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The conformations of d-glucono-1,5-lactone (1) and d-mannono-1,5-lactone (2) in solution were investigated by 1H- and 13C-n.m.r. spectroscopy. Conformational equilibria for 1 and 2 were found to lie strongly in favor of the 4H3(d),gg and B2,5(d),gg conformations, respectively.  相似文献   

1H nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of 1 - (II) and 3-deazaadenosines (III) together with adenosine (I) in dimethylsulfoxide have been examined. Features of coupling constants indicate that the furanose rings of I, II, and III have similar conformational preferences and that conformations about the 4′-C–5′-C bond are preferentially gauche-gauche. Nuclear Overhauser effect and spin-lattice relaxation-time measurements demonstrate that II predominantly adopts the syn-conformation similar to that of I, whereas that of III has a greater anti (freely rotating) component. The results suggest that the syn-conformation in II as well as I is stabilized presumably through a hydrogen bond between the 3-N and 5′-hydroxyl group.  相似文献   

An equimolar mixture of phosphatidylserine and (dioleoyl)phosphatidylethanolamine could substitute for brain cephalin preparations in the single stage prothrombin assay. However, no clot promoting activity was observed on the addition of any of the individual long chain fatty acid-containing phospholipids. Short chain fatty acid-containing phospholipids, such as diheptanoylphosphatidylcholine, diheptanoylphosphatidylethanolamine, diheptanoylphosphatidic acid, and dihexanoylphosphatidylcholine, or dihexanoylphosphatidylethanolamine were inhibitory under all conditions studied. Similar effects of these two general classes of phospholipids were observed in a two-stage thrombin generation system, in which a mixture of bovine Factor Xa, Factor Va, and Ca2+ were interacted with prothrombin.In the presence of 25 mM Ca2+, dioleoylphosphatidic acid or brain phosphatidylserine alone, and with other long chain phospholipids, formed complexes with bovine plasma prothrombin. On the other hand, dioleoyl-, diheptanoyl- or dihexanoylphosphatidylcholine under comparable conditions showed no binding to prothrombin. There appeared to be a small degree of binding of diheptanoylphosphatidic acid to prothrombin, but it was insufficient to cause any significant change in apparent molecular weight of prothrombin. A mixture of prothrombin, Factor V, diheptanoylphosphatidic acid/diheptanoylphosphatidylcholine and Ca2+ eluted in the void volume of Sephadex G-200, but showed a much reduced coagulant activity. Though a net negative charge on the phospholipid surface is required for phospholipid-protein interactions, this does not necessarily promote coagulant activity.Bile acids and bile salts, such as cholic acid, deoxycholic acid, taurocholic acid, glycocholic acid, lithocholic acid and dehydrocholic acid, exerted varying levels of stimulation on the prothrombin assay and thrombin generation system, but were not as effective as the phospholipids. Interestingly, no interaction of these bile acids or salts with prothrombin was noted in the presence of Ca2+. The results of these experiments suggest that negatively charged micelles per se are not sufficient for binding alone and that other chemical and physical characteristics of phospholipids are of prime importance.  相似文献   

The conformations in solution of acyclic carbohydrate derivatives having four contiguous asymmetric centers in all eight diastercoisomeric forms have been studied by 1H-n.m.r. spectroscopy. The 250-MHz, 1H-n.m.r. spectra for solutions in chloroform-d of eight penta-O-acetylaldohexose dimethyl acetals, and the corresponding diethyl dithioacetals, furnished a complete set of chemical shifts and proton-proton spin-couplings that are interpreted in terms of conformational compositions at room temperature. The galacto and manno derivatives adopt planar, extended conformations, whereas the other six stereoisomers all adopt one or more non-extended (“sickle”) conformations. The results are interpreted on the basis of the avoidance of parallel 1,3-interactions of substituents. The conformational assignments are correlated with observations made previously for aldopentose analogs. An assessment is made of the extent to which valid conformational predictions may be advanced for four-center, and longer, asymmetrically substituted chains, based on observations made for shorter-chain analogs.  相似文献   

Three compounds, 1-benzylamino-1-deoxy-d-threo-pentulose (1), 1-dibenzylamino-1-deoxy-d-fructuronic acid (2), and d-glucuronic acid (3) were converted into 2-furaldehyde in acidified, tritiated water. In the latter system, the 2-furaldehyde derived from 1 contained 13% of the activity of the solvent at the aldehyde carbon and 9% at positions 3–5 of the furan ring; that from 2 contained 8% at the aldehyde carbon and 29% at positions 3–5; and that from 3 contained 18% at positions 3–5 In deuterium oxide, the 2-furaldehyde derived from 1 contained 14 atom % of deuterium at position 3, 5% at position 4, and 0% at position 5. That from 2 contained 50% at position 3, 44% at position 4, and 7% at position 5. That from 3 contained 35% at position 3, 15% at position 4, and 5% at position 5. The data for 1 are discussed relative to prior data on incorporation collected for d-xylose Incorporation data for both 2 and 3 are qualitatively consistent with a decarboxylation step involving a β,γ-unsaturated, carboxylic acid intermediate. A mechanism for the decarboxylation of hexuronic acids is presented.  相似文献   

A method is described for the determination of 5′-terminal methylated (cap) structures in unlabeled mRNA based on oxidation with NaIO4, reduction with NaB[3H]4, cleavage with P1 nuclease, and separation on a strong anion-exchange resin by high-performance liquid chromatography (hplc). Model compounds (cap 1 dinucleotides) were used to show that no structural alteration other than cleavage of the ribose ring of 7-methylguanosine occurred under the conditions used for oxidation and reduction. It was shown that the enzyme tobacco acid pyrophosphatase could be used to cleave cap dinucleotides containing unmodified or ring-opened ribose moieties and could also be used to release [3H]pm7G′ from NaB[3H]4-labeled rabbit globin mRNA. All five known cap 1 dinucleotides were resolved by hplc. The cap of rabbit globin mRNA was identified as m7Gpppm6Am, in agreement with other methods of determination.  相似文献   

4-Methylumbelliferyl α-ketoside of N-acetylneuraminic acid was synthesized by reacting the sodium salt of 4-methylumbelliferone with the 2-chloro-2-deoxy derivative of peracetylated methyl N-acetylneuraminate, followed by preparative silica gel chromatography, deblocking, and purification by gel filtration on Sephadex G-25. The final product was isolated as either the sodium or ammonium salt, and its suitability as a substrate for neuraminidase was evaluated. The optimal pH values for various neuraminidases were 5.6 in acetate buffer (Arthrobacter ureafaciens), 5.0–5.1 in acetate buffer (Clostridium perfringens), and 4.4 in phosphate-citrate buffer (human fibroblasts). Km values for these enzymes at the optimal pH were 6 × 10?4m (Arthrobacter), 1 × 10?4m (Clostridium), and 3 × 10?4m (human fibroblasts).  相似文献   

Complete stoichiometry of the reaction catalyzed by ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP) oxygenase from spinach and Rhodospirillum rubrum has been determined. Before initiation and after termination, RuBP has been measured either by release of equimolar orthophosphate at 25°C in the presence of 1 n NaOH or by complete carboxylation using 14CO2 and RuBP carboxylase. The RuBP-dependent oxygen consumption has been measured continuously with an oxygen electrode. After termination of catalysis, 3-phosphoglycerate production has been determined spectrophotometrically using phosphoglycerokinase, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, triose phosphate isomerase, α-glycerophosphate dehydrogenase, ATP, and NADH. To measure phosphoglycolate, this product was first hydrolyzed with alkaline phosphatase and the resultant glycolate oxidized by glycolate oxidase. Attendant H2O2 formation catalyzed by peroxidase has then been measured colorimetrically. Interference by ribulose in the measurement of glycolate can be easily corrected. Procedures are rapid and do not require separation of reactants and products. Results are in excellent accord with the expected stoichiometry for catalysis by RuBP oxygenase and also enable an estimate of competing catalysis by RuBP carboxylase.  相似文献   

The structure of the capsular polysaccharide (S-XIX) of Pneumococcus Type XIX, which contains residues of d-glucose, l-rhamnose, 2-acetamido-2-deoxy- d-mannose, and phosphate, has been investigated by acid hydrolysis, treatment with acid phosphatase, mass spectrometry, and 13C-n.m.r. spectroscopy. Phosphoric esters in S-XIX were largely resistant to hydrolysis (4M HCl, 100°, 3 h). With M or 2M HCl at 100° for 3 h, 4-O-(2-amino-2-deoxy-β-d-mannopyranosyl)-d-glucose 4′-phosphate was liberated. More-drastic hydrolysis of S-XIX gave 2-amino-2-deoxy-d-mannose 3-, 4-, and 6-phosphates, and 4-O-(2-amino-2-deoxy-d-mannopyranosyl)-d-glucose and its 4′-phosphate.  相似文献   

The analysis of deoxyribonucleoside 5'-triphosphates (dNTPs) in cell extracts by high-pressure liquid chromatography [C. Garrett , and D.V. Santi (1979) Anal. Biochem. 99, 268-273] requires the prior, selective degradation of ribonucleoside 5'-triphosphates ( rNTPs ) that are present in the extracts in large quantities. When this method was used for quantifying the dNTPs in mammalian cell extracts, the presence of an interfering peak in the HPLC between the peaks for dTTP and dATP was observed. This unwanted peak sometimes overlapped with that of dATP, depending on the pH of the eluant. It was found that the material which gave this peak was formed during the periodate oxidation of rNTPs in the presence of methylamine, and that it could be removed by changing the order of addition of the reagents in the procedure, i.e., the methylamine was added only after the excess periodate was decomposed, instead of adding it together with periodate, as given in the original procedure. Furthermore, an addition of deoxyguanosine to the reaction mixture was found to be effective in preventing the partial loss of dGTP in the oxidation procedure. By using this improved method, the dNTP contents of the extracts of Ehrlich ascites tumor cells have been measured in an accurate and reproducible manner. The analysis requires about 10(6) cells, and all four dNTPs can be quantified in 2.5 h, starting from the harvest of the cells.  相似文献   

(2R)-[3H]Isovaleric acid and (2S)-[3H]isovaleric acid (ammonium salts) have been synthesized. These substances, mixed with [1-14C]isovalerate, have been administered to biotin-deficient rats, which accumulate β-hydroxyisovaleric acid in their urine, the metabolite being formed via isovaleryl-CoA and β-methylcrotonyl-CoA. The results show that most of the tritium from (2R)-[3H]isovalerate was lost, and most of the tritium from (2S)-[3H]isovalerate retained in the conversion to β-hydroxyisovalerate. The stereochemistry of the isovaleryl-CoA dehydrogenase reaction is compared with the stereochemistry of other short-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase reactions.  相似文献   

A semihemoglobin containing prosthetic groups only in the γ-subunits (two hemes per tetramer) has been prepared by mixing together apo-α-subunits from hemoglobin A and native, heme-containing γ-subunits from hemoglobin F. The semihemoglobin has optical properties similar to those of hemoglobin F. The oxygen affinity of the semihemoglobin is lower than that of isolated γ-subunits but not as low as that of hemoglobin F, and the Hill coefficient of the semihemoglobin is near one. This semihemoglobin lends further support to the non-equivalence of the subunits in the hemoglobin tetramer.  相似文献   

Benzoylation of β-maltose monohydrate (2) with 10 mol. equiv. of benzoyl chloride in pyridine at ?40° gave 1,2,6-tri-O-benzoyl-4-O-(2,3,4,6-tetra-O-benzoyl-α-D-glucopyranosyl)-β-D-glucopyranose (5) in 87% yield, without the need for column chromatography. Similarly, benzoylation of 2 with 8 mol. equiv. of reagent afforded the octabenzoate 5, and the 1,2,6,2′,3′,6′-hexabenzoate 11 in 3%, 79%, and 12% yield, respectively. Methyl 2,6,2′,3′,4′,6′-hexa-O-benzoyl-β-maltoside (10) was directly isolated as a crystalline monoethanolate in 83% yield, from the reaction mixture obtained by the benzoylation of methyl β-maltoside monohydrate (8) with 8.9 mol. equiv. of reagent. Benzoylation of 8 with 7 mol. equiv. of reagent produced 10 and the 2,6,2′,3′,6′-pentabenzoate 16 in 71% and 23% yield, respectively. The order of reactivity of the hydroxyl groups in methyl 4′,6′-O-benzylidene-β-maltoside towards benzoylation is HO-2, HO-6>HO-2′ ≈ HO-3′>HO-3. Benzoylation of methyl β-cellobioside (33) with 7.9 mol. equiv. of reagent gave the heptabenzoate and the 2,6,2′,3′,4′,6′-hexabenzoate 36 in 56% and 27% yield, respectively. Compounds 5, 16, and 36 were transformed into 4-O-α-D-glucopyranosyl-D-allopyranose, methyl 4-O-α-D-galactopyranosyl-β-D-allopyranoside, and methyl 4-O-β-D-glucopyranosyl-β-D-allopyranoside, respectively, by sequential sulfonylation, nucleophilic displacement, and O-debenzoylation.  相似文献   

Four heptacarboxylic, six hexacarboxylic, and four pentacarboxylic porphyrins related to uroporphyrin-III by decarboxylation of one, two, or three of the acetic acid side chains have been synthesised as their methyl esters by application of the MacDonald or b-oxobilane methods, as appropriate. Comparison (mixed mp, “mixed” nmr spectra, and hplc) of the synthetic materials with the methyl esters of hepta-, hexa-, and pentacarboxylic porphyrins isolated from natural sources showed that the structures of the latter corresponded to the D-ring methyl, the DA-dimethyl, and the DAB-trimethyl analogs of uroporphyrin-III. Because the naturally occurring porphyrins arise by oxidation of intermediate porphyrinogens, we conclude that the enzymic decarboxylation of uroporphyrinogen-III to coproporphyrinogen-III takes place in a preferred sequential clockwise fashion (both in normal and abnormal metabolism) starting with the acetic acid moiety on the D-ring and followed by those on the A, B, and C rings.  相似文献   

A procedure for the facile measurement, in intact cells, of two enzymes unique to the Calvin cycle, ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase and phosphoribulokinase, is described. The procedure involved a simple toluene treatment to render phototrophic cells permeable to the necessary substrates, effectors, and cofactors. Whole-cell ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase activity quantitatively approximates the activity obtained in cell-free extracts. In addition, the activity measured with toluene-treated whole cells results in a stoichiometric carboxylation of ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate to phosphoglyceric acid. The assay procedures described are most convenient for determining enzyme levels as a function of growth. Moreover, such an assay should open the way to further studies on the regulation of CO2 assimilation by direct measurement of the enzymes concerned within the cell.  相似文献   

The by-product (3) in the hydration of D-glucal (1) catalyzed by emulsin beta-D-glucosidase has been identified as 1,5-anhydro-2-deoxy-3-O-(2-deoxy-beta-D-arabino-hexopyranosyl)-D-arabino-hex-1-enitol. Two models for the formation of 3 are discussed, involving transfer of a 2-deoxy-D-arabino-hexopyranosyl cation to HO-3 of D-glucal (glycon transfer) and transfer of an allylic D-pseudoglucal cation to HO-1 of 2-deoxy-D-arabino-hexopyranose (aglycan transfer). The enzymic production of 3 is highly regiospecific, which lends support to the second model and implies the presence of a specific binding-site for the aglycon moiety.  相似文献   

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