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Summary We have shown recently by light microscopy that insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) immunoreactivity is localized in cells in the collecting ducts and in the thin loop of Henle in the normal rat kidney. In the present study, we have investigated the ultrastructural localisation of IGF-I using preembedding immunocytochemistry.The light microscopical findings were confirmed at the electronmicroscopical level. In collecting ducts as well as in the thin limb of Henle's loop a focal expression of IGF-I immunoreactivity was evident, i.e. distinctly IGF-I positive cells were intermingled with cells lacking IGF-I immunoreactivity. IGF-I immunoreactivity was found to have a diffuse cytoplasmatic distribution in both cell types. No specific association to organelles was found.  相似文献   

Hahn MA  Marsh DJ 《FEBS letters》2007,581(26):5070-5074
Parafibromin is a putative tumor suppressor encoded by HRPT2 and implicated in parathyroid tumorigenesis. We previously reported a functional bipartite nuclear localization signal (NLS) at residues 125-139. We now demonstrate that parafibromin exhibits nucleolar localization, mediated by three nucleolar localization signals (NoLS) at resides 76-92, 192-194 and 393-409. These NoLS represent clusters of basic amino acids arginine and lysine, similar to those found in other nucleolar proteins, as well as being characteristic of NLSs. While parafibromin's bipartite NLS is the primary determinant of nuclear localization, it does not mediate nucleolar localization. In contrast, the three identified NoLSs play only a minor role in nuclear localization, but are critical for the nucleolar localization of parafibromin.  相似文献   

By means of a cloning strategy employing the polymerase chain reaction, we have isolated and characterized cDNAs for Xenopus laevis insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I). These cDNAs encode a primary IGF-I translation product of 153 residues that demonstrates considerable amino acid sequence similarity with IGF-IA peptides from other species. Fifty-seven of 70 residues of the mature protein are identical among human, rat, chicken, and Xenopus IGF-I, while less amino acid conservation is found at the COOH-terminus (25/35 identities) or at the NH2-terminus (24/48 identities) of the precursor protein. Despite the lower degree of structural similarity at the NH2-terminus, in vitro studies of IGF-I biosynthesis and proteolytic processing support a conserved function for the atypically long 48 residue NH2-terminal signal sequence in directing the nascent IGF-I peptide through the secretory pathway. The 5'-untranslated region of Xenopus IGF-I mRNA matches the human, rat, and chicken sequences in greater than 90% of 279 nucleotides. IGF-I mRNAs from all four species encode a conserved upstream open reading frame of 14 amino acids starting 240-250 nucleotides 5' to the translation start site, suggesting a possible role for this region in modulating IGF-I gene expression. The X. laevis IGF-I gene is transcribed and processed into three mRNAs of 1.6, 2.1, and 3.0 kilobases in liver, and IGF-I mRNAs can be detected in liver, lung, heart, kidney, and peritoneal fat of adult animals. These studies demonstrate that both the IGF-I protein precursor and potential regulatory regions of IGF-I mRNA have been conserved during vertebrate evolution, and indicate that like several other polypeptide growth factors, IGF-I may be of fundamental importance in regulating specific aspects of growth and development in all vertebrates.  相似文献   

Pathogenic fungi must adapt to multiple adverse environmental conditions during the transition from the environment to a mammalian host, one of which is temperature. The ability of Aspergillus fumigatus to grow optimally under conditions of thermal stress requires the nucleolar protein CgrA. In this study, we have determined how temperature affects the intracellular localization of CgrA in A. fumigatus using a green fluorescent protein (GFP)-tagging approach. At 22 degrees C, CgrA was almost exclusively in the nucleolus, with a ratio of nucleolar to cytoplasmic fluorescence of 10:1. At 37 degrees C, the ratio of nucleolar to cytoplasmic fluorescence was reduced fivefold, and increased correspondingly in the cytoplasm. This effect was not seen with the nucleolar protein NopA in wild-type A. fumigatus. However, in a DeltacgrA mutant NopA was delocalized from the nucleolus at 37 degrees C but not at 22 degrees C. These results provide evidence for a temperature-dependent mechanism of intracellular localization for CgrA, and suggest that CgrA facilitates nucleolar compartmentalization of NopA at higher temperature.  相似文献   

J Sun  H H Salem  P Bird 《FEBS letters》1992,314(3):425-429
The subcellular localization of annexin V in cultured human umbilical vein endothelial cells, epithelial cells and fibroblasts was examined. Indirect immunofluorescence and immunoblotting studies using affinity-purified anti-annexin V antibodies revealed that annexin V is located within the cytoplasm and nucleus of these cells. Further examination and direct binding studies showed that annexin V within the nucleus is associated with the nucleolus. These findings suggest that annexin V may play a role in a nucleolar function, such as ribosome assembly and transport.  相似文献   

Nucleolar localization of human hepatitis B virus capsid protein   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Ning B  Shih C 《Journal of virology》2004,78(24):13653-13668
Wild-type human hepatitis B virus (HBV) exhibits selective export of virions containing mature genomes. In contrast, changing an isoleucine to a leucine at amino acid 97 (I97L) of the HBV core antigen (HBcAg) causes it to release immature genomes. To elucidate the structure-function relationship of HBcAg at amino acid 97, we systematically replaced the isoleucine residue at this position with 18 other amino acids via mutagenesis. Twelve of the 18 mutants exhibited no significant phenotype, while five new mutants displayed strong phenotypes. The I97D mutant had a near lethal phenotype, the I97P mutant exhibited a significantly reduced level of virion secretion, and the I97G mutant lacked the full-length relaxed circular form of viral DNA. The tip of the spike of the capsid particle is known to contain a predominant B-cell epitope. However, the recognition of this exposed epitope by an anti-HBc antibody appeared to be affected by the I97E mutation or by histidine tagging at the C terminus of mutant HBcAg, which is presumably in the capsid interior. Surprisingly, the nuclear HBcAg of mutants I97E and I97W, produced from either a replicon or an expression vector, was found to be colocalized with nucleolin and B23 at a frequency of nearly 100% by confocal immunofluorescence microscopy. In contrast, this colocalization occurred with wild-type HBcAg only to a limited extent. We also noted that nucleolin-colocalizing cells were often binucleated or apoptotic, suggesting that the presence of HBcAg in the nucleolus may perturb cytokinesis. The mechanism of this phenomenon and its potential involvement in liver pathogenesis are discussed. To our knowledge, this is the first report of nucleolar HBcAg in culture.  相似文献   

The human glioma tumor suppressor candidate region 2 gene product, GLTSCR2, also called 'protein interacting with carboxyl terminus 1' (PICT-1), has been implicated in the regulation of two major tumor suppressor proteins, PTEN and p53, and reported to bind the membrane-cytoskeleton regulator of cell signaling, Merlin. PICT-1 is a nucleolar protein, conserved among eukaryotes, and its yeast homolog has been functionally associated with ribosomal RNA processing. By means of confocal microscopy of EGFP and myc-tagged PICT-1 fusion proteins, we delineate that the nucleolar localization of PICT-1 is mediated by two independent nucleolar localization sequences (NoLS). Unlike most NoLSs, these NoLSs are relatively long with flexible boundaries and contain arginine and leucine clusters. In addition, we show that PICT-1 exhibits a nucleolar distribution similar to proteins involved in ribosomal RNA processing, yet does not colocalize precisely with either UBF1 or Fibrillarin under normal or stressed conditions. Identification of the precise location of PICT-1 and the signals that mediate its nucleolar localization is an important step towards advancing our understanding of the demonstrated influence of this protein on cell fate and tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

The enzyme 1-acylglycerol-3-phosphate-O-acyltransferase (AGPAT) converts lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) to phosphatidic acid (PA). In this study, we show enzymatic properties, tissue distribution, and subcellular localization of human AGPAT3 and AGPAT5. In cells overexpressing these isoforms, the proteins were detected in the nuclear envelope and the endoplasmic reticulum. AGPAT5-GFP fusion protein was localized in the mitochondria of both Chinese hamster ovary and human epithelial cervical cancer cells. Using lysates of AD293 cells infected with AGPAT3 and AGPAT5 recombinant adenovirus, we show that AGPAT3 and AGPAT5 proteins have AGPAT activity. Both the isoforms have similar apparent V(max) of 6.35 and 2.42 nmol/min/mg protein, respectively, for similar LPA. The difference between the two isoforms is in their use of additional lysophospholipids. AGPAT3 shows significant esterification of lysophosphatidylinositol (LPI) in the presence of C20:4 fatty acid, whereas AGPAT5 demonstrates significant acyltransferase activity toward lysophosphatidylethanolamine (LPE) in the presence of C18:1 fatty acid. The AGPAT3 mRNA is ubiquitously expressed in human tissues with several-fold differences in the expression pattern compared with the closely related AGPAT4. In summary, we show that in the presence of different fatty acids, AGPAT3 and AGPAT5 prefer different lysophospholipids as acyl acceptors. More importantly, localization of overexpressed AGPAT5 (this study) as well as GPAT1 and 2 (previous studies) in mitochondria supports the idea that the mitochondria might be capable of synthesizing some of their own glycerophospholipids.  相似文献   

During early embryogenesis of the nematode Parascaris univalens (2n=2) the processes of chromatin diminution and segregation of the germ and somatic cell lineages take place simultaneously. In this study we analyzed the nucleolar cycle in early embryos, both in germinal and somatic blastomeres, by means of silver staining and antibodies against the nucleolar protein fibrillarin. We observed an identical nucleolar cycle in both types of blastomeres, hence, the chromatin diminution process has no effect on the nucleolar cycle of somatic blastomeres. We report the existence of outstanding differences between this cycle and those previously reported during early embryogenesis of other species. There is a true nucleolar cycle in early embryos that shows a peculiar nucleolar disorganization at prophase, and a preferential localization of prenucleolar bodies only on the euchromatic regions during nucleologenesis. Moreover, fibrillarin does not form a perichromosomal sheath in metaphase or anaphase holocentric chromosomes, probably owing to their special centromeric organization. The number and location of nucleolus organizer regions (NORs) in the chromosomal complement have been determined using silver impregnation, chromomycin A3/distamycin A staining, and fluorescent in situ hybridization using an rDNA probe. There are only two NORs, one per chromosome, and these are lost in blastomeres after chromatin diminution. Moreover, the constant presence of two nucleoli in somatic blastomeres suggests that NORs are not affected during the fragmentation of euchromatic regions when this process occurs.  相似文献   

The retinoid-related orphan receptor alpha (RORalpha) belongs to the nuclear receptor superfamily and comprises four isoforms generated by different promotor usage and alternative splicing. To better understand its function, the subcellular distribution of RORalpha was investigated. We could show that subcellular distribution of RORalpha is cell line and isoform-dependent. Isoform specific differences were mediated by the A/B domains which with the exception of RORalpha1 contain a signal that mediates cytoplasmic localization. The lack of this signal in RORalpha1 results in a complete nuclear localization and prevents cell membrane association observed for RORalpha2, 3, and 4. The region responsible for membrane association was identified as the C-terminal alpha-helix 12. Furthermore, the hinge region/ligand binding domain mediates nuclear localization. Our results show that isoform specific activity of RORalpha is not only regulated by different expression and DNA binding affinities but also by different subcellular distribution. Different access to the nucleus reveals an important mechanism regulating the activity of this constitutively active nuclear receptor.  相似文献   

We describe the histological localization of embryonic and fetal tissues whose cells express the genes coding for insulin-like growth factors I and II (IGF-I and IGF-II) in the developing rat. Our studies span the period between early somite stages and full term. We have used oligodeoxyribonucleotide probes and obtained results which are both topographically precise and highly reproducible. The gene coding for IGF-II is predominant throughout development. It is strongly expressed in the liver and yolk sac. A variety of other tissues also expresses the IGF-II gene, especially many mesodermally derived structures in the process of differentiation. Many tissues do not express IGF genes. Thus no IGF mRNA was demonstrable in ectodermally derived structures, including the central and peripheral nervous systems as well as the skin and its derivatives.  相似文献   

LIM Kinase 2 (LIMK2) is a LIM domain-containing protein kinase which regulates actin polymerization thorough phosphorylation of the actin depolymerizing factor cofilin. It is also known to function as a shuttle between the cytoplasm and nucleus in endothelial cells. A basic amino acid-rich motif in LIMK2 was previously identified to be responsible for this shuttling function, as a nucleolar localization signal (NoLS). Here it is shown that this nucleolar localization signal sequence also has the characteristic function of a cell-penetrating peptide (CPP). We synthesized LIMK2 NoLS-conjugated peptides and a protein and analyzed their cell-penetrating abilities in various types of cells. The BC-box motif of the Von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) protein was used for the peptide. This motif previously has been reported to be involved in the neural differentiation of bone marrow stromal cells and skin-derived precursor cells. Green fluorescence protein (GFP) was used as a large biologically active biomolecule for the protein. The LIMK2 NoLS-conjugated peptides and protein translocated across the cell membranes of fibroblast cells, neural stem cells, and even iPS cells. These results suggest that LIMK2 NoLS acts as a cell-penetrating peptide and its cell-penetrating ability is not restricted by cell type. Moreover, from an in vivo assay using a mouse brain, it was confirmed that NoLS has potential for transporting biomolecules across the blood-brain barrier.  相似文献   

Nucleolar localization signals of box H/ACA small nucleolar RNAs.   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23       下载免费PDF全文
The two major families of small nucleolar RNAs (snoRNAs), Box C/D and Box H/ACA, are generated in the nucleoplasm and transported to the nucleolus where they function in rRNA processing and modification. We have investigated the sequences involved in the intranuclear transport of Box H/ACA snoRNAs by assaying the localization of injected fluorescent RNAs in Xenopus oocyte nuclear spreads. Our analysis of U17, U64 and U65 has revealed that disruption of either of the conserved sequence elements, Box H or Box ACA, eliminates nucleolar localization. In addition, the stem present at the base of the 3' hairpin is required for efficient nucleolar localization of U65. Fragments or rearrangements of U65 that consist of Box H and Box ACA flanking either the 5' or 3' hairpin are targeted to the nucleolus. The targeting is dependent on the presence of the Box sequences, but not on their orientation. Our results indicate that in each of the two major families of snoRNAs, a motif composed of the signature conserved sequences and an adjacent structural element that tethers the sequence elements directs the nucleolar localization of the RNAs. We demonstrate that telomerase RNA is also targeted to the nucleolus by a Box ACA-dependent mechanism.  相似文献   

Heterogeneous nuclear protein complexes (hnRNP) containing the precursor RNA from the adenovirus early region 2 were analysed to determine the specificity of protein-RNA interaction. RNA precursor sequences were present in isolated hnRNP complexes and endogenous 30S particles. At least 20-40 bases long fragments were protected when RNase A was used to remove unprotected RNA sequences in hnRNA complexes. Similarly around 40 bases of RNA were protected in 30S particles. These sequences represent discrete regions of the adenovirus genome. Especially sequences complementary to the EcoRI-F fragment encoding the first leader and the major intron for the DNA binding protein (DBP) RNA precursor, were analysed in detail. Tentatively, sequences resistant to RNase A were located in the middle of the intron and at the splice-donor junction of the first leader of the DBP precursor RNA. The same sequences were identified irrespective whether hnRNP complexes or 30S particles were used suggesting that 30S particles originate from hnRNP complexes. A 38.000 dalton protein appears to be in direct contact with RNA sequences complementary to the EcoRI-F fragment.  相似文献   

dUTP nucleotidohydrolase (dUTPase) catalyzes the hydrolysis of dUTP to dUMP and pyrophosphate and is the central regulator of cellular dUTP pools. Nuclear (DUT-N) and mitochondrial (DUT-M) isoforms of the protein have been identified in humans and arise from the same gene by the alternative use of 5' exons. Recently, it has been shown that these isoforms are aberrantly expressed in some cancers and overexpression of dUTPase in the nucleus is associated with resistance to chemotherapeutic agents that target thymidylate biosynthesis. In this study, we have examined the signals necessary for dUTPase isoform localization using green fluorescent protein fusion constructs. We report that the N-terminal 23 amino acids of DUT-N are required but not sufficient for complete nuclear localization. Within this region, we identified a small cluster of basic residues (K(14)R(15)R(17)) that resemble a classic monopartite nuclear localization signal (NLS). Mutation of these residues completely abolishes nuclear localization. In addition, phosphorylation of Ser11 near the putative NLS has no affect on DUT-N nuclear localization. Through deletion analysis we show improved sorting of DUT-N to the nucleus when most of the protein sequence is present. Therefore, we conclude that DUT-N may contain a complex NLS that is located throughout the entire protein.  相似文献   

Kato M  Yano K  Morotomi-Yano K  Saito H  Miki Y 《Genomics》2002,79(6):760-767
Although the centrosome has an essential role in mitosis, its molecular components have not been fully elucidated. Here, we describe the molecular cloning and characterization of the human gene NTKL, which encodes an evolutionarily conserved kinase-like protein. NTKL mRNA is found ubiquitously in human tissues. NTKL is located on 11q13 and is mapped around chromosomal breakpoints found in several carcinomas, suggesting that NTKL dysfunction may be involved in carcinogenesis. Alternative splicing generates two variant forms of NTKL mRNA that encode protein isoforms with internal deletions. When fused to green fluorescent protein, the full-length product and one of the variant proteins are found in cytoplasm. The other variant product also exists in the cytoplasm during interphase, but is found in the centrosomes during mitosis. Endogenous NTKL protein is also localized to the centrosomes during mitosis. This cell-cycle-dependent centrosomal localization suggests that NTKL is involved in centrosome-related cellular functions.  相似文献   

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