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We have created databases and software applications for the analysis of DNA mutations at the humanp53gene, the humanhprtgene and both the rodent transgeniclacIandlacZlocus. The databases themselves are stand-alone dBASE files and the software for analysis of the databases runs on IBM-compatible computers. Each database has a separate software analysis program. The software created for these databases permit the filtering, ordering, report generation and display of information in the database. In addition, a significant number of routines have been developed for the analysis of single base substitutions. One method of obtaining the databases and software is via the World Wide Web (WWW). Open the following home page with a Web Browser: http://sunsite.unc.edu/dnam/mainpage.ht ml . Alternatively, the databases and programs are available via public FTP from: anonymous@sunsite.unc.edu . There is no password required to enter the system. The databases and software are found beneath the subdirectory: pub/academic/biology/dna-mutations. Two other programs are available at the site-a program for comparison of mutational spectra and a program for entry of mutational data into a relational database.  相似文献   

We have created databases and software applications for the analysis of DNA mutations at the human p53 gene, the human hprt gene and both the rodent transgenic lacI and lacZ loci. The databases themselves are stand-alone dBASE files and the software for analysis of the databases runs on IBM-compatible computers with Microsoft Windows. Each database has a separate software analysis program. The software created for these databases permit the filtering, ordering, report generation and display of information in the database. In addition, a significant number of routines have been developed for the analysis of single base substitutions. One method of obtaining the databases and software is via the World Wide Web. Open the following home page with a Web Browser: http://sunsite.unc.edu/dnam/mainpage. html . Alternatively, the databases and programs are available via public FTP from: anonymous@sunsite.unc.edu. There is no password required to enter the system. The databases and software are found beneath the subdirectory: pub/academic/biology/dna-mutations. Two other programs are available at the site, a program for comparison of mutational spectra and a program for entry of mutational data into a relational database.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: The development of an integrated genetic and physical map for the maize genome involves the generation of an enormous amount of data. Managing this data requires a system to aid in genotype scoring for different types of markers coming from both local and remote users. In addition, researchers need an efficient way to interact with genetic mapping software and with data files from automated DNA sequencing. They also need ways to manage primer data for mapping and sequencing and provide views of the integrated physical and genetic map and views of genetic map comparisons. RESULTS: The MMP-LIMS system has been used successfully in a high-throughput mapping environment. The genotypes from 957 SSR, 1023 RFLP, 189 SNP, and 177 InDel markers have been entered and verified via MMP-LIMS. The system is flexible, and can be easily modified to manage data for other species. The software is freely available. AVAILABILITY: To receive a copy of the iMap or cMap software, please fill out the form on our website. The other MMP-LIMS software is freely available at http://www.maizemap.org/bioinformatics.htm.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: Among classical methods for module detection, SpaCEM(3) provides ad hoc algorithms that were shown to be particularly well adapted to specific features of biological data: high-dimensionality, interactions between components (genes) and integrated treatment of missingness in observations. The software, currently in its version 2.0, is developed in C++ and can be used either via command line or with the GUI under Linux and Windows environments. AVAILABILITY: The SpaCEM(3) software, a documentation and datasets are available from http://spacem3.gforge.inria.fr/.  相似文献   

GeneCluster 2.0: an advanced toolset for bioarray analysis   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
SUMMARY: GeneCluster 2.0 is a software package for analyzing gene expression and other bioarray data, giving users a variety of methods to build and evaluate class predictors, visualize marker lists, cluster data and validate results. GeneCluster 2.0 greatly expands the data analysis capabilities of GeneCluster 1.0 by adding classification, class discovery and permutation test methods. It includes algorithms for building and testing supervised models using weighted voting and k-nearest neighbor algorithms, a module for systematically finding and evaluating clustering via self-organizing maps, and modules for marker gene selection and heat map visualization that allow users to view and sort samples and genes by many criteria. GeneCluster 2.0 is a stand-alone Java application and runs on any platform that supports the Java Runtime Environment version 1.3.1 or greater. AVAILABILITY: http://www.broad.mit.edu/cancer/software  相似文献   

We have created databases and software applications for the analysis of DNA mutations in the human p53 gene, the human hprt gene and the rodent transgenic lacZ locus. The databases themselves are stand-alone dBase files and the software for analysis of the databases runs on IBM- compatible computers. The software created for these databases permits filtering, ordering, report generation and display of information in the database. In addition, a significant number of routines have been developed for the analysis of single base substitutions. One method of obtaining the databases and software is via the World Wide Web (WWW). Open home page http://sunsite.unc.edu/dnam/mainpage.ht ml with a WWW browser. Alternatively, the databases and programs are available via public ftp from anonymous@sunsite.unc.edu. There is no password required to enter the system. The databases and software are found in subdirectory pub/academic/biology/dna-mutations. Two other programs are available at the WWW site, a program for comparison of mutational spectra and a program for entry of mutational data into a relational database.  相似文献   

Nested effects models (NEMs) are a class of probabilistic models introduced to analyze the effects of gene perturbation screens visible in high-dimensional phenotypes like microarrays or cell morphology. NEMs reverse engineer upstream/downstream relations of cellular signaling cascades. NEMs take as input a set of candidate pathway genes and phenotypic profiles of perturbing these genes. NEMs return a pathway structure explaining the observed perturbation effects. Here, we describe the package nem, an open-source software to efficiently infer NEMs from data. Our software implements several search algorithms for model fitting and is applicable to a wide range of different data types and representations. The methods we present summarize the current state-of-the-art in NEMs. AVAILABILITY: Our software is written in the R language and freely avail-able via the Bioconductor project at http://www.bioconductor.org.  相似文献   

The SNP Consortium website (http://snp.cshl.org) has undergone many changes since its initial conception three years ago. The database back end has been changed from the venerable ACeDB to the more scalable MySQL engine. Users can access the data via gene or single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) keyword searches and browse or dump SNP data to textfiles. A graphical genome browsing interface shows SNPs mapped onto the genome assembly in the context of externally available gene predictions and other features. SNP allele frequency and genotype data are available via FTP-download and on individual SNP report web pages. SNP linkage maps are available for download and for browsing in a comparative map viewer. All software components of the data coordinating center (DCC) website (http://snp.cshl.org) are open source.  相似文献   

An architecture for biological information extraction and representation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Motivations: Technological advances in biomedical research are generating a plethora of heterogeneous data at a high rate. There is a critical need for extraction, integration and management tools for information discovery and synthesis from these heterogeneous data. RESULTS: In this paper, we present a general architecture, called ALFA, for information extraction and representation from diverse biological data. The ALFA architecture consists of: (i) a networked, hierarchical, hyper-graph object model for representing information from heterogeneous data sources in a standardized, structured format; and (ii) a suite of integrated, interactive software tools for information extraction and representation from diverse biological data sources. As part of our research efforts to explore this space, we have currently prototyped the ALFA object model and a set of interactive software tools for searching, filtering, and extracting information from scientific text. In particular, we describe BioFerret, a meta-search tool for searching and filtering relevant information from the web, and ALFA Text Viewer, an interactive tool for user-guided extraction, disambiguation, and representation of information from scientific text. We further demonstrate the potential of our tools in integrating the extracted information with experimental data and diagrammatic biological models via the common underlying ALFA representation. CONTACT: aditya_vailaya@agilent.com.  相似文献   

Java-Dotter (JDotter) is a platform-independent Java interactive interface for the Linux version of Dotter, a widely used program for generating dotplots of large DNA or protein sequences. JDotter runs as a client-server application and can send new sequences to the Dotter program for alignment as well as rapidly access a repository of preprocessed dotplots. JDotter also interfaces with a sequence database or file system to display supplementary feature data. Thus, JDotter greatly simplifies access to dotplot data in laboratories that deal with large numbers of genomes and have a multi-platform organization. AVAILABILITY: Currently, JDotter is used via Java Web Start by the Poxvirus Bioinformatics Resource for examining dotplots of complete poxvirus genomes; http://athena.bioc.uvic.ca/pbr/jdotter/. The software is available for download from the same location. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Installation instructions, the User's Manual, screenshots and examples are available at the JDotter home page http://athena.bioc.uvic.ca/pbr/jdotter/. The software and source code is free for non-commercial applications.  相似文献   

To address data management and data exchange problems in the nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) community, the Collaborative Computing Project for the NMR community (CCPN) created a "Data Model" that describes all the different types of information needed in an NMR structural study, from molecular structure and NMR parameters to coordinates. This paper describes the development of a set of software applications that use the Data Model and its associated libraries, thus validating the approach. These applications are freely available and provide a pipeline for high-throughput analysis of NMR data. Three programs work directly with the Data Model: CcpNmr Analysis, an entirely new analysis and interactive display program, the CcpNmr FormatConverter, which allows transfer of data from programs commonly used in NMR to and from the Data Model, and the CLOUDS software for automated structure calculation and assignment (Carnegie Mellon University), which was rewritten to interact directly with the Data Model. The ARIA 2.0 software for structure calculation (Institut Pasteur) and the QUEEN program for validation of restraints (University of Nijmegen) were extended to provide conversion of their data to the Data Model. During these developments the Data Model has been thoroughly tested and used, demonstrating that applications can successfully exchange data via the Data Model. The software architecture developed by CCPN is now ready for new developments, such as integration with additional software applications and extensions of the Data Model into other areas of research.  相似文献   

Characterizing biological mechanisms dependent upon the interaction of many cell types in vivo requires both multiphoton microscope systems capable of expanding the number and types of fluorophores that can be imaged simultaneously while removing the wavelength and tunability restrictions of existing systems, and enhanced software for extracting critical cellular parameters from voluminous 4D data sets. We present a procedure for constructing a two-laser multiphoton microscope that extends the wavelength range of excitation light, expands the number of simultaneously usable fluorophores and markedly increases signal to noise via 'over-clocking' of detection. We also utilize a custom-written software plug-in that simplifies the quantitative tracking and analysis of 4D intravital image data. We begin by describing the optics, hardware, electronics and software required, and finally the use of the plug-in for analysis. We demonstrate the use of the setup and plug-in by presenting data collected via intravital imaging of a mouse model of breast cancer. The procedure may be completed in ~24 h.  相似文献   

We introduce REJECTOR, software for parameter estimation and comparison of alternate models of population history from genetic data via a rejection algorithm. Through coalescent simulation, REJECTOR generates numerous gene genealogies, and hence simulated data, under a model of population history specified by the user. Summary statistics derived from such simulated data are compared with observed statistics, leading to acceptance or rejection of a given set of parameter values. We performed tests of the software using known parameter values in order to assess the inferential power provided by each summary statistic. The tests demonstrate the precision and accuracy of estimation made possible using this approach. AVAILABILITY: http://www.rejector.org  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: As the scientific curiosity in genome studies shifts toward identification of functions of the genomes in large scale, data produced about cellular processes at molecular level has been accumulating with an accelerating rate. In this regard, it is essential to be able to store, integrate, access and analyze this data effectively with the help of software tools. Clearly this requires a strong ontology that is intuitive, comprehensive and uncomplicated. RESULTS: We define an ontology for an intuitive, comprehensive and uncomplicated representation of cellular events. The ontology presented here enables integration of fragmented or incomplete pathway information via collaboration, and supports manipulation of the stored data. In addition, it facilitates concurrent modifications to the data while maintaining its validity and consistency. Furthermore, novel structures for representation of multiple levels of abstraction for pathways and homologies is provided. Lastly, our ontology supports efficient querying of large amounts of data. We have also developed a software tool named pathway analysis tool for integration and knowledge acquisition (PATIKA) providing an integrated, multi-user environment for visualizing and manipulating network of cellular events. PATIKA implements the basics of our ontology.  相似文献   

The measurement of biodiversity is an integral aspect of life science research. With the establishment of second- and third-generation sequencing technologies, an increasing amount of metabarcoding data is being generated as we seek to describe the extent and patterns of biodiversity in multiple contexts. The reliability and accuracy of taxonomically assigning metabarcoding sequencing data have been shown to be critically influenced by the quality and completeness of reference databases. Custom, curated, eukaryotic reference databases, however, are scarce, as are the software programs for generating them. Here, we present crabs (Creating Reference databases for Amplicon-Based Sequencing), a software package to create custom reference databases for metabarcoding studies. crabs includes tools to download sequences from multiple online repositories (i.e., NCBI, BOLD, EMBL, MitoFish), retrieve amplicon regions through in silico PCR analysis and pairwise global alignments, curate the database through multiple filtering parameters (e.g., dereplication, sequence length, sequence quality, unresolved taxonomy, inclusion/exclusion filter), export the reference database in multiple formats for immediate use in taxonomy assignment software, and investigate the reference database through implemented visualizations for diversity, primer efficiency, reference sequence length, database completeness and taxonomic resolution. crabs is a versatile tool for generating curated reference databases of user-specified genetic markers to aid taxonomy assignment from metabarcoding sequencing data. crabs can be installed via docker and is available for download as a conda package and via GitHub ( https://github.com/gjeunen/reference_database_creator ).  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: The assembly of next-generation short-read sequencing data can result in a fragmented non-contiguous set of genomic sequences. Therefore a common step in a genome project is to join neighbouring sequence regions together and fill gaps. This scaffolding step is non-trivial and requires manually editing large blocks of nucleotide sequence. Joining these sequences together also hides the source of each region in the final genome sequence. Taken together these considerations may make reproducing or editing an existing genome scaffold difficult. METHODS: The software outlined here, "Scaffolder," is implemented in the Ruby programming language and can be installed via the RubyGems software management system. Genome scaffolds are defined using YAML - a data format which is both human and machine-readable. Command line binaries and extensive documentation are available. RESULTS: This software allows a genome build to be defined in terms of the constituent sequences using a relatively simple syntax. This syntax further allows unknown regions to be specified and additional sequence to be used to fill known gaps in the scaffold. Defining the genome construction in a file makes the scaffolding process reproducible and easier to edit compared with large FASTA nucleotide sequences. CONCLUSIONS: Scaffolder is easy-to-use genome scaffolding software which promotes reproducibility and continuous development in a genome project. Scaffolder can be found at http://next.gs.  相似文献   

The rice (Oryza sativa) genome contains 1,429 protein kinases, the vast majority of which have unknown functions. We created a phylogenomic database (http://rkd.ucdavis.edu) to facilitate functional analysis of this large gene family. Sequence and genomic data, including gene expression data and protein-protein interaction maps, can be displayed for each selected kinase in the context of a phylogenetic tree allowing for comparative analysis both within and between large kinase subfamilies. Interaction maps are easily accessed through links and displayed using Cytoscape, an open source software platform. Chromosomal distribution of all rice kinases can also be explored via an interactive interface.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: InFiRe, Insertion Finder via Restriction digest, is a novel software tool that allows for the computational identification of transposon insertion sites in known bacterial genome sequences after transposon mutagenesis experiments. The approach is based on the fact that restriction endonuclease digestions of bacterial DNA yield a unique pattern of DNA fragments with defined sizes. Transposon insertion changes the size of the hosting DNA fragment by a known number of base pairs. The exact size of this fragment can be determined by Southern blot hybridization. Subsequently, the position of insertion can be identified with computational analysis. The outlined method provides a solid basis for the establishment of a new high-throughput technology. AVAILABILITY AND IMPLEMENTATION: The software is freely available on our web server at www.infire.tu-bs.de. The algorithm was implemented in the statistical programming language R. For the most flexible use, InFiRe is provided in two different versions. A web interface offers the convenient use in a web browser. In addition, the software and source code is freely available for download as R-packages on our website. CONTACT: m.steinert@tu-bs.de SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.  相似文献   

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