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Although the cost of mate choice is an essential component of the evolution and maintenance of sexual selection, the energetic cost of female choice has not previously been assessed directly. Here we report that females can incur high energetic costs as a result of discriminating among potential mates. We used heart rate biologging to quantify energetic expenditure in lek-mating female Galápagos marine iguanas (Amblyrhynchus cristatus). Receptive females spent 78.9+/-23.2 kJ of energy on mate choice over a 30-day period, which is equivalent to approximately (3/4) of one day's energy budget. Females that spent more time on the territories of high-quality, high-activity males displayed greater energetic expenditure on mate choice, lost more mass, and showed a trend towards producing smaller follicles. Choosy females also appear to face a reduced probability of survival if El Ni?o conditions occur in the year following breeding. These findings indicate that female choice can carry significant costs, and suggest that the benefits that lek-mating females gain through mating with a preferred male may be higher than previously predicted.  相似文献   

Leks are classic models for studies of sexual selection due to extreme variance in male reproductive success, but the relative influence of intrasexual competition and female mate choice in creating this skew is debatable. In the lekking lance-tailed manakin (Chiroxiphia lanceolata), these selective episodes are temporally separated into intrasexual competition for alpha status and female mate choice among alpha males that rarely interact. Variance in reproductive success between status classes of adult males (alpha versus non-alpha) can therefore be attributed to male-male competition whereas that within status largely reflects female mate choice. This provides an excellent opportunity for quantifying the relative contribution of each of these mechanisms of sexual selection to the overall opportunity for sexual selection on males (I males). To calculate variance in actual reproductive success, we assigned genetic paternity to 92.3% of 447 chicks sampled in seven years. Reproduction by non-alphas was rare and apparently reflected status misclassifications or opportunistic copulations en route to attaining alpha status rather than alternative mating strategies. On average 31% (range 7-44%, n=6 years) of the total I males was due to variance in reproductive success between alphas and non-alphas. Similarly, in a cohort of same-aged males followed for six years, 44-58% of the total I males was attributed to variance between males of different status. Thus, both intrasexual competition for status and female mate choice among lekking alpha males contribute substantially to the potential for sexual selection in this species.  相似文献   

Most theoretical models of age-related mate choice predict that females should prefer older males because they have proven survival ability. An alternative view is that older males represent inferior mates because of negative genetic correlations between early and late fitness components, or because older males have traded off longevity against other fitness components, have accumulated deleterious germ-line mutations, or are less well adapted to current conditions than more recently born individuals. While numerous studies have reported female choice for older males, few have explicitly examined the fitness consequences of such a preference. We present evidence from a lekking sandfly, Lutzomyia longipalpis, showing that choosy females discriminate against older males and gain a fitness benefit from their choice. When permitted free choice from an aggregation consisting of males aged zero to two days (young), four to six days (middle-aged) and eight to ten days (old), females preferentially mated with middle-aged males, but all measures of female reproductive success were independent of male age. In contrast, when a second set of females was randomly assigned single virgin males of known age, the eggs of those paired to old mates exhibited lower hatching success than the eggs of females mated to young or middle-aged males. These results suggest that females avoid mating with older males because they represent poorer quality mates. Age-related differences in male quality may have a genetic basis, but could equally well arise through a phenotypic decline in sperm quality or sperm transfer ability with male age. The lack of evidence of female discrimination against older males from other studies may be because these did not explore the reproductive success of the full age range of males.  相似文献   

We experimentally investigated the fitness consequences of female mate choice in order to test the relative importance of three competing but non-exclusive hypotheses for the maintenance of pronounced female mating preferences on leks: that females benefit directly; that they gain indirect Fisherian benefits by producing more attractive sons; or that they benefit indirectly because preferred males possess ''good genes'' that confer increased viability on their sons and daughters. We allowed lekking female sandflies, Lutzomyia longipalpis, to choose between males of varying attractiveness to females, and monitored the consequences for their own survival and reproductive success as well as for their offspring. In contrast to the predictions of the direct-benefits model, we found no clear sire effect on the fecundity or survival of the females themselves; females mating with more attractive males did survive longer after oviposition, but never long enough to undertake a second batch of egg laying. We also found no evidence that females gained good-genes benefits in terms of enhanced offspring survival. However, we did find that generally attractive males fathered sons who were then chosen when they in turn formed leks. Although not completely precluding other benefits, our results indicate that Fisherian benefits are at least partly responsible for maintaining female choice at L. longipalpis leks. These findings indicate the importance of testing all putative benefits concurrently in exploring the maintenance of female mate choice.  相似文献   

The males of lekking species are not expected to be choosy about mating because a reduced reproductive rate due to lost mating opportunities should outweigh any benefits of male choice. Females have traditionally not been expected to be competitive in this system since their reproduction has usually been assumed to be unconstrained by male availability. Here we show that, in contrast to these predictions, males are choosy and females may be competitive in the lekking great snipe Gallinago media. Males preferred by many females often refused to copulate with and even chased away females that the male had already copulated with, whereas females seemed to compete for repeated copulations. We conclude that choosiness may sometimes pay for popular males in those lekking species where females copulate repeatedly. Apparently, evolutionary conflicts of interest between individuals may cause a richer repertoire of behavioural adaptations than, to our knowledge, hitherto realized.  相似文献   

Female mimics are known from many species, but permanent, non-conditional, alternative mating strategies are only known from an isopod, a fish, a lizard and a bird. The single bird example refers to lek-breeding ruffs Philomachus pugnax, a shorebird for which two strategies (independent and satellite) have been known for over 50 years. Ruffs also provided the single case of an animal with two, rather than three, permanent alternative mating strategies. Here, we describe a rare female-like morph of ruffs: the 'missing' third alternative mating strategy, which we have called 'faeder'. Faeders are slightly larger than females and in late April have testes 2.5 time the size of testes of normal males. On leks in aviaries and in the wild they appear to combine feminine and masculine behaviours. Faeders may represent the ancestral, care-giving, male strategy, but their relatively large testes suggest that currently they behave as sneakers.  相似文献   

Genes of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) play a major part in the activation of the vertebrate immune system. In addition, they also appear to function as cues for mate choice. In mammals especially, several kinds of MHC-dependent mate choice have been hypothesized and observed. These include choice of mates that share no or few alleles with the choosing individual, choice of mates with alleles that differ as much as possible from the choosing individual, choice of heterozygous mates, choice of certain genotypes and choice of rare alleles. We investigated these different aspects of mate choice in relation to MHC in a lekking bird species, the great snipe (Gallinago media). We found no evidence for MHC disassortative mating, no preference for males with many MHC alleles and no preference for rare alleles. However, we did find that some allelic lineages were more often found in males with mating success than in males without mating success. Females do not seem to use themselves as references for the MHC-dependent mate choice, rather they seem to prefer males with certain allele types. We speculate that these alleles may be linked to resistance to common parasites.  相似文献   

Avoidance of competition and inbreeding have been invoked as the major ultimate causes of natal dispersal, but proximate factors such as sex, body condition or birth date can also be important. Natal dispersal is expected to be of particular importance to understanding the ecological and evolutionary implications of dispersal strategies, since 1) numerous evidences suggest that individual differences in dispersal strategies are expressed early in life (i.e. at the onset of dispersal movement), 2) ultimate and proximate factors are more likely to act during this stage and 3) this stage is associated with the highest mortality rates in most vertebrates. We analysed the natal dispersal (hereafter, dispersal) behaviour in 100 marked individuals of a lekking species, the North African houbara bustards Chlamydotis undulata undulata, during four years. We investigated the effects of proximate factors on dispersal pattern and distance, as well as the mortality cost associated with movement using multievent models, allowing uncertainty in sex assignment and mixture of live recaptures and dead recoveries. Overall, males exhibited longer dispersal distances than females, contrary to the common pattern in birds. Moreover, males in poorer body condition moved further than those in better condition, whereas distance was independent of body condition in females. Finally, survival rates during dispersal were lower for females than for males and were negatively correlated with the distances covered with a similar distance‐survival slope in the two sexes. Collectively, our results suggest that 1) there is substantial dispersal cost in both sexes, 2) dispersal is strongly male‐biased, 3) this bias is unlikely to be explained by differential movement costs of each sex, and 4) dispersal differences found across different categories of individuals are in broad agreement with both the inbreeding avoidance and intraspecific competition mechanisms for dispersal.  相似文献   

Kinship and inbreeding are two major components involved in sexual selection and mating system evolution. However, the mechanisms underlying recognition and discrimination of genetically related or inbred individuals remain unclear. We investigated whether kinship and inbreeding information is related to low‐frequency vocalizations, “booms,” produced by males during their courtship in the lekking houbara bustard (Chlamydotis undulata undulata). Based on a captive breeding program where the pedigree of all males is known, we investigated the similarity of booms’ acoustic parameters among captive males more or less individually inbred and therefore genetically related with each other. In the wild, we investigated the relationship between the spatial distribution of males within leks and the similarity of acoustic parameters of their booms. In the captive population, we found (a) a relationship between the individual inbreeding level of captive males and their vocalization parameters; (b) that kin share similar frequency and temporal characteristics of their vocalizations. In the wild, we found no evidence for spatial structuring of males based on their acoustic parameters, in agreement with previous genetic findings on the absence of kin association within houbara bustard leks. Overall, our results indicate that genetic information potentially related to both the identity and quality of males is contained in their vocalizations.  相似文献   

Indirect benefits of mate choice result from increased offspring genetic quality and may be important drivers of female behaviour. ‘Good‐genes‐for‐viability’ models predict that females prefer mates of high additive genetic value, such that offspring survival should correlate with male attractiveness. Mate choice may also vary with genetic diversity (e.g. heterozygosity) or compatibility (e.g. relatedness), where the female's genotype influences choice. The relative importance of these nonexclusive hypotheses remains unclear. Leks offer an excellent opportunity to test their predictions, because lekking males provide no material benefits and choice is relatively unconstrained by social limitations. Using 12 years of data on lekking lance‐tailed manakins, Chiroxiphia lanceolata, we tested whether offspring survival correlated with patterns of mate choice. Offspring recruitment weakly increased with father attractiveness (measured as reproductive success, RS), suggesting attractive males provide, if anything, only minor benefits via offspring viability. Both male RS and offspring survival until fledging increased with male heterozygosity. However, despite parent–offspring correlation in heterozygosity, offspring survival was unrelated to its own or maternal heterozygosity or to parental relatedness, suggesting survival was not enhanced by heterozygosity per se. Instead, offspring survival benefits may reflect inheritance of specific alleles or nongenetic effects. Although inbreeding depression in male RS should select for inbreeding avoidance, mates were not less related than expected under random mating. Although mate heterozygosity and relatedness were correlated, selection on mate choice for heterozygosity appeared stronger than that for relatedness and may be the primary mechanism maintaining genetic variation in this system despite directional sexual selection.  相似文献   

Correlates of male mating success were examined in a population of long-tailed manakins, Chiroxiphia linearis, that included 270 colour-banded individuals. Long-tailed manakins have a lek mating system and male-male cooperation in courtship display. Multivariate analysis of behavioural variables indicated that female visitation correlated with the number of unison ‘toledo’ calls given by male partners. Given a female vist, copulatory success was correlated with the ‘butterfly’ display component of the dual-male dance. Both ‘toledo’ output and dance display differed significantly between perch-zones. Only six to eight partnerships in a local population of as many as 55 males per season performed call displays at a level (75–335 toledos per h) that was correlated with any female visitation. Data on crown plumage of female visitors suggested that younger females may have been less discriminating than were older females. The relationship between variance in mating success and the evolution of cooperative male display is discussed.  相似文献   

In most bird species, male courtship behavior is controlled by testosterone (T) and its metabolites. In species breeding in temperate and arctic regions T circulates at high levels during a relatively short courtship period because high levels of T can be costly in terms of immunocompetence and parental care. Few studies have investigated androgen modulation of courtship behavior in tropical birds. Male golden-collared manakins (Manacus vitellinus) aggregate in leks for several months and perform spectacular, acrobatic courtship displays. Here we examined whether T is elevated in golden-collared manakins during the displaying period and if courtship behavior is modulated by androgen action on androgen receptors. We measured T levels in displaying males at the beginning of the breeding season and again, one month later. In addition, both wild and captive males were treated with the anti-androgen, flutamide, and their courtship behavior was recorded for several weeks. T levels were relatively high shortly after leks were established but decreased substantially a month later, even though the amount of courtship did not change. Flutamide reduced male courtship activity for one week, but display behavior then increased after two weeks of flutamide treatment. Our studies show that androgens modulate male manakin courtship, but the amount of courtship is not directly correlated with the concentration of circulating T. These results suggest that the relationships between androgen and courtship might differ between tropical and temperate birds.  相似文献   

Previous models for the evolution of alternative male matingbehavior have virtually ignored the role of female choice. Wepresent a model in which female choice favors the evolutionand maintenance of alternative mating strategies in male ruffs,Philomachus pugnax. Resident male ruffe establish and defendcourts on leks against other residents, while non-territorialsatellite males move between leks and among courts on a lek.Residents appear to actively recruit satellites to their courts,even though satellites may mate with females once there. Residentbehavior toward satellites and data on female behavior suggestthat residents benefit from a satellite's presence due to somefemale preference for mating on co-occupied courts. However,if all residents accept satellites, none gains any relativeadvantage, yet all pay the costs of having satellites on theircourt. We present a game theoretical model that shows that therelative nature of female choice places residents in an evolutionarydilemma with respect to satellite acceptance. Although all residentswould benefit if satellites could be cooperatively excludedfrom leks, the only evolutionarily stable strategy for individualresidents is to defect and accept satellites. The model alsodemonstrates that this "resident's dilemma" likely exists onlyin a local sense, since the failure of residents to cooperativelyexclude satellites from leks need not result in globally lowerpayoffs, due to frequency-dependent selection on the proportionof satellites in the population. Our analysis suggests thatthe resident-satellite relationship in ruffs, despite its obviouscompetitive elements, is fundamentally a cooperative associationfavored by female choice. Female choice has also been proposedas the primary mechanism selecting for male association to formleks in ruffe. In this context, resident-satellite associationsmay be thought of as transitory "leks within a lek  相似文献   

acta ethologica - Sexual selection predicts evolution of secondary sexual traits favoring mating. Here, we address the within population variation in courtship display behavior among male...  相似文献   

The costs of choice in sexual selection   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
In Fisher's model of sexual selection female mating preferences are not subject to direct selection but evolve purely because they are genetically correlated with the favoured male trait. But when female choice is costly relative to random mating, for example in energy, time or predation risks, the evolution of female mating preference is subject also to direct selection. With costly female choice the set or line of equilibria found in models of Fisher's process no longer exists. On the line the male trait is under zero net selection, and there is no advantage for a female choosing a male with a more exaggerated character. Therefore any cost to choice causes choosiness to decline. In turn this lowers the strength of sexual selection and the male trait declines as well. So when Fisher's process is the sole force of sexual selection and female choice is costly, only transitory increases in female choice and the preferred male trait are possible. It has often been claimed that exaggerated male characters act as markers or revealers of the genetic quality of potential mates. If females choose their mates using traits that correlate with heritable viability differences then stable exaggeration of both female choice and the preferred male character is possible, even when female choice is costly. The offspring of choosy females have not only a Fisherian reproductive advantage but also greater viability. This suggests that in species with exaggerated male ornamentation, in which female choice is costly, it is likely that female mate choice will be for traits that correlate with male genetic quality.  相似文献   

Individual display courts, constructed by lekking male Jackson'swidowbirds, Euplectes jacksoni, were studied with respect tofemale mate choice. The court is a shaped tuft of grass, surroundedby a circular track on which displays and mating are performed.At the base of the tuft there are two cup-shaped recesses. Femalessit in front of, and often pluck at, one ofthese recesses whilemales display at the opposite side for about 1 min before theyapproach and attempt to copulate. The vast majority of femalesvisiting courts with experimentally destroyed or impaired recessesstayed shorter than the average time of male approach, whereasvisits to improved courts lasted longer than visits to intactcourts. All recorded copulations occurred at intact or improvedcourts. The display court is a weak predictor of male matingsuccess compared to other choice cues such as display rate andtail length, but females may require the court quality to exceeda certain stimulus threshold to accept the male. Court qualitycorrelates positively with male lek attendance and tail length.This paper discusses the implications of the results for sexualselection and considers the possibility that display courtsare ‘external sexual ornaments.’ From comparativedata on breeding behavior in related species, the display courtand its associated behaviors are suggested to originate frommale nest-initiation and female nest-inspection within an ancestralstate of resource-defense polygyny.  相似文献   

In lekking sage grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus), femalesexhibit relatively unanimous mate choice for particular males,but a satisfactory explanation for this unanimity has been elusive.We present analyses of mating distributions from two leks over4 years that provide evidence for female choice based on differencesin vocal display performance of males, the locations at whichhens mated in the previous year, and the choices of other females(copying). The unanimity of female choice varied markedly amongleks and years in correlation with changes in the mean numbersof hens that mated at the same time and hence the opportunityto copy. The results confirm that hens assess phenotypic traitsof males directly but also indicate that the secondary tacticsof site fidelity and copying are often important componentsof female choice. The occurrence of these secondary tacticshas three implications: the variance in mating success amonglek males will be a poor predictor of the intensity of sexualselection on specific traits; female preferences may generatemore clustered dispersions of displaying males than predictedby hotspot settlement models; and direct assessment of malesby females may be difficult or costly, a conclusion that supportsadaptive models of sexual selection over a nonadaptive Fisherianprocess. [Behav Ecol 1991;2:165–180]  相似文献   

''Good genes'' models assume that females can use a signal such as mating effort to assess a male''s lifetime fitness. Inferring long-term performance from short-term behavioural observations can be unreliable, and repeated sampling may be needed for more accurate assessment of males. Additionally, if sexual advertisement is viewed as a life-history trait subject to trade-offs, reliable comparison of mates should yield information on all life-history components rather than on one trait value in one season. We show that in the lekking black grouse (Tetrao tetrix), a male''s success is best explained by assuming that females are informed of the past history of males up to the beginning of the study (eight years). Much of this extremely lasting ''memory'' can be attributed to females observing long-term outcomes of male–male competition: current territory position is the only momentarily observable variable that has high power in predicting female choice, and it correlates to a male''s past lekking effort on a cumulative lifetime scale. We conclude that females can use territory position as a signal that conveys information of a male''s lifetime performance that combines lekking effort and longevity. Females may thus overcome the problem of male allocations varying in time, without the need to pay costs associated with repeated sampling.  相似文献   

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