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The microdistributions of yellow and brown morphs of adult andjuvenile Littorina mariae were investigated in the field onFucus plants. On F. vesiculosus in autumn, yellow adults werefound more frequently than expected on laminae and brown adultsmore frequently than expected on stipes. In spring there wasno difference in distribution between adult morphs. There wasno difference in microdistribution betweenjuvenile morphs oneither F. vesiculosus or F. serratus in autumn. Yellow and brown adults were allowed to choose between an artificialbrown and an artificial yellow background, and between stipeand lamina of F. serratus in aquarium experiments. Both morphspreferred the yellow rather than the brown background. In mostcases, the morphs climbed upwards on F. serratus, regardlessof algal orientation (lamina upwards or stipe upwards) or lightregime (lights on or off). A significant difference in microdistributionbetween morphs was found with the lamina placed upwards andthe lights on. Brown snails then preferred stipe, while yellowsnails did not show a preference for either stipe or lamina. (Received 16 June 1994; accepted 31 October 1994)  相似文献   

Water exchange, temperature tolerance and oxygen consumptionof the snail, Trigonephrus sp., from the southern Namib desertof Namibia were examined and related to activity. At 25°Cand 15% R.H. mean water loss and food and water uptake were5.95 mg. day–1 and 630 mg.day–1, respectively. Bodytemperature tracked sand temperature. Snails tolerated sandtemperatures as high as 45°C. Mean ± S.D. oxygenconsumption rates were 32.0 ± 2.94 µlO2.g totalbody mass–1.h–1 at 15°C, when the snails wereactive, and 11.27 µlO2.g total body mass–1.h–1at 25°C, when the snails were inactive. These values are2-6 times lower than those recorded for the similarly sizedmesic snail, Helix aspersa. Activity experiments indicated thatlow ambient temperatures and high humidities were favoured bythe snails. This, together with the burying behaviour of thesesnails during high temperatures, suggests that they limit stressby restricting activity to physiologically-favourable periods,even though more-extreme conditions may be tolerated. (Received 7 June 1990; accepted 20 November 1990)  相似文献   

The experimentally measured oxygen consumption rate by the cladoceran,Ceriodaphnia dubia, showed a linear increase between 5 and 20°C.Oxygen consumption rates of C. dubia were estimated in situfrom respiratory electron transport system (ETS) activity inLake Rotongaio during summer stratification and winter mixing.Oxygen consumption was 0.002 µl O2 animal–1 h–1in the hypolimnion and 0.076 µl O2 animal–1 h–1in the epilimnion during stratification. Implications of respiredoxygen for metabolic carbon requirements are discussed.  相似文献   

The oxygen consumption of the protobranch bivalve Nucula turgidawas measured in relation to size and to variation in temperatureand ambient oxygen tension. The slope of the line relating logsize and log oxygen uptake varied from 0.539 to 0.884 over therange 5°C to 40°C in summer – conditioned (S)animals but for winter – conditioned (W) animals the slopevaried from 0.561 to 0.762 over the range 5°C to 15°Conly; from 20°C to 35°C the values for the slope fellfrom 0.298 to 0.092. There was evidence of reverse acclimation,since the absolute rate of oxygen consumption was greater inS animals than in W over the temperature range studied. Thelethal limit for both groups appeared to be between 30°Cand 35°C. At all temperatures (5°C–25°C) N. turgida wasfound to be a near complete oxyconformer with b2 x 103 valuesranging from +0.0754 to –0.0234. The responses to temperature differ little from those of eulamellibranchbivalves, but the lack of ability to oxyregulate does demonstratea difference which may be linked to the different gill structure. (Received 13 January 1983;  相似文献   

Survival of adult Daphnia magna was assessed after acute (<96h) exposure to UV312 under various temperatures (6, 12 and 18°C)or oxygen concentrations (5.6, 8.5 and 14.1 mg O2 l–1)in the laboratory. The surviving animals were screened for theenzymes catalase (CAT) and glutathione transferase (GST), whichmay protect against UV-induced oxidative damage. In addition,the same two enzymes were assayed in separate experiments afteracute exposure to UV312 (6 h, 0.014 mW cm–2) and the differentlevels of temperature and oxygen. No differences were observedin either CAT or GST activity after exposure to the three levelsof oxygen, but there was a tendency for decreasing specificactivity with decreasing temperature for both enzymes. CAT activitywas not influenced by UV radiation, whereas GST activity displayeda slight increase. Oxygen concentration did not influence survivalduring UV exposure but, contrary to expectations, survival testsat different temperatures clearly showed that reduced temperatureincreased survival. The results indicate that temperature effectsmust be considered when comparing dose effect relationshipsin situ, and suggest that low temperature is not a major causeof UV susceptibility in cold-adapted alpine and Arctic populationsof Daphnia.  相似文献   

The life cycle, population dynamics, growth and secondary productionof the land snail C. vindobonensis were studied in northernGreece. Demographic analysis of the populations of C. vindobonensisrevealed that a) three cohorts were present in the field throughoutthe year, b) the reproductive period started in late April-Mayand the newly hatched snails appeared in the beginning of June,and c) increased growth rates were observed during spring andearly summer, but also during autumn for the newly hatched snails. According to von Bertalanffy's method C. vindobonensis needs7 years to attain its maximum size measured in the field. Mortalityrate is very high during the first year of life, while lifeexpectancy is higher during the second year of life and decreasesafterwards. Net reproductive rate (Ro) was equal to 3.1 andthe finite capacity for increase (antilogerc) was equal to 1. Estimated annual secondary production with Hynes' frequencymethod revealed a mean standing crop (B) of 0.99 g/m2/year anda production (P) of 1.3 ± 0.11 g/m2/year. Annual turnoverratio (P/B) was equal to 1.31. (Received 7 April 1997; accepted 2 October 1997)  相似文献   

Fumigation of 2 year-old Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis Mill.)trees with episodes of O3 (up to 120 nl l as comparedto 25 nl l) throughout two summer seasons produces tallerplants with greater stem diameters but reduced root:shoot ratios.Both light and electron microscopy of current year needles carriedout at mid-summer reveal extensive accumulations of starch,particularly in the endodermis, and crushing of the phloem sievecells. Parallel measurements of starch levels also reveal anon-mobilizable component. All these features probably indicatethat episodes of high summer O3 detrimentally affect the normalability of Aleppo pines to withstand severe water stress andthis may account for their reduced vitality in Mediterraneanregions. By autumn, however, the amounts of starch are similarto those in low O3-grown trees and no evidence of the phloemsieve tube crushing remain although plastids do show increasednum bers of plastoglobull. Similar summer high level O3-fumigatedneedles also show enhanced winter hardiness in the autumn whichis unusual for conifers. Key words: Pinus halepensis, Aleppo pine, amyloplasts, ozone, plastoglobuli, starch  相似文献   

We studied the course of early leaf area expansion and specificleaf area (SLA) in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) and wheat (Triticumaestivum L.) genotypes and tested whether air temperature explainsdifferences in these courses within different environments.Such knowledge can be used to improve crop growth modelling.The relative rate of leaf area expansion (RL) of potato andwheat decreased with thermal time, but was nearly linear upto a leaf area index (L) of 1.0. TheRL (L < 1; mean: 17.9x 10-3°C-1 d-1) of potato showed an interaction betweengenotype and environment, and varied with year. TheRL (L <1; mean: 7.1 x 10-3°C-1 d-1) of winter wheat was lower thanthat of spring wheat (mean: 10.9 x 10-3°C-1 d-1), and bothvaried with year. SLAof potato increased nearly linearly withthermal time from 5 to 15 m2 kg-1at 50% emergence, to 20 to25 m2 kg-1at 155°Cd, and then decreased slightly. The SLAofboth winter and spring wheat began at 16 to 23 m2 kg-1and inmost cases increased slightly with thermal time. In potato,regression parameters of SLAwith thermal time were affectedby environment (management conditions and year) and genotype;in wheat they were affected by environment (year and site).Treatment effects on RLof potato were not correlated with thoseon SLA , and were only partly correlated for wheat. Thereforewe conclude that the early foliar expansion of potato is associatedwith a strong increase in SLA , and not so for wheat. For bothcrops the course of early leaf area expansion and ofSLA withair temperature is not robust over environments and genotypes.The consequences of these results for modelling are discussed.Copyright 2000 Annals of Botany Company Triticum aestivum, spring wheat, winter wheat, Solanum tuberosum, leaf area expansion, specific leaf area, early growth, genotype, environment, modelling  相似文献   

The mortality of phenotypic shell colour morphs and age classes of the snail Arianta arbustorum in several microclimatic conditions was recorded. An analysis of variance was performed on five factors: adaptation temperature, relative humidity, shell colour, age class and test temperature. There were no significant differences in the mortality between different adaptation temperatures or relative humidities, but the interaction of these two factors was highly significant. There were significant differences in mortality rate between test temperature and age class. The mortality of the brown morph was higher than the yellow one at all adaptation temperatures (overall, P < 0.05). There were no significant differences between the mortality rates of the two morphs at different relative humidities. The mortality of the brown morph was higher than that of the yellow at six out of seven test temperatures. Juvenile snails survived significantly better than adults at all test temperatures.  相似文献   

Microplanktonic respiration rates were estimated in waters offthe coast of northern Chile (Antofagasta, 23°S) during ElNiño and pre-El Niño conditions. Three cruiseswere conducted during pre-El Niño summer (January/February1997), El Niño winter (July 1997) and El Niñosummer (January 1998). Oxygen consumption was estimated by theWinkler method using a semi-automatic photometric end-pointdetector. The ranges of microplanktonic respiration rates foundwere 0.11–21.15, 0.03–6.25 and 0.06–9.01 µmolO2 l–1 day–1 during pre-El Niño summer, ElNiño winter and El Niño summer, respectively.Significant differences were found between winter and summerrespiration rates (non-integrated and integrated). The meanintegrated respiration (mixed layer) for pre-El Niñosummer, El Niño winter and El Niño summer was95 ± 51 (SD) mmol O2 m–2 day–1, 50 ±23 (SD) mmol O2 m–2 day–1 and 63 ± 32 (SD)mmol O2 m–2 day–1, respectively. The strong seasonalsignal detected in microplanktonic integrated respiration inthe area seems to be characteristic of the pre-El Niño/ElNiño 1997–98 period. The integrated respirationrates found off Antofagasta are similar to reported values forthe upwelling area off Peru despite methodological differences.A positive significant correlation was found between respirationand water temperature (r = 0.76, P  相似文献   

In this report I discuss ventilatory and circulatory adjustmentsthat prov for increased O2transport associated with increasedbody temperature in the snake Coluber constrictor. Also includedis the effect of temperature upon acid-base status. Minute ventilationincreases with rising body temperature but does not keep pacewith the increment in resting O2 consumption. The decrease inair convection requirement (i.e., ventilation ÷ oxygenconsumption) causes lung pO2 and arterial oxygen contentto falland lung pCO2 to rise. With the rise in lung pCO2, systemicarterial pCO2 and H+; concentration increase while plasma bicarbonateconcentration does not change. The effect of temperature uponair convection requirement, arterial pCO2, and pH are most pronouncedat body temperatures above about 27°C whereColuber behavesapproximately as an alphastat pH regulator. Despite the inverserelationship between temperature and lung pO2, systemic arterialpO2 is about 80 torr lower at 15°C than at 35°C. Thisdecline in arterial pO2 as temperature falls is explained byleft shifting the oxygen dissociation curve in the presenceof aconstant right-to-left intracardiac shunt.  相似文献   

The layer of daytime concentration of Calanus ponticus (VC andVI C) performing daily vertical migrations and the layer of‘winter stock’ aggregation are confined to the depthof maximal gradient of the main pycnocline under an unusuallysharp oxycline. The concentration layer thickness ranges from2 to 20–30 m and the Calanus concentration in it is >250ind. m–3, sometimes being 3500 ind. m–3 and evenmore. The population in the concentration layer is divided intotwo ecological groups: I, feeding and migrating specimens ofcopepodite stages V and VI, their body lipid contents being25–60 µg min.–1; and II, non-feeding and non-migratingspecimens of copepodite stage V, their body lipid contents being100–150 µg ind.–1. The relationship with oxygenconcentration was studied in both ecogroups. The experimentsshow that specimens of ecogroup II can exit at an oxygen concentrationof 0.06 ml 1–1, but at such concentration falling intoanabiosis. They die at 0.04 ml O2 1–1. Estimates of respirationof the group II specimens (‘winter stock’) showthat lipids they store are sufficient for 7 months' survival.Depth of Calanus concentration is determined by water densityrather than concentration of oxygen.  相似文献   

Seasonal investigations of size-fractionated biomass and productionwere carried out from February 1992 to May 1993 in JiaozhouBay, China. Microplankton assemblages were separated into threefractions: pico- (0.7–2 µm), nano- (2–20 µm)and netplankton (20–200 µm). The biomass was measuredas chlorophyll a (Chi a), paniculate organic carbon (POC) andparticipate organic nitrogen (PON). The production was determinedby 14C and 15N tracer techniques. The seasonal patterns in biomass,though variable, were characterized by higher values in springand lower values in autumn and summer (for Chi a only). Theseasonal patterns in production, on the other hand, were moreclear with higher values occurring in summer and spring, andlower values occurring in autumn and winter. Averaged over thewhole study period, the respective proportions of total biomassaccounted for by net-, nano- and picoplankton were 26, 45 and29% for Chi a, 32, 33 and 35% for POC, and 26, 32 and 42% forPON. The contributions to total primary production by net-,nano- and picoplankton were 31, 35 and 34%, respectively. Therespective proportions of total NH4+–N uptake accountedfor by net-, nano- and picoplankton were 28, 33 and 39% in thedaytime, and 10, 29 and 61% at night. The respective contributionsto total NO3-N uptake by net-, nano- and picoplanktonwere 37, 40 and 23% in the daytime, and 13, 23 and 64% at night.Some comprehensive ratios, including C/N biomass ratio, Chla/C ratio, C uptake/Chl a ratio, C:N uptake ratio and the f-ratio,were also calculated size separately, and their biological andecological meanings are discussed.  相似文献   

千烟洲红壤丘陵区人工针叶林土壤CH4排放通量   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
 CH4在温室效应中起着重要作用,为估算中亚热带CH4的源汇现状,评价森林生态系统对温室效应的影响,采用静态箱-气相色谱法研究了千烟洲红壤丘陵区人工针叶林的土壤CH4 排放通量特征及水热因子对其的影响。对2004年9月~2005年12月期间的观测结果分析表明 :千烟洲人工针叶林土壤总体表现为大气CH4的吸收汇,原状林地土壤(Forest soil)情况下,CH4通量的变化为7.67~-67.17μg&;#8226;m-2&;#8226;h-1,平均为-15.53μg&;#8226;m-2&;#8226;h-1;无凋落物处理(Litter-free)情况下,CH4通量的变化是9.31~-90.36 μg&;#8226;m-2&;#8226;h-1,平均为-16.53μg&;#8226;m-2&;#8226;h-1。 二者对土壤CH4的吸收表现出明显的季节变化规律,秋>夏>冬>春,但无凋落物处理CH4变化幅度较原状林地土壤大,无凋落物处理吸收高峰出现在10月,最低值出现在翌年3月,原状林地土壤则分别在9月和翌年2月,均提前1个月。对土壤CH4吸收通量与温度和湿度的相关分析表明: 无论是原状林地土壤还是无凋落物处理情况下,土壤CH4通量都与地下5 cm的温度和湿度相关性最高。偏相关分析反映了不同季节水热配置对土壤吸收CH4通量的影响:冬季为12月~翌年2月,温度起主要作用;雨季3~6月,温度作用为主,随着温度的升高而升高,水分作用微弱;7~8月,CH4吸收通量随着湿度的降低而增加,但高温限制了CH4的吸收;秋季(9~11月)水热配置适宜,CH4通量达到高峰值。总之,CH4吸收通量随着温度的升高和 湿度的降低而增大,但温度过高会抑制其吸收。  相似文献   

Respiratory oxygen consumption by roots was 1·4- and1·6-fold larger in NH+4-fed than in NO-3-fed wheat (Triticumaestivum L.) and maize (Zea mays L.) plants respectively. Higherroot oxygen consumption in NH+4-fed plants than in NO-3-fedplants was associated with higher total nitrogen contents inNH+4-fed plants. Root oxygen consumption was, however, not correlatedwith growth rates or shoot:root ratios. Carbon dioxide releasewas 1·4- and 1·2-fold larger in NO+3-fed thanin NH+4-fed wheat and maize plants respectively. Differencesin oxygen and carbon dioxide gas exchange rates resulted inthe gas exchange quotients of NH-4-fed plants (wheat, 0·5;maize, 0·6) being greatly reduced compared with thoseof NO-3-fed plants (wheat, 1·0; maize, 1·1). Measuredrates of HCO-3 assimilation by PEPc in roots were considerablylarger in 4 mM NH+4-fed than in 4 NO-3 plants (wheat, 2·6-fold;maize, 8·3-fold). These differences were, however, insufficientto account for the observed differences in root carbon dioxideflux and it is probable that HCO-3 uptake is also importantin determining carbon dioxide fluxes. Thus reduced root extension in NH+4-fed compared with NO-3-fedwheat plants could not be ascribed to differences in carbondioxide losses from roots.Copyright 1993, 1999 Academic Press Triticum aestivum, wheat, Zea mays, maize assimilation, ammonium assimilation, root respiration  相似文献   

Diurnal mixed layers and the long-term dominance of Microcystis aeruginosa   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The population dynamics of the cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosain a hypertrophic, subtropical lake (Hartbeespoort Dam, SouthAfrica) were followed over 4.5 years. We examined the hypothesisthat M.aeruginosa dominated (>80% by volume) the phytoplanktonpopulation up to 10 months of each year because it maintaineditself within shallow diurnal mixed layers and was thus ensuredaccess to light, the major limiting resource. Wind speeds overHartbeespoort Dam were strong enough to mix the entire epilimnionthrough Langmuir circulations only 12% of the time. At othertimes solar heating led to the formation of diurnal mixed layers(z1) that were shallower (<2 m) than the euphotic zone (zcu;mean = 3.5 m, range: 0.45–8.4 m) while the seasonal mixedlayer (zm) was always deeper than zcu (range: 7–18 m).By means of its buoyancy mechanism M.aeruginosa maintained thebulk of its population within z1, while non-buoyant speciessank into dark layers. Adaptation to strong light intensitywas implicated from low cellular chlorophyll a content (0.132µg/106 cells) and high Ik (up to 1230 µE m–2s–1). Ensured access to light, the post-maximum summerpopulations persisted throughout autumn and winter, despitesuboptimal temperatures, by sustaining low losses. Increasedsedimentation losses caused a sharp decline of the populationat the end of winter each year, and a short (2–3 months)successional episode followed, but by late spring M.aeruginosawas again dominant. The data from Hartbeespoort Dam point outthe importance of distinguishing between zm and z1, and showthe profound effect that the daily pattern of z1 as opposedto the seasonal pattern of zm, can have on phytoplankton populationspecies composition.  相似文献   

The net assimilation rate (EA), relative growth-rate (Rw), andleaf-area ratio (FA) were measured for rape (Brassica napus),sunflower (Hetianthus annuus), and maize (Zea mays) at varioustimes of year in an arid climate, using young plants grown widelyspaced on nutrient culture. Multiple regression analysis accountedfor 90–95 per cent of the variation in EA and RW in termsof two climatic variables: mean temperature and radiation receipt. EA rose linearly with radiation in all three species; increasein EA with temperature was greatest in maize and least (notsignificant) in rape. RWrose with radiation and temperature,the latter being the more important variable especially in coolweather; a temperature optimum was shown at 24° C in rape.FA rose with increase in temperature or decrease in radiation;its variation was due to change in leaf area/leaf weight ratherthan in leaf weight/plant weight. Multiple regression analyses can lead to faulty interpretationif the independent variables are correlated (as are climaticvariables in nature), but conclusions can be checked by controlled-environmentstudies in which climatic factors are not correlated. The presentconclusions are supported by such studies. The regression equations, coupled with average weather records,indicate seasonal cycles of growth parameters. EA is maximalnear midsummer and minimal near midwinter, following the radiationcycle. Maxima and minima in RW are about a month later, becauseRW is affected by the temperature cycle and this lags behindthe radiation cycle. FA is maximal in autumn and minimal inspring. EA is highest where radiation receipts near 750 cal cm–2day–1 coincide with high temperatures. This combinationoccurs only in clear midsummer weather at low latitudes, andis maintained over long periods only in arid regions. The fact that EA rose linearly with radiation suggests thatleaf water deficits arising under high radiation had littleeffect on EA and that saturating levels of light were very high.  相似文献   

Spatial and seasonal egg production rates (Er) and egg hatchingsuccess in the copepods Calanus finmarchicus and Calanus helgolandicuswere measured in the North Sea from March to September. Foodavailability was monitored by chlorophyll and protist concentrationsand three size fractions of seston fatty acids. Seasonal andspatial distribution and production differed between the species.Calanus finmarchicus was found only offshore of the 50-m isobath,with decreasing Er (37–28 eggs female–1 day–1)from March to July. Calanus helgolandicus had two abundancepeaks, in spring and autumn, with a low in May during whichtime the highest Er were observed (38 eggs female–1 day–1).At other times, Er in C. helgolandicus remained lower than inC. finmarchicus (  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to quantify the respiratoryrequirements and oxygen consumption rates for seasonal hydromedusaepopulations in the North Inlet estuary, Georgetown, SC, USA.Respiration rates were determined for hydromedusae collectedin January 2006, 2007 and July 2006 using microrespirometry.The numerically dominant gelatinous predators were Nemopsisbachei (January 2006 and 2007) and Bougainvillia muscus (July2006). Seasonal oxygen consumption rates were low (0.80–1.27µmol O2 g–1 h–1). Q10 values were high duringJanuary 2006 and July 2006 (4.7), but low during January 2007(0.5), suggesting hydromedusae were sensitive to the exposuretemperatures (7–34°C) in this study and well adaptedto the temperature range encountered in this estuary. Moreover,the oxygen consumption rates during July 2006 showed significantdifferences between the two species. The allometric relationshipbetween respiration rate and hydromedusae weight differed seasonally.Our findings suggest hydromedusae can persist in hypoxic conditionsand may partially explain the frequently observed increase inthese cnidarians under conditions of low dissolved oxygen concentrations.  相似文献   

The photosynthetic response to CO2 concentration, light intensityand temperature was investigated in water hyacinth plants (Eichhorniacrassipes (Mart.) Solms) grown in summer at ambient CO2 or at10000 µmol(CO2) mol–1 and in winter at 6000 µmol(CO2)mol–1 Plants grown and measured at ambient CO2 had highphotosynthetic rate (35 µmo1(CO2) m–2 s–1),high saturating photon flux density (1500–2000) µmolm–2 s–1 and low sensitivity to temperature in therange 20–40 °C. Maximum photosynthetic rate (63 µmol(CO2)m–2 s–1) was reached at an internal CO2 concentrationof 800 µmol mol–1. Plants grown at high CO2 in summerhad photosynthetic capacities at ambient CO2 which were 15%less than for plants grown at ambient CO2, but maximum photosyntheticrates were similar. Photosynthesis by plants grown at high CO2and high light intensity had typical response curves to internalCO2 concentration with saturation at high CO2, but for plantsgrown under high CO2 and low light and plants grown under lowCO2 and high light intensity photosynthetic rates decreasedsharply at internal CO2 concentrations above 1000 µmol–1. Key words: Photosynthesis, CO2, enrichment, Eichhornia crassipes  相似文献   

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