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Production of oxygen free radicals is a natural consequence of aerobic metabolism and they are constantly generated in vivo by chemical reactions and metabolic processes. Antioxidant defence systems scavenge and minimise the formation of oxygen-radical-derived biochemical products, however, these defences are not completely effective even under normal physiological conditions. In pathologic situations, oxygen free radicals can be generated in excess of a cell's antioxidant capacity resulting in severe damage to cellular constituents including proteins, DNA and lipids. The inherent biochemical and physiological charateristics of the brain, including high lipid concentrations and energy requirements, make it particularly susceptible to free radical mediated insult. Increasing evidence indicates that many neurological disorders may have components of free radical and oxidative stress induce injury.  相似文献   

Free radicals and aging   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
S Z Liu 《生理科学进展》1983,14(2):147-152

Free radicals in aging   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Summary Aging is the progressive accumulation of changes with time that are responsible for the ever-increasing likelihood of disease and death. These irreversible changes are attributed to the aging process. This process is now the major cause of death in the developed countries. This fact is obscured by the protean nature of the contributions of this process to the events which terminate life.The aging process may be due to free radical reations. This theory is supported by: 1) studies on the origin and evolution of life; 2) the numerous studies of the effect of ionizing radiation on living systems; 3) life span experiments in which the diet was modified so as to alter endogenous free radical reaction levels; 4) the plausible explanations it provides for aging phenomena; and 5) the growing number of studies which implicate free radical reactions in the pathogenesis of specific diseases.The relationship between aging and diseases involving free radical reactions seems to be a direct one. Modulation of the normal distribution of deleterious free radical reaction-induced changes throughout the body by genetic and environmental differences between individuals results in patterns of change, in some sufficiently different from the normal aging pattern to be recognized as disease. The growing number of free radical diseases includes the two major causes of death, cancer and atherosclerosis.It is reasonable to expect on the basis of present data that a judicious selection of diets and antioxidant supplements will increase the healthy, active life span by 5–10 or more years.  相似文献   

We investigated the mechanisms whereby omega‐3 and ‐6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) cause cell death of mouse thymocytes using flow cytometry, focusing on the respective roles of intracellular calcium concentration, [Ca2+]i and reactive oxygen species (ROS). We applied the C‐22, 20, and 18 carbon omega‐3 (DHA, EPA, ALA) and omega‐6 (DTA, ARA, and LNA) fatty acids to isolated thymocytes and monitored cell death using the DNA‐binding dye, propidium iodide. When applied at 20 µM concentration, omega‐3 fatty acids killed thymocytes over a period of 1 h with a potency of DHA > EPA > ALA. The omega‐6 PUFAs were more potent. The C18 omega‐6 fatty acid, LNA, was the most potent, followed by DHA and ARA. Cell death was always accompanied by an increase in the levels of [Ca2+]i and ROS. Both increases were in proportion to the potency of the PUFAs in inducing cell death. Removing extracellular calcium did not prevent the elevation in [Ca2+]i nor cell death. However, the intracellular calcium chelator, BAPTA, almost totally reduced both the elevation in [Ca2+]i and cell death, while vitamin E reduced the elevation in ROS and cell death. BAPTA also prevented the elevation in ROS, but vitamin E did not prevent the elevation in [Ca2+]i. Thapsigargin, which depletes endoplasmic reticulum calcium, blocked the elevation in [Ca2+]i, but CCCP, a mitochondrial calcium uptake inhibitor, did not. These results suggest that the six PUFAs we studied kill thymocytes by causing release of calcium from endoplasmic reticulum, which causes release of ROS from mitochondria which leads to cell death. J. Cell. Physiol. 225: 829–836, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The cholinergic theory of aging states that dysfunction of cholinergic neurons arising from the basal forebrain and terminating in the cortex and hippocampus may be involved in the cognitive decline that occurs during aging and Alzheimer’s disease. Despite years of research, pharmacological interventions to treat or forestall the development of Alzheimer’s disease have primarily focused on enhancing cholinergic transmission, either through increasing acetylcholine (ACh) synthesis or inhibition of the acetylcholinesterase enzyme responsible for ACh hydrolysis. However, recent studies have indicated that dietary supplementation can impact the cholinergic system, particularly during aging. The purpose of the present review is to examine the relevant research suggesting that cholinergic functioning may be maintained during aging via consuming a diet containing polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). The data reviewed herein indicate that, at least in animal studies, inclusion of PUFAs in the diet can improve cholinergic transmission in the brain, possibly leading to improvements in cognitive functioning.  相似文献   

The medium C-chain fatty acids increased in the muscle, lungs, pancreas and adipose tissue (and not in the liver) of the rats injected with CCl4 or nourished with "balanced" diet for the lipids. When CCl4 and balanced diet are furnished together, these acids decrease strongly: the discussion of the results is difficult.  相似文献   

The maintenance of optimal cognitive function is a central feature of healthy aging. Impairment in brain glucose uptake is common in aging associated cognitive deterioration, but little is known of how this problem arises or whether it can be corrected or bypassed. Several aspects of the challenge to providing the brain with an adequate supply of fuel during aging seem to relate to omega-3 fatty acids. For instance, low intake of omega-3 fatty acids, especially docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), is becoming increasingly associated with several forms of cognitive decline in the elderly, particularly Alzheimer's disease. Brain DHA level seems to be an important regulator of brain glucose uptake, possibly by affecting the activity of some but not all the glucose transporters. DHA synthesis from either alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) or eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) is very low in humans begging the question of whether these DHA precursors are likely to be helpful in maintaining cognition during aging. We speculate that ALA and EPA may well have useful supporting roles in maintaining brain function during aging but not by their conversion to DHA. ALA is an efficient ketogenic fatty acid, while EPA promotes fatty acid oxidation. By helping to produce ketone bodies, the effects of ALA and EPA could well be useful in strategies intended to use ketones to bypass problems of impaired glucose access to the brain during aging. Hence, it may be time to consider whether the main omega-3 fatty acids have distinct but complementary roles in brain function.  相似文献   

Bacterial biosynthesis of polyunsaturated fatty acids   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

A series of unusual odd-chain fatty acids (OC-FA) were identified in two thraustochytrid strains, TC 01 and TC 04, isolated from waters off the south east coast of Tasmania, Australia. FA compositions were determined by capillary GC and GC–MS, with confirmation of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) structure performed by analysis of 4,4-dimethyloxazoline derivatives. PUFA constituted 68–74% of the total FA, with the essential PUFA; eicosapentaenoic acid (20:5ω3, EPA), arachidonic acid (20:4ω6, AA) and docosahexaenoic acid (22:6ω3, DHA), accounting for 42–44% of the total FA. High proportions of the saturated OC-FA 15:0 (7.1% in TC 01) and 17:0 (6.2% in TC 04) were detected. The OC-FA 17:1ω8 was present at 2.8% in TC 01. Of particular interest, the C21 PUFA 21:5ω5 and 21:4ω7 were detected at 3.5% and 4.1%, respectively, in TC 04. A proposed biosynthesis pathway for these OC-PUFA is presented. It is possible that the unsaturated OC-PUFA found previously in a number of marine animals were derived from dietary thraustochytrids and they could be useful biomarkers in environmental and food web studies.  相似文献   

Retinal long-chain PUFAs (LC-PUFAs, C12-C22) play important roles in normal human retinal function and visual development, and some epidemiological studies of LC-PUFA intake suggest a protective role against the incidence of advanced age-related macular degeneration (AMD). On the other hand, retinal very long-chain PUFAs (VLC-PUFAs, Cn>22) have received much less attention since their identification decades ago, due to their minor abundance and more difficult assays, but recent discoveries that defects in VLC-PUFA synthetic enzymes are associated with rare forms of inherited macular degenerations have refocused attention on their potential roles in retinal health and disease. We thus developed improved GC-MS methods to detect LC-PUFAs and VLC-PUFAs, and we then applied them to the study of their changes in ocular aging and AMD. With ocular aging, some VLC-PUFAs in retina and retinal pigment epithelium (RPE)/choroid peaked in middle age. Compared with age-matched normal donors, docosahexaenoic acid, adrenic acid, and some VLC-PUFAs in AMD retina and RPE/choroid were significantly decreased, whereas the ratio of n-6/n-3 PUFAs was significantly increased. All these findings suggest that deficiency of LC-PUFAs and VLC-PUFAs, and/or an imbalance of n-6/n-3 PUFAs, may be involved in AMD pathology.  相似文献   

Endothelial lipase (EL), a new member of the lipase gene family, was recently cloned and has been shown to have a significant role in modulating the concentrations of plasma high-density lipoprotein levels (HDL). EL is closely related to lipoprotein and hepatic lipases both in structure and function. It is primarily synthesized by endothelial cells, functions at the cell surface, and shows phospholipase A1 activity. Overexpression of EL decreases HDL cholesterol levels whereas blocking its action increases concentrations of HDL cholesterol. Pro-inflammatory cytokines suppress plasma HDL cholesterol concentrations by enhancing the activity of EL. On the other hand, physical exercise and fish oil (a rich source of eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid) suppress the activity of EL and this, in turn, enhances the plasma concentrations of HDL cholesterol. Thus, EL plays a critical role in the regulation of plasma HDL cholesterol concentrations and thus modulates the development and progression of atherosclerosis. The expression and actions of EL in specific endothelial cells determines the initiation and progression of atherosclerosis locally explaining the patchy nature of atheroma seen, especially, in coronary arteries. Both HDL cholesterol and EPA and DHA enhance endothelial nitric oxide (eNO) and prostacyclin (PGI2) synthesis, which are known to prevent atherosclerosis. On the other hand, pro-inflammatory cytokines augment free radical generation, which are known to inactivate eNO and PGI2. Thus, interactions between EL, pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines, polyunsaturated fatty acids, and the ability of endothelial cells to generate NO and PGI2 and neutralize the actions of free radicals may play a critical role in atherosclerosis.  相似文献   

It has been demonstrated in animal studies that polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) prevent ischemia-induced malignant ventricular arrhythmias, a major cause of sudden cardiac death in humans. To learn how these PUFA, at low micromolar concentrations, exert their antiarrhythmic activity, we studied their effects in vitro on the contractions of isolated cardiac myocytes and the conductances of their sarcolemmal ion channels. These fatty acids directly stabilize electrically every cardiac myocyte by modulating the conductances of specific ion channels in their sarcolemma. In this study, we determined the molar ratio of PUFA to the moles of phospholipid (PL) in cell membranes to learn if the ratio is so low as to preclude the possibility that the primary site of action of PUFA is on the packing of the membrane PL. [(3)H]-arachidonic acid (AA) was used to measure the incorporation of PUFA, and the inorganic phosphorous of the PL was determined as a measure of the moles of PL in the cell membrane. Our results indicate that the mole percent of AA to moles of phospolipid is very low (< or =1.0) at the concentrations that affect myocyte contraction and the conductance of voltage-dependent Na(+) and L-type Ca(2)+ channels in rat cardiomyocytes and in alpha-subunits of human myocardial Na(+) channels. In conclusion, it seems highly unlikely that these fatty acids are affecting the packing of PL within cell membranes as their way of modulating changes in cell membrane ion currents and in preventing arrhythmias in our contractility studies. -- Pound, E. M., J. X. Kang, and A. Leaf. Partitioning of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which prevent cardiac arrhythmias, into phospholipid cell membranes. J. Lipid Res. 2001. 42: 346--351.  相似文献   

Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) are rapidly cytotoxic to isolated murine thymocytes, and the degree of cell death has been correlated with changes in membrane fluidity, elevation of intracellular calcium concentration and generation of reactive oxygen species. We have compared the degree of cell death and increase in membrane fluidity of C-20 and C-22 omega-3 and 6 PUFAs to those induced by monounsaturated and trans-fatty acids, and find that concentrations which induce comparable increases in membrane fluidity do not cause comparable cell death. The C-18 omega-6 causes a decrease in membrane fluidity, yet is the most potent in causing cell death. Omega-6 PUFAs are more cytotoxic than omega-3 PUFAs, while monounsaturated and trans-fats show little cytotoxicity and only at much higher concentrations. Cell death is preceded by reductions of both plasma and mitochondrial membrane potential, and occurs via apoptosis. These results indicate that cell death is due to mechanisms other than changes in membrane fluidity.  相似文献   

Glutamate and buthionine sulfoximine (BSO) both reduce intracellular glutathione (GSH) concentration but by different mechanisms, and thereby induce cell death in C6 rat glioma cells. The effects of lipid peroxidation on chromosomal DNA damage during the GSH depletion-induced cell death were assessed. Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), such as arachidonic acid (AA), gamma-linolenic acid and linoleic acid enhanced lipid peroxidation, induced a loss of membrane integrity and consequently promoted 1-2 Mbp giant DNA fragmentation under both glutamate- and BSO-induced GSH-depletion. Treated C6 cells had 3'-OH termini in their DNA which were recognized by terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP-biotin nick end-labeling (TUNEL) analysis. Antioxidants capable of scavenging reactive oxygen species and lipid radicals and iron or copper scavengers inhibited both lipid peroxidation and 1-2 Mbp giant DNA fragmentation, consequently protecting against cell death under GSH depletion. These results suggest that GSH depletion induces lipid peroxidation and leads to 1-2 Mbp giant DNA fragmentation; and that PUFAs can promote giant DNA fragmentation and 3'-OH termini in chromosomal DNA enhancing lipid peroxidation of C6 cells.  相似文献   

Dietary n-3 PUFAs have been shown to attenuate T-cell-mediated inflammation. To investigate whether dietary n-3 PUFAs promote activation-induced cell death (AICD) in CD4+ T-cells induced in vitro to a polarized T-helper1 (Th1) phenotype, C57BL/6 mice were fed diets containing either 5% corn oil (CO; n-6 PUFA control) or 4% fish oil (FO) plus 1% CO (n-3 PUFA) for 2 weeks. Splenic CD4+ T-cells were cultured with alpha-interleukin-4 (alphaIL-4), IL-12, and IL-2 for 2 days and then with recombinant (r) IL-12 and rIL-2 for 3 days in the presence of diet-matched homologous mouse serum (HMS) to prevent loss of cell membrane fatty acids, or with fetal bovine serum. After polarization, Th1 cells were reactivated and analyzed for interferon-gamma and IL-4 by intracellular cytokine staining and for apoptosis by Annexin V/propidium iodide. Dietary FO enhanced Th1 polarization by 49% (P = 0.0001) and AICD by 24% (P = 0.0001) only in cells cultured in the presence of HMS. FO enhancement of Th1 polarization and AICD after culture was associated with the maintenance of eicosapentaenoic acid (20:5n-3) and docosahexaenoic acid (22:6n-3) in plasma membrane lipid rafts. In conclusion, n-3 PUFAs enhance the polarization and deletion of proinflammatory Th1 cells, possibly as a result of alterations in membrane microdomain fatty acid composition.  相似文献   

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