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Bouligand Y 《Tissue & cell》1986,18(4):621-643
Arthropod cuticles observed in section generally present alternating clear and dark bands. These have often been interpreted in terms of superimposed layers of different structure or composition. It has been shown, however that this material is homogeneous, and is formed by a twisted arrangement of microfibrils. The dense bands correspond actually to a microtomy artefact and they form dark single spirals in certain distorted areas of the cuticle. A model was proposed, involving the interaction between knife motion and microfibrils; it will be referred to as the stepped model, since the proposed mechanism results in the formation of steps at the surface of sections, on both faces. These steps are limited by structures resembling crests or cliffs, whose regular distribution produces alternating thick and thin bands in the section. This explains the observed contrast (Bouligand, (1972)). Two very interesting models were proposed later (Gordon and Winfree, (1978)) and are referred to as the cos F model and the sand model, but steps and crests are absent in these models. However, Giraud-Guille ((1986)), has shown very clearly the existence of these crests, which seem to be quite essential in this microtomy artefact. To clarify the debate, the texts defining the initial and the two new models are reproduced here and the difficulties encountered by each model are discussed. A mathematical formulation of this artefact is presented in an appendix to the present article; this leads to a more complete discussion of the possible models. Other factors are also taken into consideration: microfibril orientation and staining. The main factor of contrasts is undoubtedly the variation in thickness over a single section, as proposed in the stepped model.  相似文献   

Gaill F  Bouligand Y 《Tissue & cell》1987,19(5):625-642
The polychaete annelid Alvinella pompejana was discovered near the hydrothermal vents, recently explored in the Eastern Pacific Ocean. This worm is protected by a cuticle deeply transformed over certain areas of the body and some changes are due to the presence of a very special bacterial flora. The present work however deals mainly with the supercoiled collagen fibrils, which are well visualized in thin sections observed by transmission electron microscopy. This character strongly differentiates this species from other annelids and worms in general, the cuticle of which includes straight and apparently non-coiled collagen fibrils. This indicates that fibrils are extensible in Alvinella, possibly under physiological conditions, and that internal pressure and local volume variations are regulated according to principles which depart from what is recognized in other worms, where cuticular fibrils are considered as inextensible. Possible models of this cuticle are discussed and particularly aspects which show a relationship with certain liquid crystals. Very different factors may be involved in morphogenesis of such cuticles: microvilli distribution, self-assembly of collagen fibrils, mechanical constraints. An appendix recalls some classical data on worm cuticle geometry and presents an estimate of volume variations resulting from coiling of fibrils.  相似文献   

The histological structure of cephalothoracic and abdominal integuments has been studied in the hermit crab Pagurus bernhardus (L.). In the branchial region of the carapace, the integument shows a similar structure as described hitherto in a number of other decapod species; there are a thin epicuticle, an exocuticle, and a relatively thick endocuticle, followed by a layer of columnar epithelium and underlying connective tissue. This pattern is repeated on the inner surface of the carapace fold but with generally thinner cuticular layers. Within the connective tissue there are tegumental glands, haemocytes, and some reserve inclusions. The abdominal integument shows a modified cuticle structure which is probably related to its specific function as an adhesive organ attaching the hermit crab to the inner surface of the gastropod shell. The cuticle is uncalcified and it shows deep wrinkles and grooves. Endocuticle and exocuticle are thick and layered whereas the epicuticle is very thin. Large funnel-shaped ducts with secretions occur frequently in the abdominal integument. The cells that are responsible for these secretions are described. The chemical nature of integumental structures has been studied with histochemical tests.  相似文献   

Morphological and chemical studies on the cuticle during the molt cycle of the crab Scylla serrata were performed in order to understand the layer formation. Cuticle ultrastructure was studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Energy-dispersive, X-ray diffraction, and X-ray fluorescence analysis were used for identification of the elements and phases in the inner surface of the cuticle. In the first stage (A) of cuticle formation, a thin pellicle organized as an irregular fragmented structure is built. It is composed mainly of alpha-chitin/protein beta-keratin-like complexes where heterogeneous mineral nucleation occur. It is impregnated by ferric concretions, responsible for the brown colour of the carapace. At the beginning of the mineralization process, a spheroidal inorganic phase appears consisting of dicalcium phosphate dihydrate (DCPD) Ca/P=1.00, octacalcium phosphate (OCP) Ca/P=1.33 associated with hydromagnesite and bromapatite traces. During further cuticle development in the remaining A stage and in the beginning of the B stage, calcite and magnesian calcite are formed from the precursor calcium phosphate phase. The next development in the C stages is characterized by intense calcareous thickening consisting mainly of calcite and of magnesian calcite, which become the major mineral fraction of the cuticle. Organic-inorganic complex precipitations exhibit different aspects as spongiform, filamentary helicoidal, and concentric radial arrangements during C1, C2, and C3, respectively. During different stages of the cuticle formation in Scylla serrata, these mineral deposits may partially result from the balance among different organic contents, mainly between alpha-chitin and protein beta-keratin-like compounds. On the other hand, the calcium crystallization on apatite and calcite polymorphic structures may be influenced by variations of physico-chemical factors in the cuticle compartment. J. Exp. Zool. 293:414-426, 2002.  相似文献   

The diamond knife "semi" for ultramicrotomes was originally designed by its manufacturer (DIATOME S.A.), for cutting semi-thin sections from 0.2 micron to 2.0 micron. Cutting tests of Epon-embedded material (nervous system, myelin sheat) with this knife have shown that the quality of semi-thin sections is equivalent or better than that obtained with a glass knife, and much time could be saved during the microtomy of serial sections. The quality of thin sections (0.07 micron to 0.12 micron) is excellent and comparable to that obtained with a conventional diamond knife. Furthermore, when adjacent sections are cut thin and semi-thin (for immunochemistry or high voltage microscopy), both are excellent in that they are of uniform thickness. In conclusion, this tool has advantages for both light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy.  相似文献   

A method of securing serial sections for electron microscopy is described. Serial sections present certain anomalies of interpretation of a nature such that a complete and detailed three-dimensional reconstruction of the sectioned tissue cannot be made. These anomalies are discussed, as well as those which have been encountered in the interpretation of single sections. Observations of the following kinds have been made in an attempt to elucidate the interpretation of single and serial sections: differing methods of mounting adjacent sections, observation of the same section by high-angle stereoscopy, and examination of sections which have been shadowed prior to and subsequent to electron microscopy. It is found that the appearance of sections is independent of the choice of side to be placed against the formvar films. Stereoscopy shows that the appearance of fine structures is strongly dependent upon the direction of the penetrating electron beam with respect to the plane of the structures. Stereoscopy, combined with shadowing, shows quantitatively that extensive sublimation of polymer occurs upon normal exposure in the electron microscope. Observation of sections shadowed prior to electron microscopy indicates that varying amounts of material are removed between sections by the action of microtomy; i.e., it is probable that the sum of the thicknesses of several serial sections is considerably less than the total thickness of material removed from the block. It is believed that this effect, combined with the effect of sublimation, aids in explaining the failure of adjacent sections to exhibit continuity in their detailed structures.  相似文献   

100 thickness measurements from thin sections of cephala or pygidia of early Ordovician trilobites occurring across an onshore to offshore environmental gradient show that progressively greater maximum cuticle thickness was characteristic of increasingly inshore sites. There is a 40-fold difference between the thinnest and thickest cuticles, and exclusively thin cuticles are confined to the offshore Olenid Biofacies. Variability in cuticle thickness increases offshore to onshore. Environmental control is shown to be more influential on cuticle thickness than is the overall length of the trilobite: some comparatively large trilobites having thin cuticles and small trilobites thick cuticles. The environmental factors which might be responsible for the pattern are briefly discussed. The thin cuticles dominating the offshore Olenid Biofacies were probably appropriate for dysaerobic conditions. Thick cuticles in the most inshore biofacies may have offered protection against predators and turbulence, but the additional presence there of trilobites with thinner cuticles is considered to reflect the greater heterogeneity of the epeiric habitat.  相似文献   

Blues and surface whites of tent caterpillars are structural colours resulting from the scattering of light by small, transparent, cuticular filaments. The filaments are small enough to be Tyndall-active, that is they scatter the short wavelengths of incident light more effectively than the long wavelengths. Immediately beneath the surface filaments of blue-coloured cuticle there is a layer of dark pigment which absorbs transmitted light. Therefore, only Tyndall-scattered light is reflected from the cuticle and since this light is diminished in long wavelengths it appears blue. Cuticle that is surface white lacks the layer of dark pigment. Light passing through the surface layer is therefore subject to scattering within the cuticle and by underlying tissues. Sufficient complementary long wavelengths are backscattered from below the surface mat of filaments that the reflected light appears white. Tyndall blue systems found in other insects are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

A method of securing serial sections for electron microscopy is described. Serial sections present certain anomalies of interpretation of a nature such that a complete and detailed three-dimensional reconstruction of the sectioned tissue cannot be made. These anomalies are discussed, as well as those which have been encountered in the interpretation of single sections. Observations of the following kinds have been made in an attempt to elucidate the interpretation of single and serial sections: differing methods of mounting adjacent sections, observation of the same section by high-angle stereoscopy, and examination of sections which have been shadowed prior to and subsequent to electron microscopy. It is found that the appearance of sections is independent of the choice of side to be placed against the formvar films. Stereoscopy shows that the appearance of fine structures is strongly dependent upon the direction of the penetrating electron beam with respect to the plane of the structures. Stereoscopy, combined with shadowing, shows quantitatively that extensive sublimation of polymer occurs upon normal exposure in the electron microscope. Observation of sections shadowed prior to electron microscopy indicates that varying amounts of material are removed between sections by the action of microtomy; i.e., it is probable that the sum of the thicknesses of several serial sections is considerably less than the total thickness of material removed from the block. It is believed that this effect, combined with the effect of sublimation, aids in explaining the failure of adjacent sections to exhibit continuity in their detailed structures.  相似文献   

Crayfish gill cuticle is approximately 2 μm thick and comprises an epicuticle and an endocuticle, which is subdivided into outer and inner layers. Sections demonstrate indistinct lamellae in the outer endocuticle and vertically striated lamellae in the inner endocuticle. Microfibrils cannot be seen in sections. Difficulties in interpretation of the fibrous architecture of the cuticle from thin sections have been overcome by examining tilted series of micrographs of sections and also by making freeze-fracture replicas of the cuticle, which reveal the microfibrils clearly. A model for the endocuticle based on a helicoidal configuration of microfibrillar laminae is proposed and the vertically striated structures seen in sections of the outer layer are accounted for by including regular rows of particles oriented perpendicular to microfibrils. The model is compared with cuticles and coverings reported from other invertebrates.  相似文献   

The electron microscopy of human eccrine sweat glands has been studied before and after stimulation by pilocarpine iontophoresis. The identity of the dark and clear cells in the secretory segment as defined by Montagna et al. (23) was determined by studying serial sections, thin for electron microscopy and thick for light microscopy. Cells with numerous apical secretory vacuoles are termed mucoid (dark) cells, since these vacuoles stain positively for acid mucopolysaccharide. Clear cells are intimately associated with intercellular canaliculi. The "cuticular border" of surface cells of the duct is a condensation of tonofilaments and granules. Numerous mitochondria are concentrated in basal cells of the duct. The presence of mucoid cells in the secretory segment may bear on the interpretation of the pathologic findings in the disease cystic fibrosis of the pancreas, and suggests that this disease may be due to a basic disorder of mucopolysaccharide production. The possible roles of the various cellular components in the elaboration of sweat are discussed.  相似文献   

When viewed by electron microscopy of thin sections, the inner two-thirds of the petiolar cuticle of Vaccinium reticulatum appears dense and is penetrated by a channel-like reticulum which emanates from the primary cell wall. The outer one-third of the cuticle stains lightly and is homogeneous. This arrangement is compared with the ultrastructure of cuticle previously reported for other plant species.  相似文献   


Main conclusion

The Arabidopsis cuticle, as observed by electron microscopy, consists primarily of the cutin/cutan matrix. The cuticle possesses a complex substructure, which is correlated with the presence of intracuticular waxes. The plant cuticle is composed of an insoluble polyester, cutin, and organic solvent soluble cuticular waxes, which are embedded within and coat the surface of the cutin matrix. How these components are arranged in the cuticle is not well understood. The Arabidopsis cuticle is commonly understood as ‘amorphous,’ lacking in ultrastructural features, and is often observed as a thin (~80–100 nm) electron-dense layer on the surface of the cell wall. To examine this cuticle in more detail, we examined cuticles from both rapidly elongating and mature sections of the stem and compared the preservation of the cuticles using conventional chemical fixation methods and high-pressure freezing/freeze-substitution (HPF/FS). We found that HPF/FS preparation revealed a complex cuticle substructure, which was more evident in older stems. We also found that the cuticle increases in thickness with development, indicating an accretion of polymeric material, likely in the form of the non-hydrolyzable polymer, cutan. When wax was extracted by chloroform immersion prior to sample preparation, the contribution of waxes to cuticle morphology was revealed. Overall, the electron-dense cuticle layer was still visible but there was loss of the cuticle substructure. Furthermore, the cuticle of cer6, a wax-deficient mutant, also lacked this substructure, suggesting that these fine striations were dependent on the presence of cuticular waxes. Our findings show that HPF/FS preparation can better preserve plant cuticles, but also provide new insights into the fine structure of the Arabidopsis cuticle.

The stomach of decapods is a complex organ with specialized structures that are delimited by a cuticle. The morphology and ontogeny of the stomach are largely described, but few studies have focused on the morphology of its cuticle. This study examined the morphology of the stomach cuticle of cardiac sacs, gastric mill ossicles, cardio-pyloric valve and pyloric filters, and during various stages (zoea I and II, megalopa, first juvenile, and adult) of the common spider crab Maja brachydactyla using dissection, histology and transmission electron microscopy. The results show that cuticle morphology varies among structures (e.g., cardiac sacs, urocardiac ossicle, cardio-pyloric valve, pyloric filters), within a single structure (e.g., different sides of the urocardiac ossicle) and among different life stages. The cuticle during the larval stages is very thin and the different layers (epicuticle, exocuticle, and endocuticle) are infrequently distinguishable by histology. Major changes during larval development regarding cuticle morphology are observed after the molt to megalopa, including the increment in thickness in the gastric mill ossicles and cardio-pyloric valve, and the disappearance of the long thickened setae of the cardio-pyloric valve. The cuticle of all the stomach structures in the adults is thicker than in larval and juvenile stages. The cuticle varies in thickness, differential staining affinity and morphology of the cuticle layers. The structure–function relationship of the cuticle morphology is discussed.  相似文献   

In all the cuticles studied waterproofing is effected by extracuticular material, a mixture of sclerotin precursors and lipids, exuded from the tubular filaments of the pore canals. In Rhodnius larval abdomen it is a layer of thickness similar to the outer epicuticle, believed to be composed of 'sclerotin' and wax, in Schistocerca larval sternal cuticle and in Carausius sternal cuticle it is similar. In Tenebrio adult sternal cuticle of the abdomen, in both the extracuticular exudation and the contents of the distal endings of the tubular filaments, the wax component is obscured by hard 'sclerotin'. In Manduca larva a very thin layer of 'sclerotin' and wax is covered by an irregular wax layer, average 0.75 micron, twice the thickness of the inner epicuticle. In Periplaneta and Blattella the abdominal cuticle is covered by a soft waxy layer, often about 1 micron thick, which is mixed with argentaffin material. Below this is a very thin waterproof layer of wax and 'sclerotin' continuous with the contents of the tubular filaments, which is readily removed by adsorptive dusts. In Apis adult abdominal terga free wax plus sclerotin precursors form a thin layer which is known to be removed by adsorptive dusts. In Calliphora larva there is a very thin layer of the usual mixed wax and sclerotin and below this a thick (0.5 micron) layer, lipid staining and strongly osmiophil, likewise extracuticular and exuded from the epicuticular channels. This material (which is often called 'outer epicuticle') has the same staining and resistance properties as the true outer epicuticle on which it rests. In the abdomen of Calliphora adult the waterproofing wax-sclerotin mixture forms a thin layer over the entire cuticle including the surface of the microtrichia. There is also a thin detachable layer of free wax on the surface.  相似文献   

Epidermis micromorphology of in situ Erica arborea L. exposed for generations to long-term effect of volcanic gases in Pisciarelli and Solfatara di Pozzuoli areas have been studied by X-ray analyses, SEM and TEM observations. In particular, the aim of this study is to investigate the effects of volcanic gases on extant and possibly fossil plants. Plants of the same species living in a nearby control site were also studied for comparison. SEM coupled with EDX analysis was used to localize different elements within the leaves (mesophyll, cell wall and cuticle). After conventional and cryo preparation, SEM of mature leaves ascertained that the abaxial side is more serrate in fumigated leaves and hairs, epicuticular wax alterations have also been noted. Leaves experiencing chronic fumigation display stomata more sunken with respect to the epidermal surface. TEM of transverse and longitudinal sections of cuticle showed an outer A2 granular amorphous layer and external to a B1 fibrillous layer. Significant statistical variations of ultrastructural components of the cuticle revealed a response of E. arborea to this extreme environment. At the ultrastructural level, significant variations in thickness of the cell wall plus cuticle, cell wall and A2 layer among fumigated and non-fumigated leaves have been found. In the studied localities a positive correlation between atmospheric CO2 concentration and the thickness of A2 layer also exists. The results are of interest being applicable in the understanding of plant cuticle responses during periods of normal vs. volcanic activity.  相似文献   

The Indirect Fluorescent Antibody Technique (IFAT) and the Indirect Immuno Peroxidase Technique (IIPT) have been applied to cryostat sections and intact stages of the hookworm species Ancylostoma caninum with sera from infected dogs. Especially the role of the body surface (= cuticle (cortex, matrix, basal layer) and hypodermis) in immunity was studied. Using cryostat sections and dead intact stages as the antigen, specific antibody binding was demonstrated round the ovum membrane and the cuticle of all stages of this hookworm species. Cryostat sections of adult worms showed, that it probably is not the cuticle itself that is antigenic, but that the specific reaction that is observed consisted of a layer, covering the cortex of the cuticle. Infective and parasitic living stages, however, showed no antibody binding in contrast to the free-living stages in which specific antibody binding was demonstrated.  相似文献   

A technique for demonstrating cement lines in thin, undecalcified, transverse sections of cortical bone has been developed. Cortical bone samples are processed and embedded undecalcified in methyl methacrylate plastic. After sectioning at 3-5 microns, cross-sections are transferred to a glass slide and flattened for 10 min. Sections of cortical bone are stained for 20 sec free-floating in a fresh solution of 1% toluidine blue dissolved in 0.1% formic acid. The section is dehydrated in t-butyl alcohol, cleared in xylene, and mounted with Eukitt's medium. Reversal lines appear as thin, scalloped, dark blue lines against a light blue matrix, whereas bone formation arrest lines are thicker with a smooth contour. With this technique cellular detail, osteoid differentiation, and fluorochrome labels are retained. Results demonstrate the applicability of a one-step staining method for cement lines which will facilitate the assessment of bone remodeling activity in thin sections of undecalcified cortical bone.  相似文献   

The legume Rhizosphere   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Summary Examination of the root surfaces of Medicago tribuloides Desr. with phase contrast microscopy or electron microscopy using thin sections revealed the presence of a layer of material outside the root surface. In thin sections of KMnO4 fixed roots this layer was composed of a thin electron dense layer, an electron dense granular matrix of varying width and an enclosing electron dense membrane. After inoculation with an effective Rhizobium strain, rhizobia were found aggregated in a definite zone adjacent to the root surface when either living roots were examined by phase microscopy or thin sections by electron microscopy. This layer was also found in inoculated and uninoculated roots of Trifolium fragiferum and T. pratense. The bacteria were packed with inclusion granules and lay enclosed by a membrane layer adjacent to the granular matrix seen in uninoculated roots. The ultrastructural organisation of root hairs is essentially similar to that of other differentiated root cells. The replicated surface of the uninoculated root hair wall is largely amorphous with a few sculptured portions resembling a cuticle layer. The inoculated root hair wall often shows areas of exposed, open microfibrillar meshwork with rhizobia sitting on the microfibrils. The rhizobia resemble a flagellated, coccoid swarmer form of Rhizobium which is found in the barrel medic rhizosphere.  相似文献   

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