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The cosmopolitan genus Bembidion is represented in New Zealand by 20 species, of which 19 are endemic; B. brullei appears to be a recent introduction. On phenetic characters the species fall into 7 subgenera, as follows: Zeplataphus n.subg.—maorinum Bates, dehiscens Broun, charile Bates, granuliferum n.sp., townsendi n.sp., tairuense Bates; Zeactedium Netolitzky—orbiferum Bates, musae Broun; Zeperyphodes n.subg.—callipeplum Bates; Zeperyphus n.subg.—actuarium Broun; Zemetal‐lina n.subg.—chalceipes Bates, solitarium n.sp., anchonoderum Bates, tekapoense Broun, wanakense n.sp., urewerense n.sp., hokitikense Bates, parviceps Bates; Ananotaphus Netolitzky—rotundicolle Bates; Notaphus Stephens—brullei Gemminger & Harold. The North Island population of maorinum is distinct from the typical South Island form in having reduced microscrulpture on the elytra, and is here separated as levatum n.ssp. An apparent geographic isolate of anchonoderum, represented by 2 females from Stewart Island, is provisionally recognised as stewartense n.ssp. The polymorphic complex within subg. Ananotaphus is here regarded as a single species, of which the North Island population is sufficiently distinct to warrant subspecific status as eustictum Bates; however, intergrades occur in the north‐west of the South Island. The following names fall into synonymy: latiusculum Broun (= maorinum); diaphanum Broun (= musae); nesophilum Broun (= callipeplum)’, tinctellum Broun (= chalceipes);antipodum Broun (= anchonoderum)’, tantillum Broun and probably attenuatum Broun (=hokitikense)’, clevedonense Broun and waikatoense Broun (= rotundicolle, ssp. eustictum)’, gameani Jeannel (= brullei). The relationships and aspects of the biology and ecology of the New Zealand Bembidion fauna are discussed.  相似文献   


The differences between Anisopodus White, 1853 and Hyperplatys Haldeman, 1847 are discussed and the gender of the latter is corrected. Notes on Hyperplatys pusillus (Bates, 1863) are provided. Hyperplatys nigrisparsus is considered a new rank for H. pusillus nigrisparsus (Bates, 1885). This species is newly recorded from Brazil (Amazonas). Alcidion laetulum Bates, 1880 (currently Nealcidion laetulum), Alcidion costatum Monné & Martins, 1976 (currently Nealcidion costatum), and Nealcidion murinum Monné, 1998, are synonymized with Alcidion bispinum Bates, 1863 (currently Nealcidion bispinum). Anisopodus melzeri Gilmour, 1965 is transferred to Hyperplatys with a new record from the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso do Sul. Notes on a second specimen of Confluentia colombiana (Gilmour, 1950) are provided. Three new species are described from Ecuador: Nealcidion kayi n. sp. (Acanthocinini), Hyperplatys pichinchensis n. sp. (Acanthocinini) and Confluentia quijos n. sp. (Colobotheini).  相似文献   

Using dendrochronological techniques, this study examined whether tree-ring width of two evergreen broad-leaved species (Cleyera japonica, Eurya japonica) at their inland northern distribution limit in central Japan is more limited by low temperature compared with two co-dominating deciduous broad-leaved species (Fagus japonica, Magnolia hypoleuca) and two evergreen conifer species (Chamaecyparis obtusa, Abies firma), whose distribution limits are further north. The two deciduous broad-leaved species and the two evergreen conifers are tall tree species. Evergreen broad-leaved Cleyera japonica is a sub-canopy species and Eurya japonica is a small tree species. The tree-ring widths of four of the six species (except for Eurya japonica and Magnolia hypoleuca) correlated positively with the March temperature just before the start of the growth period. For deciduous broad-leaved Magnolia hypoleuca, the tree-ring width was correlated positively and negatively with July temperature and precipitation, respectively. However, the other deciduous broad-leaved Fagus japonica showed no such relationships. For the evergreen broad-leaved Cleyera japonica and evergreen conifers Chamaecyparis obtusa and Abies firma, tree-ring widths correlated positively with winter temperatures, probably because evergreen species can assimilate during warm winters. The tree-ring width of Cleyera japonica also correlated positively with temperatures of many months of the growth period. By contrast, the tree-ring width of the other evergreen broad-leaved Eurya japonica showed no positive correlation with the temperature in any month. Most Eurya japonica trees were suppressed by tall trees, which might disguise any climate effect. Thus, there were species differences in response to climate for each life form, and the tree-ring width of Cleyera japonica at the northern distribution limit was more limited by low temperatures compared with co-dominating species. It is suggested that growth of Cleyera japonica is increased by global warming at the latitudinal ecotone.  相似文献   

记述中国瘦棍腿天牛属1新记录种:白腹瘦棍腿天牛Stenodryas ventralis(Gahan, 1906)。简述了该种的形态特征,提供了瘦棍腿天牛属中国已知记录种的检索表。研究标本保存在西南大学昆虫标本馆。  相似文献   

Three species of the genus Cacopsylla were collected from Sorbus japonica in Japan. Two of them, Cacopsylla elegans and Cacopsylla sorbicoccinea, are described as new species based on adults and fifth (final) nymphal instars. The third species, Cacopsylla midoriae, is newly transferred from the genus Psylla. The adult of C. midoriae is redescribed and the nymph is described for the first time. A key to the species feeding on S. japonica (adults and nymphs) is provided. The three species were observed to coexist on the same tree of S. japonica in northern Kyushu. Such coexistence of psylloid congeners is uncommon in Japan.  相似文献   

Since the 1990s, increasing populations of a blood feeding land leech (Haemadipsa japonica) have become a serious issue in several Japanese prefectures, and it may be caused by the increases in sika deer (Cervus nippon) populations seen over the last quarter of the century. Therefore, this study aimed to reveal the host animal species of H. japonica using iDNA (vertebrate DNA isolated from invertebrates) and to test the hypothesis that the increasingly widespread distribution of sika deer results in increased H. japonica populations through changes to the host–parasite interface. We amplified mitochondrial DNA 16S ribosome RNA fragments from iDNA isolated from the blood clots of H. japonica collected across Japan. We identified 17 host animal species, including four orders of Mammalia (Carnivora, Artiodactyla, Rodentia, and Lagomorpha) and two orders of Amphibia (Caudata and Anura). The sika deer was the dominant host species of H. japonica. Additionally, the host animal species composition of H. japonica differed according to the presence or absence of sika deer. In the sites where sika deer were not found, Anura (frog) species were the most commonly identified hosts of H. japonica. These results suggest that the increases in H. japonica populations might have occurred via a change in host preference to sika deer. This change might be driven by the increases in sika deer populations and subsequent increase in the frequency that H. japonica uses the sika deer as easy prey, as well as by sika deer providing more reproductive energy per blood meal than blood meal from frog species. The present study suggests that a more widespread distribution of sika deer resulted in an increase in H. japonica through a change in the host–parasite interface. Therefore, management that focuses on decreasing sika deer populations would likely be an effective method for the reduction of H. japonica populations.  相似文献   

Alien invasive plants threaten biodiversity, productivity and ecosystem functioning throughout the world. We examined the effect of Fallopia japonica on two native grassland species (Trifolium repens, Lolium perenne). We hypothesized that its negative effects on the native species are dependent on three mechanisms: (i) allelochemicals released and accumulated in soil with a history of invasion, (ii) altered soil biota and (iii) direct resource competition. We measured the response of the native species as the difference in their functional traits when grown under the three conditions. Our results demonstrate that neither allelochemicals nor soil biota from soil with history of F. japonica invasion had measurable effects on either species. Competition with the invader strongly reduced height, biomass and specific leaf area (SLA) of T. repens, while it had a lower effect on L. perenne. Furthermore, our results reveal that F. japonica took advantage of a positive plant–soil and plant–plant interaction. The results show that the prominent mechanism underpinning the invasion success of F. japonica in the grassland was the direct resource competition. This prominent role is also confirmed by the significant interactions between competition, allelochemicals and soil biota from soils with history of invasion of F. japonica on SLA of the native species.  相似文献   

Despite the intensive use of the Leptopilina genus and its drosophilid hosts as model systems in the study of host–parasitoid interactions, the diversity and distribution of the species occurring in the Asian region remain elusive. Here we report the phylogeny of Japanese Leptopilina species attacking frugivorous drosophilid flies, based on COI, ITS1 and ITS2 sequences. Consistent with molecular data, hybridization experiments and morphological examination, five species were recorded in Japan: Leptopilina heterotoma, L. victoriae and three new species, two occurring in the Ryukyu archipelago, L. ryukyuensis and L. pacifica, and another species, L. japonica, distributed in Honshu and Hokkaido. Leptopilina japonica is further divided into two subspecies, L. j. japonica occurring in Japan, and L. j. formosana occurring in Taiwan. According to these results, we discuss the evolution, speciation and colonization history of Japanese Leptopilina species.  相似文献   

Several dioecious plant species exhibit sexual dimorphisms in defensive traits. However, the effects of sexual dimorphism on defense against herbivores remain poorly understood. Eurya japonica (Thunb.) (Theaceae) is a dioecious shrub that shows sexual dimorphism in the chemical defense of flower buds. Female calyces contain higher concentrations of total phenolics and condensed tannins than do male calyces. Male flower buds are edible for a florivore moth, Chloroclystis excisa (Butler) (Lepidoptera: Geometridae), whereas the female flower buds are lethal to the moth larvae. The moths prefer to oviposit on male over female E. japonica flower buds. As the moths also occur in areas lacking E. japonica, we tested whether the oviposition preference for E. japonica flower sex differed between moths sympatric and allopatric with E. japonica. The moths sympatric with E. japonica showed a stronger preference for male E. japonica than the moths allopatric with E. japonica. Our phylogeographic study using mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I gene sequences revealed little genetic differentiation between moth populations sympatric and allopatric with E. japonica. These results suggest that the adaptive oviposition preference for flower sex of E. japonica has evolved rapidly in C. excisa.  相似文献   

Comparisons of cuticular hydrocarbons between workers of the dulotic ant Polyergus samurai and its slave, Formica japonica, were carried out. Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry showed that the slave‐maker and its slave shared the major cuticular hydrocarbon compounds, but possessed several minor products unique to each species. No difference in hydrocarbon composition was detected between enslaved and free‐living F. japonica workers, suggesting that association with P. samurai has no qualitative effect on hydrocarbon composition in these ants. Principal component analyses of the cuticular hydrocarbon profiles (CHP) revealed that (i) CHP was species specific in a given mixed colony; and (ii) among mixed colonies, P. samurai workers had species‐colony specific CHP, while the same feature was not always found in enslaved and free‐living F. japonica workers. Therefore, a ‘uniform colony odor’ in terms of CHP is not achieved in naturally mixed colonies of P. samurai nor those of its slaves, F. japonica.  相似文献   

We examined the floral morph of tetraploid Ophiorrhiza japonica Blume var. amamiana Hatus. and diploid O. japonica var. japonica to elucidate the association of distyly and ploidy levels. Chloroplast DNA phylogeny was reconstructed to determine the number of tetraploidization events and floral morph shifts in O. japonica. All individuals of O. japonica var. amamiana proved to be long-homostylous, whereas O. japonica var. japonica was distylous with typical long- and short-styled flowers. Distyly is related to the ploidy level. The bagging treatment of flowers indicated that O. japonica var. amamiana is self-compatible and potentially automatically self-pollinating. In cpDNA sequencing analysis, no haplotype was shared between the two varieties. The cpDNA haplotype network displayed the monophyly of O. japonica var. amamiana, suggesting a single origin of this variety. Hence, both tetraploidization and the breakdown of distyly to homostyly in O. japonica var. amamiana likely occurred just once. Because O. japonica var. amamiana having the morphological and cytological entity is recognized as a single lineage and clearly separated from O. japonica var. japonica, this variety can be considered to be a distinct species. We therefore propose to raise O. japonica var. amamiana to the rank of species. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Fallopia japonica (Houtt.) Ronse Decraene is an invasive plant species that introduces economic, social, and environmental stresses. After observing frost damage to F. japonica plants in the field, we exposed leaves of F. japonica and a native species (Acer saccharum Marshall) to freezing temperatures in the laboratory and compared their net photosynthetic rate to that of fresh leaves. In both species, the net photosynthetic rate of leaves frozen for 0.5 h or for 1 h were not significantly different from each other but were both significantly less than that of fresh leaves. Fresh leaves of F. japonica had a higher net photosynthetic rate than those of A. saccharum, but the relationship was reversed in all freezing treatments. Frozen leaves of F. japonica contained microscopically visible frost lenses, which revealed the mechanism of the damage. These results quantify how quickly F. japonica is damaged by freezing conditions and suggest that minimum vernal temperatures may limit its range expansion.  相似文献   

To compensate for the limited number of morphological characteristics of fish eggs and larvae, we established a convenient and robust method of species identification for eggs of the Japanese eel (Anguilla japonica) using a real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) that can be performed onboard research ships at sea. A total of about 1.2 kbp of the mitochondrial 16S ribosomal RNA gene sequences from all species of Anguilla and 3 other anguilliform species were compared to design specific primer pairs and a probe for A. japonica. This real-time PCR amplification was conducted for a total of 44 specimens including A. japonica, A. marmorata, A. bicolor pacifica, and 6 other anguilliform species. Immediate PCR amplification was only observed in A. japonica. We then tested this method under onboard conditions and obtained the same result as had been produced in the laboratory. These results suggest that real-time PCR can be a powerful tool for detecting Japanese eel eggs and newly hatched larvae immediately after onboard sampling during research cruises and will allow targeted sampling efforts to occur rapidly in response to any positive onboard identification of the eggs and larvae of this species.  相似文献   

Negative interactions between non-indigenous and native species has been an important research topic of invasion biology. However, interactions between two or more invasive species may be as important in understanding biological invasions, but they have rarely been studied. In this paper, we describe three field experiments that investigated interactions between two non-indigenous plant species invasive in the eastern United States, Lonicera japonica (a perennial vine) and Microstegium vimineum (an annual grass). A press removal experiment conducted within a deciduous forest understory community indicated that M. vimineum was a superior competitor to L. japonica. We tested the hypothesis that the competitive success of M. vimineum was because it overgrew, and reduced light available to, L. japonica, by conducting a separate light gradient experiment within the same community. Shade cloth that simulated the M. vimineum canopy reduced the performance of L. japonica. In a third complementary experiment, we added experimental support hosts to test the hypothesis that the competitive ability of L. japonica is limited by support hosts, onto which L. japonica climbs to access light. We found that the abundance of climbing branches increased with the number of support hosts. Results of this experiment indicate that these two invasive species compete asymmetrically for resources, particularly light.  相似文献   

Fallopia japonica (Japanese knotweed) invades riparian areas and roadsides in New England. This large clonal species drastically alters the appearance of habitats by forming highly productive near-monocultures. To understand how these invasions affect ecosystem processes in New England, we quantified the impacts of F. japonica on species diversity, primary productivity, and nitrogen cycling at five locations in central Massachusetts, USA. In stands of F. japonica and in adjacent uninvaded areas, we recorded the cover of each plant species and measured the aboveground biomass and nitrogen (N) concentrations in plants, along with N retranslocation from F. japonica leaves and several soil characteristics. In addition, we severed rhizomes of peripheral F. japonica shoots to determine if clonal integration contributes to the species’ rapid spread and dominance. Stands of F. japonica had lower species diversity, but greater aboveground biomass and standing N than uninvaded areas. Nitrogen and carbon concentrations in biomass and N mineralization rates in soil did not differ between stands and adjacent areas. Rhizome severing temporarily reduced growth of F. japonica, suggesting that retranslocation of photoassimilates and/or nutrients between shoots via rhizomatal connections may maximize stand level growth rates and facilitate dominance by F. japonica.  相似文献   

Diapause and cold tolerance are essential for temperate insects to pass the winter, with the mechanisms controlling these two traits varying considerably among insects. In the present study, diapause and cold tolerance are compared among three Leptopilina species: Leptopilina japonica Novkovi? & Kimura, Leptopilina victoriae Nordlander and Leptopilina ryukyuensis Novkovi? & Kimura, all larval parasitoids of frugivorous drosophilid flies, with the aim of understanding their climatic adaptations. The first species is divided into the temperate (Leptopilina japonica japonica) and subtropical subspecies (Leptopilina japonica formosana), and the latter two species are distributed in the tropical and subtropical regions. The temperate subspecies of L. japonica enters prepupal diapause at low temperatures (15 or 18 °C), irrespective of photoperiod, and some individuals enter diapause when exposed to 0 °C for 1 or 2 day(s) or when placed at low humidity. Leptopilina victoriae also shows signs of diapause initiation at 15 °C, although L. ryukyuensis and L. j. formosana from the subtropical regions do not. Preimaginal viability at low temperature (13, 14 or 15 °C) is usually lower in L. victoriae from the tropical regions compared with L. japonica or L. ryukyuensis from the temperate or subtropical regions. Diapausing prepupae of the temperate subspecies appear to be cold tolerant. However, the cold tolerance of nondiapausing prepupae, pupae and adult females varies little among the tropical, subtropical and temperate species or subspecies, and adult males of the temperate subspecies of L. japonica are less cold tolerant than those of the tropical or subtropical species or subspecies. Cold tolerance may be unnecessary, except for diapausing individuals of the temperate species, because nondiapausing individuals appear in warmer seasons.  相似文献   

The mountain zone of Yakushima Island is covered with a mixed conifer-broadleaved forest dominated by old-growth Cryptomeria japonica (L.f.) D. Don trees. Even though Yakushima Island has been frequently struck by typhoons with wind velocities exceeding 55 m s−1, the Cr. japonica trees in the mountain zone have survived for thousands of years without fatal damage. To evaluate the effect of storms on tree growth, the relationships between the stem diameter at breast height (DBH) and the heights of Cr. japonica and coexistent tree species were investigated. Two models based on an expanded allometric equation and a discontinuous piecewise allometric equation, respectively, to represent DBH–height relationships were evaluated. In all plots, the DBH–height relationship of Cr. japonica was discontinuous between small DBH and large DBH individuals. The tops of the large DBH individuals of Cr. japonica were lost to strong winds. However in each instance, they occupied the highest position in the canopy, even if they had lost their tops. In contrast, the DBH–height relationships of subcanopy broadleaved species were continuous in many plots and the equilibrium heights of the dominant broadleaved species were similar and almost in the same order regardless of the canopy heights of Cr. japonica. These results revealed a constant vertical structure in the Cr. japonica forest on Yakushima Island. Our results demonstrate a vertical niche segregation in the forest under high wind pressures and such vertical structure enables effective use of forest space and increases the basal area density.  相似文献   

The influence of three aphid prey species – Aphis craccivora Koch, Megoura viciae Buckton and Rhopalosiphum maidis (Fitch) – on the biology of Propylaea japonica (Thunberg) was studied under laboratory conditions. The development, survivorship, longevity, reproduction and life table parameters of P. japonica differed significantly among different treatments. The shortest developmental period of P. japonica (from first-instar larvae to adult) was observed on A. craccivora, whereas the longest was observed on M. viciae. The highest survivorship was observed on A. craccivora, and the lowest survivorship was observed on M. viciae. The highest sex ratio, fecundity and the shortest pre-oviposition period were observed when A. craccivora was used as prey. The longevities of P. japonica females and males did not differ significantly when reared on different aphid species. The highest values of net reproductive rate, intrinsic rate of increase and finite rate of increase were observed on A. craccivora. The results suggest that A. craccivora is a suitable prey for P. japonica among the three aphid species tested and can serve as a diet for the mass rearing of P. japonica under laboratory conditions for possible use in integrated pest management.  相似文献   

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