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The results of two experiments showed that observation of a trained conspecific Atlantic salmon Salmo salar significantly increased the rate at which naïve hatchery-reared fish accepted novel, live prey items, whereas the presence of an untrained conspecific actually decreased learning rates due to social inhibition. Pre-release training involving exposure of hatchery-reared fish to live prey items in the presence of pre-trained demonstrators would result in a significant enhancement in their foraging success on release and help prevent starvation, which is thought to be one of the principal causes of post-release mortality in hatchery-reared fishes.  相似文献   

Atlantic salmon salmo salar L. parr were reared for 3 months under standard hatchery conditions or in a structurally enriched tank (containing plants, rocks and novel objects). Half of each of these fish had prior exposure to live prey in the form of live bloodworm while the other half were fed hatchery‐pellets. After 12 days all fish were tested on a novel live prey item (brine shrimp). A significant interaction between the two factors (prior exposure to live prey and rearing condition) revealed that foraging performance was only enhanced in fish that had been reared in a complex environment and exposed to live prey. It appears that the ability to generalize from one live prey type to another is only enhanced in fish that had been reared in an enriched environment. The findings support the assertion that the provision of enriched environments in combination with exposure to live prey prior to release may significantly improve the post‐release survival rates of hatchery‐reared fishes. As both the environmental enrichment and the prior foraging experience procedures were comparatively simple, the provision of such pre‐release experiences are likely to prove cost effective to hatcheries.  相似文献   

Both in foraging groups and in a sequential prey encounter context, learning had a visible effect on the pattern of selection for three live prey types ( Ecdyonurus larvae, Hydropsyche larvae, and Gammarus ) by juvenile Atlantic salmon Salmo salar . Compared to wild-caught fish, naive, hatchery-reared fish that had not been exposed to natural prey ate Hydropsyche larvae in a remarkably low proportion, and consumed a higher proportion of Gammarus. Ecdyonurus experienced a high and rather steady predation rate across the experience gradient, but after a short period of experience with live prey the consumption rate for Hydropsyche increased drastically, and that of Gammarus decreased, matching the selection pattern exhibited by wild fish. Individual fish offered prey in a sequential encounter context increased consumption rates of all the prey types as they gained experience, but the improvement was higher for the prey that were less consumed initially. Fish became more selective as they approached satiation, conforming to the prediction of optimal foraging theory that higher predator's energy requirements, as well as low food availability, result in reduced selectivity. The results also suggest that fish from distinct populations can differ in the degree of diet selectivity according to their energetic requirements for growth. The fast learning response of Atlantic salmon parr towards novel prey probably allows fish to maintain a high foraging efficiency when faced with frequent changes in the availability of different prey types.  相似文献   

In stream-reared Atlantic salmon Salmo salar , plasma androgens were significantly greater in mature male parr than immature males and females in October, but had declined by January and did not differ significantly from immature fish throughout the spring. Immature fish in March were significantly larger and had greater gill Na+, K+-ATPase activity than their previously mature counterparts. Bimodal growth distribution was seen in hatchery-reared Atlantic salmon and a proportion of the male fish in the lower mode matured. Plasma testosterone (T) and 11-ketotestosterone (11-KT) were significantly elevated from September to December in mature male (1+ year) parr. In January, plasma androgens had declined in mature males and did not differ significantly from immature fish. By May all the hatchery fish were large enough to smolt and a proportion of the previously mature males had increased gill Na+, K+-ATPase activity. Therefore elevated androgens in the previous autumn do not prevent smolting. Parr with higher plasma T and 11-KT in April and May, that are presumably beginning to mature, had lower gill Na+, K+-ATPase activity, indicating that future maturation and associated increases in androgens may inhibit smolting.  相似文献   

In an experiment to investigate genetic consequences of hatchery rearing in salmon, allozyme variation at five polymorphic loci was examined in Atlantic salmon of known initial genetic composition, which were reared throughout freshwater life in the hatchery or stocked into the wild as swim-up fry. The genetic composition of the juveniles in the hatchery remained homogeneous from fertilization up to stocking, and from stocking to 2+ in the wild, however, those remaining at the hatchery developed genetic differences among smolting and nonsmolting 1+ parr. These differences were attributed to conditions leading to early smolting at 1+ among the hatchery fish, with 1+ smolts diverging from the gene pool from which they were derived, whereas those stocked into the wild did not smolt until a year later and retained the original genetic composition. The results are discussed in relation to hatchery rearing of salmon and implications for the use of reared fish in stocking and enhancement programmes.  相似文献   

Many salmonid fish populations are threatened by genetic homogenization, primarily due to introgressive hybridization with hatchery‐reared conspecifics. By applying genomewide analysis using two molecular marker types (1986 SNPs and 17 microsatellites), we assessed the genetic impacts of inadvertent gene flow via straying from hatchery releases on wild populations of Atlantic salmon in the Gulf of Finland, Baltic Sea, over 16 years (1996–2012). Both microsatellites and SNPs revealed congruent population genetic structuring, indicating that introgression changed the genetic make‐up of wild populations by increasing genetic diversity and reducing genetic divergence. However, the degree of genetic introgression varied among studied populations, being higher in the eastern part and lower in the western part of Estonia, which most likely reflects the history of past stocking activities. Using kernel smoothing and permutation testing, we detected considerable heterogeneity in introgression patterns across the genome, with a large number of regions exhibiting nonrandom introgression widely dispersed across the genome. We also observed substantial variation in nonrandom introgression patterns within populations, as the majority of genomic regions showing elevated or reduced introgression were not consistently detected among temporal samples. This suggests that recombination, selection and stochastic processes may contribute to complex nonrandom introgression patterns. Our results suggest that (i) some genomic regions in Atlantic salmon are more vulnerable to introgressive hybridization, while others show greater resistance to unidirectional gene flow; and (ii) the hybridization of previously separated populations leads to complex and dynamic nonrandom introgression patterns that most likely have functional consequences for indigenous populations.  相似文献   

The effects of tributyltin (TBT) compounds on gill morphology were examined in the mummichog, Fundulus heteroclitus , in 96-h LC50 and 6-week sublethal exposures. Morphometry was used for the identification and quantification of effects with the light microscope. A 96-h LC50 of 17.2 μg 1 1 was determined. Morphometric analysis of gill tissues revealed hypertrophy of the lamellar epithelium in fish exposed to 17.2 μg 1–1. Relative diffusing capacity was significantly decreased (−41 %); ( P <0.05, ANOVA, Bonferroni t -test). At 35.6 μg 1−1, TBT exposure resulted in a significant reduction (− 40%) in the volume of the lamellar blood channels. Both of these observations occurred in fish that showed signs of acute poisoning including loss of equilibrium. In fish exposed to sublethal concentrations of 0.105–2.000 μg TBT 1−1 for 6 weeks, there were no pathological changes in the gill. There were no treatment-related changes in the surface morphology of the gills of fish from both experiments upon scanning electron microscopic examination. Although gill pathology was observed in acutely toxic exposures, it does not appear to be a major mechanism of TBT toxicity.  相似文献   

A mature mate parr of Atlantic salmon was found buried among eggs 28 cm beneath the gravel surface in a salmon redd. Egg mortality in this egg-pocket was considerably higher than in neighbouring egg-pockets (52 v. 3%), presumably due to decay.  相似文献   

Endurance swimming of diploid and triploid Atlantic salmon   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
When groups of diploid (mean ±  s . e . fork length, L F) 33·0 ± 1·4 cm and triploid (35·3 ± 0·5 cm) Atlantic salmon Salmo salar were forced to swim at controlled speeds in a carefully monitored 10 m diameter 'annular' tank no significant difference was found between the maximum sustained swimming speeds ( U ms, maintainable for 200 min) where the fish swam at the limit of their aerobic capability. Diploids achieved 2·99 body lengths per second (bl s−1)(0·96 m s−1) and triploids sustained 2·91 bl s−1(1·02 m s−1). The selection of fish for the trials was based on their ability to swim with a moving pattern projected from a gantry rotating at the radius of the tank and the selection procedure did not prove to be significant by ploidy. A significant difference was found between the anaerobic capabilities of the fish measured as endurance times at their prolonged swimming speeds. During the course of the experimentation the voluntary swimming speed selected by the fish increased and the schooling behaviour improved. The effect of the curvature of the tank on the fish speeds was calculated (removing the curved effect of the tank increased the speed in either ploidy by 5·5%). Implications of the endurance times and speeds are discussed with reference to the aquaculture of triploid Atlantic salmon.  相似文献   

Feeding and prey-selection of wild Atlantic salmon post-smolts   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The diet of post-smolt Atlantic salmon Salmo salar caught in the Trondheimsfjord and Frohavet in central Norway, based on stomach contents analysis, showed a gradual change during migration from the river to the estuary, fjord and coastal areas. Post-smolts caught in the estuary had eaten intertidal gammarid amphipods, while post-smolts caught further seawards preyed upon available marine prey such as Calanus spp., adult euphausiids and fish larvae. The frequency of adult insects was high in all post-smolt stomachs. The gradual change in diet suggested that feeding conditions in the early marine phase were important for post-smolt survival and growth. With the exception of the copepods, there was no overall similarity between species composition of the plankton samples and the stomach contents. Although the hypothesis that the post-smolts are opportunistic feeders cannot be rejected, the composition of the stomach contents suggests a possible selectivity of advantageous prey.  相似文献   

Nocturnal melatonin levels showed a significant decrease in pinealectomized Atlantic salmon parr in comparison with intact control and sham-operated fish.  相似文献   

Genetic studies on serum transferrins in Atlantic salmon   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Published and unpublished data on genetic variation at the transferrin locus ( TF *) in Atlantic salmon from rivers in eastern North America sampled from 1968 to 1970 were reanalysed and compared with data for samples collected in 1998 from nine of the same rivers. Genetic differentiation among rivers was highly significant as was spatial differentiation among tributary samples within the Miramichi River system, the largest rivers studied. Comparison of allele frequencies in rivers also sampled in 1998 show no overall evidence of significant genetic change after 30 years, spanning 9 generations. The results strongly support the stability of the patterns of spatial genetic differentiation and support the occurrence in Atlantic salmon of reproductive isolation among rivers and among tributaries within large river systems.  相似文献   

When male hybrids of Atlantic salmon × brown trout were backcrossed to female Atlantic salmon, approximately 1% of diploid progeny hatched. These were shown to exhibit recombinant genotypes when examined electrophoreticalty at five enzyme loci. This is the first confirmation of genie recombination in backcrosses of these species. Triploidization greatly increases the proportion of backcross progeny which hatch.  相似文献   

Food resource partitioning between similar‐sized, sympatric Atlantic salmon Salmo salar and brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis was examined as a possible mechanism enabling their coexistence in a stream (Allaire) of the Sainte‐Marguerite River ecosystem, Quebec, Canada. Fish stomach contents and invertebrate drift were collected concurrently during three diel cycles in August to September 1996. The food and feeding habits of an allopatric brook trout population in a nearby stream (Epinette) were studied for comparison. The diel feeding rhythms of the two coexisting fish species were similar. The composition of their diet, however, showed significant differences. Atlantic salmon predominantly (60–90%) fed on aquatic insects, mainly Ephemeroptera (35–60% of the diet). The brook trout mostly (50–80%) fed upon the allochthonous terrestrial insects (mainly adults of Coleoptera, Hymenoptera and Diptera) which comprised 5–40% of the stream drift. The allopatric brook trout fed opportunistically on the more abundant aquatic insects and terrestrial insects rarely formed 25% of its diet. The allopatric trout fed nearly twice as much as the sympatric brook trout during a day. The results suggest that the differences in feeding by brook trout in the two streams (with and without Atlantic salmon) are the result of inter‐specific interaction with Atlantic salmon and are not related to the differences in food availability between the two streams. Food resource partitioning between Atlantic salmon and brook trout may be viewed as an adaptive response resulting in a greater exploitation of available resources and coexistence.  相似文献   

The study was undertaken on three adjacent rivers in NW Ireland, on one of which an Atlantic salmon Salmo salar freshwater juvenile rearing unit is situated. Two markers which distinguished farm and wild populations were used. An Ava II-B RFLP in the ND1 region of mtDNA was at a frequency of 0.58 in the farm strain but absent in the wild populations. Allele E at minisatellite locus Ssa- A45/2/l was at a frequency of 0.91 in farm samples, but at a maximum of 0.41 in the populations in the two rivers adjacent to the one with the juvenile rearing unit. The farm strain showed a significant reduction in mean heterozygosity (0.281 ± 0.057), over three minisatellite loci examined, compared to wild samples (0.532 ± 0.063). The occurrence of farm genotypes and the independent occurrence of mtDNA and minisatellite markers in several parr samples from the river indicated that escaped juvenile salmon completed their life cycle, bred and interbred with native fish, upon their return to the river. Escaped fish homed accurately, as adults, to the site of escape, i.e. the area adjacent to the hatchery outflow in the upstream part of the river. Breeding of males in the lower part of the river was also indicated but this could have been due to mature male parr which had moved downstream. The return of adults of farm origin to the river to breed was indicated by the presence of the Ava II-B haplotype in adults netted in the estuary.  相似文献   

Genetic variation was studied at 8 allozyme loci in six severely endangered wild Spanish populations of Salmo salar located at the southernmost geographical limit of European Atlantic salmon. Low levels of variation were detected and no significant deviations from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium were found.  相似文献   

To examine the link between early experience and subsequentreproductive performance, we experimentally manipulated theearly experience of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Salmon ofa common genetic background were reared as juveniles eithernaturally in the river or artificially in a hatchery (sea ranched),depriving them of river experience, and then allowed to growto maturity naturally in the ocean. At maturity, the competitiveand reproductive abilities of these fish were compared in fourexperiments quantifying reproductive success. Although levelsof aggressive behavior were similar, the experience-deprived,sea-ranched males were involved in more prolonged aggressiveencounters and incurred greater wounding and mortality thanwild males. Furthermore, sea-ranched males were less able tomonopolize spawnings and as a result obtained 51% the reproductivesuccess of wild males across the experiments. This reproductiveinferiority varied directly with the male density and bias inthe sex ratio, reflecting the intensity of male breeding competition.A lower intensity of female than male competition was likelyresponsible for the lack of differences in breeding performancebetween sea-ranched and wild females. Sea-ranched females, however,produced smaller eggs than wild females, apparently in responseto their higher juvenile growth rate. Differences in migratorybehavior were also apparent, as sea-ranched males and femalesascended the River Imsa later than wild fish. Our results indicatethat early experience has implications for subsequent adultreproductive performance, affecting the development of specializedskills and traits important not only for early life, but alsolater life.  相似文献   

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