby sites. Although HR outcome was largely unaffected in mre11 mutants, break-induced replication (BIR) and chromosome loss increased, suggesting that Mre11 function in mitotic HR is limited to early HR stages. Interestingly, yku70Delta suppressed BIR in mre11 mutants. BIR is also elevated in rad51 mutants, but yku70Delta did not suppress BIR in a rad51 background. These results indicate that Mre11 functions in Rad51-independent BIR, and that Ku functions in Rad51-dependent BIR.  相似文献   

Comment on: Boehler C, et al. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2011; 108:2783-8.  相似文献   

Defining the factors that lead to genomic instability is one of the most important fields in cancer biology. DNA damage can arise from exogenous sources or as a result of normal cellular metabolism. Regardless of the cause, when damaged DNA is not properly repaired the genome acquires mutation(s). Under normal circumstances, to prevent such chromosome instability the cell activates the checkpoint response, which inhibits cell cycle progression until DNA repair is complete. The Mre11 complex is formed by three components: Mre11, Rad50, and Nbs1/Xrs2 and is involved in the signaling pathways that lead to both checkpoint activation and DNA repair. In response to DNA damage two functions of the complex will be discussed, one involves its role in initiating kinase activation and the second involves its ability to tether and link DNA strands. This review will highlight the functions of the Mre11 complex during the process of DNA double strand break recognition and repair, and during the process of replication. Understanding how the Mre11 complex is working at the molecular level is important for understanding why disruptions in components of the complex lead to genomic instability and cancer predisposition syndromes in humans.  相似文献   

Agarwal S  Tafel AA  Kanaar R 《DNA Repair》2006,5(9-10):1075-1081
Translocations are genetic aberrations that occur when a broken fragment of a chromosome is erroneously rejoined to another chromosome. The initial event in the creation of a translocation is the formation of a DNA double-strand break (DSB), which can be induced both under physiological situations, such as during the development of the immune system, or by exogenous DNA damaging agents. Two major repair pathways exist in cells that repair DSBs as they arise, namely homologous recombination, and non-homologous end-joining. In some situations these pathways can function inappropriately and rejoin ends incorrectly to produce genomic rearrangements, including translocations. Translocations have been implicated in cancer because of their ability to activate oncogenes. Due to selection at the level of the DNA, the cell, and the tissue certain forms of cancer are associated with specific translocations that can be used as a tool for diagnosis and prognosis of these cancers.  相似文献   

DNA double stranded breaks (DSBs) are one of the most deleterious types of DNA lesions. The main pathways responsible for repairing these breaks in eukaryotic cells are homologous recombination (HR) and non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ). However, a third group of still poorly characterized DSB repair pathways, collectively termed microhomology-mediated end-joining (MMEJ), relies on short homologies for the end-joining process. Here, we constructed GFP reporter assays to characterize and distinguish MMEJ variant pathways, namely the simple MMEJ and the DNA synthesis-dependent (SD)-MMEJ mechanisms. Transfection of these assay vectors in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells and characterization of the repaired DNA sequences indicated that while simple MMEJ is able to mediate relatively efficient DSB repair if longer microhomologies are present, the majority of DSBs were repaired using the highly error-prone SD-MMEJ pathway. To validate the involvement of DNA synthesis in the repair process, siRNA knock-down of different genes proposed to play a role in MMEJ were performed, revealing that the knock-down of DNA polymerase θ inhibited DNA end resection and repair through simple MMEJ, thus favoring the other repair pathway. Overall, we conclude that this approach provides a convenient assay to study MMEJ-related DNA repair pathways.  相似文献   

The PriA protein, a component of the phiX174-type primosome, was previously shown to be essential for damage-inducible DNA replication in Escherichia coli, termed inducible stable DNA replication. Here, we show that priA::kan null mutants are defective in transductional and conjugational homologous recombination and are hypersensitive to mitomycin C and gamma rays, which cause double-strand breaks. The introduction of a plasmid carrying the priA300 allele, which encodes a mutant PriA protein capable of catalyzing the assembly of an active primosome but which is missing the n'-pas-dependent ATPase, helicase, and translocase activities associated with PriA, alleviates the defects of priA::kan mutants in homologous recombination, double-strand break repair, and inducible stable DNA replication. Furthermore, spa-47, which was isolated as a suppressor of the broth sensitivity of priA::kan mutants, suppresses the Rec- and mitomycin C sensitivity phenotypes of priA::kan mutants. The spa-47 suppressor mutation maps within or very near dnaC. These results suggest that PriA-dependent primosome assembly is crucial for both homologous recombination and double-strand break repair and support the proposal that these processes in E. coli involve extensive DNA replication.  相似文献   

Chromosomal rearrangements, which can lead to oncogene activation and tumour suppressor loss, are a hallmark of cancer cells. Such outcomes can result from both the repair and misrepair of DNA ends, which arise from a variety of lesions including DNA double strand breaks (DSBs), collapsed replication forks and dysfunctional telomeres. Here we review the mechanisms by which non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) and homologous recombination (HR) repair pathways can both promote chromosomal rearrangements and also suppress them in response to such lesions, in accordance with their increasingly recognised tumour suppressor function. Further, we consider how chromosomal rearrangements, together with a modular approach towards understanding their etiology, may be exploited for cancer therapy.  相似文献   

DNA double strand break (DSB) causes many cytotoxic effects such as cellular lethality, somatic mutation, and carcinogenesis. Fidelity of DSB repair is a important factor that determines the quality of genomic stability. It is known that the most of DSBs are properly repaired on the earth, however, little is known whether those are rejoined at the same fidelity even under the space environment. One of the DSB repair pathway, homologous recombination (HR), allows the cells to repair their DSBs with error free. Therefore, the efficiency of HR is a good index to assess the fidelity of DSB repair. In order to clarify the effect of gravity stress on HR pathway, we established a cell line that can detect a site-specific DNA repair via HR. The cells carrying a reporter construct for HR were incubated under hypergravity condition after induction of site specific DSB. Our preliminary results suggest that the gravity stress may affect the HR efficiency.  相似文献   

Structure and function of the double-strand break repair machinery   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Shin DS  Chahwan C  Huffman JL  Tainer JA 《DNA Repair》2004,3(8-9):863-873
The discovery of the recA gene toward the middle of the 20th century sparked work in perhaps one of the most biochemically and biophysically intriguing systems of DNA repair-homologous recombination. The inner workings of this system, in particular those of the more complex eukaryotes, have been and in many ways remain mysterious. Yet at the turn of this century, a wealth of structural and genetic results has unveiled a detailed picture of the roles, relationships, and mechanics of interacting homologous recombination proteins. Here we focus on the predominant questions addressed by these exciting 21st century structural results-from detection of broken DNA ends to coordination of pathway progression. The emerging structural view of double-strand break repair, therefore, reveals the molecular basis both for functions specific to DNA recombination and for general features characterizing DNA repair processes.  相似文献   

DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) are repaired by nonhomologous end-joining (NHEJ) and homologous recombination (HR). The NHEJ/HR decision is under complex regulation and involves DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PKcs). HR is elevated in DNA-PKcs null cells, but suppressed by DNA-PKcs kinase inhibitors, suggesting that kinase-inactive DNA-PKcs (DNA-PKcs-KR) would suppress HR. Here we use a direct repeat assay to monitor HR repair of DSBs induced by I-SceI nuclease. Surprisingly, DSB-induced HR in DNA-PKcs-KR cells was 2- to 3-fold above the elevated HR level of DNA-PKcs null cells, and ~4- to 7-fold above cells expressing wild-type DNA-PKcs. The hyperrecombination in DNA-PKcs-KR cells compared to DNA-PKcs null cells was also apparent as increased resistance to DNA crosslinks induced by mitomycin C. ATM phosphorylates many HR proteins, and ATM is expressed at a low level in cells lacking DNA-PKcs, but restored to wild-type level in cells expressing DNA-PKcs-KR. Several clusters of phosphorylation sites in DNA-PKcs, including the T2609 cluster, which is phosphorylated by DNA-PKcs and ATM, regulate access of repair factors to broken ends. Our results indicate that ATM-dependent phosphorylation of DNA-PKcs-KR contributes to the hyperrecombination phenotype. Interestingly, DNA-PKcs null cells showed more persistent ionizing radiation-induced RAD51 foci (but lower HR levels) compared to DNA-PKcs-KR cells, consistent with HR completion requiring RAD51 turnover. ATM may promote RAD51 turnover, suggesting a second (not mutually exclusive) mechanism by which restored ATM contributes to hyperrecombination in DNA-PKcs-KR cells. We propose a model in which DNA-PKcs and ATM coordinately regulate DSB repair by NHEJ and HR.  相似文献   

HO endonuclease-induced double-strand breaks in Saccharomyces cerevisiae can undergo recombination by two distinct and competing pathways. In a plasmid containing a direct repeat, in which one repeat is interrupted by an HO endonuclease cut site, gap repair yields gene conversions while single-strand annealing produces deletions. Consistent with predictions of the single-strand annealing mechanism, deletion formation is not accompanied by the formation of a reciprocal recombination product. Deletions are delayed 60 min when the distance separating the repeats is increased by 4.4 kb. Moreover, the rate of deletion formation corresponds to the time at which complementary regions become single stranded. Gap repair processes are independent of distance but are reduced in rad52 mutants and in G1-arrested cells.  相似文献   

Since DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) contribute to the genomic instability that drives cancer development, DSB repair pathways serve as important mechanisms for tumor suppression. Thus, genetic lesions, such as BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations, that disrupt DSB repair are often associated with cancer susceptibility. In addition, recent evidence suggests that DSB “mis-repair”, in which DSBs are resolved by an inappropriate repair pathway, can also promote genomic instability and presumably tumorigenesis. This notion has gained currency from recent cancer genome sequencing studies which have uncovered numerous chromosomal rearrangements harboring pathological DNA repair signatures. In this perspective, we discuss the factors that regulate DSB repair pathway choice and their consequences for genome stability and cancer.  相似文献   

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