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耐盐产酯酵母主要生存于酱曲、酱菜、酱油、高糖食品和水果的表面,对提高白酒、酱油、酱菜和食醋的风味起一定的作用。目前,国内酿造工业很重视耐盐产酯酵母的研究。本文报道由酱菜中分离得到的一株耐高盐产酯酵母8号(以下简称No.8菌)的生物学特性及其在白酒和酱油生产中的应用。  相似文献   

酵母耐盐机制的研究进展   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
付畅  杨传平  刘桂丰  姜静 《遗传》2003,25(6):757-761
酵母是一种真核模式生物同时也是一种耐盐微生物,其基因表达和信号传导系统的调节机制及离子运输机制与高等真核生物类似。酵母耐盐机制的研究有助于阐明真核生物的耐盐机制。本文综述了酵母在盐胁迫下的信号传导途径和分子应答机制,以及在酵母耐盐机制研究中主要的研究方法。 Abstract:Yeast is a model eukoryotic organism and salt-tolerant microorganism.The regulative mechanism of gene expression and signal transduction and ion transport of yeast is similar to that of higher eukoryotic organism.The research on salt-tolerant mechanism of yeast will be helpful to the illustrate the salt-tolerant mechanism of higher eukoryotic organism.This review summarized the signal transduction pathway and molercular responses of yeast under salt stress and the major research methods in the research on the salt-tolerant mechenism in yeast.  相似文献   

耐高渗压是产甘油假丝酵母甘油高产的基础   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
运用化学诱变法从产甘油假丝酵母获得19株渗透压突变株。对其生理及发酵性能的研究结果显示,所有渗透压敏感突变株的甘油产率皆显著降低并巨大多数渗透压敏感突变株的糖利用速度减慢.耐渗透压性能提高突变株的糖利用率几乎与亲株相同而甘油发酵性能改变呈现多样性,突变株如WL-OsmD、WL-OsmF以及WL-OsmH甘油转化率极度降低而突变株WL-OsmB的甘油耗糖转化率接近亲株。  相似文献   

运用化学诱变法从产甘油假丝酵母获得19株渗透压突变株。对其生理及发酵性能的研究结果显示,所有渗透压敏感突变株的甘油产率皆显著降低并巨大多数渗透压敏感突变株的糖利用速度减慢.耐渗透压性能提高突变株的糖利用率几乎与亲株相同而甘油发酵性能改变呈现多样性,突变株如WL-OsmD、WL-OsmF以及WL-OsmH甘油转化率极度降低而突变株WL-OsmB的甘油耗糖转化率接近亲株。  相似文献   

发酵甜高粱计耐高浓度酒精酵母菌的选育   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用负染色计数法从非自然诱变菌株中成功地选育一株以C4植物甜高粱汁做基质发酵生产液体生物燃料(酒精)的酵母菌株,产酒率最高达12.80%(V/V)。  相似文献   

发酵甜高粱汁耐高浓度酒精酵母菌的选育   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用负染色计数法从非自然诱变菌株中成功地选育了一株以C4植物甜高粱汁做基质发酵生产液体生物燃料(酒精)的酵母菌株,产酒率最高达12.80%(V/V).  相似文献   

耐辐射的产黑色素酵母状真菌   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周宁一 《微生物学通报》2012,39(5):0722-0723
从1945年7月美国第一次核试验至今,全世界已进行了几千次的核试验,对周边环境造成了不同程度的污染,对人类及其生存环境造成了极大危害。而耐辐射微生物因其惊人的耐辐射能力,以及特殊的生命现象和生理机制,使其不仅成为研究生命起源、物种进化等理论科学的重要材料,而且也在环境工程、人类健康、生物技术等方面具有极大的应用前景,从而成为世界各国竞相发掘的重要资源。  相似文献   

高渗盐液对豚鼠心室肌细胞钙电流的影响宁可周继红王正国朱佩芳1李金鸣1王丽娟(第三军医大学野战外科研究所,重庆630042;1中国医科大学药理学教研室)近年实验研究及临床应用表明,高渗盐液对失血性休克有明显的复苏作用,然而其作用机理尚不清楚。本研究利用...  相似文献   

利用组织培养研究植物耐盐机理与筛选耐盐突变体的进展   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
概要介绍近年来利用组织培养研究植物耐盐的机理,培养的细胞与整株植物之间耐盐的相关性,列举国内外从17种植物筛选出的耐盐细胞系及其再生植株的研究结果,讨论了选择细胞的耐盐性在再生植株表达的问题,并展望这项研究工作的前景。  相似文献   

本实验采用电生理学方法观察了不同浓度的高渗任氏液(以下简称盐液)对蟾蜍坐骨神经干C纤维动作电位幅度和传导速度的影响。结果表明:(1)C纤维动作电位幅度和传导速度与高渗液作用时间均呈显著负相关;(2)C纤维动作电位的消失时间随盐液渗透压增加而明显提前,但C纤维动作电位的消失是可逆的;(3)A和C类纤维比较,C纤维动作电位幅度较低,传导速度较慢,但高渗盐液作用后动作电位消失时间却明显短于A纤维。以上结  相似文献   

利用酵母生物转化植物纤维为乙醇的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
地球上每年可形成大量价格低廉的可再生植物纤维资源。利用可再生资源生物转化生成乙醇,使得乙醇作为替代能源成为可能。利用酵母发酵生成乙醇因具有工业应用前景,是目前研究的热点之一。本着重介绍了植物纤维水解液中有毒物质对酵母菌种发酵的影响、水解液的脱毒处理及菌种的驯化等方面的进展。  相似文献   

The sugar and osmophilic fungal composition of soils amended with five organic substrates (newspaper, orange peel, bromegrass leaves, wheat straw and wood sawdust) was estimated after 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 weeks using the dilution plate method on glucose and 50% sucrose Czapek's agar media. Wheat straw was the best substrate for total counts of both sugar and osmophilic fungi followed by newspaper, bromegrass leaves, wood sawdust and orange peel. Wood sawdust supported the highest average counts of total sugar fungi, Fusarium, Mucor, Scopulariopsis, Trichoderma and Trimmatostroma spp.; Newspaper, of Aspergillus (8 spp.), Penicillium (4 spp.) and Chaetomium sp. bromegrass leaves of Cladosporium sp., Humicola sp. and Sporotrichum sp.; orange peel, ofAlternaria sp., Circinella sp. and Stachybotrys sp.; and wheat straw, of Botryotrichum sp. and Myrothecium sp. Bromegrass leaves and orange peel supported the highest average counts of total osmophilic fungi, Aspergillus (10 spp.), Cladosporium sp. Paecillomyces sp. and Rhizopus sp.; and of Stemphylium sp., Trichoderma sp., Humicola sp. and Circinella sp. respectively; wheat straw, of Epicoccum sp., Scopulariopsis sp. and Trichothecium sp.; newspaper, of Penicillium (4 spp.) and Alternaria sp.; and wood sawdust of Curvularia sp. and Fusarium (3 spp.). The best colonizers throughout the experimental periods were Aspergilus and Penicillium spp.  相似文献   

A previous culture-dependent survey of phylloplane yeasts from selected Mediterranean plants showed that a few species were present in high densities in almost all leaf samples, regardless of the plant type, location or sampling season. However, a few species appeared to be restricted to Cistus albidus leaves, namely Cryptococcus cistialbidi . Here, we describe a culture-independent FISH assay to detect and quantify whole yeast cells in leaf washings. After optimization, the technique was used to check the apparent association between C. albidus leaves and C. cistialbidi and the abundance and ubiquity of other basidiomycetous yeast species such as Erythrobasidium hasegawianum and Sporobolomyces spp. in leaf samples from this and other neighboring plants ( Acer monspessulanum and Quercus faginea ). No yeast cells were detected in Pistacia lentiscus leaf samples. We were also able to demonstrate that three phylloplane yeasts ( C. cistialbidi, E. hasegawianum and Sporobolomyces spp.) appeared to be log-normally distributed among individual C. albidus leaves. The log-normal distribution has important implications for the quantification of phylloplane yeasts based on the washing and plating of bulk leaf samples, which will tend to overestimate the size of the respective populations and become an error source in yeast surveys or related biocontrol studies.  相似文献   

Eight different strains of wine yeasts were investigated phenomenologically with respect to their fermentation characteristics and sulfite production. It was established that the amount of produced sulfite is specific for each strain and proceeds parallel to the fermentation of sugar. A reduced production of biomass observed in the strongly sulfite-forming strains might be a result of an intracellular inhibition by the produced sulfite.  相似文献   

Five different strains of wine yeasts were investigated with respect to active uptake of [35S] sulfate and its regulation by methionine. Considerable differences exist between low and high sulfite-producing strains in the initial velocity of sulfate uptake. Further differences were established in repression of sulfate permease by l-methionine, most evident in a total lack of repression in one of the high sulfite producers. These findings explain in part variable sulfite and sulfide formation.List of Abbreviations CCMP carbonylcyanide-p-trifluormethoxyphenylhydrazone  相似文献   

The enzyme catalyzing the reduction of sulfite by reduced benzyl viologen (BVH) was partially purified and characterized from two strains of wine yeasts, a sulfite-producing strain and a non-producing strain.Both enzymes showed corresponding features in pH-optima, optima of buffer and benzyl viologen concentrations.The enzymes did not catalyze the reduction of nitrite by reduced viologen dyes, but the reduction of sulfite was uncompetitively inhibited by nitrite. Compounds of sulfur metabolism such as sulfate, thiosulfate, cysteine, serine and methionine did not influence the activity of either of the enzymes. The main differences between the two enzymes exist in the specific activities in crude extracts, the K m -values for sulfite, substrate inhibition rates, and localization in different fractions during (NH4)2SO4 precipitation. The specific activity in crude extracts of the sulfite-producing strain (0.052 moles S2- x min-1 x mg-1) was about three fold higher than that of the non-producing strain (0.0179 moles S2- x min-1 x mg-1). On the other hand the sulfite-producing strain had a higher K m -value for sulfite (2×10-3 M) and was more strongly inhibited by the substrate than the non-producing strain (6×10-3 M).  相似文献   

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