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In describing a method of testing for the return of color in decolorized fuchsin for use in Endo Medium, French states that variations in hydrogen ion concentration fail to influence the appearance of color in this medium.

Duplications of this test were made using alcoholic and aqueous solutions of fuchsin and both sodium sulfite and sodium bisulfite as decolorizing agents.

In the decolorized alcoholic solutions of fuchsin the color failed to reappear when formalin was added, but a small amount of a weak solution of lactic acid caused the color to return.

Alcoholic solutions of fuchsin failed to decolorize in sodium bisulfite solutions until a few drops of NaOH were added. The color, then, reappeared immediately.

Solutions of peptones to which fuchsin had been added were substituted for the original fuchsin solution. Alcoholic and aqueous solutions of fuchsin were added to equal amounts of a 1% peptone solution. The peptone solutions varied in their hydrogen ion concentration and the results showed that those which were neutral decolorized readily while the more acid solutions were but partially decolorized.

Fuchsin decolorized according to results found in this test, was not satisfactory in the Endo medium, especially in the case of the aqueous solutions of fuchsin.

Experiments which were carried on by other workers and checked with this method all indicated that some acid is necessary to secure the restoration of color.  相似文献   

The effect of organic solvents on carboxypeptidase Y (a serine carboxypeptidase from yeast)-catalyzed hydrolysis of amino acid ester and peptide synthesis from N-acyl amino acid ester and amino acid amide was investigated.

The Km value of ester hydrolysis increased with an increase in the solvent content. Dioxane was the most effective and dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) the least, whilst Kcat showed a tendency to increase slightly in N, N-dimethylformamide (DMF) and DMSO. For dioxane and acetonitrile (MeCN) a maximum was observed.

In peptide formation from Fua-Phe-OEt and Gly-NH2, dioxane and MeCN supported high product yield at molar fractions smaller than ca. 0.05 but the yield decreased significantly at higher fractions, although a relatively constant selectivity (ratio of the peptide bond formed to the ester consumed) was maintained. DMSO gave rather low peptide yields and selectivity even at lower molar fractions. DMF showed an intermediate tendency.

An apparent saturation parameter of the amine component was evaluated and the dissociation constant of a complex between acyl-enzyme and amino acid amide (Kn), as well as the rate constant of aminolysis exerted by the amino acid amide bound correctly on the enzyme (Kn), was calculated by initial rate analysis of peptide formation. In contrast to Km values, Kn decreased with increasing concentrations of organic cosolvent. while a suppressive effect was observed (except for DMSO) on the Kn parameter.

Effects of the solvent practically immiscible in water was also studied by use of the enzyme physically “immobilized” on glass beads.  相似文献   

A microchemical test for cellulose applicable to fresh sections and commercial products is described. The test differs from the older technics in that materials tested are not permanently altered.

Two solutions are required: (1) 2% solution of iodine in 5% KI, diluted with 9 parts by volume of water containing 0.28% glycerin; (2) saturated aqueous LiCl.

Procedure: Apply 2 or 3 drops of solution 1 with a glass rod; allow the preparation to stand for 30 sec; blot with filter paper, drying as completely as possible. Apply one drop of solution 2, cover and examine. The color reaction will be obtained within 5 min. The reaction for pure cellulose is light blue. Reactions for 16 fibers are given in the table.

As a stain for demonstrating plant tissues the technic has been used in the Botany Department of Pomona College with much success; but this phase of the subject has not been extensively investigated.  相似文献   

Several dyes, notably ponceau 2R, azofuchsin 3B, nitrazine yellow, and Biebrich scarlet may replace imported “ponceau de xylidin” in the Masson ponceau acid fuchsin mixture. Of these Biebrich scarlet appears to be the best and may be used without acid fuchsin.

A mixture of equal parts of 5% solutions of phosphomolybdic and phosphotungstic acids is much superior to either acid alone and gives adequate mordanting in 1 minute at 22°C.

With the fast green modification, times in plasma and fiber stains can be reduced to 2 minutes each. With anilin blue a 4-minute plasma stain is required. One-minute final differentiation in 1% acetic acid is adequate.

Primary mordanting of formalin material may be accomplished by 5 minutes in saturated aqueous mercuric chloride or 2 minutes in saturated alcoholic picric acid. Three minutes washing in running water is required after these mordants.  相似文献   

Methods are proposed for staining plant chromosomes with the dye brilliant cresyl blue, and for making these stained preparations permanent by using polyvinyl alcohol mounting medium.

The stain, which is composed of 2% brilliant cresyl blue in 45% aqueous acetic or propionic acid, is used with fixed material in making smear preparations. The technics for staining are similar to those employed in the aceto-carmine method.

The mounting medium is made by mixing 56% polyvinyl alcohol, which is diluted in water to the consistency of thick molasses, with 22% lactic acid and 22% phenol by volume. The permanent slides are made by floating off the cover slip of the temporary slide in 70% alcohol, then applying the mounting medium and replacing the cover slip.

The chief advantages of the methods described are:

1)The preparation of the stain is rapid and simple. The batch of stain will be good with the first try.

2)The staining procedure in some instances is shorter than when using aceto-carmine.

3)The stain shows a high degree of specificity for nuclear structures and gives better results than aceto-carmine when used on certain plant tissues.

4)A minimum number of cells is lost in making the slides permanent when using polyvinyl alcohol mounting medium as the slide and cover slip are run through only one solution prior to mounting.

5)The mounting medium dries rapidly and this shortens the time required before critical examination of the permanent mounts can be made.  相似文献   

Some of the factors affecting the recoloration of Schiff's Reagent (fuchsin sulfurous acid or FSA) by formaldehyde have been studied spectrophotometrically to determine the optimal conditions for the reaction of this reagent with aldehydes.

Of the various reducing agents utilized in the preparation of the leuco dye from basic fuchsin, sodium sulfite and bisulfite proved to be the most satisfactory for obtaining in the reagent maximal sensitivity to recoloration with minimal quantitative variation of results.

The relative proportions of reducing agent and basic fuchsin present in die leuco dye determine its sensitivity to recoloration. Under the conditions of the present experiments, greatest reagent recoloration was obtained when the leuco dye contained 0.01 mole of sodium bisulfite and 0.001 mole of basic fuchsin per 100 ml., a ratio of 10/1.

The recoloration of a given amount of FSA is related to the amount of aldehyde and the temperature of the reaction.

The present experiments indicate the desirability of standardizing the composition of FSA and the conditions under which it is used, if the results of different investigators are to be readily reproduced or compared.  相似文献   

A method is described for preparing cake crumb for sectioning and staining. Previous to embedding, the fat was stained and fixed by exposing small blocks of cake to the fumes from a 5%, freshly-prepared, aqueous solution of osmic acid (OsO4). This was followed by dehydration in ethyl alcohol and tertiary butyl alcohol, removal of air under vacuum and infiltration with paraffin.

Sections were cut 20 and 9Op thick and mounted with water.

Wax was removed by immersion in xylene. The sections were rehydrated in a series of ethyl alcohol dilutions, from concentrated to dilute, then transferred to distilled water.

Protein was then stained pink by immersion of the slides in an acidified 0.04% water solution of eosin Y, or starch was stained blue with a dilute aqueous solution of iodine. Ten grams iodine and 10 g. KI were dissolved in 25 ml. distilled water. This stock solution was diluted for use one to two hundred times.

The relationship between protein and starch was demonstrated by staining the sections with eosin, differentiating in 50% alcohol and staining with iodine.

When slides of cake crumb were prepared in this way, the fat was stained black, the protein bright pink and the starch granules a dark blue.  相似文献   

A modification of Donaldson's iodine-eosin stain for staining intestinal protozoa is presented. This modification consists of using high dilutions of colloidal iodine (Chandler)2 instead of Lugol's solution as well as high dilutions of eosin. A better resolution of the external and internal structures is brought about by the new method.

The procedure is as follows: A portion of the fecal material to be examined is suspended in a 0.6% salt solution; the suspension should be of a consistency so that one drop will make a satisfactory microscope mount under a cover glass. To ten parts of this suspension, in a test tube, is added one part of the stain which is prepared as follows:—

10 parts of distilled water

6 parts of a suspension of colloidal iodine (Chandler) containing 4% iodine—20% iodine suspensoid, Merck

1 part of a 10% water solution of anilin red, Merck (eosin yellowish)

Technicians will find, because iodine in the form of colloidal iodine is readily released to the organisms, that the use of this material is far superior to Lugol's solution hi carrying out the technic for staining intestinal protozoa in the study of fresh mount preparations. Not only are organisms more deeply stained with iodine but by eosin as well, even when employed in high dilutions.  相似文献   

1. An attempt has been made to apply Loeb's concept of the amphoteric nature of proteins for the discrimination of suspected hemoglobiniferous substances from known hemoglobiniferous substances according to their reactions to acid and basic dyes with reference to the isoelectric point of hemoglobin (pH 6.8).

2. The substances in the cytoplasm of known hemoglobiniferous cells (red blood corpuscles, normoblasts and erythroblasts) of the lymph nodes, spleen and bone marrow of the albino rat, when suspended in buffered dye-sucrose solutions, retain eosin on the acid side of pH 7.0, but the substances of the Russell bodies, suspected of being hemoglobiniferous, do not retain eosin at all; and the cytoplasm of the plasma cells, also alleged to be slightly hemoglobiniferous, only retains eosin on the acid side of pH 6.4.

3. The only basic dye used which did not precipitate in buffer solutions was methylene blue. This did not react with hemoglobin in accordance with Loeb's concept, because it did not penetrate mature red blood corpuscles and in those immature erythrocytes which it did penetrate it was precipitated by the reticulum.

4. Therefore, from the results obtained with the acid dye, it is tentatively concluded that the substance in the Russell bodies and in the cytoplasm of the plasma cells are not hemoglobiniferous because they do not react as do the substances in known hemoglobiniferous cells with reference to the isoelectric point of hemoglobin.

5. More investigation, however, must be carried out on both fresh and fixed material before a final unequivocal answer can be made to this problem.  相似文献   

A bioreactor with associated crystallizer for the accumulation of a highly concentrated slurry product has been developed and investigated. The transformation of Ca-fumarate to Ca-L-malate by the action of the fumarase of immobilized Brevibacterium flavum cells focussed on the performance of this newly-devised bioreactor-crystallizer system.

The following results were obtained

(1) The fumarase reaction in the bioreactor proceeded at a rate that was first-order in apparent substrate concentration.

(2) The reaction rate increased with the addition of Na2-fumarate to the substrate solution.

(3) The reaction rate was independent of the substrate circulation rate and the initial substrate concentration in the crystallizer.

(4) Fumarase activity of immobilized B. flavum cells was stable after 10 repeated uses over a period of 10 days.

(5) Maximum concentration of the product, final conversion ratio of the substrate and the productivity of the bioreactor-crystallizer system were much higher than those for a conventional bioreactor using solubilized Ca-fumarate as a substrate.  相似文献   

In the previous alkaline crystal violet method for selectively demonstrating juxtaglomerular (JG) granules (Harada 1971), the staining solution was found to be unstable. Subsequent testing has shown that the alkali is equally effective if applied after a nonalkalized aqueous solution of crystal violet has been applied for the staining, thus allowing stable stock solutions of the staining reagents to be used. The new procedure is as follows:

Sections of 4 μ thickness from adult mouse kidney fixed in phosphate-buffered 10% formalin were cut from paraffin-embedded material and attached to slides with albumen adhesive. They were deparaffinized, hydrated, and washed in tap water.  相似文献   

A method for the dry-preservation of fixed plant material, root tips and buds, is described. The method seems to be advantageous on long expeditions and when material has to be sent away.

The material is transferred from the fixative to 70% alcohol (3 changes, 1/2 hour in the last). It is dried on blotting-paper. The dried material may be preserved a long time. Material kept dry for 4 1/2 years has proved to be quite satisfactory. Drying has been tried after fixation with CRAF-solutions (Webber and Randolph modifications) and fixatives containing osmic acid (Fleming-Benda and 2BD).

The dry material is swollen by keeping for 2 days in 10% alcohol. It is embedded in paraffin according to the usual method. A satisfactory staining has been obtained after these fixatives using iodine-gentian-violet and Feulgen stainings. In addition to chromosome counts dry material may be used for chromosome morphology studies.

Dried material fixed in aceto-alcohol (1:3) has not turned out to be specially suitable for squash preparations owing to the fragility of the chromosomes. If strong pressure is not applied, satisfactory results may, however, be obtained.  相似文献   

Most flagella stains would probably give more consistent results if they were of stable composition and more was known of the factors influencing the mechanism of their action. Many of the mordants that have been recommended change rapidly, both chemically and physically, after preparation.

The reaction of some mordants, such as that of Loeffler, seems to be an important factor in their use. It is complicated, however, by temperature effects, oxidizing and reducing agents, the age of the bacterial cultures and variations in different species.

Users of flagella stains will probably always have to select or alter methods to suit the cultures to be stained. Any method which makes use of a minimum of complicated solutions and operations is most likely to give consistently good results.

No clearing or decolorizing agent tried changed poor preparations to good ones, but sometimes good ones can be improved by this treatment.  相似文献   

Five different physiological functions of the rabbit (hard faeces and urine excretion, food and water intake and locomotor activity) were registered during LD 12:12 and during continuous light conditions (LL).

(1) In LD 12:12 a strong synchronization of the five parameters existed. The minima of all functions consistently occurred during the hours of light. The nocturnal percentage of overall 24-hr events was increased significantly in 'hard faeces excretion' (66±8 (S.D.) %), 'water intake' (64±15 (S.D.) %) and 'urine excretion' (58±10 (S.D.) %). The nocturnal percentage of locomotor activity was significantly increased during the dark-hours in 9 out of 14 animals. In the other five individuals prominent peaks were present even during the photoperiod. On the average of all 14 animals 5S±13 (S.D.) % of the 24 hr events of locomotor activity occurred during the night. Despite a trough during the cessation of hard faeces excretion the events of food intake were not elevated significantly during the dark hours.

(2) During LL the synchronization of the five functions within each animal persisted during the complete 90-day LL period. A free-running circadian rhythm with-: = 24.8±0.5 (S.D.) hr was present in the four rabbits kept in LL conditions within 5-16 days after the withdrawal of the zeitgeber.

(3) In addition to the circadian period the power spectrum analysis of data obtained during LD 12:12 revealed significant ultradian periods of an average period length of 11,6 hr (hard faeces and urine excretion), 8 hr (food and water intake, locomotor activity) and 4 hr (food intake, locomotor activity). During the free-run ultradian periods of 8 and 3.2-4.2 hr were significant in almost all parameters.

(4) During LL the level of locomotor activity was reduced for 13±16 (S.D.) %, the events of food intake were increased for 17±12 (S.D.) %.

(5) The reinserted LD 12:12 zeitgeber re-entrained the circadian rhythms within 25-45 days.

(6) These results provided evidence of a predominant nocturnality of the rabbits under investigation.  相似文献   

Following experimental lesions, spinal cords of cats and rabbits were fixed with acid, neutral, and alkaline solutions. Staining was limited to a chromate-osmic (Marchi's) solution and a chlorate-osmic solution. The following conclusions were drawn:

The presence of an acid in the fixative caused normal myelin sheaths to stain. This effect was reduced by washing tissues before staining, by adding acetic acid to the stain, or by employing a non-formalin fixative. It was, however, at no time entirely obviated.

A study was made of the granular deposits which occur in nearly all Marchi preparations and which are especially confusing if very light backgrounds are obtained.

The staining reactions of the granular deposits were very similar to those of degenerating myelin but some suppression of the granules was obtained by adding KCIO3 to the formalin fixative.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that human recombinant methionyl manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) is more efficient than CuZnSOD as an anti-inflammatory agent in a model of acute inflammation (Carrageenan-induced pau edema). This effect was attributed to the prolonged half-life of MnSOD in blood (t1/2 = 6 h vs. 10 min. respectively). In the present study, the two enzymes were compared in terms of their effectiveness in two systems: (I) Adjuvant-induced arthritis in rats, which is considered to be a model for the chronic situation of rheumatoid arthritis and (2) Bleomycin-induced lung fibrosis. which is a chronic situation believed to be mediated by oxygen free radicals.

Rats inflicted with adjuvant arthritis were treated during the period of maximal joint swelling (Days 15-21 after adjuvant injection) with MnSOD or CuZnSOD (12 to 50mg/kg, i.p. daily). MnSOD administration resulted in a 50-75% reduction of paw swelling, as well as inhibition of the elevation of serum globulins. A similar treatment with CuZnSOD gave merely marginal effects.

In the second system, lung fibrosis was induced in rats by intratracheal administration of bleomycin. MnSOD (50mg/kg, s.c.), administered 2 h before and then 2 and 4 days after bleomycin, markedly inhibited lung fibrosis, as evident from lung weight and collagen content measured by the 3rd week. By contrast, CuZnSOD administration did not give a significant effect. The results indicate that MnSOD is superior to CuZnSOD in the treatment of chronic inflammatory processes. In addition, they lend further support to the involvement of oxygen free radicals in bleomycin toxicity.  相似文献   

The following salicylic acid-containing fixatives are useful for cytological studies in plants. The first, here designated HFC, is recommended for studies on somatic mitosis and chromosome individuality. The second, denoted HFP, is recommended for studies on plastids.

HFC is made up in two solutions. Sol. A: 100 cc. sat. aq. sol. salicylic acid, slight excess copper hydroxide, 20 cc. formaldehyde, 30 cc. normal ortho-phosphoric acid, 200 cc. water, 1 g. saponin; pH 1.8 to 1.9. Fix in Sol. A 15 to 30 minutes in partial vacuum of 35 cms. Then add Sol. B: 1% aq. chromic acid in equal parts. Continue fixation for period of 18 to 24 hours.

HFP is also made up in two solutions which are used in equal parts. Sol. A: 100 cc. sat. aq. sol. salicylic acid, slight excess copper hydroxide, 10 cc. normal ortho-phosphoric acid, 1/2 g. saponin. Sol. B: 187.5 cc. 1% aq. chromic acid, 50 cc. 2% osmic acid. Fixation technic as HFC.

Dehydrate and infiltrate with paraffin after Zirkle. Stain with crystal-violet-iodine.  相似文献   

Nitrosoderivatives of the nitrodiphenyl ether herbicides (nitrofen, bifenox) have been studied. UV irradiation in different organic solvents gives degradation products. In buffered aqueous media, in the presence of chloroplasts and spin traps such as DMPO, hydroxy and peroxy radicals have been characterized.

In organic media and in the presence of spin traps such as DMPO, PBN, 4-POBN, solvent radicals (CHCIl2, CCI3, CH2O) have been formed.

Nitro-derivatives have been studied under UV irradiation and in the presence of tetramethylethylene (TME), alkenylhydroxylamines are formed which autoxidize in nitroxide radicals. The formation of the stable nitroxide radical occurs in the dark process after continuous irradiation. The intensity of the signal decreases strongly when a new irradiation is applied. Radical species, with analogous ESR spectral characteristics are formed on reaction with nitrodiphenyl ethers and fatty acids.

The reactivity of these herbicides in micellar media (SDS, Brij 35, and CTAB) has been investigated. The kinetics of formation of the ESR signal corresponding to the photoreduction of the nitrodiphenyl ether in the presence of TME behave differently in a micellar environment as compared to solution. The intensity of the formation of the nitroxide increases under irradiation and decreases in the dark; the rotational correlation time tc has been determined for each type of micelle.

Synthetic nitrosodiphenyl ether made by the reduction of nitrodiphenyl ether using hydrogen gas and PtO2 as a catalyst gives the corresponding amine, which is oxidized with rneta-chloroperbenzoic acid (m.CPBA). The nitrosodiphenyl ether in the presence of soja azolectin liposorne containing a fluorescent probe has been analysed. When this synthetic nitrosodiphenyl ether is added to a medium containing soja azolectin liposomes and a carboxyfluorescein, fluorescent probe placed inside the liposornes, a rapid increase in the fluorescence of the medium is observed. The nitrosodiphenyl ether induce a break in the liposorne membrane.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the influence of antioxidative anti-inflammatory combination therapy (AACT) with dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO). chlorpromaittic (CPZ) and vitamin E upon the activity of the inflammation. plasma lipid peroxide was measured as thiobarbituric acid reactive substance (TBARS) 12hrs postoperatively in the moclitied cecal ligation sepsis model in the mouse.

Significantly higher TBARS levels were found in the male control group (13.7 ± 0.7nmol MDA/ml) than in the female control group (11.6 ± 0.6nmol MDA/ml).

The operated male group had significantly higher TBARS levels (16.2 ± 0.6 nmol MDA/ml) than the unoperdted male control group (13.7 ± 0.7nmol MDA/ml). No increase of TBARS levels was observed in the operated female group.

Both male and female operated group. when postoperatively treated with AACT had the same TBARS level as the not operated male or female control group.

Survival curves of operated male and female group did not demonstrate any significant difference. The survival was better in an operated male and an operated female group. when postoperatively treated with AACT.

It was concluded that the applied TBARS test IS too insensitive to follow the activity of the inflammation and has no predictive value for the outcome of sepsis in this model.  相似文献   

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