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Guidance of primordial germ cell migration   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Primordial germ cells (PGCs), the progenitors of the gametes, migrate from the position where they are specified towards the region where the gonad develops. To reach their target, the PGCs obtain directional cues from cells positioned along their migration path. One such cue, the chemokine SDF-1, has recently been found to be critical for proper PGC migration in zebrafish and in mice. In Drosophila, too, a molecule that is structurally related to chemokine receptors and is important for PGC migration has been identified. The ability to visualize chemokine-guided migration at a high resolution in vivo in these model organisms provides a unique opportunity to study this process, which is relevant for many events in normal development and disease.  相似文献   

Primordial germ cells (PGCs) are the founder cells of the gametes. In mammals, PGCs migrate from the hindgut to the genital ridges, where they coalesce with each other and with somatic cells to form the primary sex cords. We show here that, in both sexes, PGCs express P- and E-cadherins during and after migration, and N-cadherin at post-migratory stages. E-Cadherin is not expressed by PGCs whilst in the hindgut, but is upregulated as they leave. Blocking antibodies against E-, but not P-cadherin cause defective PGC-PGC coalescence, and in some cases, ectopic PGCs.  相似文献   

In mammals, the final number of oocytes available for reproduction of the next generation is defined at birth. Establishment of this oocyte pool is essential for fertility. Mammalian primordial germ cells form and migrate to the gonad during embryonic development. After arriving at the gonad, the germ cells are called oogonia and develop in clusters of cells called germ line cysts or oocyte nests. Subsequently, the oogonia enter meiosis and become oocytes. The oocyte nests break apart into individual cells and become packaged into primordial follicles. During this time, only a subset of oocytes ultimately survive and the remaining immature eggs die by programmed cell death. This phase of oocyte differentiation is poorly understood but molecules and mechanisms that regulate oocyte development are beginning to be identified. This review focuses on these early stages of female germ cell development.  相似文献   

Autonomous modes of behavior in primordial germ cell migration   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Zebrafish primordial germ cells (PGCs) are guided toward their targets by the chemokine SDF-1a. PGCs were followed during three phases of their migration: when migrating as individual cells, while remaining in a clustered configuration, and when moving as a cell cluster within the embryo. We found that individually migrating PGCs alternate between migratory and pausing modes. Pausing intervals are characterized by loss of cell polarity and correlate with subsequent changes in the direction of migration. These properties constitute an intrinsic behavior of PGCs, enabling erasure of prior polarity and re-sampling of the environment. Following migration arrest at a site of high SDF-1a levels, PGCs resume migration as a cluster. The seemingly coordinated cluster migration is a result of single-cell movement in response to local variations in SDF-1a distribution. Together, these behavioral modes allow the cells to arrive at specific destinations with high fidelity and remain at their target site.  相似文献   

Information obtained mainly from in vitro culture studies and genetic analysis of mouse mutants White spotting and Steel indicate a pivotal role of growth factors in the development of mouse primordial germ cells (PGCs). While stem cell factor (SCF) and TGFβ1 seem to have a role in PGC migration (as an adhesion factor and a chemoattractant, respectively), the former is certainly required for PGC survival in vitro and probably in vivo as well. Recent findings suggest that the mechanism by which SCF supports PGC survival is by preventing PGC apoptosis. A similar action appears to be exerted by leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF), a further growth factor influencing PGC growth in culture.PGC proliferation seems to be mainly induced by cAMP dependent mechanisms, but futther investigations are needed to clarify the interrelationships among the different molecular pathways activated by SCF, LIF, cAMP and other putative PGC growth factors (i.e. bFGF). Stimulation of long-term proliferation of PGCs, leading to derivation of ES-like cells (embryonal germ cells) obtained by using a combination of growth factors (bFGF, SCF and LIF), opens new intriguing perspectives for such studies and transgenic technology.  相似文献   

《Developmental cell》2022,57(12):1482-1495.e5
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Disruptions in the regulatory pathways controlling sex determination and differentiation can cause disorders of sex development, often compromising reproductive function. Although extensive efforts have been channeled into elucidating the regulatory mechanisms controlling the many aspects of sexual differentiation, the majority of disorders of sex development phenotypes are still unexplained at the molecular level. In this study, we have analyzed the potential involvement of Wnt5a in sexual development and show in mice that Wnt5a is male-specifically upregulated within testicular interstitial cells at the onset of gonad differentiation. Homozygous deletion of Wnt5a affected sexual development in male mice, causing testicular hypoplasia and bilateral cryptorchidism despite the Leydig cells producing factors such as Hsd3b1 and Insl3. Additionally, Wnt5a-null embryos of both sexes showed a significant reduction in gonadal germ cell numbers, which was caused by aberrant primordial germ cell migration along the hindgut endoderm prior to gonadal colonization. Our results indicate multiple roles for Wnt5a during mammalian reproductive development and help to clarify further the etiology of Robinow syndrome (OMIM 268310), a disease previously linked to the WNT5A pathway.  相似文献   

The Drosophila Trithorax‐like (Trl) gene encodes a GAGA factor which regulates a number of developmentally important genes. In this study, we identify a new function for Drosophila GAGA factor in male germ cell development. Trl mutants carrying strong hypomorphic alleles display loss of primordial germ cells during their migration in embryogenesis and severe disruption in mitochondria structure during early spermatogenesis. The mutation resulted in small testes formation, a deficit of germ cells, abnormal mitochondrial morphogenesis, spermatocyte death through autophagy, and partial or complete male sterility. Pleiotropic mutation effects can be explained by the misexpression of GAGA factor target genes, the products of which are required for germ cell progression into mature sperm. genesis 52:738–751, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Regulation of primordial germ cell development in the mouse   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Primordial germ cells (PGCs) are the founders of the gametes. They arise at the earliest stages of embryonic development and migrate to the gonadal ridges, where they differentiate into oogonia/oocytes in the ovary, and prospermatogonia in the testis. The present article is a review of the main studies undertaken by the author with the aim of clarifying the mechanisms underlying the development of primordial germ cells. Methods for the isolation and purification of migratory and post-migratory mouse PGCs devised in the author's laboratory are first briefly reviewed. Such methods, together with the primary culture of PGCs onto suitable cell feeder layers, have allowed the analysis of important aspects of the control of their development, concerning in particular survival, proliferation and migration of mouse PGCs. Compounds and growth factors affecting PGC numbers in culture have been identified. These include survival anti-apoptotic factors (SCF, LIF) and positive regulators of proliferation (cAMP, PACAPs, RA). Evidence has been provided that the motility of migrating PGCs relies on integrated signals from extracellular matrix molecules and the surrounding somatic cells. Moreover, homotypic PGC-PGC interaction has been evidenced that might play a role in PGC migration and in regulating their development. Several molecules (i.e. integrins, specific types of oligosaccharides, E-cadherin, the tyrosine kinase receptor c-kit) have been found to be expressed on the surface of PGCs and to mediate adhesive interactions of PGCs with the extracellular matrix, somatic cells and neighbouring PGCs.  相似文献   

The differentiation of embryonic chick gonads lacking germ cells was compared to that of normal chick gonads to determine whether the somatic elements of sterile avian gonads will undergo normal sexual differentiation. Primordial germ cells were removed by surgical excision of anterior germinal crescent from early embryos, Hamburger and Hamilton stages 6–11. Surgically treated and control embryos were sacrificed at 6, 15, and 20 days of incubation, and their gonads were studied histologically. Analysis of differentiation was based on morphological criteria at the cellular, tissue, and organ levels. In both male and female embryos, the somatic elements of the gonads differentiated normally in the absence of germ cells. The significance of these results for understanding the controls of differentiation of both the somatic gonad and the germ cells in birds is discussed and correlated with similar results in mammals.  相似文献   

Primordial germ cells (PGCs) give rise to sperms and eggs. Their development is crucial to species propagation and has to be precisely controlled. Studies in several model organisms have identified many genes involved in the specification and guided migration of PGCs. However, the mechanisms governing the behaviors of these unique cells remain to be investigated. Interestingly, PGCs share certain cellular properties with metastasizing cancer cells including proliferation, invasion of other tissues, survival and migration. Recently we have shown that in Drosophila the receptor tyrosine kinase Torso activates both STAT and Ras during the early phase of PGC development. In later stages, activation of both STAT and Ras, likely by other molecules, is required continuously for PGC migration. The requirement for RTK suggests molecular conservation between flies and mice in PGC development and also suggests that germ cells and cancer cells share certain intracellular signaling strategies.  相似文献   

Insulin-like growth factor (IGF) signaling is a critical regulator of somatic growth during fetal and adult development, primarily through its stimulatory effects on cell proliferation and survival. IGF signaling is also required for development of the reproductive system, although its precise role in this regard remains unclear. We have hypothesized that IGF signaling is required for embryonic germline development, which requires the specification and proliferation of primordial germ cells (PGCs) in an extragonadal location, followed by directed migration to the genital ridges. We tested this hypothesis using loss-of-function studies in the zebrafish embryo, which possesses two functional copies of the Type-1 IGF receptor gene (igf1ra, igf1rb). Knockdown of IGF1Rb by morpholino oligonucleotides (MO) results in mismigration and elimination of primordial germ cells (PGCs), resulting in fewer PGCs colonizing the genital ridges. In contrast, knockdown of IGF1Ra has no effect on PGC migration or number despite inducing widespread somatic cell apoptosis. Ablation of both receptors, using combined MO injections or overexpression of a dominant-negative IGF1R, yields embryos with a PGC-deficient phenotype similar to IGF1Rb knockdown. TUNEL analyses revealed that mismigrated PGCs in IGF1Rb-deficient embryos are eliminated by apoptosis; overexpression of an antiapoptotic gene (Bcl2l) rescues ectopic PGCs from apoptosis but fails to rescue migration defects. Lastly, we show that suppression of IGF signaling leads to quantitative changes in the expression of genes encoding CXCL-family chemokine ligands and receptors involved in PGC migration. Collectively, these data suggest a novel role for IGF signaling in early germline development, potentially via cross-talk with chemokine signaling pathways.  相似文献   

Trans-epithelial migration describes the ability of migrating cells to cross epithelial tissues and occurs during development, infection, inflammation, immune surveillance, wound healing and cancer metastasis. Here we investigate Drosophila primordial germ cells (PGCs), which migrate through the endodermal epithelium. Through live imaging and genetic experimentation we demonstrate that PGCs take advantage of endodermal tissue remodeling to gain access to the gonadal mesoderm and are unable to migrate through intact epithelial tissues. These results are in contrast to the behavior of leukocytes, which actively loosen epithelial junctions to migrate, and raise the possibility that in other contexts in which migrating cells appear to breach tissue barriers, they are actually exploiting existing tissue permeability. Therefore, the use of active invasive programs is not the sole mechanism to infiltrate tissues.  相似文献   

Guidance of primordial germ cell migration by the chemokine SDF-1   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
The signals directing primordial germ cell (PGC) migration in vertebrates are largely unknown. We demonstrate that sdf-1 mRNA is expressed in locations where PGCs are found and toward which they migrate in wild-type as well as in mutant embryos in which PGC migration is abnormal. Knocking down SDF-1 or its receptor CXCR4 results in severe defects in PGC migration. Specifically, PGCs that do not receive the SDF-1 signal exhibit lack of directional movement toward their target and arrive at ectopic positions within the embryo. Finally, we show that the PGCs can be attracted toward an ectopic source of the chemokine, strongly suggesting that this molecule provides a key directional cue for the PGCs.  相似文献   

Transforming growth factor beta (TGFbeta) inhibits proliferation and promotes the migration of primordial germ cells (PGCs) towards explants of gonadal ridges in vitro. However, its effects in vivo are still unclear. Here, we analyzed the behavior of PGCs in embryos lacking TGFbeta signaling via the type I receptor ALK5. TGFbeta in vivo was neither a chemoattractant for PGCs, nor did it affect their proliferation during migration towards the gonadal ridges up to embryonic day (E)10. Unexpectedly, the absence of TGFbeta signaling in fact resulted in significant facilitation of PGC migration out of the hindgut, due to the reduced deposition of collagen type I surrounding the gut of Alk5-deficient mutant embryos. Migratory PGCs adhere strongly to collagen; therefore, reduced collagen type I along the gut may result in reduced adhesion, facilitating migration into the dorsal mesenterium and gonadal ridges. Our results provide new evidence for the role of TGFbeta signaling in migration of PGCs in vivo distinct from that described previously.  相似文献   

In this study we show that mouse primordial germ cells and fetal germ cells at certain stages of differentiation express E-cadherin and alpha and beta catenins. Moreover, we demonstrate that the formation of germ cell aggregates that rapidly occurs when monodispersed germ cell populations are released from embryonic gonads in culture is E-cadherin mediated, developmentally regulated, and dependent on the sex of the germ cells. Immunoblotting analyses indicate that the lower ability to form aggregates of primordial germ cells in comparison to fetal germ cells is not due to gross changes in E-cadherin expression, altered association with beta catenin, or changes in beta catenin phosphorylation. Investigating possible functions of E-cadherin-mediated adhesion in primordial germ cell development, we found that E-cadherin-mediated adhesion may stimulate the motility of primordial germ cells. Moreover, treatment of primordial germ cells cultured on STO cell monolayers with an anti-E-cadherin antibody caused a significant decrease in their number and markedly reduced their ability to form colonies in vitro. The same in vitro treatment of explanted undifferentiated gonadal ridges cultured for 4 days results in decreased numbers and altered localization of the germ cell inside the gonads. Taken together these results suggest that E-cadherin plays an important role in primordial germ cell migration and homing and may act as a modulator of primordial germ cell development.  相似文献   

Fertilized eggs of chicken and quail were incubated under the simulated microgravity condition provided by a clinostat. The number of Primordial Germ Cells (PGCs) was counted in early embryogenesis, and the reproductive capacity of quail hatched following the simulated microgravity was investigated.Simulated microgravity caused significant decline of PGCs in the blood of early chicken embryos and in the gonads. The numbers of spermatogonia in the hatchling testis were also fewer than those in the control groups. Therefore, simulated microgravity may retard gonadial development and reduce the reproductive capacity.  相似文献   

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