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The genus Corydalis, with ca. 530 species, has long been considered taxonomically challenging because of its great variability. Previous molecular analyses, based on a few molecular markers and incomplete taxonomic sampling, were clearly inadequate to delimit sections and subgenera. We have performed phylogenetic analyses of Corydalis and related taxa, using 65 shared protein-coding plastid genes from 313 accessions (including 280 samples of ca. 226 species of Corydalis) and 152 universal low-copy nuclear genes from 296 accessions (including 271 samples of Corydalis) covering all 42 previously recognized sections and five independent “series”. Phylogenetic trees were inferred using Bayesian Inference and Maximum Likelihood. Eight selected morphological characters were estimated using ancestral state reconstructions. Results include: (i) of the three subgenera of Corydalis, two are fully supported by both the plastid and nuclear data; the third, subg. Cremnocapnos, is weakly supported by plastid DNA only, whereas in the nuclear data the two included sections form successive outgroups to the rest of the genus; (ii) among all 42 sections and five “series”, 25 sections and one “series” are resolved as monophyletic in both data sets; (iii) the common ancestor of Corydalis is likely to be a perennial plant with a taproot, yellow flowers with a short saccate spur, linear fruits with recurved fruiting pedicels, and seeds with elaiosomes; (iv) we provide a new classification of Corydalis with four subgenera (of which subg. Bipapillatae is here newly described), 39 sections, 16 of which are consistent with the previous classification, 16 sections have been recircumscribed, one section has been reinstated and six new sections are established. Characters associated with lifespan, underground structures, floral spur, fruit and elaiosomes are important for the recognition of subgenera and sections. These new phylogenetic analyses combined with ancestral character reconstructions uncovered previously unrecognized relationships, and greatly improved our understanding of the evolution of the genus.  相似文献   

Diapensia L. is the second largest genus of Diapensiaceae. The taxonomic treatment within Diapensia and relationships within Diapensiaceae have been disputed. Chloroplast genome sequence data have proved to be useful for plant phylogenetic analyses and species delimitation. In this study, we de novo sequenced and assembled 22 chloroplast genomes of 15 species of Diapensiaceae, including all recognized species of Diapensia with multiple samples. A super‐matrix containing a total of 107 genes and 18 taxa was constructed for phylogenetic analyses to resolve phylogenetic relationships among genera of the family and within Diapensia. The resulting phylogenetic tree showed the following strongly supported relationships: (Galax, (Pyxidanthera, (Berneuxia, ((Schizocodon, Diapensia), and Shortia s.s.)))). The dated phylogeny and reconstructed lineage‐through‐time plot for the family indicated rapid diversification in the Neogene and an acceleration of diversification rate after c. 8 Ma. Biogeographic analysis suggested that Diapensia originated in the Northeast Asian mountains approximately 6.06 Ma, followed by northward dispersal to the Arctic and southwestward dispersal to the Himalaya–Hengduan Mountains. Phylogenetic relationships within Diapensia were well resolved. Based on the phylogenetic results, we proposed to reinstate the species status of Diapensia bulleyana Forrest ex Diels, and raised D. purpurea f. albida to the species rank (D. albida [W. E. Evans] J. F. Ye comb. & stat. nov.). The distribution ranges of all species delineated based on the phylogenetic results were revised accordingly based on specimen occurrences. Our study adds new examples for the power of plastid genome data for resolving phylogenetic relationships and clarifying taxonomic disputes among closely related species.  相似文献   

Eight protoberberine-type alkaloids and two indole alkaloids were isolated from the MeOH extracts of the herb Corydalis saxicola Bunting (Papaveraceae). Their structures were identified as dehydrocavidine (1), dehydroapocavidine (2), dehydroisoapocavidine (3), berberine (4), dehydroisocorypalmine (5), coptisine (6), tetradehydroscoulerine (7), berbinium (8), 1-formyl-5-methoxy-6-methylindoline (9), and 1-formyl-2-hydroxy-5-methoxy-6-methylindoline (10). Compounds 3, 9, and 10 are new alkaloids. All compounds were tested for anti-HBV activity against the 2.2.15 cell line in vitro. Dehydrocavidine (1), dehydroapocavidine (2), and dehydroisoapocavidine (3) exhibited inhibitory activity against HBsAg and HBeAg, but no cytotoxicity against the 2.2.15 cell line.  相似文献   

Chloroplast genome sequences have been used to understand evolutionary events and to infer efficiently phylogenetic relationships. Callitropsis funebris (Cupressaceae) is an endemic species in China. Its phylogenetic position is controversial due to morphological characters similar to those of Cupressus, Callitropsis, and Chamaecyparis. This study used next‐generation sequencing technology to sequence the complete chloroplast genome of Ca. funebris and then constructed the phylogenetic relationship between Ca. funebris and its related species based on a variety of data sets and methods. Simple sequence repeats (SSRs) and adaptive evolution analysis were also conducted. Our results showed that the monophyletic branch consisting of Ca. funebris and Cupressus tonkinensis is a sister to Cupressus, while Callitropsis is not monophyletic; Ca. nootkatensis and Ca. vietnamensis are nested in turn at the base of the monophyletic group Hesperocyparis. The statistical results of SSRs supported the closest relationship between Ca. funebris and Cupressus. By performing adaptive evolution analysis under the phylogenetic background of Cupressales, the Branch model detected three genes and the Site model detected 10 genes under positive selection; and the Branch‐Site model uncovered that rpoA has experienced positive selection in the Ca. funebries branch. Molecular analysis from the chloroplast genome highly supported that Ca. funebris is at the base of Cupressus. Of note, SSR features were found to be able to shed some light on phylogenetic relationships. In short, this chloroplast genomic study has provided new insights into the phylogeny of Ca. funebris and revealed multiple chloroplast genes possibly undergoing adaptive evolution.  相似文献   

Primers for seven unlinked and highly polymorphic microsatellite loci were developed for Corydalis ambigua to investigate its mating system and population genetics. This species can be used to explore the impact of an alien bumblebee on plant reproduction. Genetic diversity and other population genetic parameters were estimated in two populations with and without the alien bumblebee. The number of alleles per locus ranged from 4 to 20, and observed heterozygosities ranged from 0.355 to 0.969. These markers can be applied to study mating systems and population genetics in C. ambigua.  相似文献   

Although conifers are of immense ecological and economic value, bioengineering of their chloroplasts remains undeveloped. Understanding the chloroplast genomic organization of conifers can facilitate their bioengineering. Members of the conifer II clade (or cupressophytes) are highly diverse in both morphologic features and chloroplast genomic organization. We compared six cupressophyte chloroplast genomes (cpDNAs) that represent four of the five cupressophyte families, including three genomes that are first reported here (Agathis dammara, Calocedrus formosana and Nageia nagi). The six cupressophyte cpDNAs have lost a pair of large inverted repeats (IRs) and vary greatly in size, organization and tRNA copies. We demonstrate that cupressophyte cpDNAs have evolved towards reduced size, largely due to shrunken intergenic spacers. In cupressophytes, cpDNA rearrangements are capable of extending intergenic spacers, and synonymous mutations are negatively associated with the size and frequency of rearrangements. The variable cpDNA sizes of cupressophytes may have been shaped by mutational burden and genomic rearrangements. On the basis of cpDNA organization, our analyses revealed that in gymnosperms, cpDNA rearrangements are phylogenetically informative, which supports the ‘gnepines’ clade. In addition, removal of a specific IR influences the minimal rearrangements required for the gnepines and cupressophyte clades, whereby Pinaceae favours the removal of IRB but cupressophytes exclusion of IRA. This result strongly suggests that different IR copies have been lost from conifers I and II. Our data help understand the complexity and evolution of cupressophyte cpDNAs.  相似文献   


紫堇属(Corydalis DC.)植物的种子形态及其分类学意义

在光学显微镜下研究了湖北产紫堇属(Corydalis DC.)15种及2变型的种子形态特征。结果表明,其种子小,近圆形、扁圆形或肾形,黑色或深棕色,具油质体。油质体帽状、扇形、条形或不规则,紧贴种子表面或分离。根据种子表面形态,种子可分为4种类型:(1)表面光滑,如大叶紫堇(C.temulifolia Franch.)、川东紫堇(C.acu-minata Franch.)、巴东紫堇(C.hemsleyana Franch.ex Prain)、北岭黄堇(C.fargesii Franch.)、鄂西黄堇(C.shennongensis H.Chuang)和小药八旦子(C.caudata(Lam.)Pers.);(2)表面具刺或疣状突起,如阜平黄堇(C.wilfordii Regel)、小花黄堇(C.racemosa(Thunb.)Pers.)、地锦苗(C.sheareri S.Moore)和珠芽地锦苗(C.sheareri S.Moore f.bulbillifera Hand.-Mazz.);(3)表面具凹点状印痕,如刻叶紫堇(C.incisa(Thunb.)Pers.)、紫堇(C.edulis Maxim.)、地柏枝(C.cheilanthifolia Hemsl.)、蛇果黄堇(C.ophiocarpa Hook.f.et Thoms.)、北越紫堇(C.balansae Prain)和延胡索(C.yanhusuo(Y.H.Chou et C.C.Hsu)W.T.Wang ex Z.Y.Su et C.Y.Wu);(4)表面具凹点状印痕,并被有疣状突起,如伏生紫堇(C.decumbens(Thunb.)Pers.)。种子大小、形状和表面形态以及油质体形态在种内相对稳定,对一些物种的划分具有较重要的意义。  相似文献   

The chloroplast genome of Pelargonium x hortorum has been completely sequenced. It maps as a circular molecule of 217,942 bp and is both the largest and most rearranged land plant chloroplast genome yet sequenced. It features 2 copies of a greatly expanded inverted repeat (IR) of 75,741 bp each and, consequently, diminished single-copy regions of 59,710 and 6,750 bp. Despite the increase in size and complexity of the genome, the gene content is similar to that of other angiosperms, with the exceptions of a large number of pseudogenes, the recognition of 2 open reading frames (ORF56 and ORF42) in the trnA intron with similarities to previously identified mitochondrial products (ACRS and pvs-trnA), the losses of accD and trnT-ggu and, in particular, the presence of a highly divergent set of rpoA-like ORFs rather than a single, easily recognized gene for rpoA. The 3-fold expansion of the IR (relative to most angiosperms) accounts for most of the size increase of the genome, but an additional 10% of the size increase is related to the large number of repeats found. The Pelargonium genome contains 35 times as many 31 bp or larger repeats than the unrearranged genome of Spinacia. Most of these repeats occur near the rearrangement hotspots, and 2 different associations of repeats are localized in these regions. These associations are characterized by full or partial duplications of several genes, most of which appear to be nonfunctional copies or pseudogenes. These duplications may also be linked to the disruption of at least 1 but possibly 2 or 3 operons. We propose simple models that account for the major rearrangements with a minimum of 8 IR boundary changes and 12 inversions in addition to several insertions of duplicated sequence.  相似文献   

为了分析美丽梧桐、云南梧桐叶绿体基因组密码子的使用偏性,该研究通过筛选美丽梧桐、云南梧桐叶绿体基因组中各52条蛋白编码序列,并利用CodonW、CUSP和SPSS软件对其密码子使用模式及偏性进行了分析。结果表明:(1)美丽梧桐、云南梧桐的GC含量分别为38.12%、38.05%,表明叶绿体基因组内富含A/T碱基。(2)有效密码子数(ENC)范围为36.91~56.46、36.55~58.04,表明多数密码子偏性较弱。(3)相对同义密码子(RSCU)分析显示,RSCU>1的密码子各有29个,其中28个以A、U结尾。(4)中性绘图显示,GC3与GC12的相关性不显著,回归曲线斜率分别为0.195和0.304,说明密码子偏好性主要受到自然选择的影响。(5) ENC-plot分析中大部分基因分布于曲线的周围和下方,ENC比值多分布于-0.04~0.10之间,表明突变会影响密码子偏性的形成。此外,17、18个密码子分别被鉴定为美丽梧桐、云南梧桐的最优密码子。以上结果说明美丽梧桐、云南梧桐叶绿体基因组的密码子使用偏性可能受选择和突变共同作用,且使用...  相似文献   

Flavonoid glycosides and isoquinolinone alkaloids from Corydalis bungeana   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Two flavonol O-glycosides identified as the 3-O-alpha-arabinopyranosyl(1'-->6')-beta-glucopyranoside 7-O-beta-glucopyranosides of kaempferol and quercetin were isolated from the whole plant of Corydalis bungeana Turcz. together with eight known flavonol O-glycosides. Two isoquinolinone alkaloids were also obtained from the same source, including the new derivative, 6,7-methylenedioxy-2-(6-acetyl-2,3-methylenedioxybenzyl)-1(2H)-isoquinolinone. The structures were determined by spectroscopic methods (NMR and high-resolution MS).  相似文献   

Introduction – Dehydrocavidine is a major component of Corydalis saxicola Bunting with sedative, analgesic, anticonvulsive and antibacterial activities. Conventional methods have disadvantages in extracting, separating and purifying dehydrocavidine from C. saxicola. Hence, an efficient method should be established. Objective – To develop a suitable preparative method in order to isolate dehydrocavidine from a complex C. saxicola extract by preparative HSCCC. Methodology – The methanol extract of C. saxicola was prepared by optimised microwave‐assisted extraction (MAE). The analytical HSCCC was used for the exploration of suitable solvent systems and the preparative HSCCC was used for larger scale separation and purification. Dehydrocavidine was analysed by high‐performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and further identified by ESI‐MS and 1H NMR. Results – The optimised MAE experimental conditions were as follows: extraction temperature, 60°C; ratio of liquid to solid, 20; extraction time, 15 min; and microwave power, 700 W. In less than 4 h, 42.1 mg of dehydrocavidine (98.9% purity) was obtained from 900 mg crude extract in a one‐step separation, using a two‐phase solvent system composed of chloroform–methanol–0.3 m hydrochloric acid (4 : 0.5 : 2, v/v/v). Conclusion – Microwave‐assisted extraction coupled with high‐speed counter‐current chromatography is a powerful tool for extraction, separation and purification of dehydrocavidine from C. saxicola. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

飘带兜兰(Paphiopedilum parishii)分布范围狭窄,仅在中国、缅甸、泰国以及老挝有少量分布。近年来,因生境破坏和人为滥采而导致飘带兜兰野生种群极度缩减。为开发种内多态性的分子标记用于保护生物学研究,该研究对飘带兜兰4个野生个体经测序、组装、注释获得的叶绿体基因组序列,与已公布的飘带兜兰2个个体的叶绿体全基因组序列进行比对,分析飘带兜兰叶绿体基因组的种内差异。结果表明:(1)飘带兜兰叶绿体基因组具有典型被子植物叶绿体基因组环状四分体结构,基因组长度为154 403~154 809 bp,共编码129个基因,包括78个蛋白质编码基因、39个tRNA基因、8个rRNA基因,以及4个假基因。(2)在飘带兜兰6个个体叶绿体基因组中检测到103~107个SSRs(simple sequence repeats)位点,其中21个SSR位点具有多态性。此外,在6个个体叶绿体基因组中还检测到60个长序列重复,包括17~21个正向重复、18~29个反向重复、9~16个回文重复、4~9个互补重复。(3)通过比较6个个体叶绿体基因组序列的核苷酸多样性,共发现70处变异,包括10个SNPs(single nucleotide polymorphism)、60个插入缺失(InDels)。其中,有3个SNP位点发生了非同义替换,导致编码功能基因的氨基酸发生改变; 19个插入缺失多态性较高,具有开发为分子标记的潜力。(4)通过计算核苷酸多样性值(Pi)共发现8个有变异的区域,Pi值为0~0.006 32,其中变异度较大的是rps3-rpl22、trnL-UAC-rpl32、rpoB-trnC-GCA以及ycf4,这些高变区可开发为分子标记用于评估飘带兜兰遗传多样性。(5)系统发生分析结果表明,飘带兜兰6个个体叶绿体基因组序列聚在一起,与长瓣兜兰互为姐妹群。综上表明,飘带兜兰叶绿体基因组的SSRs、长序列重复、SNPs、InDels以及核苷酸序列呈现了足够的种内多样性,可开发成分子标记用于该种的系统演化及保护生物学研究。  相似文献   

M. Ohara  S. Higashi 《Oecologia》1994,98(1):25-30
Female reproductive success (seed set) of a spring ephemeral plant, Corydalis ambigua Cham. et schlecht (Papaveraceae) was investigated in relation to inflorescence size and foraging behavior (frequency and duration of visitations) by pollinators (namely, overwintered queens of Bombus hypocrita sapporensis) by detailed daily observations of a natural population. Pollination experiments indicated that C. ambigua is self-incompatible and that seed set was significantly affected by the behavior of the pollinating queens. Plants with larger inflorescences were visited more often than those with fewer flowers. Fecundity also increased with increasing size of inflorescences. Visitation time (duration of foraging) rather than the frequency of visitations (number of visits) was critical for higher fecundity. Seed production was strongly enhanced by a few long visits (of more than 60 s), and seemed to be independent of large numbers of short visits (of less than 60 s). Hence, plants with larger inflorescences, which provide a conspicuous signal to pollinators and offer greater rewards in terms of nectar, received longer visits by B. hypocrita sapporensis queens and those plants exhibited higher fecundity.  相似文献   

Recently, we reported the chloroplast genome‐wide association of oligonucleotide repeats, indels and nucleotide substitutions in aroid chloroplast genomes. We hypothesized that the distribution of oligonucleotide repeat sequences in a single representative genome can be used to identify mutational hotspots and loci suitable for population genetic, phylogenetic and phylogeographic studies. Using information on the location of oligonucleotide repeats in the chloroplast genome of taro (Colocasia esculenta), we designed 30 primer pairs to amplify and sequence polymorphic loci. The primers have been tested in a range of intra‐specific to intergeneric comparisons, including ten taro samples (Colocasia esculenta) from diverse geographical locations, four other Colocasia species (C. affinis, C. fallax, C. formosana, C. gigantea) and three other aroid genera (represented by Remusatia vivipara, Alocasia brisbanensis and Amorphophallus konjac). Multiple sequence alignments for the intra‐specific comparison revealed nucleotide substitutions (point mutations) at all 30 loci and microsatellite polymorphisms at 14 loci. The primer pairs reported here reveal levels of genetic variation suitable for high‐resolution phylogeographic and evolutionary studies of taro and other closely related aroids. Our results confirm that information on repeat distribution can be used to identify loci suitable for such studies, and we expect that this approach can be used in other plant groups.  相似文献   

张倩  张德全 《广西植物》2022,42(10):1750-1761
白花刺续断在中国西藏是一种常用的药用植物,但其叶绿体全基因组的相关研究较少。为揭示该物种叶绿体全基因组的基本特征并探讨其谱系遗传结构,该研究利用Illumina测序平台对来自5个野生居群的10个白花刺续断个体进行二代测序,经组装、注释,得到10条完整的叶绿体全基因组序列,并对它们的基因组特征和居群间的谱系进化关系进行了初步研究。结果表明:(1)白花刺续断的叶绿体全基因组大小为155 335~156 266 bp,共注释113个基因,包括72个蛋白编码基因、30个tRNA基因和4个rRNA基因,其叶绿体基因组的大小、结构、GC含量及基因组成等方面在种内高度保守。(2)基因组比较分析表明,白花刺续断变异较大的片段均位于单拷贝区,且IR边界未出现明显的扩张和收缩。(3)群体遗传分析发现,白花刺续断的野生居群具有明显的地理遗传结构,不同居群间在遗传距离与地理距离上具有一定的相关性。研究认为,白花刺续断叶绿体基因组在种内居群水平上比较保守,且叶绿体基因组可在居群水平上揭示物种的地理遗传结构。这为后续开展刺续断属物种群体遗传学和系统发育基因组学研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of Korean ginseng (Panax schinseng Nees) chloroplast genome has been completed (AY582139). The circular double-stranded DNA, which consists of 156,318 bp, contains a pair of inverted repeat regions (IRa and IRb) with 26,071 bp each, which are separated by small and large single copy regions of 86,106 bp and 18,070 bp, respectively. The inverted repeat region is further extended into a large single copy region which includes the 5' parts of the rpsl9 gene. Four short inversions associated with short palindromic sequences that form stem-loop structures were also observed in the chloroplast genome of P. schinseng compared to that of Nicotiana tabacum. The genome content and the relative positions of 114 genes (75 peptide-encoding genes, 30 tRNA genes, 4 rRNA genes, and 5 conserved open reading frames [ycfs]), however, are identical with the chloroplast DNA of N. tabacum. Sixteen genes contain one intron while two genes have two introns. Of these introns, only one (trnL-UAA) belongs to the self-splicing group I; all remaining introns have the characteristics of six domains belonging to group II. Eighteen simple sequence repeats have been identified from the chloroplast genome of Korean ginseng. Several of these SSR loci show infra-specific variations. A detailed comparison of 17 known completed chloroplast genomes from the vascular plants allowed the identification of evolutionary modes of coding segments and intron sequences, as well as the evaluation of the phylogenetic utilities of chloroplast genes. Furthermore, through the detailed comparisons of several chloroplast genomes, evolutionary hotspots predominated by the inversion end points, indel mutation events, and high frequencies of base substitutions were identified. Large-sized indels were often associated with direct repeats at the end of the sequences facilitating intra-molecular recombination.  相似文献   

Sorbus setschwanensis Koehne is a pinnate-leaved Sorbus s.str. species endemic to China with narrow distribution and intriguing phylogeny that needs wider attention. In this paper, the complete chloroplast (cp) genome of S. setschwanensis is reported, and its phylogenetic position is analyzed. The complete cp genome of S. setschwanensis is 160 064 bp in size with 36.50% GC content. It has a typical quadripartite structure including a pair of inverted repeat regions (IRs) of 26 378 bp that separates a large single copy (LSC) region of 86 013 bp and a small single copy (SSC) region of 19 295 bp. The cp genome encodes 108 genes, comprising 76 protein-coding genes, 28 tRNA genes and 4 rRNA genes. Additionally, 52 simple sequence repeats (SSRs) and 43 dispersed repeats were identified. Comparison of the whole cp genome with those of other Sorbus species showed an overall high degree of sequence similarity, but there are six highly variable regions (trnR-atpA, petN-psbM, ndhC-trnV, trnE-trnT, trnT-trnL and rpl32-trnL) located in intergenic spacers that may be useful as molecular markers in future population genetic and phylogenetic studies in the genus. Phylogenetic analyses based on 108 coding genes from 25 species in Rosaceae revealed that S. setschwanensis is nested within Sorbus sect. Sorbus together with other pinnately leaved species, but does not form a sister lineage to S. rufopilosa belonging to the same series Multijugae. Thus, the systematic position of S. setschwanensis and relationships with other species in the genus needs to be further studied.  相似文献   

The green algal genus Ostreobium is an important symbiont of corals, playing roles in reef decalcification and providing photosynthates to the coral during bleaching events. A chloroplast genome of a cultured strain of Ostreobium was available, but low taxon sampling and Ostreobium's early‐branching nature left doubt about its phylogenetic position. Here, we generate and describe chloroplast genomes from four Ostreobium strains as well as Avrainvillea mazei and Neomeris sp., strategically sampled early‐branching lineages in the Bryopsidales and Dasycladales respectively. At 80,584 bp, the chloroplast genome of Ostreobium sp. HV05042 is the most compact yet found in the Ulvophyceae. The Avrainvillea chloroplast genome is ~94 kbp and contains introns in infA and cysT that have nearly complete sequence identity except for an open reading frame (ORF) in infA that is not present in cysT. In line with other bryopsidalean species, it also contains regions with possibly bacteria‐derived ORFs. The Neomeris data did not assemble into a canonical circular chloroplast genome but a large number of contigs containing fragments of chloroplast genes and showing evidence of long introns and intergenic regions, and the Neomeris chloroplast genome size was estimated to exceed 1.87 Mb. Chloroplast phylogenomics and 18S nrDNA data showed strong support for the Ostreobium lineage being sister to the remaining Bryopsidales. There were differences in branch support when outgroups were varied, but the overall support for the placement of Ostreobium was strong. These results permitted us to validate two suborders and introduce a third, the Ostreobineae.  相似文献   

Climate warming alters plant composition and population dynamics of arctic ecosystems. In particular, an increase in relative abundance and cover of deciduous shrub species (shrubification) has been recorded. We inferred genetic variation of common shrub species (Alnus alnobetula, Betula nana, Salix sp.) through time. Chloroplast genomes were assembled from modern plants (n = 15) from the Siberian forest‐tundra ecotone. Sedimentary ancient DNA (sedaDNA; n = 4) was retrieved from a lake on the southern Taymyr Peninsula and analyzed by metagenomics shotgun sequencing and a hybridization capture approach. For A. alnobetula, analyses of modern DNA showed low intraspecies genetic variability and a clear geographical structure in haplotype distribution. In contrast, B. nana showed high intraspecies genetic diversity and weak geographical structure. Analyses of sedaDNA revealed a decreasing relative abundance of Alnus since 5,400 cal yr BP, whereas Betula and Salix increased. A comparison between genetic variations identified in modern DNA and sedaDNA showed that Alnus variants were maintained over the last 6,700 years in the Taymyr region. In accordance with modern individuals, the variants retrieved from Betula and Salix sedaDNA showed higher genetic diversity. The success of the hybridization capture in retrieving diverged sequences demonstrates the high potential for future studies of plant biodiversity as well as specific genetic variation on ancient DNA from lake sediments. Overall, our results suggest that shrubification has species‐specific trajectories. The low genetic diversity in Aalnobetula suggests a local population recruitment and growth response of the already present communities, whereas the higher genetic variability and lack of geographical structure in B. nana may indicate a recruitment from different populations due to more efficient seed dispersal, increasing the genetic connectivity over long distances.  相似文献   

To better understand organelle genome evolution of the ulvophycean green alga Capsosiphon fulvescens, we sequenced and characterized its complete chloroplast genome. The circular chloroplast genome was 111,561 bp in length with 31.3% GC content that contained 108 genes including 77 protein‐coding genes, two copies of rRNA operons, and 27 tRNAs. In this analysis, we found the two types of isoform, called heteroplasmy, were likely caused by a flip‐flop organization. The flip‐flop mechanism may have caused structural variation and gene conversion in the chloroplast genome of C. fulvescens. In a phylogenetic analysis based on all available ulvophycean chloroplast genome data, including a new C. fulvescens genome, we found three major conflicting signals for C. fulvescens and its sister taxon Pseudoneochloris marina within 70 individual genes: (i) monophyly with Ulotrichales, (ii) monophyly with Ulvales, and (iii) monophyly with the clade of Ulotrichales and Ulvales. Although the 70‐gene concatenated phylogeny supported monophyly with Ulvales for both species, these complex phylogenetic signals of individual genes need further investigations using a data‐rich approach (i.e., organelle genome data) from broader taxon sampling.  相似文献   

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