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1H NMR spectroscopy at 100 MHz was used to determine the first-order rate constants for the 1H-2H exchange of the H-2 histidine resonances of RNase-A in 2H2O at 35 degrees C and pH meter readings of 7, 9, 10 and 10.5. Prolonged exposure in 2H2O at 35 degrees C and pH meter reading 11 caused irreversible denaturation of RN-ase-A. The rate constants at pH 7 and 9 agreed reasonably well with those obtained in 1H-3H exchange experiments by Ohe, J., Matsuo, H., Sakiyama, F. and Narita, K. [J. Biochem, (Tokyo) 75, 1197-1200 (1974)]. The rate data obtained by various authors is summarised and the reasons for the poor agreement between the data is discussed. The first-order rate constant for the exchange of His-48 increases rapidly from near zero at pH 9 (due to its inaccessibility to solvent) with increase of pH to 10.5 The corresponding values for His-119 show a decrease and those for His-12 a small increase over the same pH range. These changes are attributed to a conformational change in the hinge region of RNase-A (probably due to the titration of Tyr-25) which allows His-48 to become accessible to solvent. 1H NMR spectra of S-protein and S-peptide, and of material partially deuterated at the C-2 positions of the histidine residues confirm the reassignment of the histidine resonances of RNase-A [Bradbury, J. H. & Teh, J. S. (1975) Chem. Commun., 936-937]. The chemical shifts of the C-2 and C-4 protons of histidine-12 of S-peptide are followed as a function of pH and a pK' value of 6.75 is obtained. The reassignment of the three C-2 histidine resonances of S-protein is confirmed by partial deuteration studies. The pK' values obtained from titration of the H-2 resonances of His-48, His-105 and His-119 are 5.3, 6.5 and 6.0, respectively. The S-protein is less stable to acid than RNase-A since the former, but not the latter, shows evidence of reversible denaturation at pH 3 and 26 degrees C. His-48 in S-protein titrates normally and has a lower pK than in RN-ase-A probably because of the absence of Asp-14, which in RN-ase-A forms a a hydrogen bond with His-48 and causes it to be inaccessible to solvent, at pH values below 9.  相似文献   

Studies on the conformation of ribonuclease S-peptide   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
W A Klee 《Biochemistry》1968,7(8):2731-2736

Stabilization of the ribonuclease S-peptide alpha-helix by trifluoroethanol   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
The effects of trifluoroethanol (TFE) on the stability of the alpha-helix formed by ribonuclease S-peptide, residues 1-19 of ribonuclease A, were studied by measuring circular dichroism as a function of TFE concentration, pH, and temperature. The S-peptide forms an unusually stable alpha-helix, which is known to be stabilized by TFE. The magnitude of the effect of charged groups on the peptide, manifested by the change in alpha-helix stability as a function of pH, was not altered significantly by either TFE concentration or temperature, indicating that the lower dielectric constant of TFE is not important in the stabilization of this alpha-helix. This suggests that the alpha-helix might be stabilized by many interactions in addition to the effects of charges. The titration curve of circular dichroism vs. TFE concentration appears to be cooperative at 0 degree C, but becomes progressively less cooperative at temperatures between 25 and 75 degrees C. The properties of the TFE stabilization indicate that TFE might be a useful probe with which to measure the stability of marginally stable peptides and small proteins.  相似文献   

The effect of strongly destabilizing mutations, I106A and V108G of Ribonuclease A (RNase A), on its structure and stability has been determined by NMR. The solution structures of these variants are essentially equivalent to RNase A. The exchange rates of the most protected amide protons in RNase A (35°C), the I106A variant (35°C), and the V108G variant (10°C) yield stability values of 9.9, 6.0, and 6.8 kcal/mol, respectively, when analyzed assuming an EX2 exchange mechanism. Thus, the destabilization induced by these mutations is propagated throughout the protein. Simulation of RNase A hydrogen exchange indicates that the most protected protons in RNase A and the V108G variant exchange via the EX2 regime, whereas those of I106A exchange through a mixed EX1 + EX2 process. It is striking that a single point mutation can alter the overall exchange mechanism. Thus, destabilizing mutations joins high temperatures, high pH and the presence of denaturating agents as a factor that induces EX1 exchange in proteins. The calculations also indicate a shift from the EX2 to the EX1 mechanism for less protected groups within the same protein. This should be borne in mind when interpreting exchange data as a measure of local stability in less protected regions.  相似文献   

The effects of ethanol, ethylene glycol, dioxane, and other organic co-solvents upon the hydrogen exchange rates of randomly coiled oxidized RNase, native RNase, and native trypsin have been measured. The exchange rate of oxidized RNase, the model compound for the proton transfer step in hydrogen exchange, is decreased by all of the co-solvents studied at temperatures in the range 3-20 degrees. This has been ascribed to the combined effects of the disruption of peptide bond solvation due to a reduction in the concentration of water, and of changes in [OH-] ion concentration due to changes in the acid dissociation constant of water, Kw. The solvent dependence for both native RNase and native trypsin is similar in all of the solvents studied. At a low temperature (3-20 degrees), the exchange rates go through a minimum as the solvent concentration is increased. At higher temperatures (20-35 degrees) the exchange rates are increased at all concentrations of the co-solvent. The apparent rate minimum at lower temperatures is due to two opposing effects. Co-solvents decrease the rate of exchange that occurs directly from the folded molecule. At higher concentrations and higer temperature. The decrease in rates for exchange directly from folded protein is primarily due to the effects on the proton transfer step, and not to binding or the solvent effects on protein structure. The solvents used in this study have no apparent effect on conformational processes contributing to the hydrogen exchange process in folded proteins.  相似文献   

The temperature (-7 degrees C to 45 degrees C, pH 5.4) and pH (0 degrees C) dependence of 1H chemical shifts of ribonuclease S-peptide (5 mM, 1 M NaCl) has been measured at 360 MHz. The observed variations evidence the formation of a partial helical structure, involving the fragment Thr-3-Met-13. Two salt-bridges stabilize the helix: those formed by Glu-9- ...His-12+ and Glu-2- ...Arg-10+. The structural features deduced from the 1H-NMR at low temperature for the isolated S-peptide are compatible with the structure shown by the same molecule in the ribonuclease S crystal.  相似文献   

Detergent soluble DNA from splenocytes of immunologically stimulated mice has been shown to incorporate [3H]dThd more rapidly than detergent insoluble DNA. In this report we compare the incorporation of other 3H-labeled nucleosides and 3H-labeled deoxynucleosides and the distribution of 3H in the different size classes of detergent soluble DNA. The order of incorporation into DS DNA is [3H]dThd greater than [3H]dCyd greater than [3H]Ado greater than [3H]dGuo approximately equal to [3H]Cyd greater than [3H]dAdo greater than [3H]Guo. We also show that the previously reported slight enrichment in Gua + Cyt content is not due to preferential incorporation of dGuo or of dCyd into any one size class.  相似文献   

Hydrogen exchange kinetics of deoxyhemoglobin S gel and deoxyhemoglobin A solution were compared at 4.8 mM tetramer concentration, 25 degrees C, and in sodium phosphate buffer at pH 7.0 with gamma/2 = 0.2 by means of microdialysis using tritium as a trace label. Cyanomethemoglobin A in solution and as crosslinked crystals were compared under the same conditions. The exchange values from 15 to 10(4) min were fitted to a power law, and the distribution function of exchange rates was calculated. There was no significant difference in the distribution for deoxyhemoglobin S gel and deoxyhemoglobin A. Exchange from crosslinked cyanomethemoglobin crystals was less in the early time region than for the solution state, but after 600 min the exchange curves were the same. This resulted in a larger area for the distribution function, although the predominate rates were nearly the same. The effect of polymerization on conformational fluctuations was very small, smaller than the effect of crosslinking hemoglobin crystals.  相似文献   

The refolding kinetics of ribonuclease S have been measured by tyrosine absorbance, by tyrosine fluorescence emission, and by rapid binding of the specific inhibitor 2′CMP 2 to folded RNAase S. The S-protein is first unfolded at pH 1.7 and then either mixed with S-peptide as refolding is initiated by a stopped-flow pH jump to pH 6.8, or the same results are obtained if S-protein and S-peptide are present together before refolding is initiated. The refolding kinetics of RNAase S have been measured as a function of temperature (10 to 40 °C) and of protein concentration (10 to 120 μm). The results are compared to the folding kinetics of S-protein alone and to earlier studies of RNAase A. A thermal folding transition of S-protein has been found below 30 °C at pH 1.7; its effects on the refolding kinetics are described in the following paper (Labhardt &; Baldwin, 1979).In this paper we characterize the refolding kinetics of unfolded S-protein, as it is found above 30 °C at pH 1.7, together with the kinetics of combination between S-peptide and S-protein during folding at pH 6.8. Two classes of unfolded S-protein molecules are found, fast-folding and slow-folding molecules, in a 20: 80 ratio. This is the same result as that found earlier for RNAase A; it is expected if the slow-folding molecules are produced by the slow cis-trans isomerization of proline residues after unfolding, since S-protein contains all four proline residues of RNAase A.The refolding kinetics of the fast-folding molecules show clearly that combination between S-peptide and S-protein occurs before folding of S-protein is complete. If combination occurred only after complete folding, then the kinetics of formation of RNAase S should be rather slow (5 s and 100 s at 30 °C) and nearly independent of protein concentration, as shown by separate measurements of the folding kinetics of S-protein, and of the combination between S-peptide and folded S-protein. The observed folding kinetics are faster than predicted by this model and also the folding rate increases strongly with protein concentration (apparent 1.6 order kinetics). The fact that RNAase S is formed more rapidly than S-protein alone is sufficient by itself to show that combination with S-peptide precedes complete folding of S-protein. Computer simulation of a simple, parallel-pathway scheme is able to reproduce the folding kinetics of the fast-folding molecules. All three probes give the same folding kinetics.These results exclude the model for protein folding in which the rate-limiting step is an initial diffusion of the polypeptide chain into a restricted range of three-dimensional configurations (“nueleation”) followed by rapid folding (“propagation”). If this model were valid, one would expect comparable rates of folding for RNAase A and for S-protein and one would also expect to find no populated folding intermediates, so that combination between S-peptide and S-protein should occur after folding is complete. Instead, RNAase A folds 60 times more rapidly than S-protein and also combination with S-peptide occurs before folding of S-protein is complete. The results demonstrate that the folding rate of S-protein increases after the formation, or stabilization, of an intermediate which results from combination with S-peptide. They support a sequential model for protein folding in which the rates of successive steps in folding depend on the stabilities of preceding intermediates.The refolding kinetics of the slow-folding molecules are complex. Two results demonstrate the presence of folding intermediates: (1) the three probes show different kinetic progress curves, and (2) the folding kinetics are concentration-dependent, in contrast to the results expected if complete folding of S-protein precedes combination with S-peptide. A faster phase of the slow-refolding reaction is detected both by tyrosine absorbance and fluorescence emission but not by 2′CMP binding, indicating that native RNAase S is not formed in this phase. Comparison of the kinetic progress curves measured by different probes is made with the use of the kinetic ratio test, which is defined here.  相似文献   

1H--2H exchange kinetics of the peptide hydrogens in corticotropin have been examined in 2H2O and CF3C2H2O2H solutions by means of infrared absorption measurements. In aqueous solution, around pH 3, the experimental data suggest a partially ordered structure, since in the two corticotropins 1--24 and 1--32 about 6 slowly exchanging peptide protons are numbered. These might belong to the N-terminal part of the molecule. The C-terminal 25--32 octapeptide segment appears to be unordered and slightly destabilizes the overall hormone conformation. For corticotropin1--24 in CF3C2H2O2H, the qualitative interpretation of infrared spectra and the quantitative analysis of exchange data give evidence of a strong stabilization: a predominantly alpha-helical structure is induced by trifluoroethanol.  相似文献   

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