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Shedding light on bioluminescence regulation in Vibrio fischeri   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The bioluminescence emitted by the marine bacterium Vibrio fischeri is a particularly striking result of individual microbial cells co-ordinating a group behaviour. The genes responsible for light production are principally regulated by the LuxR-LuxI quorum-sensing system. In addition to LuxR-LuxI, numerous other genetic elements and environmental conditions control bioluminescence production. Efforts to mathematically model the LuxR-LuxI system are providing insight into the dynamics of this autoinduction behaviour. The Hawaiian squid Euprymna scolopes forms a natural symbiosis with V. fischeri, and utilizes the symbiont-derived bioluminescence for certain nocturnal behaviours, such as counterillumination. Recent work suggests that the tissue with which V. fischeri associates not only can detect bioluminescence but may also use this light to monitor the V. fischeri population.  相似文献   

Magnesium-dependent induction of Vibrio fischeri flagellar (Mif) biogenesis depends upon two diguanylate cyclases, suggesting an inhibitory role for cyclic di-GMP. Here, we report that cells defective for the sugar phosphotransferase system (PTS) exhibited a magnesium-independent phenotype similar to that of mutants of the Mif pathway. Unlike Mif mutants, PTS mutants also were hyperbioluminescent.  相似文献   

Repeated attempts to clone the luxI from Vibrio fischeri ATCC 49387 failed to produce a clone carrying a functional LuxI. Sequence data from the clones revealed the presence of a polymorphism when compared with previously published luxI sequences, prompting further characterization of bioluminescence regulation in V. fischeri ATCC 49387. Further investigation of V. fischeri ATCC 49387 revealed that its LuxI protein lacks detectable LuxI activity due to the presence of a glutamine residue at position 125 in the deduced amino acid sequence. Specific bioluminescence in V. fischeri ATCC 49387 increases with increasing cell density, indicative of a typical autoinduction response. However, conditioned medium from this strain does not induce bioluminescence in an ATCC 49387 luxR-plux-based acyl homoserine lactone reporter strain, but does induce bioluminescence in ATCC 49387. It has been previously shown that a V. fischeri MJ-1 luxI mutant exhibits autoinduction of bioluminescence through N-octanoyl-L-homoserine lactone, the product of the AinS autoinducer synthase. However, a bioreporter based on luxR-plux from V. fischeri ATCC 49387 responded poorly to conditioned medium from V. fischeri ATCC 49387 and also responded poorly to authentic N-octanoyl-DL-homoserine lactone. A similar MJ-1-based bioreporter showed significant induction under the same conditions. A putative ainS gene cloned from ATCC 49387, unlike luxI from ATCC 49387, expresses V. fischeri autoinducer synthase activity in Escherichia coli. This study suggests that a regulatory mechanism independent of LuxR and LuxI but possibly involving AinS is responsible for the control of autoinduction of bioluminescence in V. fischeri ATCC 49387.  相似文献   

Recent reports suggest that the selective advantage of bioluminescence for bacteria is mediated by light-dependent stimulation of photolyase to repair DNA lesions. Despite evidence for this model, photolyase mutants have not been characterized in a naturally bioluminescent bacterium, nor has this hypothesis been tested in bioluminescent bacteria under natural conditions. We have now characterized the photolyase encoded by phr in the bioluminescent bacterium Vibrio fischeri ES114. Consistent with Phr possessing photolyase activity, phr conferred light-dependent resistance to UV light. However, upon comparing ES114 to a phr mutant and a dark Delta luxCDABEG mutant, we found that bioluminescence did not detectably affect photolyase-mediated resistance to UV light. Addition of the light-stimulating autoinducer N-3-oxo-hexanoyl homoserine lactone appeared to increase UV resistance, but this was independent of photolyase or bioluminescence. Moreover, although bioluminescence confers an advantage for V. fischeri during colonization of its natural host, Euprymna scolopes, the phr mutant colonized this host to the same level as the wild type. Taken together, our results indicate that at least in V. fischeri strain ES114, the benefits of bioluminescence during symbiotic colonization are not mediated by photolyase, and although some UV resistance mechanism may be coregulated with bioluminescence, we found no evidence that light production benefits cells by stimulating photolyase in this strain.  相似文献   

Shuttle vectors that had previously been shown to replicate both in Escherichia coli and in strains of Anabaena spp. were used to transfer the lux genes from Vibrio harveyi and Vibrio fischeri into Anabaena spp. The level of expression of luciferase in the cyanobacteria (up to 7,000 quanta cell-1 s-1) makes these genes good candidates for use as promoter probes during the differentiation of certain cells in a filament into heterocysts.  相似文献   



Photodynamic antimicrobial chemotherapy (PACT) combines light, a light-absorbing molecule that initiates a photochemical or photophysical reaction, and oxygen. The combined action of these three components originates reactive oxygen species that lead to microorganisms'' destruction. The aim was to evaluate the efficiency of PACT on Vibrio fischeri: 1) with buffer solution, varying temperature, pH, salinity and oxygen concentration values; 2) with aquaculture water, to reproduce photoinactivation (PI) conditions in situ.

Methodology/Principal Findings

To monitor the PI kinetics, the bioluminescence of V. fischeri was measured during the experiments. A tricationic meso-substituted porphyrin (Tri-Py+-Me-PF) was used as photosensitizer (5 µM in the studies with buffer solution and 10–50 µM in the studies with aquaculture water); artificial white light (4 mW cm−2) and solar irradiation (40 mW cm−2) were used as light sources; and the bacterial concentration used for all experiments was ≈107 CFU mL−1 (corresponding to a bioluminescence level of 105 relative light units - RLU). The variations in pH (6.5–8.5), temperature (10–25°C), salinity (20–40 g L−1) and oxygen concentration did not significantly affect the PI of V. fischeri, once in all tested conditions the bioluminescent signal decreased to the detection limit of the method (≈7 log reduction). The assays using aquaculture water showed that the efficiency of the process is affected by the suspended matter. Total PI of V. fischeri in aquaculture water was achieved under solar light in the presence of 20 µM of Tri-Py+-Me-PF.


If PACT is to be used in environmental applications, the matrix containing target microbial communities should be previously characterized in order to establish an efficient protocol having into account the photosensitizer concentration, the light source and the total light dose delivered. The possibility of using solar light in PACT to treat aquaculture water makes this technology cost-effective and attractive.  相似文献   

The association of Vibrio fischeri and Euprymna scolopes provides insights into traits essential for symbiosis, and the signals and pathways of bacteria-induced host development. Recent studies have identified important bacterial colonization factors, including those involved in motility, bioluminescence and biofilm formation. Surprising links between symbiosis and pathogenesis have been revealed through discoveries that nitric oxide is a component of the host defense, and that V. fischeri uses a cytotoxin-like molecule to induce host development. Technological advances in this system include the genome sequence of V. fischeri, an expressed sequence tagged library for E. scolopes and the availability of dual-fluorescence markers and confocal microscopy to probe symbiotic structures and the dynamics of colonization.  相似文献   

Freeze-fracture electron microscopy of human red blood cells at pH 7.4 and 5.5 reveals the presence of membrane elevations (50-100 nm diameter). These are also observed after incubation of the erythrocytes with N-ethylmaleimide but not after incubation with p-chloromercuribenzene sulphonate. Neither of the sulphydryl-group reagents affects the distribution or size of intramembrane particles. The findings are discussed in the light of the effects of mercurials on erythrocyte membrane proteins.  相似文献   

Amin JV 《Physiologia plantarum》1969,22(6):1184-1191
Respiration of leaf tissue from cotlon plants in the nine leaf stage was found to be severely reduced at temperatures below 15°C. In another study, young cotton plants were exposed to chilling temperature (2.8°C) for 72 hours and the ability of the plant tissues to recover respiration at normal temperatures (15 and 25°C) was examined at periodic intervals. Chilling exposures of 12 hours injured cotton tissues as indicated by increased respiratiou of leaves and roots at 25°C. Further chilling malerially reduced the capacity of the leaves to re-estahlish normal respiration rales at higher temperatures. Picolinic acid, Dexon and matonate were used to study the influence of respiratory inhibitors on the chill damage of the collon plants. The chemicals were applied six hours before cold exposure aud fhe growth and development of cold injured plants was studied to indicate the effectiveness of the treatments. Tissue weights at the final harvests indicated that picolinic acid and Dexon treated plants recovered better after cold injury than the untreated plauts. The results suggest thai 15°C may be a critical temperaliire for many physiological processes of the cotton plant because the supply of energy needed for plant reactionsis restricted due to inadequate respiration. They also indicate that the disturhances in respiration are among the early effects of chilling colton plants and may be the cause of delayed growth and development of cotton plants subjccled to non-lethal chilling exposures. It is concluded that chemicals like picolinie acid and Dexon may he effective through protection of specific systems rather than a general reduction of respiration.  相似文献   

To elucidate the reversible change in the color of bioluminescence (BL) arising from Vibrio fischeri Y1, the relationship between the BL color and the redox state of endogenous yellow fluorescent protein (YFP), carrying riboflavin 5'-phosphate (FMN), has been investigated in vitro. YFP lost fluorescence with a maximum at 538 nm when reduced, and retrieved its original fluorescence upon reoxidation. Such a change in YFP fluorescence was analogous to that of free FMN. In the NADH/FMN oxidoreductase-coupled luciferase reaction with YFP, yellow BL peaking around 535 nm was largely depressed when sodium dithionite was added. This phenomenon can be attributed to the reduction of YFP; i.e., reduced YFP does not participate in the luciferase reaction as a secondary emitter. On admitting air into the reaction mixture, the yellow light characteristic of V. fischeri Y1 BL was regenerated. These results indicate that the reversible change in YFP fluorescence is caused by the redox change of YFP-bound FMN, and that the change in BL color between blue and yellow is associated with the redox state of YFP.  相似文献   

Two-component signal transduction systems are utilized by prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells to sense and respond to environmental stimuli, both to maintain homeostasis and to rapidly adapt to changing conditions. Studies have begun to emerge that utilize a large-scale mutagenesis approach to analyzing these systems in prokaryotic organisms. Due to the recent availability of its genome sequence, such a global approach is now possible for the marine bioluminescent bacterium Vibrio fischeri, which exists either in a free-living state or as a mutualistic symbiont within a host organism such as the Hawaiian squid species Euprymna scolopes. In this work, we identified 40 putative two-component response regulators encoded within the V. fischeri genome. Based on the type of effector domain present, we classified six as NarL type, 13 as OmpR type, and six as NtrC type; the remaining 15 lacked a predicted DNA-binding domain. We subsequently mutated 35 of these genes via a vector integration approach and analyzed the resulting mutants for roles in bioluminescence, motility, and competitive colonization of squid. Through these assays, we identified three novel regulators of V. fischeri luminescence and seven regulators that altered motility. Furthermore, we found 11 regulators with a previously undescribed effect on competitive colonization of the host squid. Interestingly, five of the newly characterized regulators each affected two or more of the phenotypes examined, strongly suggesting interconnectivity among systems. This work represents the first large-scale mutagenesis of a class of genes in V. fischeri using a genomic approach and emphasizes the importance of two-component signal transduction in bacterium-host interactions.  相似文献   

Sexual communication in most species of fireflies is a male–female dialogue of precisely timed flashes of bioluminescent light. The biochemical reactions underlying firefly bioluminescence have been known for 30 years and are now exploited in biomedical assays and other commercial applications. Several aspects of flash regulation are also understood: flash rhythm is controlled by a central pattern generator, and individual flashes are neurally triggered, with octopamine serving as the transmitter. The molecular oxygen needed by the biochemical reactants is delivered by a network of tracheal arborizations extending throughout the light organ (lantern). However, the actual means by which oxygen quickly reaches the reactants packaged within specialized photocytes and the specific event(s) triggered by neural action have not been identified; termination of axons away from the photocytes has exacerbated the latter problem. A recent paper( 1 ) by a consortium of cell and evolutionary biologists, however, reports that nitric oxide (NO), manufactured and released in response to neuronal discharge, is the missing link by which neural action in the firefly lantern yields a sudden flash of light. BioEssays 23:992–995, 2001. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

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