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We developed 10 polymorphic microsatellite loci for the Ponerinae ant Pachycondyla luteipes using the magnetic particle method. Nine of the 10 loci tested were highly polymorphic, having four to eight alleles in P. luteipes with expected heterozygosity of 0.38–0.73, and also appeared to be applicable to other related species such as Pachycondyla chinensis. These loci can be used to test the hypotheses on the population genetic structures, such as if this ant is unicolonial or not.  相似文献   

We characterized five polymorphic DNA microsatellite loci for the neotropical ponerine ant Pachycondyla inversa. The variability was initially tested in 19 workers from nine colonies from a Brazilian population. We found five to 12 alleles per locus, with observed heterozygosities between 0.72 and 0.95. The allele size ranged from 73 to 197 bp. The primers also successfully amplified DNA at all five loci in the closely related species P. villosa.  相似文献   

Summary The nest structure and colony cycle of a population of Allegheny mound ants,Formica exsectoides, were examined in central Michigan. The dispersion pattern of mounds was random. Nest structure and presence of brood were primarily determined by excavation of twenty-three nests over three intervals from June through September. Additional excavations of five nests in 1990 and ten nests in 1991 provided further details on nest structure and colony cycle. Most galleries occurred within the mound and upper 30 cm of soil, but some activity reached depths of 100 to 270 cm. Depth of nests showed little correlation with external measurements of height and diameter. Immature stages were recovered from two strata: the upper 20 cm of nest and mound and the lowest nest depths. Alate sexual forms were found in or near the mound in July, and numerous dealate queens were collected in September from peripheral galleries near the soil surface.  相似文献   

Summary The socially parasitic mode of founding new colonies by queens of the European amazon antPolyergus rufescens was analysed in the laboratory. Newly-mated females of this obligatory slave-maker were individually introduced into queenright and queenless artificially established colonies of bothFormica cunicularia (the slave present in the natal dulotic nest) andF. rufibarbis (another potentialServiformica host). Particular attention was devoted to the behavioural patterns displayed by these young queens during the usurpation phases. Our observations, supported also by video-taping, show that the slave-making female, before laying her eggs, must penetrate the host colony, kill the resident queen, become accepted by the adult workers and appropriate the host brood. The parasite was almost always adopted in the colonies ofF. cunicularia, whereas in the presence ofF. rufibarbis it was generally killed in a short time. The failure in the attempt of usurping the colonies ofF. rufibarbis is discussed in relation to the host specificity typical of this slave-maker. Finally, egg-laying byPolyergus successful usurpers, the subsequent eclosion of the brood, and its complete social integration in the newly-established mixed colonies were also recorded.  相似文献   

Summary The Neotropical ant Prionopelta amabilis, a cryptobiotic species in the phylogenetically primitive tribe Amblyoponini, lives in subterranean habitats, where it preys preferentially on campodeid diplurans and other small arthropods. Here we report that the species employs chemical recruitment and orientation trails during foraging and nest emigrations. The trail pheromone originates in a hitherto unknown basitarsal gland located in the basitarsus of the hindlegs. Trails are laid by a special foot dragging behavior. During the recruitment process the chemical trail signal is complemented by body shaking on the part of the recruiting ant. Foragers frequently wipe the basitarsal gland opening in the hindlegs with the grooming apparatus of the front legs. This latter structure is equipped with unusual glands evidently specialized for this purpose.  相似文献   

Male behavior and regulation of worker mating were observed in Indonesian Pachycondyla sp. The colonies had some mated workers but only one gamergate (mated and egg-laying workers). Males frequently tried to mate with workers in their natal nests irrespective of worker age and dominance rank, however, workers never accepted mounting of nestmate males. Worker mating occurred only under the gamergateless condition with alien males.  相似文献   

Summary Colony composition and behavior of queens in the ponerine antOdontomachus rixosus were investigated in Bogor (West Java) and Ulu Gombak (Penisular Malaysia). The colonies had multiple dealate queens, with a maximum of 82 queens per colony. Majority of queens (92.4%) were inseminated and laid eggs, however, the degree of ovarian development slightly varied among individual queens. Queen behavior was observed for one colony in laboratory. Reproductive condition of individual queens was related with behavioral profiles. Virgin queens and mated queens having less developed ovaries engaged in foraging, larval care and grooming workers while fertile mated queens performed egg care and grooming queens. Aggressive interactions among coexisting queens were not observed.  相似文献   

Here we examine dispersal, metrosis, and claustrality in the seed-harvester ant Pogonomyrmex salinus at an unusually large mating aggregation. We found that mode of queen dispersal from the mating aggregation is not a function of queen mass and that wing damage among queens was relatively rare. P. salinus is haplometrotic in the field and foundress queens placed together in forced associations eventually fight to the death. While queens of Pogonomyrmex salinus can survive claustrally, producing a single minim from their body reserves in the laboratory, fed queens produce up to four significantly larger minims along with concurrent larvae and pupae during the same period. Since queens forage in the field, we interpret claustrality as a secondary reserve strategy when foraging fails, and suggest that foraging is obligate for P. salinus queens in an overdispersed and temperate environment. Thus, nest founding strategies employed by P. salinus may be environmentally determined and represent a continuum between fully claustral and obligate foraging. We discuss our results with reference to theories of pleometrosis and claustral colony founding. Received 12 November 2004; revised 12 April 2004; accepted 29 July 2005.  相似文献   

Summary Phylogenetic analysis based on sequence data of the mitochondrial COI gene confirms the species status of the recently described Lasius austriacus. The five haplotypes of L. austriacus do not cluster according to their geographic origin, indicating a recent gene flow among the populations. The molecular data corroborate the morphology based hypothesis that L. austriacus belongs to the Lasius (Lasius s.str.) brunneus group. The invasive species Lasius neglectus forms a sister taxon with L. turcicus, both next related to L. austriacus. Other phylogenetic relationships within the genus Lasius are in accordance with morphological data.First data on the bionomics of L. austriacus are discussed in context with its phylogenetic position. Based on gyne and male morphology, excavations of nests, pitfall trapping and observations in formicaries, we hypothesize that L. austriacus is a mainly hypogaeic, monogynous species with nuptial flight. These are characters of the Lasius brunneus group in general, except the polygynous-polycalic, intranidally copulating L. neglectus. Aggression tests, however, revealed non-aggressive behaviour (antennation) between separated L. austriacus populations, but pronounced interspecific aggression against L. neglectus. This confirms the species status of L. austriacus and indicates a reduced level of intraspecific aggression, similar to L. neglectus.The status of L. austriacus as a native species in Central Europe is confirmed.Received 10 February 2003; revised 24 June 2003; accepted 23 July 2003.  相似文献   

Thirteen Polynesian islands, including five true atolls, an uplifted atoll, and seven high volcanic islands of varying ages, were surveyed for ants by hand collecting techniques. Ten of the thirteen islands had been surveyed previously, and more and species were found in the present survey than were known from all earlier surveys combined, with two exception (Ducie Atoll and Easter Island).This represents the first report of the Argentine ant, Linepithema humile Mayr, from Easter Island. L. humile is a very successful pest species which has only recently invaded Easter Island, and is now very abundant and widespread, occurring at 16 of the 17 sample sites scattered across the island. The introduction of this species is almost certainly responsible for the apparent decline in species richness on Easter Island.In general, more species were present on high islands than atolls of a similar size, and elevation was significant while log (area) and latitude were not in a multiple linear regression with ant species number as the dependent variable. Not enough time was spent on the islands to survey their ant faunas completely, and extrapolations from species effort curves and jackknife estimators of earlier, thorough surverys for ants in the society Islands suggest that only about 50% of the total species were collected in the present survey, at least on the high islands. My collections were probably more complete on the atolls. The increase in species numbers from the present survey relative to known species richnesses (particularly when a large fraction of the species actually present were probably not included in the present survey) supports the hypothesis that remote Polynesian islands are not as depauperate in terms of ant species numbers as previously thought.  相似文献   

Summary Larvae pass through five instars in the temperate, subterranean ponerine ant, Amblyopone silvestrii. Field colonies displayed a large decrease in the number of eggs during mid-summer, despite the fact that queens maintained fully developed ovaries with mature eggs. Observations of laboratory colonies indicate that cannibalism by 1st and 2nd instar larvae caused this decrease in egg number. These instars consumed a total of 66–75% of eggs in the nest, with each larva consuming 2–3 eggs before molting to the 3rd instar. At that time the larvae began to feed on arthropods. The preferred prey of A. silvestrii consists of entire centipedes; the large size of these prey items relative to the size of early instar larvae makes it difficult for the larvae to feed on these prey. Additionally, workers of A. silvestrii do not engage in oral trophallaxis. Consequently, oophagy is a plausible method to feed these very small larvae.  相似文献   

Summary. In central Mexico, the ant Brachymyrmex obscurior Forel feeds on nectar produced by extrafloral nectaries of Acacia pennatula (Schlecht. & Cham.) Benth. However, no studies have determined whether the ants visitation is related to plant nectar availability and whether ants protect A. pennatula from herbivory. The objectives of this 2-yr study (2000–2001) were to assess whether seasonal changes in ant visitation coincide with extrafloral nectar productivity in A. pennatula and to determine whether ants protect the plant. At the end of the dry season (April–June) B. obscurior was the only ant species on A. pennatula and extrafloral nectar production is limited to this period. Exclusion experiments, performed at the end of the dry season showed that A. pennatula did not receive a protective benefit when visited by ants. Branches with ants and branches where ants are excluded had similar numbers of the nonmyrmecophile leafhopper Sibovia sp. which was the only herbivore observed under natural conditions.Received 24 March 2004; revised 4 September 2004; accepted 8 September 2004.  相似文献   

Summary Most matureMyrmica rubra, M. ruginodis, M. schencki andM. sulcinodis queens lay some trophic eggs in addition to reproductive eggs whether reared alone or attended by workers, and regardless of season. Queen trophic eggs resemble those laid by workers. They are oval, slightly flaccid, opalescent and contain no embryo, and inM. rubra andM. schencki they are significantly smaller than reproductive eggs. Generally, queens lay their first trophic eggs later in the season than their first reproductive eggs.  相似文献   

Summary Cycles of discontinuous gas exchange (DGCs) and abdominal ventilatory movements were studied in nurses of red wood ant, Formica polyctena, using an electrolytic respirometer and an infra-red (IR) gas analyser or flow-through respirometry. Both respirometry systems were combined with an IR actographic device based on IR-emitting and IR-sensor diodes. After recovering from handling and apparatus stress, lasting 1–3 h, completely motionless intact ants displayed regular DGC. After decapitation the ants displayed DGC whose frequency was somewhat lower than that of the intact individuals (7.17 ± 0.79 mHz and 10.43 ± 01.12 mHz, respectively). In headless ants, there occurred continuous slow movements of legs. Bursts of carbon dioxide in the intact and in the headless ants always coincided with a bout of telescoping movements (contractions) of abdominal segments, which was interpreted as active ventilation. During interburst periods, the headless ants exhibited telescoping movements characterised by rapid protraction, lasting 0.07–0.09 s, followed by a slow retraction of segments, suggesting passive ventilation. The intact ants were very sensitive to the flowing air and tended to be continuously active during flow-through respirometry. The decapitated ants, on the contrary, were insensitive to the air current.Received 26 March 2003; revised 30 July 2003; accepted 6 August 2003.  相似文献   

Summary The behaviour ofCataglyphis cursor workers towards queens at 15 days, one month or two months after worker emergence was tested. Workers reared entirely with their own maternal queen were tested with this queen or with an unfamiliar alien queen. Workers transferred within 48 h of emerging to a new definitive nest with an alien queen were tested with this queen or with the original maternal queen. The degree of attraction to each of these queens and the workers' behavioural repertoire were measured and analysed. The results showed the following: 1) The attractiveness of queens and the workers' queen recognition behaviour were linked. 2) Although unfamiliar alien queens hardly attract workers, familiar alien queens were as attractive as maternal queens, and induced the same strongly marked and unique worker response, indicating that workers learn queen attractant cues in the days immediately after emergence. 3) Agonistic reactions were observed, but workers continued to be attracted to their maternal queen even after developing an attraction response to an alien queen with which they had been reared. These results agree with the proposal that queens produce two kinds of pheromones, those that attract workers and those that mediate recognition of queens by workers. These results show the ability of workers to discriminate between queens. Workers are attracted to any queen, but recognize as nestmates only maternal or alien queens with which they have been maintained. 4) The differential in worker attraction and recognition from 15 days to 2 months and its modifications by post-imaginal experience illustrate worker behavioural ontogeny, which is a basis of social discrimination.  相似文献   

Summary Two categories of foraging worker were found inPachycondyla caffraria from Senegal. One specialises in hunting and the other in collecting sweet liquid food. In the category of hunters there are two sub-categories: stingers and transporters. When the workers were offered a group of live termites (20–30Microcerotermes sp.), two types of behaviour were observed: some workers stung and paralysed the prey, while others transported the termites back to the nest. While on a foraging raid, the two roles are undertaken by two distinct groups of workers, and the roles are not interchanged during the course of the raid. The number of hunters, liquid collectors and transporters of prey are highly correlated with colony size.  相似文献   

Summary. Groups of enslaved Formica fusca workers from mixed colonies of Polyergus rufescens with numerous slave workforce tend to split off and found small and almost homospecific nests around the main nest, with at least some of them connected with the latter with underground passages. Their inhabitants are able, at least temporarily, to adopt young F. fusca gynes. P. rufescens invades these satellite nests in a manner similar to the normal slave raids, and carries the slaves back to the main nest. The supposed evolutionary cause of this behaviour is to keep integrity of mixed colonies and prevent possible emancipation of slaves.Received 18 August 2004; revised 27 September 2004; accepted 11 October 2004.  相似文献   

Summary Many gynandromorphs were obtained from the natural population ofVollenhovia emeryi (microgyna form) in Gifu, Japan. They were primarily male: most had the thorax and gaster of males, and the head contained tissues partially feminized to varying degrees. These gynandromorphs were found in 27 of 45 colonies studied (60.0%). Their proportion to total males in each colony varied from 3.7–47.7%, with a mean of 21.4% (n = 21). The gynandromorphs were found in all study areas and in every study year, suggesting that gynandromorphism in this species is not a rare phenomenon. Moreover, this observation suggests that gynandromorphs may occur more frequently in micraners than in macraners.  相似文献   

Males of several insect species inflict wounds on female genitalia during copulation, but the significance of such copulatory wounds for males is not clear. I compared the genitalia of virgin and mated Formica japonica females and for the first time report the occurrence of copulatory wounds in this monandrous ant species. All inseminated females examined had two types of melanized patches, indicating wound repair, and the serrated penis valves and sharp-pointed volsellar digitus of male genitalia were the likely instruments of these wounds. Physically damaging mating in monandrous species supports the view that copulatory wounds do not necessarily contribute to postcopulatory fitness gains for males via advantages in sperm competition or cryptic female choice. Received 10 September 2007; revised 15 October 2007; accepted 16 October 2007.  相似文献   

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