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Arctic Grayling (Thymallus arcticus) are among the most widely distributed and abundant freshwater fish in the Yukon Territory of Canada, yet little information exists regarding their broad and fine‐scale population structures or the number and size of these populations. The estimation of population abundance is fundamental for robust management and conservation, yet estimating abundance in the wild is often difficult. Here, we estimated abundance of an Arctic Grayling population using multiple genetic markers and the close‐kin mark‐recapture (CKMR) method. A total of N = 1,104 Arctic Grayling collected from two systems in Yukon were genotyped at 38 sequenced microsatellites. We first identified structure and assessed genetic diversity (effective population size, N^e). Collections from one of the systems (Lubbock River) comprised adults and young‐of‐the‐year sampled independently allowing the identification of parent–offspring pairs (POPs), and thus, the estimation of abundance using CKMR. We used COLONY and CKMRsim to identify POPs and both provided similar results leading to indistinguishable estimates (95% CI) of census size, that is, N^c(COLONY) = 1858 (1259–2457) and N^c(CKMRsim)=1812 (1229–2389). The accuracy of the population abundance estimates can in the future be improved with temporal sampling and more precise age or size‐specific fecundity estimates for Arctic Grayling. Our study demonstrates that the method can be used to inform management and conservation policy for Arctic Grayling and likely also for other fish species for which the assumption of random and independent sampling of adults and offspring can be assured.  相似文献   

Capture–mark–recapture (CMR) studies have been used extensively in ecology and evolution. While it is feasible to apply CMR in some animals, it is considerably more challenging in small fast‐moving species such as insects. In these groups, low recapture rates can bias estimates of demographic parameters, thereby handicapping effective analysis and management of wild populations. Here, we use high‐speed videos (HSV) to capture two large dragonfly species, Anax junius and Rhionaeschna multicolor, that rarely land and, thus, are particularly challenging for CMR studies. We test whether HSV, compared to conventional “eye” observations, increases the “resighting” rates and, consequently, improves estimates of both survival rates and the effects of demographic covariates on survival. We show that the use of HSV increases the number of resights by 64% in A. junius and 48% in R. multicolor. HSV improved our estimates of resighting and survival probability which were either under‐ or overestimated with the conventional observations. Including HSV improved credible intervals for resighting rate and survival probability by 190% and 130% in A. junius and R. multicolor, respectively. Hence, it has the potential to open the door to a wide range of research possibilities on species that are traditionally difficult to monitor with distance sampling, including within insects and birds.  相似文献   

The duration of offspring care is critical to female fitness and population resilience by allowing flexibility in life‐history strategies in a variable environment. Yet, for many mammals capable of extended periods of maternal care, estimates of the duration of offspring dependency are not available and the relative importance of flexibility of this trait on fitness and population viability has rarely been examined. We used data from 4,447 Steller sea lions Eumetopias jubatus from the Gulf of Alaska and multistate hidden Markov mark–recapture models to estimate age‐specific weaning probabilities. Maternal care beyond age 1 was common: Weaning was later for animals from Southeast Alaska (SEAK) and Prince William Sound (PWS, weaning probabilities: 0.536–0.648/0.784–0.873 by age 1/2) compared with animals born to the west (0.714–0.855/0.798–0.938). SEAK/PWS animals were also smaller than those born farther west, suggesting a possible link. Females weaned slightly earlier (+0.080 at age 1 and 2) compared with males in SEAK only. Poor survival for weaned versus unweaned yearlings occurred in southern SEAK (female survival probabilities: 0.609 vs. 0.792) and the central Gulf (0.667 vs. 0.901), suggesting poor conditions for juveniles in these areas. First‐year survival increased with neonatal body mass (NBM) linearly in the Gulf and nonlinearly in SEAK. The probability of weaning at age 1 increased linearly with NBM for SEAK animals only. Rookeries where juveniles weaned at earlier ages had lower adult female survival, but age at weaning was unrelated to population trends. Our results suggest the time to weaning may be optimized for different habitats based on long‐term average conditions (e.g., prey dynamics), that may also shape body size, with limited short‐term plasticity. An apparent trade‐off of adult survival in favor of juvenile survival and large offspring size in the endangered Gulf of Alaska population requires further study.  相似文献   

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